2024-02-16: An Underground Welcome

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  • Log: An Underground Welcome
  • Cast: Chloe, Kaworu Nagisa, Liam 7-020, Serinas Nikola
  • Where: Augmented Shibuya
  • IC Date: 27 July 0098
  • Summary: A tour of the underground city known as Augmented Shibuya! Where we learn about the strangeness the city has to offer, as well as concerning matters that lurk just out of view. Or in plain sight in some cases!

<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

        Augmented Shibuya. A strange name for a city built within the central
 African region. But that's only the beginning of this city's strangeness.

        Those who registered for the advertised conferences will have been
 given coordinates to the city. A necessary step given that there isn't a lot
 of information out there about it other than the fact it is a model of Layered
 underground city. Even finding it can be difficult. It's a bit of a trip from
 the nearest major population center, but that happens to be the La Tour
 orbital tower and surrounding districts, so ultimately it's not too difficult
 of a trip. Provided you have a craft that can fly or handle the African

        Upon arrival there is... Nothing. Just sandy dunes. But soon enough
 radio contact is established by the city's traffic control. Domed structures
 rise out of the sand, their roofs splitting open to reveal landing platforms
 that also turn out to be elevators. They lead down into the underground public
 hangars, where there are already a number of other vehicles and mobile weapons
 parked. Gantries provide means of disembarking and access into the facility.

        "Welcome to Augmented Shibuya! If you'll follow me, I'll lead you into
 the city proper. There you'll meet the tour guides we have prepared. They'll
 introduce you to the city and provide you with important information about how
 to enjoy your stay here."

        From the hangars guests are lead through windowless, utilitarian
 corridors of grey, illuminated with strips of industrial lights. There is
 surprisingly few security checks, the only form of defence seen being the the
 occasional person wearing a military style uniform and carrying a handgun.
 This seems counter-intuitive the the city's rumoured purpose as a safe haven
 for scientific advancement protected from the dangers present in the world

        Another elevator ride down, before the doors open to reveal a large,
 open underground space. One that can easily be described in a single world:


        Every structure, from sidewalks, to guard rails, to poles of varying
 widths for which the purpose of are not immediately obvious, to the buildings
 and even the ceiling itself. Their surfaces are all covered in white
 triangular panels. Even the clothes worn by the people walking around are
 entirely white, along with the cars that drive by.

        There is no sign of colour, no imagery, no writing whatsoever. What
 kind of dystopian hell is this?

        ... That said, the people here-and there is quite a few, so much so
 that the city can be called 'bustling' though not in an uncomfortable way-they
 all seem to be quite cheerful. Not what you might expect from such a bland

        There was a slight lie earlier though, there is some colour visible
 upon leaving the elevator. Specifically on the clothes of one of those who is
 waiting to greet the new arrivals. She wears a mostly white and black uniform
 similar to those seen on the way here, with the same insignia and branding.
 The city's defense forces. But it does have some touches of orange to it,
 making it stand out against the far more bland clothing worn by the city's
 inhabitants. That person is Chloe, who gives a nod to those who step off the

        But it's the one next to her, who speaks up first. Sitting in a
 wheelchair is a young woman, her eyes perpetually closed. Her head turns a
 little as everyone arrives, giving you all a moment to take in the strange
 sight, before starting with a smile, "Hello, everyone! Welcome to Augmented
 Shibuya. On behalf of the Underground City, its governing council and its
 people, I thank you your participation in the coming conferences. We will be
 giving you a brief tour of the city to help you learn about life here. As you
 might have noticed, it's a little on the unusual side."

        "While some of you know us, not all do so I will start with
 introductions." The woman bows in her chair, "My name is Coco Coconoe. My
 parents are members of the city's council and are the ones responsible for the
 planning of these conferences." She straightens again, before raising a hand
 to indicate Chloe beside her, "This is Chloe. She is my loyal bodyguard and a
 member of the city's defence forces, Prometheus." Chloe simply nods once more,
 her expression rather professional. This seems to get a quiet giggle out of
 Coco, who then continues, "It's nice to meet you all. Normally we would not be
 the ones to be your guides. But given some of the members of this group, I
 requested the task. I hope you'll enjoy your tour today!"

