2024-06-26: Duty

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  • Log: Duty
  • Cast: Leina Ashta, Calas Zelinn
  • Where: An Elementary School Classroom in December One, PLANT, Side 2
  • OOC - IC Date: June 26, 2024 (0099)
  • Summary: Leina Ashta requests an interview with a prominent woman in the PLANTs for a school project. She gets Calas Zelinn, a veteran of multiple wars and an elementary school teacher. What follows is an in-depth discussion of gender roles in the PLANTs in Calas's experience as a second-generation Coordinator, soldier, and mother of three.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

It took a long time to get approval, but they're allowing a 'Natural' to come to the PLANTS for something as simple as a School Project.

Of course, the fact that she's a Newtype and Cathedra's Black Lioness, might follow the 'Natural' part as qualifiers.

It's still a tense dynamic, the PLANTs have only begun to breathe again following the Bloody Valentine war and the reorganization into the League and Cathedra represents the seat of privileged 'Ringer' power.

And thus, as part of these series of interviews, Calas Zelinn was contacted for it by the League, asking if she might be avalable for a sit down - after classes were over one day.

It'd be held at her Elementary School, so she wouldn't even need to travel. Perhaps it's an inconvenient ask, but...

... maybe it's also easier than going home for the day.

Leina for her part is dressed in a nice white short sleeved blouse, and flared grey pants for the PLANT summer, with sandals - and floral earrings on.

Perhaps it's meant to present a more casual atmosphere, after all, she's not here on behalf of Cathedra, even if that political dynamic overlays everything. She's set up in an empty classroom, and has little more than a notepad, a pen, and a phone for recording, settled into a chair at a table, her purse over the back of her desk.

She's swept for bugs already, and there is a panic button nearby. Security is of course around, but she's requested that for this one... they not be in the room itself.

As she rolls the pen around in her fingers, she asks herself while waiting, "I wonder if I should ask about her taste in anime?"


"No that's stupid."

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

Calas was an ideal choice for a few reasons. For one, she's a model citizen of the PLANTs, a war veteran and a mother. But there's an additional reason that it's good for her to be the one interviewed:

Calas is more willing to deal with Naturals than most of her peers, despite the war. That, and the fact that she remains politically active and thus on their radar means...

It's a little inconvenient, but not so bad. And Calas admittedly does welcome the change from her routine.

Calas is dressed in reds and pinks, her dark brown hair hanging loose down her back. She has some cute earrings on, too--in general, her appearance is softer and gentler than one might expect from her history, but she does teach children. (The earrings are little cat faces with whiskers.)

She doesn't look like a typical anime fan.

But she steps into the room, nodding to the security detail and then looking out towards--

"Miss Leina Ashta, I presume?" Calas asks. "You already know, but I'm Calas Zelinn. It's nice to meet you."

"I hope you had a comfortable trip. December One is lovely, isn't it?"

A pause, as she helps herself to the seat across from Leina. "...I think that covers most of the pleasantries."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Leina does rise, and holds out a hand for her to shake, "I do. It's very nice to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Zelinn." Whether Calas takes it or not, the smile on her face does at least seem genuine rather than forced.

"I did. And I've very much enjoyed my time here, December One definitely presents a very pleasant image compared to where I grew up on Side 1."

'Presents' is perhaps an interesting way of saying it, she definitely doesn't seem to mince words.

"Hm. Not quite?" Leina flicks her earring as if to call attention to Calas' own, "Love the earrings. Are you a cat lover?" Turning over her phone, tap, tap - and...

"These are my fur babies, Foras and Buer." She turns it around to show a photo of a Blue Maine coon chasing a Haro, while a Red Abyssinian watches from a shelf in the distance, bored.

"Also I hope work went well today. The kids in your class didn't give you a hard time, right?"

She does at least seem like she's sincerely interested, that she cares about such things.

"I realize it's a bit of an ask, having you come after work... so... I'm going to ask if you don't mind me making another?"

Her sea green eyes look upon Calas, "I actually fought alongside ZAFT forces on occasion during the Bloody Valentine War against the G-Hound invasion."

She reveals, "I had to do it under a pseudonym given the complexity of the political situation, but... during my interactions with some of the women I fought alongside, I became interested in... the dynamics of gender roles in the life of women here within the PLANTs."

There's a tiny pause, before she notes, "My ask thus, is... I understand you have no reason to trust me, but for this interview, I promise complete anonymity."

