REA Forces

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(This is not a general summary of the Republic of East Asia.)

The Republic of East Asia believes in quantity over quality -- at least when it comes to mobile weapons. It has iterated on the Zaku II's core concept several times in the last decade, combining it with their homegrown Anf to create the Tieren, its mainstay mobile weapon. It also makes extensive use of MULS-P units that most other countries would exclusively use for urban operations in its general forces, unconcerned with pilot survival.

The REA participates enthusiastically in cross-bloc forces, but tends to be reticent about participation in joint operations with other individual blocs. It also maintains extremely friendly relationships with multiple criminal organizations, leading to accusations that it's become a mafia state.

Major Characters

Jie Bo Liao - The current leader of the Republic of East Asia, Jie Bo Liao is a deeply authoritarian socialist rumored to have assassinated his predecessor. He commands tremendous loyalty among the armed forces, and is a reasonably shrewd diplomat besides.

Sergei Smirnov - The Wild Bear of Zaftra, Sergei Smirnov, distinguished himself during the One Year War and shot up the ranks. As an REA Lieutenant Colonel, Sergei is well-liked and well-respected, and has a reputation for following orders and demonstrating healthy skepticism.

Lie Yin Jiu - The commander of the REA's best-in-class land battleship, the Tianlei. Lie Yin Jiu is an ideologically-motivated soldier, firmly believing in the current regime and the need for humanity to be guided absolutely.

Played Characters