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Kaworu hasn't been to Augmented Shibuya, but he has been aware of
 basically where it is thanks to his job as NERV administrator. He's spoken
 with Chloe and Coconoe before too, though Chloe more often than the one she
 protects. It's been some time, but with a relative lull in battles and the
 global situation, he's finally taken up on an opportunity to visit the other
 underground city. (It helps that Mari is back at Tokyo-3 in case there is
 an Angel attack while he's away.)
        To that end, he's arrived in Evangelion Unit Beta, accompanied by Liam
 in his own mech. The Makhias are about the same size as the Evangelions, so
 they should be able to accommodate them. He waits for the domed structures to
 rise and watches them split open with interest. Then down they go to the
 underground. Unit Beta is parked, as it were, and soon Kaworu emerges in his
 dark plug suit.
        The interior is quite plain. All gray, and then all white, once they
 pass the security checks and make it to the city proper. Kaworu, in his blacks
 and dark greys and purples with red lining yet with gray-white hair, seems
 almost an inversion to the other people present. He takes it in stride,
 looking around in curiosity as he strolls forward--but also at Liam, to see
 that he isn't bothered by the potentially overwhelming brightness of the
 scenery. Either way, his gait and his gaze rest when he reaches Chloe and
 Coconoe, and his ever-present faint smile grows.
        "Hello. Thank you for the welcome and the tour," he replies. "I look
 forward to your perspective on your home."
        Beyond that, he waits patiently and affably as ever for the tour to
 begin in earnest.

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        Liam's knowledge of Augmented Shibuya is limited to his interactions
 with Chloe. Knowingly or not, she has not given him a very good impression of
 the place.

        Liam hasn't flown in the Neo Helios since Bardiel, so Kaworu's escort
 unit is a bit more conventional--the Dilanza Sol Liam's been test-piloting for
 quite a while, now. So far, the brass seem pleased with its performance,
 though it has yet to be truly tested against a kaiju attack, the sortie in
 Yapool notwithstanding. (Liam did not turn over the recorder data from that
 one. It makes no sense. It was an outlier, anyway.)

        The big cyborg stays close to Kaworu's side as they walk out into the
 city proper. Almost immediately, Liam shields his eyes from the glare, and he
 looks around. There's no plants. No signage. No color whatsoever, aside from
 the ground and the distant ceiling supports and the skin and hair of passerby.
 The uneasiness curling in Liam's gut intensifies; he remembers the lab, the
 white jumpsuits, the walls of his 'quarters' there.

        There's Chloe, he thinks, as he picks her out. He doesn't recognize the
 young lady in the wheelchair, but she seems amiable enough. For his part, Liam
 looks different from the last time Chloe saw him--healthier, more rested. His
 scarlet-and-cream NERV uniform is well-tailored, and there's a tiny layer of
 coppery-red fuzz on his head, beneath the beret.

        "It's good to meet you, Coco," Liam says, with a nod. "And good to see
 you again, Chloe. I... wasn't expecting it to look quite like this. I'd seen
 pictures of other Layered shelters, but..."

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        A VF-14 Vampire with a couple of odd containers attached comes in for a
 landing. After it's taxied to the gantry, Serinas climbs out of the cockpit,
 and one of the containers opens to reveal... a passenger compartment, with a
 woman and an old couple inside, who follow Serinas to the tour.

        Serinas herself is wearing a ZAFT piloting suit with a heroic-looking
 sea-green scarf. Her mother Lani, a woman barely taller than her with brown
 hair and wearing a jacket, blouse, skirt, and boots, assures her the ride was
 safe. "No problems. The design maintained pressure and temperature perfectly."
 Serinas's grandfather, Makaio, agrees -- "Smooth as butter," says the
 white-haired, bespectacled old man wearing a labcoat over a button-up shirt
 and slacks. His wife nods assent. "Just fine. I've ridden in far worse.", says
 Christina, the woman with a kerchief tied on her head over medium-length white
 hair, also wearing a labcoat over a T-shirt and jeans.

        "Be that as it may, I'm not sure anyone is going to want to try
 pressing combat aircraft into passenger transport..." Lani expresses concern
 to her parents, but they wave it off.

        Yes, Serinas is here as a sort of family outing, since her mother's
 side of the family are all scientists who are eager to visit reclusive
 Augmented Shibuya.

        None of them seems to think anything remarkable of the armed security.
 Why wouldn't there be?

        As the elevator descends to... White, Serinas and Lani blink and rub
 their eyes, as if doubting what they're seeing. "Why." says the older woman.
 "Should've brought a spare coat for Serinas, heh." quips her father.

        As they meet the welcoming committee at last, there's a chorus of 'Nice
 to meet you' 'likewise' etc from the family group.

        Serinas looks a little lost, her role here more tagging along for
 family time. It's Lani who speaks first, "Lani Nikola, contractor from the
 PLANTs. I'm elated to finally get to see the illustrious Augmented Shibuya!"
 she says with a smile. The grandparents introduce themselves as scientists
 from Orb, leaving Serinas to finish with, "Uh, I'm Serinas Nikola, from ZAFT.
 I, uh. I'm just a pilot, but..." She rallies and looks around with a smile, "I
 had no idea there were cities like this! Earth is so full of amazing things,
 I'm glad I can finally see them!"

<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

        Coco seems to smile just a little bit more as Kaworu speaks up first,
 "I'm glad you'll finally get to see it, Kaworu. And that we can repay the
 hospitality we've received in Tokyo-3. Like any city, Augmented Shibuya is not
 perfect. But I hope you like it."