She places a hand to her chest, "I want to help Naturals out there who have no reason to consider a perspective other than their own narrow worldview - and that includes myself. So, if you're able to speak as frankly as you feel comfortable doing so to an outsider like me... I'd appreciate that."

She's going to wait and hear her response at least, before asking questions.

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

"Thank you," Calas answers, content with 'Mrs. Zelinn'. ZAFT didn't use many ranks such that she'd prefer them. Her handshake is firm and formal, and she quirks an eyebrow in interest at Leina's statement. A Spacenoid is a good start, even if she is a Natural.

"It didn't always," Calas admits. "When I was growing up, the Federation's oppression saw us struggle. It was only later that the PLANTs became so polished and pristine."

"Thank you," Calas says of the earrings, and then actually smiles. "I am. ...And these two are very pretty cats. It's much easier to balance university with cats than kids, I bet."

A nod. "It was fine. My kids don't usually give me too much trouble. A little discipline and a little kindness mixed together goes a long way."

An ask? Calas gives Leina her full attention, and listens through her pause and her statement. Calas's brown eyes settle on Leina's face. "...It is an ask," she answers. "I have a baby to tend to when we're done here. And I don't have a reason to trust you. On top of that... I'm not convinced that most Naturals are interested in challenging their worldviews about Coordinators. I fought for ZAFT, myself. It was an ugly, ugly war, even compared to when we struck back against the Titans."

A pause, before she says, "...But if you want to try, I won't stop you. Maybe it'll help teach the Naturals that we want to be left alone--to live in peace. That we may be different, but we don't have to be a threat."

"So all right. I'll answer your questions as best I can. Gender is... a complex and important topic in the PLANTs, so you didn't pick an easy one. But have at."

Calas seems to relax a little.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Her own handshake is rather firm, though nowhere near as firm as a Coordinator's, let's call it 'Firm for a Natural Woman.'

"They are. And... it is." Leina says, and her smile wavers for just a moment, "I always told myself I'd hold off on children until after I'd graduated but... I've had two boyfriends serious enough that I thought I'd marry them.

Her fingers card through her hair, after a moment, looking somewhat vulnerable. "So there was always that possibility, even being careful."

Perhaps she understands that in asking this of her - that she too needs to open up, this can't just be a clinical academic discussion, not if she wants some real answers.

"My apologies for keeping you from your baby. It can't be easy being a new mom - and a working one." She does answer, with some sympathy, "I'll try to be as quick as I can be."

As for the other point? "That's fair. I'd hardly think that would be enough for you to do so. And I believe you're correct, most wouldn't be."

She replies frankly, "The option to change the world in that way with a single university project doesn't really exist. But if I can do so for even a few people and broaden my own perspective...? That's doing my part of working towards creating a world that I'd like to live in."

There is a smile, then...

"Thank you. And I understand, certainly... but I didn't come to where I am right now by choosing the path of least resistance."

Now Leina settles in, and turns her phone over, showing Calas it, as she hits the recording button.

"Interview number X07 - encryption code 97XX-Delta."

Leina speaks into it, before asking Calas, "This may be a difficult one to start out on. I'd like if you could tell me a bit about arranged marriages in the PLANTs, namely, yourself as a teenager or perhaps even younger. When did you first find out this was going to be the case, and what were your feelings on it? Did it affect your choices of who to date, as a teenager?"

She notes, "Just to make it clear before you answer, I don't intend for the framing of arranged marriage to be a negative one. Nearly a third of Natural Women in many cultures engage in the practice as a business arrangement. There are as many reasons to make that choice as there are people. However, it's important I think to focus in on the feelings surrounding the practice here, and how it shapes one's life decisions."

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

It's good enough.

"Oh, so?" Calas asks. "Yes, it's always possible. ...Moreso for you, I imagine." Since Naturals don't have the same widespread fertility issues as high-generation Ccoordinators. "It's doable, to do both. I did. But it's definitely more convenient not to have to."

She notices the vulnerability. She doesn't strike at it. Instead, she shakes her head a little. "My oldest is ten this year--I had my first at 24. ...Tarol will be fine with Jovri, I'm sure." She seems a little distant as she says that for some reason. "But he's going to want his evening milk."

Fair, and... correct. Calas lifts an eyebrow. She's a little surprised to hear Leina be so frank about it. "Hmmmm. All right then. I'll focus on you, in that case. One person willing to learn is enough."

