2024-08-12: Split the Skies

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  • Cast: Marian Cross, Murasaki El-Amari
  • Where: Inazuma's hangar - Onogoro Island, Orb
  • Date: U.C. 0099 08 12
  • Summary: With the completion of the Inazuma, its pilot have a meeting with a reluctant partner in crime before it. The existence of the Akatsuki revealed to her, in hopes that it may never Break the Dawn.

<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

Spotlights shine down on a dull gray mobile suit. The bright light glints off the corners and edges of the telltale V-fins of a Gundam in a subdued underground hangar. The Inazuma Gundam, Orb's latest Gundam, one purpose built for Marian Cross. It was promised to her when Orb military recruited her back from Nergal. It's just been completed, and it sits here until threat befalls Orb. You wouldn't just leave a cutting edge military weapon (or several of them) out in the open to be stolen, after all. That would be irresponsible.

This is high security and rather secretive bunker. And perhaps it's why Marian decided to invite Murasaki here for a little update on her activities. Marian did promise Murasaki she'd give her whatever she wanted, so she could keep herself occupied and out of trouble. Or so she hoped, anyway. To hold a meeting her in what is effectively Marian's personal hangar is signaling that she trusts Murasaki. It's an act she hopes carries her feelings across better than she could with words.

Marian is on the catwalk leading into the Inazuma's cockpit, and just leaning back on the railing. There's not a smile on her face, with no one around except the two, she didn't find the need to put on airs as she usually do.

<Pose Tracker> Murasaki El-Amari has posed.

Murasaki had spent the time since their last meeting covertly surveilling on Marian's behalf, a few choice members of the military, trying to figure where their loyalties lay towards the Athhas. When she got the message to meet from Marian, she immediately took a shuttle to the secure special access facility on Onogoro island, part of the main military base. The security was indeed tight, and only with Marian's intervention and permission was Murasaki able to make her way down deep under the volcanic shafts that housed many of Orb's most sensitive military projects. As soon as she entered the hangar, and her eyes met the darkened form of Inazuma Gundam, she let out a low whistle.

"Well that certainly looks like a fun new toy." she said, upon reaching Marian on the catwalk. "And here I thought the new Murasumes were impressive."

<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

Marian allowed Murasaki's words to hang for a moment as she approaches and voicing her impression. It's then there's a little smile and scoff from Marian. She doesn't say anything, but the little smirk tries to let Murasaki know she appreciates that she appreciates it.

She then tilts her head to face her and asks, "anything to report?"

<Pose Tracker> Murasaki El-Amari has posed.

Murasaki handed a tablet to Marian. "I'll let you go over the ones in detail yourself, but it's not too surprising, all the names you gave me are known anti-Coordinators, so I'm already assuming them to be in with the Seirans, but of course, you can make your own determinations."

Murasaki looked over the Gundam once more, taking in each of its details.

"It certainly looks impressive. How does it compare to the new Murasumes?"

<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

The tablet flicks to life and Marian began going through the files. Her finger swiping across the screen slowly as her eyes goes across it. Having confirmation of the allegiance the names on this list hold helps more than Murasaki could imagine. It saved her ton of work and bribery to filter out who she could trust.

As Murasaki looked over at the Inazuma, aside from its relatively light armaments, there would be one other detail of import for her to note. On the plating just between the V-fins reads...'ORB-02'.

"It's faster, and stronger. The VPS armor goes white when it activates. That's a personal preference though," she noted. "Doesn't have a lot weapons compared to the Murasame, but that's to maintain its speed. And the Arc Emitter... Well, you've experienced it in action first hand."

There's a beat, then she resumes, "...did you know that the Inazuma isn't the first in its series?"

<Pose Tracker> Murasaki El-Amari has posed.

Murasaki certainly appreciated the sacrifice of firepower over speed, and besides, the Arc Emitter more than made up for it. But as she re-examined it, she did notice the ORB-02 designation, and when Marian brought it up, Murasaki's interest was piqued.

"I did notice ORB-02 on the crest...what was ORB-01? A prototype of the Strike Gundam?"

<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

"It was more than just a prototype," she replies. The tablet goes dark and Marian's arm hang to her side, and her tone turns a more serious one as she continues. "01 is the Akatsuki." The golden Gundam, symbolizing Orb itself. Unlike all the Strike derivatives, isn't equipped with Phase Shift armor. Marian learned of its existence while she was working with Morgenroete on the Inazuma. The 02 designation also piqued her interest when it was being designed. And so she pried Morgenroete engineers, and especially Erica Simmons about it. And eventually, Erica relented.

Morgenroete had many secrets. Many Marian was not privy to no matter how much she pried. Her influence only extends so far. But the Akatsuki was one of the secrets she was allowed to learn being in the Athha's camp.

"...it's something Lord Uzumi left behind for Cagalli. It's under Akatsuki island," she says with a dismissive little chuckle when she considers Akatsuki being on Akatsuki island. "Lord Uzumi sure has an odd sense of humor."

<Pose Tracker> Murasaki El-Amari has posed.

Murasaki's eyebrow raised. It was the first she had heard of a secret mobile suit, and one specifically made for Cagalli? Marian was right, it was a fairly obvious hiding spot, but the island's twin volcanoes and the enormous caves beneath made it one full of hiding spots. She also knew that it was a hiding spot for people as well.