        Chloe nods to Liam in response to his greeting, "Liam. This city is a
 Layered model of custom design, created by the city's founder. She will go on
 for hours about it if the subject is mentioned." There seems to be a slight
 tone of annoyance in Chloe's voice as she mentions this. Apparently she has
 first hand experience?

        Coco nods along in agreement with Chloe, but doesn't speak on it any
 further, instead raising a finger and saying jovially, "Don't let your eyes
 deceive you, Liam. There's more to the city than you might realise."

        Serinas and her family appear to be the last of this group to exit the
 elevators. Coco turns her head to them, "Ah yes, the Nikola family. Thank you
 for coming! I'm excited to have people from the PLANTs here. I've rarely made
 the trip into space, so it's a so living there is a somewhat fascinating
 concept for me. I'm also happy that we'll be able to share some of what makes
 this city unique... Speaking of which, Chloe?"

        This is where Chloe comes in. Specifically a bag she has been holding
 on to. She opens it and holds it out towards everyone, "Please take one of
 these each and put them on."

        Inside the bag are... Sunglasses? Though the lenses are clear and
 obviously not meant to block out light. Putting them on, nothing happens at
 first. But within a few moments, a rotating icon suddenly appears in view with
 the words beneath:

                ... Establishing Connection To City Control AARC ...
                           ... Rendering Cityscape ...

        Colour suddenly floods into view, washing out across almost the
 entirety of the city! Trees now stand where some of the thicker poles had
 been. On others, street signs and traffic lights. Floating in the air are
 animated panels, displaying advertisements and TV broadcasts. Even the clothes
 people are wearing have changed, colours, patterns and images adorning them.
 Some of the patterns and images are even quite wild in that they're animated!

        Although she can't see that they've put the glasses on, Coco
 nonetheless seems to be aware of it as she waits to let the view sink in
 before explaining, "Those are one of the technologies Augmented Shibuya is
 most known for, and also the source of part of its name. An augmented reality,
 with 'Textures' layered over almost everything."

        Of course, it doesn't look like Chloe is wearing one of these. A topic
 which Coco appears to predict, explaining further, "The version you are all
 wearing are provided to guests. Citizens have more advanced versions worn as
 contact lenses. With included functionality similar to smartphones. So
 internet browsing, communications, work and entertainment applications. All
 interacted with via a combination of physical movements, artificial
 intelligence predictive algorithms, and non-invasive neural scanning."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        "Are you all right?" Kaworu murmurs to Liam, seeing him shield his
 eyes. Though, it's really not the eyestrain that has him concerned for him.
        The sight of the city is at least more positive for some of the other
 visitors. When Serinas follows up her family's self-introductions by gushing
 about how glad she is to see the sights of Earth, Kaworu gives her a warm
        He turns that smile back to Coco as she responds. "It's its
 imperfections that give a jewel its color... although there isn't much color
 here at present," he replies. When Chloe hands out the sunglasses, Kaworu
 accepts one and puts them on as instructed. Soon, the intended augmentation
 renders and colors the pure white city. He hums thoughtfully, observing the
 virtual trees, street signs, advertisements, clothing changes, and more. The
 fact that there are apparently different versions of the city depending on if
 one is a guest or a citizen can merit only one word:
        "Fascinating," he says. "Lilim truly are inventive." He gives Chloe a
 curious look. "What is it that you see instead?"
        She may or may not be allowed to tell him, but there's no harm in

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        Glad to have people here from the PLANTS? The family looks slightly
 awkward. Lani admits, "I emigrated from Orb." Her parents nod. Serinas admits,
 "I was raised in the belt. I got here, uh, just as the war was starting. But I
 live on a PLANT now, and it's very nice!" She smiles.

        As the glasses are handed out, Lani realizes what they're for
 immediately. "Ah." Her parents nod in agreement, silently taking pairs, and
 the three of them put them on and look around. "Oh, that's *much* better."
 Lani smiles approvingly.

        Serinas left her helmet in the cockpit. Confused, she picks up a pair
 of glasses and puts them on, eyes widening in surprise as she looks around.
 "Woah!" She tries to touch one of the nearby Textures.

        Her ancestors, meanwhile, are quick to whip portable computing devices
 from their pockets and see if they can connect to the glasses, and possibly
 the system, that way. They might try to set texture clothes on themselves, if
 they can.

        "Y'know, it's funny." Makaio muses. "Back before Lani was born, there
 was this experimental cybernetic system that would allow that kind of thing.
 For awhile we considered getting her implanted so she could grow up with it."
 Lani frowns, but he continues, waving an arm at the Textured city. "And here's
 a whole city where *everyone* is like that... and with noninvasive contacts!

        Lani looks at him. "I'm quite happy being a Coordinator, thanks." She
 smiles at Chloe. "This *is* something, though!"

        Serinas nods enthusiastically, "Yeah! This is *amazing*! It's all so
 colorful, and..." She looks at a passerby's Textured clothes. "People can try
 out all these looks without having anything... ooh, we could have had this
 back at the mining colony..."