A smile back. "Neither did I."

The interview begins. Calas listen as Leina starts out with it. She is a little nonplussed at the subject at first--But then Leina makes her perspective clearer.

"Hmmm, all right. I don't think it's a bad thing, after all, so I'd be disappointed for my words to be used that way. I've met a lot of people who find the idea strange... But sincce you ask my perspective..."

"I was about ten when I noticed that some of my friends were having marriages arranged for them once they grew up--and a teenager when I was old enough to understand more about why, about the fertility issues among Coordinators. I'm second-generation, you see; my parents were also Coordinators."

"But a match wasn't chosen for me early. It was apparently difficult to find somoone who was quite right. I had a wild idea that maybe I'd find a man and get pregnant by accident, and end up marrying out of love," she says wryly. "But it didn't work out that way. ...But overall, I don't view it as a business transaction, exactly. I view it as a civic duty. It's just as important as voting in our elections, volunteering our time to benefit our homes... It's something I can do, to keep society going. So I never minded the idea."

"It did affect who I dated, of course. Given that vague hope, I mostly dated boys. But to be honest, 'mostly' is doing a lot of work there; I never... Well. I wasn't that much of a social butterfly."

"My match wasn't arranged until I retired fromm the AEUG. They found someone was compatible with my genetics, but it wasn't until that year that he was an adult enough for marriage. I was twenty-four, and he was eighteen."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"Yes. Now - my Mother is a pediatrician who educated me well, and I'm privileged enough to have easy access to birth control but still - none are one hundred percent."

There's a smile at that moment as if realizing something, "Perhaps it seems a little shallow that I can speak like that about the subject, that... I have those options, when... or if I have children, it's something I do value... I understand that it might not align with the values here but... it's very important to me."

There's a moment, as she notes Calas' age there when she had her first. It's... actually a little surprising, "I understand." She at least doesn't ask if Calas pumps and if there's something at home.

Some mothers simply enjoy the intimacy of such things.

"Ten." The word is repeated, and for a moment Leina is abstracted, thinking of her time with Glemy, but she snaps back into attention, "Difficult to find a genetic match? I see..." She does jot something down. "... honestly if I were in a similar position, I might think similar. Perhaps have some romantic idea that it was 'fated' to happen, or the like."

Leina doesn't say what she's actually thinking, because she doesn't want to go into the dark side of how pregnancy like that can get people trapped into... abusive situations.

"A civic duty. It's interesting because, even for Naturals they claim birth rates are in decline - but usually that's some capitalistic panic about job numbers, or profit margins not being strong enough. And for Naturals the choice is often correlated more to their economic situation. But for Coordinators... that framing as a civic duty so it's seen a necessity, to keep your society alive - in the way that you desire it."

Leina comments mostly on it, just to see if Calas will go into that aspect of civic duty. "Well... I'd like to back up to something you stated there 'mostly'." Leina stops there, "I'm bisexual myself, if you've heard of the Kinsey scale, I'd probably rate myself a 'two'. And I've had girlfriends as well... right now in fact, I'm dating a woman, a childhood friend of mine in fact."

She explains, before asking, "If I'm overstepping - I hope you don't take any offense, but do you think that idea of Civic Duty has kept you from exploring the possibility that you're not entirely 'straight'? I only ask mostly because it felt like you opened the door, there. And I'd ask... if you know more of the situation of... what it's like for people who aren't entirely 'straight' on the PLANTs, if you'd be willing to speak more on it."

However, there's a smile, "The AEUG... brings back memories. Ah sorry, my brother served there, and I guess technically I did on a battleship for a short while, when I was ten years old."

There's a pause, and...

"Did you find marrying a man that much younger than you challenging? I've dated younger men, myself, but the age gap was... three years for us. How long were you given to get to know him, and prepare for that living situation?"

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

"Ahhh, I see," Calas answers when Leina speaks of her mother. "That's good. It's important to be able to make your own choices about these things."

A smile. "It's fine. Even in the PLANTs, some women choose not to have children--and some are unable even when they try." There's stigma associated with both, of course. But Calas doesn't think she has to dwell on that for the moment. Instead--

"Yes," she says. "It was difficult. There's a match, and then there's making sure you're compatible on various levels genetically on top of that, and of course, whether or not they're already married..."

Calas says, "Just so. 'Fate'. But it seems my destiny was elsewhere. ...I don't mind. It would've been troublesome to have a baby before I was an adult, to say the least."

