2024-08-31: Hardy, But Not Hard

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  • Log: 2024-08-31: Hardy, But Not Hard
  • Cast: Astarte Spalding-Monteiro
  • Where: Aboard the One Fine Day
  • Date: U.C. 0099 08 31
  • Summary: After the fall of Junius Seven, Captain Spalding addresses the crew of the One Fine Day.

"Good evening, crew. This is your captain speaking. I thought that, given recent events, it would be good for me to address how we must all be feeling. Now, I've never been particularly good at writing speeches, so just let an old woman ramble a bit. We've all got a lot of thoughts going on right now.

"The people who perished in this tragedy, the countless number, may have been friends of yours. They may have been family, lovers, acquaintances, or mere strangers. And yet we, and the entire Earth Sphere, mourn their loss. I've been around the block a few times myself when it comes to things like this, and I'm afraid to tell you that it never truly stops hurting.

"As it should. That pain, and pushing through it, is a sign that you have what it takes. The fact that you care so much about people you may never meet. That's why we're here. Too many in our line of work can't handle it, and numb themselves, whether through bureaucracy, through the distance of politics, or through embracing cruelty. You must let your spirit become hardy, lest your soul become hard. I know all of you have what it takes. I wouldn't have picked you if I didn't.

"At the same time, don't blame yourselves for what happened. You're not the ones who pushed Junius Seven down to Earth. Our forces did all they could. Sometimes it's just not enough. It's a big, delicate sphere of glass we live in, and the weight of it is on no one man's shoulders. If any of you needs time to process, please let me know. I'll authorize any leave you may require. Just try to take it one fine day at a time. Captain Spalding, out."

Astarte cuts off the intercom and leans back in her desk chair. Things weren't going to be easy from now on.

"Captain Spalding. This is Xiao," comes her commanding officer's voice from comms, "We've received word from the Minerva that the Tritten Team have been recovered and are in stable condition."

"Very good. Give them my regards while they recover. Hold all my calls for the rest of the night, please." She sighs as her comms go dark, getting up and heading towards a cabinet on the wall, pulling out a bottle of rum and a single glass.

Her doctor would kill her, but one glass wouldn't hurt.