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        Liam blinks beneath his hand, letting his eyes adjust. "Yeah," he says,
 to Kaworu. "Just a memory." He takes a few deep breaths, and reminds himself
 of where he is. He's with Kaworu. He's safe.

        "There's more?" Liam says, arching a brow. Is it just more layers of
 oppressive blank space, or is he literally not seeing something the others
 are? The arrival of the rest of the guests attracts his attention for a
 moment; he glances over his shoulder at Serinas, noting the ZAFT uniform. He
 gives his fellow pilot a respectful little nod. (He noted that talk about
 getting their kid augmented, though. The queasy feeling returns for a moment.
 Coordination is its own beast, but--)

        Chloe offers glasses. Liam squints at them, then takes a pair and puts
 them on. Oh, he thinks, this is like--

        And sure enough, the city is there in full, with color and texture
 everywhere. Extravagant fashions, useful data...

        '...and non-invasive neural scanning.'

        Liam's gut twists again. "I've never seen anything like this," he says.
 "How do you--who programs all this? It must take up so much memory, and it's
 updated in real-time..." The awe in his voice, at least, is genuine. Fear and
 awe can be two sides of the same coin.

<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

        "Yes... That's so true, isn't it?" At Kaworu's words about
 imperfections, Coco tilts turns her head just a little bit in Chloe's

        For the question directed to Chloe, she replies stoicly, "More. The
 civilian models see much the same as you are now, just with additional
 interfaces for the added functionalities when they are in use. But mine are
 military grade, including connections to restricted servers. For example, I
 can access city security camera footage, as well as bring up whatever profile
 information Prometheus has on people, using facial recognition." Chloe is
 glancing between everyone as she says this, so you can probably imagine she's
 doing just that.

        Coco lets out an awkward chuckle, "Not to worry though. I imagine most
 of that information is just publicly available knowledge." Probably accurate.
 The city and the force protecting it don't seem so large that they'd bother to
 delve into just anyone's secrets.

        Though whether the same can be said about their allies... And just how
 much they've shared of that information.

        Serinas tries to touch Textures, first a hovering sign advertising a
 nearby restaurant for the best authentic Chinese 'Print Food' in town. It
 seems it doesn't have any mass, which is to be expected as it's not even a
 hologram, just an image overlayed in her view. It seems to fritz a little
 around where her hand passes through it, but only a little. On the other hand,
 the nearby streetlight is physical to the touch, though removing the glasses
 will reveal that there is just a white pole there.

        Meanwhile, Serina's family will indeed find a fairly standard data port
 built into the frame. This gives them access to the software on the glasses as
 well which is essentially just a receiver, the imagery streamed to it for

        Serinas's enthusiastic comments cause Coco to clap softly in her own
 excitement, "Yes! There is quite the fashion scene here. Being able to design
 different clothing Textures without the need to manufacture the physical
 result makes changing fashion a lot easier for the average person. In fact,
 many aspects of each person's view can be personally customised. Though some
 are fixed as standard, defined by the council. Unfortunately your basic models
 don't have this customisation. But if you're interested, we can organise a
 pair of lenses to be loaned to you so you can get the full experience! We call
 them GraiEyes."

        Meanwhile, Chloe answers Liam's question, nodding in response, "There
 is a large amount of server infrastructure dedicated to maintaining the
 cityscape. And even more for related functionality. It's all managed by an
 artificial intelligence, what we call an AARC, under the control of the city

        With those explanations, Coco asks, "Shall we proceed then? We'll show
 you to the hotels where you're booked." She turns her wheelchair around and
 starts to roll herself forward, leading the group down a street that quickly
 starts getting lined with shops. As mentioned, fashion is big, though the
 stores don't carry physical apparel for purchase. Just display models,
 presumably allowing immediate purchase and application to current clothes.
 Tech stores for the last model of gadgets are also popular.

        The group does get looks from the people as they pass by. Most of the
 time they are looks of curiosity. There's some concern mixed in as well. Both
 of which are probably not surprising given insular reputation the city has.
 Occasionally some shoots a contemptuous look towards the group. Though oddly
 enough, tracing such looks to their destination seems to almost always lead to