A thoughtful look at the matter of Naturals feeling the same way. "I see," she says. "No, our economic situation as a rule is quite stable--when we're not at war, or under food caps. We've become very self-sufficient."

"...It's true, though. 'Civic Duty' is well and good, but it is a form of pressure. I'm aware that I don't think that way in a vacuum. I've been raised that way. And, to be honest, I've chosen to keep believing in it. ...While it's true that we could supplement our declining birth rate with Natural partners, but I'm not so sure that it's that easy to coexist together. Even in places where it's possible, like Orb, there's pressure."

A pause. Leina speaks of mostly, and mentions the scale. "I have," she says. She waits for Leina to finish that question before as she answers, "There's definitely pressure to have heterosexual relations," Calas says. "Children are important. But what you do outside of that isn't at all censured. "I'd probably consider myself a 'two' or maybe a 'three' myself... But only theoretically. I've never been good at meeting women romantically. Still, it's not overstepping to ask--you're in luck, because I do know a bit about this."

"My husband is gay," she explains. "He's interested enough in women that it's not a problem for us to have sex, but his preference is male partners. There's... more to that, but I confess it's a little embarrassing; I'd appreciate your assurance that that stays confidential."

"I hope your relationship with this friend goes well, in any case."

"A ten-year-old on a battleship," Calas sighs. "Unfortunate. He was Judau Ashta, wasn't he? I've heard of him. And, now that I place you, of you. I joined up after the 30 Bunch incident. I stayed for a few years... until the Federation got their hooks in, and I retired."

"I did," Calas admits. "We had a lot of ground to make up for, emotionally. I was given a few months to get to know him, when the match was confirmed, because I was still in the military at the time. But I moved in with him directly when I came home."

"...It's..." She taps her fingers on the table to help herself think. "...Well, there are... advantages, to younger men," she says. "It wasn't a surprise when I was pregnant before the end of the year, we'll say."

"I was a little worried I'd be more mother than wife, but it didn't work out that way."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"That makes sense. I can't imagine how it must be for Third Generation Coordinators in that respect."

Leina says sincerely, "I know someone in my life who really wants children, but has fertility issues such that... it's not possible for her."

She does not mention that it's her MOTHER, but that's only because she doesn't want to go into that.

"On that point... is it ever the case that they consider... a polyamorous arrangement? For the purpose of producing children." Leina asks, "If for example a compatible man were already in a marriage... or would that be considered too scandalous culturally to be open about?"

She does ask quite easily, as she doesn't seem scandalized herself by such things.

"Certainly so. I imagine it would have affected your military career as well... if for example it had 'just happened' with someone as a teenager. As you might have felt the pressure to remain home with your child - or your husband felt the pressure to go to war."

In a sense, a death in Coordinator society feels like strangely more of a tragedy, as if it were a loss of compatible gene pool for the next generation...

... she writes that one down.

"It's interesting to me because as a Natural who was living on Earth at the time, protesting the food caps, I had a much different view of how the PLANTS would look, admittedly before coming here."

Leina stated, "Granted, we're not in that time, but the food scarcity on Shangri-La was... a struggle, for me and my Brother growing up."

The question though switched to that of LGBTQ... and...

"I imagine given that pressure it's very difficult to. Even women who might... understand that side of themselves, that sense of duty might keep them from acting upon that."

... 'my husband is gay.'

Leina blinks, and then... "I see, that would lead to an interesting dynamic at home. Don't worry, again I promise everything will be kept confidential. Though... now..."

She puts the pen aside for a moment...

"... I'm not going to ask that you go in depth, and if it's too embarrassing then - you can stop me right here and now, I'll change subject. Do you consider your sex life... as, satisfying to your needs?"

She tries to be delicate there. "I ask because sexual satisfaction is important to me when... I'm dating a man."

When she identifies her brother...

"Yeah, that's him." She smiles, "He's a fantastic older brother, but he's also a real pain in the ass." She puts it bluntly. "We joined... after Gryps, but 30 Bunch was..."


"...formative to anyone who was a Spacenoid."

Leina blinks, and tries not to giggle, but she does smile, "Oh? Would you mind explaining more what you mean? How well does your husband take to household duties in that respect?"

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

"I'm worried about it," Calas admits. "I'm investigating genetic matches for my oldest son. I'd like him to have more time to get to know his wife than I did my husband, so I'd prefer to find one sooner than later. ...Of course, he's much too young to actually marry yet."

