OCU Forces

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(This file is not a general summary of the Oceania Cooperative Union.)

The Oceania Cooperative Union, unlike most of the other blocs, keeps its forces substantially separate from one another, almost operating like a micro-counterpart to the Earth Federation. OCU general military units do exist, but most answer to their individual countries first and everyone else second.

On the other hand, much more gets folded into the same command structure in the OCU. Intelligence is overwhelmingly militarized, and OCU operations tend to have a high level of structural sophistication.

This sophistication usually proves necessary for suppressing the rebellions that are emblematic of the OCU's geopolitical situation; the OCU has succeeded and stayed alive mostly by outmaneuvering its internal opposition.

Notable Characters

Gennosuke Yumi - The Prime Minister of Japan and effective leader of the OCU. Professor Yumi is a serious man prepared to die for his beliefs and his country, but slightly more pragmatic than his predecessor, Genbu Kururugi.

Masao Sasaki - Masao Sasaki is the Chief of Staff of the Japanese military, and a decorated former member of the OCU's cross-bloc forces. For more information on Masao Sasaki, refer to the file on Amalgam.