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Just a memory. Isn't that all of the past, though? Kaworu watches Liam
 for a moment longer, but he does seem to be able to settle his nerves... for
 the most part. It seems like the Nikola family's conversation unsettles him
        But no point in digging into it. That's not what they're all here for,
 anyway. For now, Kaworu will remain as a rock to Liam. He's had enough
 problems with real vs. unreal lately.
        He does raise a good question about the practical aspects of Augmented
 Shibuya's... well, augmentations. Kaworu imagines they have something similar
 to the MAGI, something Chloe confirms a moment later. She also explains about
 civilian vs. military grade. Kaworu nods once, unbothered by Prometheus's
 facial recognition. "Yes, I imagine so, too," he remarks to Coco.
        And if he gains cause for concern, he can confirm it for himself as
 needed. For now, though, he politely stays in his lane.
        "How many versions of the city are there?" he thus asks after Coco
 offers Serinas the GraiEyes. He strolls after Coco when she turns her
 wheelchair around and rolls onwards, observing the shops and their virtual
 clothes with interest. As Coco says, the potential for individual
 customization unbound by physical cloth is nigh limitless. It probably
 wouldn't make for a very good souvenir, though.
        As they walk, Kaworu notes the denizens of the city giving their group
 the occasional stare. This isn't something that bothers him--he's used to
 it--but many of those stares, even outright glares, seem to be directed at
 Chloe for some reason. Curious.
        "Would you consider fashion the crowning culture of Augmented Shibuya,
 or are there other things that might rival it?" Kaworu asks Coco, opting not
 to point that out for the moment.

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        Lani frowns at the mention of possible invasions of privacy. At the
 offer of loaner lenses they will absolutely tinker with, though, all three
 elder Nikolas (Nikolai?) nod, and a moment after, Serinas does. "Sure! That
 sounds neat."

        "You have an AI... managing everything everone sees?" Lani repeats,
 concerned. "What kind?" asks her father. Serinas pipes up, "I met an AI a
 couple of times! Heh, it was kind of neat to be able to shake hands with
 someone even maclonized. But... They can't be doing nothing but this, 24/7,

        Her mother places a hand on her shoulder. "Most AIs aren't... mobile.
 They're not designed as *people*, precisely because of that. They're just very
 advanced programs."

        "Oh..." Serinas thinks about this as they walk to the hotel. "...How do
 these clothing stores work? If people can look however they want, then what is
 there to buy?" Lani facepalms. "I'll explain at the hotel. We don't need to
 get into ideological arguments with the tour guide."

        Obliviosly, Serinas smiles and waves to the curious onlookers.

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        Security cameras. Facial recognition. Personal data available
 on-demand. Liam glances around at the colorful city, and wonders if the people
 walking past--the people going about their daily lives, maybe looking at the
 tourists in their comparatively plain clothes--are okay with that.

        Liam reaches out to touch the same sign Seras tried to, and meets with
 the same result. There's a little visual fuzzing effect, but nothing's
 actually there.

        He thinks back to a story his mother told him about an Emperor who went
 out in his underclothes, convinced that his finery was simply invisible to
 those unfit for their post.

        "AARC," Liam says. "I'd like to know more about that, if it's okay?" He
 stays close to Kaworu as the group sets out, and Kaworu seems to know why.
 Serinas makes a good point, though.

        "So... do you download an outfit, and tell AARC that you're wearing
 this today?"

<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

        Coco turns her head a little and smiles at Kaworu's initial question,
 "You clearly understand the potential behind the technology to ask that!" She
 continues to guide herself and the others down the street, "There are four
 base versions that are used often. One for each season... Not that an enclosed
 environment like this has seasons. But they still have psychological benefits.
 Then there are rarer versions for holidays. And more functional ones such as
 for use in emergencies, such as attacks."

        Kaworu then poses an interesting question and Coco raises a finger to
 her chin in thought, "Mmmm... I suppose so? I can't say I hear as much about
 other artistic accomplishments. Augmented Shibuya was founded by those
 interested in scientific advancement. A focus that has been passed down
 through generations. There weren't a lot of authors or musicians amongst the
 early population. Certainly some have popped up now and then. But the unique
 approach to clothing here makes it a prime canvas for self-expression." Coco
 giggles a little, though there is a bit of a sad tone to her words, "Which is
 a little unfortunate for me..."

        While Coco discusses the city's cultural scene with Kaworu, Chloe
 seems content to explain to the others, "It is not a mobile AI, no. It exists
 within the server infrastructure. It is just an administrator."

        Then as Liam asks for further clarification, Chloe replies, "AARC.
 Artificial Augmented Reality Crystal. I don't actually understand the
 scientific details... But it is a model of AI developed by the city's founder.
 They exist at multiple levels of complexity, from the AARC that oversees
 management of the city's infrastructure and utilities... Down to the smallest
 AARC that exists within the maintenance and security drones that fix and
 protect the city. Those ones you could equate to a Haro."