Calas is sympathetic, when Leina mentions that 'someone'. "I know a lot of women with worries along those lines. ...One thing we do have that Naturals also do is adoption; with the war, so many died, and their children still needed parents."

But polyamorous arrangements? "Yes and no," Calas answers. "A compatible man in one marriage will not be asked to father children with another woman. However, it's common to have extramartial relationships. It is preferred that one not be too open about it, for propriety's sake. We don't want to dilute the importance of the marital bond. ...At the same time, we understand that love and affection are important, too."

"True," Calas answers. "To both. In the end, I went to war instead. I couldn't have done that with a child to care for."

"...That's something I feel differently than some, on. Even though you're Naturals, I consider Spacenoids to be allies in general. If we did ever open our gene pools... Then it would be to Spacenoids, I think. But I do think that with the proper science and civil planning, we can continue our way of life without changing that."

"...I imagine it was difficult," she says. "I was never touched as badly by want; my parents were in water management, which made us better-off than many others, even before the PLANTs started to be... well, better places to live."


"It might," Calas admits, prevent people acting on their desires. "It's an interesting dynamic though, that's true."

Calas is still calm; hr hands have folded in her lap rather than on the table now; she's a little more withdrawn, a little more vulnerable in this conversation because of where it's ended u.

"It's..." She hesitates. "Let's come back to that."

"Heh," she says of Leina's brother. "I see. ...Yes. 30 Bunch affected many of us greatly. I wasn't the only one to join up because of it by any means."

But then she smiles despite a bit of embarrassment at that near-giggle. "Well," Calas says, and relents, talking about it anyway.

"Well, when he fulfills them he's certainly enthusiastic. But to help you understand--we have one of those 'arrangements' you mentioned. My husband was in love with someone else when we married, and... I decided that we'd all live together. I thought it would be easier for him to have someone closer to his age anyway. I didn't mind; it was gaining a husband and a new friend. And I certainly didn't mind having two men around to fulfill my 'needs'."

"Jovri's been a wonderful parent with Navras, my husband. Our children really rely on him, too. 'Uncle Jovri', they call him. But..." A sigh. "I was away for so long at war. I came back for leave now ad then, but... They grew used to being without me, I suppose. I always knew their affections were primarily with each other, anyway."

"So you see, I can't exactly say I'm not satisfied when I have both of them. It's just that we're primarily focused on having more children. We're very fertile for second-generation Coordinators, you see. I have three, now." Despite what she says, she does sound a bit melancholy as she explains. "And the age gap isn't as big now that we're older, either."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

It's.. kind of sad in one respect, even if Calas isn't telling their ten year old the reasons, to know that even as a child your future ability to marry is already that important.

"Indeed so... much too young." She murmurs, abstracted, and Calas may get the impression that that 'child marriages' is in fact a topic that's a little personal to her.

"Hopefully you will - and that the two of them will get along." She tells her sincerely, "Yes, indeed she has options. And it's certainly not as if she's against adoption. Though I have considered perhaps looking into fertility options within the PLANTs?"

Leina decides to go into that one a touch more, "I know Coordinator fertility is sort of a loaded topic with Naturals, because indeed - that's where a lot of the hate comes from, the idea that your people were born 'Unnaturally', but she's like me - and doesn't believe that's the case at all. We see it as simply a choice, for people who desire better for their children."

The Polyamory is discussed, and Leina jots something down, "I see. Interesting... I suppose, I myself don't see a problem with someone marrying two people? But that comes with it's own set of problems too."

There is hesitation, but, "Do you see it perhaps as... the idea that the marital bond being with one person as a return to 'traditional' values? Of it being 'more serious' as a commitment, when it's with one person?"

She asks, frankly, before nodding, "That makes sense. In fact it reminds me that there was a Neo-Zeon initiative of the like about a decade ago on trying to introduce 'Newtype' into Coordinators without utilizing the Cyber Newtype process. Not that I'm advocating for Neo-Zeon science projects but... it does feel like a Spacenoid initiative to extend something tangible in offer for an alliance."

She gives her a thoughtful look, "Yeah, absolutely. I suppose someone would say the husband is just as capable of doing so, but the pressure is very strong?"

Leina doesn't note the 'breastfeeding' part, as perhaps - one facet of that pressure on the women.

