2024-07-27: New Infection Strikes the Lagos Quarantine Zone!

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  • Log: 2024-07-27: New Infection Strikes the Lagos Quarantine Zone!
  • Cast: Ranka Lee, Sheryl Nome
  • Where: NUNE News Network
  • Date: U.C. 0099 07 27
  • Summary: A news report covering the situation in Lagos after the recent Vajra attack. As well as some troubling developments and theories.

Coming back from an advertisement, the news anchor starts up again, "Welcome back. Repeated attempts to destroy the large Vajra nest, that was discovered within the underground waterways beneath Lagos, have been met with failure. Ever since the Lagos Quarantine Zone was established following the Vajra attack two weeks ago, NUNE forces have sent several teams into the underground to try and deal with the Vajra presence."

The feed switches to long range video footage of a number of GN-Xs entering into an underground tunnel. A quick cut to what appears to be some time later, the GN-Xs are coming out, though quite damaged and missing a few of their numbers. The anchor continues in a voice over, "But tight quarters and the Vajra's ability to adapt to the weapons used against them have made for difficult progress."

The feed switches again, this time to a wide shot a large tent complex surrounded by fencing, still looking to be within the city of Lagos. The tents are all plastered with medical signage, "However, the Vajra underground are not the only threat the city of Lagos is facing. In recent days, a sickness has started to spread amongst the population."

Another switch to what is obviously a blood sample. One which has some disturbing looking microbes floating around. Interestingly, at one end they appear to have a small purple crystalline structure surrounded by a transparent membrane. "All attempts thus far to identify the bacteria infecting the sick have proven ineffective, with experts indicating that it's unlikely to be a microbe of terrestrial origin. This, combined with the recent attack, have led authorities to conclude that it is related to the Vajra. Thus it has started to be referred to as the V-Type Infection. So far, symptoms have included fever, fatigue and in more extreme cases, bleeding from the nose. It is currently unclear what the final fate of those infected will be. Disconcertingly, this infection may be connected to a number of smaller outbreaks all across the Earth Sphere which, until now, have remained unsolved. But given that many such possible cases have resulted in patient deaths, experts are hoping that they are unrelated."

The screen goes back to the anchor in the news room, "In related news, a summit was recently held due to the recent issue in Lagos. There, experts and political representatives gathered to discuss the Vajra threat. While many topics were discussed, some experts have suggested that the Vajra attack on the Earth Sphere may have an unexpected source. Here is an excerpt of the summit."

The feed changes to show a large discussion hall, where numerous people are all gathered. One of them is currently standing, addressing everyone.

"-All that aside, I think we should also be looking at the cause of the Vajra invasion in our space. From what we know, we're no where near Vajra territory in galactic terms. And until just a couple of years ago, there had been no sign of them in this part of space. But for some reason they've now chosen to invade our solar system. It can't be random."

"Wasn't it the fault of the Galaxy and Frontier fleets getting too close to Vajra territory? Even insects on Earth will defend their nests when attacked."

"But then why would they follow the Frontier fleet all the way back to Earth? And even then continue their attacks not just on Frontier, but also the rest of the Earth Sphere?"

"The most recent attack happened during a Sheryl Nome concert. And it isn't the first time. Shouldn't we be looking at a potential connection?"

"Are you suggesting that Sheryl Nome is responsible for bringing the Vajra to the Earth Sphere!? That's absurd!"

"But she's made no attempts to hide the fact that she's from the Galaxy fleet, which is known to have suffered greatly and likely been destroyed at the hands of the Vajra. Perhaps she was the cause of that too."

"What about Ranka Lee? She clearly has a connection to the Vajra, even showing the ability to influence them."

"It was thanks to Miss Lee that we were able to discover and deal with the initial collection of Vajra nests. And I've heard she's going to be working with the Space Assembly League to help fight the Vajra."

"Wasn't the Gallia IV expedition attacked during one of her concerts? During which she was abducted by the Vajra?"

"It's known that Sheryl Nome was there too. Perhaps it was a means of dealing with a competitor that has clearly been catching up in terms of popularity."

"Then why would she have the Vajra attack her own concerts!? She almost died during the Lagos attack!"

"Possibly as a means to curb suspicions. Or perhaps she can't fully control her influence over them."

At this point the discussion quickly spirals out of control with outspoken individuals supporting both sides. Until finally the news feed cuts back to the anchor in the studio, "Thus far no agreement has been reached about the potential source of the Vajra attack. But we'd like to hear what all of you have to say on the matter, so please leave a comment on our site." The segment ending music begins as the anchor finishes, "We'll be right back after the short break."