        Chloe then finishes with a nod to the last question, "Essentially, yes.
 This makes manufacturing and resource use more efficient. The city is designed
 to be entirely self-sufficient."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        "Which AI did you meet?" Kaworu asks Serinas, curious. AIs advanced
 enough that one could say one met them, and with a form whose hand one
 could shake while maclonized, are fairly rare, after all. He suspects she may
 be talking about one of the Brave Police. It'll be fascinating if he's wrong.
        As they walk along, he rests a hand on Liam's shoulder. A light
 squeeze, to give a change in pressure. He doesn't maintain it long--just long
        He smiles back at Coco, though she of course can't see. The details of
 the many different versions of Augmented Shibuya get a thoughtful hum--but
 then there is that mention of a functional city skin for emergencies. "Does
 the city get attacked often? I do understand you have your own specific type
 of kaiju that you deal with, but I don't believe we've ever been called to
 help defend Augmented Shibuya from them."
        She goes on to answer his question about the local culture. "I see.
 It's similar to Tokyo-3 in that respect, then." He notes that tinge of sadness
 to her lament, and adds, "Is there any particular part of the local culture
 that you enjoy partaking in?"
        As he converses with Coco, though, he also listens to Chloe's answer to
 Liam. He hadn't asked about the AARC himself because he had assumed that
 they'd keep that information under wraps, but Chloe seems willing to share at
 least a polished version of it. "It would have to be quite robust to maintain
 a city of this size--especially if it's meant to be self-sufficient."

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        Psychological benefits. Liam is already starting to stew on those words
 when Kaworu puts a hand on his shoulder. The touch of another person is
 grounding. He glances back at the administrator, offering a faint smile and a
 grateful nod.

        As the group walks along, Liam listens, but Chloe--and the
 others--might notice a little tic. Liam keeps one hand on the rim of his
 glasses, tipping them upwards every few minutes or so, for just long enough to
 determine what the world looks like without them. So much of this place is
 just blank without the augmented reality, and that's not even counting the
 potential for exploitation. Chloe keeps mentioning a 'council', but also a
 city founder, a grand architect of sorts.

        "Do you ever leave the city?" he asks Coco, quietly, when she trails

        Chloe explains AARCs in a bit more detail. "Different from a Super-AI,
 then," he says. "It's interesting. Developing all this hardware, and a
 specialized system to manage it. You'd need it." Especially if it's going to
 be a sealed little bunker, capable of sustaining itself. "There was...
 something about 'printed' food earlier? What's that?" A pause. "Do you have
 agricultural decks here?"

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        "Self sufficient, huh? If only the PLANTS had managed that from the
 start..." Lani mutters.

        While Serinas's ancestors murmur amongst themselves about crystal AIs
 ('A crystal AI? Do you think it works by ___?' 'Ah, maybe, I was thinking
 maybe it's more ___' 'Well, you could...', etc) Serinas blinks and turns from
 looking at the clothing store's window display to Kaworu. "Oh uhh... Kagero. I
 talked to him a couple times. And um. That one that kept interfering in
 military operations. After what happened in Antarctica, it ended up having to
 make an emergency landing on our ship. Tri-something? That one was big enough
 for me to shake hands with, even though I was macronized at the time."

        Kaiju are mentioned. "You have to fight off Kaiju?" Serinas echoes, and
 her grandfather raises a finger. "Ah, *that's* what we think you could use the
 Annihilator for..." Lani sighs. "Dad, it's just a big revolv--" "Ah! No
 spoilers! I'll talk about it at the conference!" She rolls her eyes and nods.

        Some of them look curious about printed food, but Liam asked the
 question already so they look to Chloe for her explanation.

<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

        When asked about attacks, Coco nods a little, saying solemnly, "It
 happens from time to time... We're an independent city state and have various
 non-aggression and non-interference agreements with the OAC. Or did... It's a
 little bit more complicated lately. But as a result we've not been involved in
 any of the wars. Still, some smaller groups covet what we have, though for the
 most part they give up when they realise the difficulty of reaching us."

        "... Which leaves the kaiju you mentioned. Meteora we call them. We're
 not sure why they attack the city, but thankfully it's a rare occurrence. The
 last one was about four years ago? Being underground protects the city from
 them somewhat... But without the Makhia to fight back, it would only be a
 matter of time for one to break through and destroy everything." The name
 Meteora is certainly not one that is commonly known. Though Liam and Kaworu
 would have heard Chloe mention them in passing before. But not in any real
 detail beyond them being 'monsters'. Though based on Coco's brief description
 or lack-thereof, it seems they don't actually know much about them.

        On a more lighter note though, Coco goes a little bit red in the cheek
 as she admits, "Ah... I suppose... I do like to sing. Not that I would call
 that part of the 'local' culture." Indeed, while some of the stores they've
 been passing have been playing extremely generic music, there's isn't so much
 as a vocal song heard since they've arrived. Coco muses, "I guess I've always
 been a little more interested about the outside world."

        Coco's comment actually ties in nicely to one of Liam's questions,
 which she responds to, "Actually, until about half a year ago, I'd never left.
 But then my parents started travelling to try and spark interest in the city
 and what we can offer, so I went with them. That's when Chloe was assigned to
 protect me!" Coco clearly perks up at this, going on to say, "Since then I
 went around to a number of different places. It was a wonderful experience..."
 Her mood dips again as she trails off at the end there.