"Water... Management?" Leina blinks, and for a moment looks disturbed, "Just... I'm sorry to bring this up as... it's a long shot, given how many PLANTs there are, but are your parents okay?"

She actually looks really invested in knowing this, because, "I uh- so, during the war I infiltrated a PLANT with my Boyfriend, and well- G-Hound was... holding people who couldn't work at the Water Management facilities under horrific conditions. ... It was, honestly a Genocide."

She at least doesn't sugar coat it, "We rescued everyone we could. But... just... yeah." She trails off awkwardly, it's hard to talk about. And... there were already people dead.

She can however, sense Calas' awkwardness, and nods, "Absolutely." She instantly agrees, but... well, that reaction. It doesn't seem like merely prudishness.

Then she listens to her, and for a time, she's surprised, but then it moves into sympathy. "I'm sorry. I mean, when it's good - it sounds great, but... it must be really hard, coming home from all of that to find your place in your children's lives is..." She doesn't finish, shaking her head, "Yeah, no. I understand. Like, I want kids myself, even a lot of them."

But then she notes, "But I also want to like my role in their lives, and I want a partner that makes me feel like an important part in them beyond just... bearing them."

It feels like overstepping, but she has the urge to hug her. She doesn't, but her hand perhaps extends a little, subtly. It's not insistent, it's just there, on the table

"On the one hand, you did your duty to your society, and Motherhood is quite rewarding, but... it's still not quite what you wish it was."

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

It does seem personal to Leina, so Calas adds, "It's important to let a child be a child."

"Hopefully!" Calas agrees. "That's important. If he could love her even a little more than just for duty, I would like that." But Leina talks about fertility options, and Calas knows this subject.

"We do have many techniques and technology as regards fertility; I see no reason we couldn't use them for a Natural, if we were at peace and they wanted it. ...Frankly, I'd encourage it, because it would be a point of common ground."

Marrying two people... "The coupling bond and its partnership," Calas explains. "And there's a bit of romance about it in the PLANTs--that your parents and society will find you your 'destined' partner. ...I suppose having to choose just one person does seem like a greater commitment, but I at least wouldn't look down on someone who had two. I'm quite sympathetic to such an idea."

Leina mentions a Neo-Zeon initiative, and Calas is thoughtful. "I think I remember that, now that you mention it. I suppose it would be something. ...But, not our first choice. There are other things to offer in alliance."

Leina's thoughtful look gets a nod. "True. The husband is just as capable," she agrees. "Though there are a few things only the mother can do..." That's precious to her. "...But obviously the husband can care for a child; that's why I went to war. Navras wasn't really as suited for it."

Calas asks about her parents. "..."

"They weren't there," Calas says of her parents. "But they had friends who were. A few faces from my childhood..."

She shakes her head. "You did a good thing, at least. I appreciate that."

"...I can't say I entirely trust NUNE to this day," she admits. "For that reason, and others. I feel like they'll never really leave us alone. But so long as our leaders are willing to make peace..."

It's not really prudishness, though Calas is a bit conservative for someone in such a relationship.

"Yes," she agrees. "When it's good, it's very good. But I admit, I wish I had a little more passion. Navras is an excellent partner, and he and Jovri are incredible parents, but..."

She looks at Leina's hand, and while she doesn't take it she does smile slightly. "You're the kind of woman who understands," she says. "It is hard. And I don't have everything I wish I did. But I still treasure my children, and I love my men, even if it's not the kind of love I imagined."

"...It would be nice not to sleep alone so much," she admits. "But did you have other questions about gender roles? There's something I noticed, different in ZAFT and the AEUG."

"ZAFT is much better about putting feminine supplies in the shops we use on bases. The AEUG was fine on necessities, but low on the kinds of things you want to look your best."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"It is." She murmurs, softly, in agreement, but then smiles, "I guess it's taking a chance, it's hard for a teenager though. So many when they're told 'that's just the way things are' they push back against it. Resent it."

There's a shrug, and a smile, "My brother was like that, but anyhow, I hope it works out? I've seen a lot of people who hate the idea until they meet the pretty girl or handsome guy they're going to marry one day."

Calas goes a little more into the idea of marrying two people. And Leina blinks, then settles back to think about it, "Huh, in almost that... genetic destiny way of carrying on." She murmurs, "I guess there is a sense of romance in that, I have a little more trouble seeing it uh-"

She gives her an apologetic look, "Sorry that's just a little bit of a sore subject for me. I do get it what you mean though."