"The Akatsuki huh? I suppose it's probably more worthy of her than a copy of the Strike...but on Akatsuki Island you said?" she asked, looking at Marian. "I knew the Athhas had a manor there, but I wonder what else might be hidden there."

<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

If only Murasaki knew how many secret mobile suits and projects Orb has... They're things even Marian could only get the codenames of, if even that.

Marian smirked. She revealed a secret to Murasaki that's pertinent to her for her relationship with Cagalli. But as for the rest...they're really on a need-to-know basis. "You'll have to pry it from Erica if you want to know."

"I'm only telling you this because you're Cagalli's friend. She may need it one day but..." She looks back at the Inazuma, and she recalls the message Lord Uzumi left behind when she visited the bunker where the Akatsuki rests. "...Lord Uzumi doesn't wish for it to be used. And I intend to honor his wishes. And I want you to too."

Marian rolled her shoulders, her pride as an ace pilot and as the 'Hero of Orb' visibly surfaces, "well, with the Inazuma, the Akatsuki should never see the light of day anyway. It's better if it remained in that bunker forever."

"...I've said some pretty harsh things to Cagalli. I tried to push her to be something else other than just a 'Princess'. ...but maybe it's better if she remained a Princess," she says somberly, and then muttered under her breath, "...I alone should take on the weight of Orb."

<Pose Tracker> Murasaki El-Amari has posed.

Murasaki sighed. Back on this again. Honestly, in terms of using this Akatsuki, whatever it is, she could respect not deploying it. She was more concerned about the Seirans getting their hands on it. But, if Marian knew about it, and Mrs Simmons, then chances are it was going to be well protected. But yet again with that shouldering Orb stuff. Always the same with this woman.

"I don't think Cagalli wants to be a princess either. She wouldn't have run off to Heliopolis to investigate the PS Gundam project herself, or abscond with me to fire rockets at BuCUe's if she was content to sit around in pretty dresses all day and be waited on hand and foot." Murasaki said, turning to Marian. "I think she'd much rather like to not be shouldering so much of this burden herself, but without Lord Uzumi...well she's got a legacy to carry on, something to protect. But every time you start to go on about how 'only I can take on the weight of Orb' I just can't help but think how...selfish that is. Like what makes you the only one worthy of protecting Orb? Why not Cagalli too? and Ledonir, and the Astray Test Team, and hey you know what, how about me? I've been doing everything I possibly can with Terminal to get allies. I went out in an Astray and fought between two newtype gods trying to get their support."

Murasaki paused for a moment, expecting Marian to slug her again. When she doesn't, she just goes "I think I deserve at least a little credit."

<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

'Selfish'? Is it really selfish to want to prevent the deaths of others? One life to preserve countless many. It's the logical choice for a soldier to make. It's not even a question. Of course, Marian may not be the most heroic person, or even think of herself as one - she hated being called a Hero after her coma. But she doesn't have a family, and she's lost the chance of ever having one. And sure, maybe she has some friends, and subordinates that would genuinely miss her. In truth, she's a blank slate. Her death would mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. If she alone can shoulder the weight and prevent suffering of so many others...is it really selfish?

She got up from against the railing and turned to fully face Murasaki. She doesn't punch her. She doesn't need to, or want to. They didn't come out of a fight with their bloods pumping. All she does is calmly reply, "'Worthy'...? That's exactly right. I'm not worthy." A cheeky smile flashes across her face. "All of your lives are worth more than mine."

"Don't get me wrong. I appreciate what you're doing. There's a reason you're here. ...but all the same, I'd rather you not die if I can help it," she looks into Murasaki's eyes with a protective gaze. Murasaki may not agree with her, but this is her heartfelt emotion.

There's a little buzz then from her jacket. It was her phone, notifying her of something she has to attend to. With that, she brings the tablet just to the side of her face and with a little gesture, "thanks for the report. I'll make good use of it."

"And not a word of the Akatsuki to Cagalli. She doesn't need to know about it until she REALLY needs it. And not a moment before then." There was no explicit threat, but her tone does hide a thinly veiled one. Then she starts walking pass her on the narrow catwalk. "Go take her shopping or to the movies or whatever you girls do at your age. You two could use a break."

Before she goes down the elevator, she braces herself and put on a smile. Just like that, the 'Hero of Orb' returns.

<Pose Tracker> Murasaki El-Amari has posed.

Murasaki listens to Marian's words...but she still feels that it's not an emotion Marian should be holding onto like that. But she promises to keep the Akatsuki under wraps. But as Marian walks off, Murasaki sighs, looking up at the Inazuma. Take Cagalli to the movies? She has to lie to get even close to her these days. As she leaves the Morgenrote facility, Murasaki thinks about what was to come. The marriage had been all but confirmed at this point, known only to a very select few, without an official announcement yet. But was it the right move? Was it really what she wanted?

Politics made Murasaki's head hurt.

But what she did know is that Marian was probably going to try something reckless in the future, and Murasaki had to be certain to make sure the Hero of Orb didn't get herself hurt, or worse, for her own sake.