        Chloe notices this, glancing over in Coco's direction for a moment. But
 her attention is drawn back once more as she says, "The city management AARC
 is probably the closest to a Super-AI we have. Though I don't think it's quite
 at that level. Its personality is quite... Lacking." Of course, Chloe is one
 to talk as she has maintained a fairly stoic expression and tone for the most

        Liam then brings up the question of printed food and Chloe hmmms,
 pausing for a moment and looking around. She then walks off for several
 moments, before returning with a carton filled with rectangular chunks of some
 kind. The surfaces of each are colourfully patterned with a different kind of
 fruit. Though those paying attention will realise what those are: Textures.
 Sure enough, removing the glasses reveals rectangular chunks of shades of
 bland colours.

        Chloe offers the carton up for others to take a piece, as she explains,
 "Print Food it's called. The city does not have conventional agricultural
 industries. Biomass of different nutritional values is grown in significant
 quantities and then combined with artificial flavour to produce food
 containing everything the human body requires for healthy operation."

        There's a nervous chuckle from Coco, "Ehehe... I'd not quite sure I'd
 call it 'flavour'." Sure enough, anyone who attempts to eat one of the chunks
 of 'Print Food' will find that there is flavour there, matching the colourful
 patterns textured on it... But it's very mild. Coco complains, "It's no where
 near as tasty as the foods from outside."

        Chloe counters back, "I think the taste of food outside is too strong."

        Coco hmphs, "Even the strawberries?"

        Chloe decides to stay silent on that front.

        Coco decides not to press Chloe for an answer, instead responding to
 Lani, "Our population is not particularly large. That makes it easier to be
 self-sufficient. Though clearly we lack things in certain areas..."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Kaworu meets Liam's nod and smile with one of his own, and that's all.
 There's no need to make a big deal of it. Sometimes, a subtle moment is all
 that's necessary.
        "Kagero... It's been some time. I hope he's well," Kaworu muses to
 Serinas. As for the other one... "I see. Thank you."
        Coco goes into detail about the local kaiju--specifically, the Meteora.
 Kaworu has heard Chloe mention them in passing before, but only that, really.
 It sounds as though they have more problems with other Lilim, by comparison.
 The world continues to change. Kaworu hums thoughtfully. "Four years... That
 explains it, then."
        He smiles at Coco and her admission. "Is that so? Perhaps I could play
 accompaniment for you sometime, if you wish. I'm skilled at a variety of
 instruments, though I primarily play the piano and, to a lesser extent, the
        He does notice that the local stores have only played generic music so
 far, and not a single vocal song. Certainly not the right city for the culture
 of music.
        "Half a year ago... That was around when you came to visit Tokyo-3,
 wasn't it? I remember," Kaworu remarks. "Chloe was there with you then, too."
 Though she calls it a wonderful experience, it seems her mood is dimming...
 Kaworu watches her for a moment, then gives Chloe a quizzical look--but her
 poker face doesn't give anything away.
        Chloe walks off, only to return with an example of printed food. Kaworu
 thinks what she describes sounds very practical, but it sounds as though the
 flavor is lacking. He accepts a piece of the Print Food, and sure enough, it's
 lacking compared to naturally grown fruit. The nutritional value makes up for
 it in his opinion, but either way, he doesn't take another piece.
        "I imagine cooking isn't a strong part of the local culture either," he

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        Kaworu hopes Kagero is well. "He was last time I saw him, but that was
 back near the start of the war." Serinas answers.

        It's an offhand mention to Coco, but Serinas goes starry-eyed when she
 mentions she likes to sing. "You do?! Will we get to hear you sing??"

        When 'Print Food' is passed around and consumed, Serinas remarks,
 "Reminds me of home... old home, I mean." Lani doesn't expect it to taste good
 and it looks like it meets her expectations. Makaio and Christina look

        At Coco's comment, Serinas and Lani pipe up at the same time, "I love
 strawberries!" and then look at eachother in surprise and smile. Another
 commonality found between mother and daughter, it seems!

        Makaio looks around and comments, wistfully "The secluded city of
 science... You know, sometimes I wished we could have moved here somehow."
 Christina smiles good-naturedly at the idea, but Lani looks less impressed. "I
 was just *fine* growing up in Orb, thanks."

        Christina tries to calm any conflict between them with, "Now, now,
 without the outside world we'd miss so many wonderful ideas and inventions.
 And we wouldn't have Serinas and Alan -- that's our grandson -- after all!"

        Lani explains, "He's 15. I didn't think there'd be much for him to do
 at the conference... but, seeing this place, maybe I'll bring Karissa and Alan
 next time... with this AR technology, you must have some really cool games,

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        "Four years ago?" Liam's brow furrows. In comparison, that's... haven't
 all the Angel attacks taken place within that timeframe? He glances at Kaworu
 for a moment, noting his observation. "Their name implies a distinct... class.
 Is that right? Do they have any common characteristics?"