There's a moment and then a nod, "Yeah, Neo-Zeon didn't last long enough for... anything concrete I imagine, besides, a number of PLANT members were in the AEUG at the time, but I bet they were hoping for Spacenoid 'Unity' eventually." Or death. Those are usually the two options with any iteration of Zeon.

"Yeah exactly.. I don't mean to discount the mother's role, especially the things only they can do. Though that does beg the question - outside of your own marriage, how do Coordinator men take to the role of 'father'? Is it like among Naturals, where sometimes there are men who won't even change a diaper? Or do they tend to be much more involved?"

A beat.

"I'd never marry a man like that mind you - it's just believe it or not, there are cultures where 'masculinity' is just like that."

Calas does clarify about the genocide, and she takes a deep breath, "Thank goodness. And well I feel good about, what we did... but we both wish we'd arrived sooner." She does remember the blood stain on the wall.

As she speaks of NUNE- "Me neither." Leina tells her frankly, "I think there are too many government officials who think it's a better idea to foster hate as a distraction from the real problems humanity faces. Claim Coordinators as the 'Boogeymen' rather than acknowledge they're just people who just want to do what's best for them and their children."

Then after a pause...

"But, that's why I'm a part of it, to be a check on NUNE in my own way." How? She doesn't really explain that part, but...

She lets Calas describe her relationship, and for a while her hand just lingers there, "Actually not really right now. I had a whole list of questions but - your life experiences took this down subjects that were far more interesting for the topic at hand. You've honestly answered far more than I expected, and I appreciate you for being as open as you have."

There is a pause, and a smile, "That is a benefit, it was kind of funny... I never actually got to see an AEUG base, but I can imagine it - the supplies on the Argama were always a real struggle to make work." She winks at Calas, and definitely not flirtatiously, but just like - solidarity, "Believe it or not, we had to have livestock on board... in microgravity."

Leina writes down something on a blank piece of paper and tears it off, "If you ever want to talk more about your experiences - here's some contact info for you. No pressure ever but - it was a really interesting conversation. And I promise to keep it confidential."

There's again, more of a smile there, "I'd actually if I had the chance, just - want to let you talk for hours - not even just, me asking questions, but - I'm not gonna keep you any longer with the little one at home. Thank you again for indulging this, I truly do appreciate it, and it was very nice to meet you Mrs. Zelinn."

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

"Heh. So they say," Calas answers of teenagers. "I guess that's another reason to look sooner than that. ...But I appreciate the well-wish. I want the best for Kavrun," her oldest son, "But I want the best for my future daughter-in-law, too."

"I don't intend to let him get wrapped up in a war as a teenager in any case. If he wants to follow in my footsteps that way, not until he's an adult."

Even then, she'd worry.

"It's fine," Calas says of Leina's sore spot. "We don't have to linger on it."

A pause. "As for Neo-Zeon, I was fighting them anyway; not exactly eager to mix."

But the question? "I'd like to say that all Coordinator men take to it well... But that's not true. It varies; some consider it 'the woman's duty', some make a point of being busy with their work, and some do neither. My husband is more involved. ...More involved than me sometimes."

She shakes her head. "I believe it."

"We always wish we'd arrived sooner, saved one more person," Calas says seriously. "But you have to accept your accomplishments and victories for what they are, or you'll fall into despair. Do what you can, today--then do what you can, tomorrow. That's all any of us can do."

But Leina agrees? Hmm. "I'd like to believe it's just NUNE's leaders," Calas says. "...But I know a lot of the people think that way, too."

To check NUNE? Calas is curious about that, but they move on to their relationship. She considers the questions and answers, and then nods. "I see. Well, you're welcome. ...At home it's mostly the boys," she admits, "So it's nice to talk to a woman like this. Even a young one like you."

She smiles back. Then, "Really? Livestock? I can't imagine a chicken being happy in microgravity..."

Calas reaches out, and accepts the paper. "Sure," she says. "That might be nice. But you'd better," she says, though it's a joke; there's no malice or threat in it.

"Well, I hope it's helpful. The League asked me to talk to you, so I'm just performing another duty that way... But it wasn't a bad way to spend a while, either."

She rises to her feet, and goes in for another handshake. "I still have time before he expects me," Calas reassures Leina, "But I'd rather not risk traffic making me late. Take care, Miss Ashta."