        "I'm glad you got the chance to explore. Even if the outside might be
 scary sometimes." Liam offers Coco a gentle smile. "And I'm glad you liked
 it." Chloe's answer is in turn filed away.

        The food arrives. It takes Liam a moment to notice, because the smell
 seems kind of dulled; he glances at the carton, first with glasses on, then
 with glasses off. Scent memory is powerful. Liam remembers the plates and bars
 of nutritional supplements--more than adequate to support growth and
 development, but even a plain protein bar tasted like manna from heaven in
 comparison. His throat tightens. He reaches out and takes a chunk for himself.

        There is just the hint of flavor there as he chews. A mild
 suggestion. He forces himself to swallow.

        Even though he brought it up, he doesn't comment further on the food.

<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

Coco actully seems to cheer up a little bit as Kaworu mentions he plays the
 piano, "Oh really!? The piano? One of Chloe's friends-"

        Chloe briefly butts in, "He's not a friend."

        But Coco playfully ignores her and continues, "-From the military
 academy plays the piano too. Ah, if only you had given me your kind offer a
 few days earlier..." The combination of this line of thought, along with
 Serinas's question, causes Coco goes even more red, moving her hands to cover
 her face out of some kind of embarrassment.

        Chloe nonchalantly explains, "Coco recently sang for the first time in
 public, accompanied by piano. It was... Well received." Chloe says that last
 part with some semblance of awe in her voice. Is that a crack in her shell!?

        Coco decides to change the subject with a throat clearing, "Ahem. Yes!
 Tokyo-3 was one of my first visits outside. Except for when she's away on
 missions, Chloe has stood by my side. Ever since I met her, my life has been
 far more fun!"

        The Print Food is met by opinions that Coco seems to expect and she
 giggles a little as a result. She then nods to Kaworu, "Cooking is indeed a
 rarity around here. Due to various reasons, importing of fresh produce happens
 very rarely and so is generally reserved for those of high status." Although
 Coco doesn't outwardly say it, it may be safe to assume she falls into that
 category. She then goes on to say excitedly, "That's one of the things my
 parents are trying to change! They're hoping that by building up interest in
 the city with conferences like this, it'll both help improve access to outside
 goods while also breaking through the insular mentality prevalent in our

        With fighting Meteora being more Chloe's speciality-though it's
 unlikely she's ever faced a real one herself given her age-she takes on the
 task of explaining in further detail, "They are all extremely similar to each
 other except for outward appearance. Their exteriors are hardened shells.
 Their interiors do not appear to have any form of biological design. They
 simply exist as a single consistent mass, made from the same unknown material
 throughout. The exception is their cores. What information we have about those
 is classified so I can't speak to it. They break parts of themselves off and
 send them flying as their means of attack. They can also unleash powerful
 oscillating waves that break things down at an atomic level."

<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

        "We've attempted to perform studies to further understand them, but it
 is difficult. When a Meteora is killed, its body completely disolves into
 nothing. The same is true of breaking a piece off a live one."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Not all the Angel attacks. But Liam can be forgiven if he doesn't
 count Second Impact as one of those.
        Still, Kaworu's smile broadens when Coco and Chloe go on to explain
 that she'd actually performed in public, to piano accompaniment, only a few
 days ago. Chloe even seems to drop her shield a little. "Is that so? In that
 case, you could well change the culture of this city with your voice. I may
 have missed your debut with Chloe's acquaintance, but I would be honored to
 play accompaniment for you another time." For right now, though, it seems like
 it's too soon for Coco to sing again.
        The Print Food is, well, Print Food. None of them seem impressed.
 Liam's total lack of commentary stands out, considering he'd asked about it in
 the first place, and Kaworu gives him an ironic little smile. Serinas mentions
 that she hasn't seen Kagero since the start of the war, and Kaworu can only
 nod; it's been about as long for him, too.
        Then he looks back at Coco. "I see. It's good to be self-sufficient,
 but it's even better to be able to connect with others. Tokyo-3's Geofront has
 several gardens in it; perhaps I can arrange to have some information on that
 sent here?"
        He falls into thoughtful silence as Chloe explains more about the
 Meteora, up to and including how they dissolve upon defeat. He glances at
 Liam. "It does sound quite familiar, doesn't it?"
        It's not the same, though. Kaworu is absolutely certain of that.

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        As Chloe explains Coco's embarassment, Lani nods and steps forward to
 give the girl a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "I did chorus in high school.
 You get used to it with practice."

        Serinas nods and echoes wistfully, "Culture..." at Kaworu's words.

        Food and produce is discussed. Christina asks, "You couldn't start some
 hydroponics farms?"

        The scientists look surprised and then thoughtful at the mention of the
 Meteora. Makaio mutters to himself, "Perhaps a kinetic weapon was the wrong
 design... but, wait, oscillating waves, hmm, maybe if... Could adjust it so
 the rounds impact at the right frequency..."

        Serinas is considering how to fight it. Honestly, if one *did* show up,
 she'd prefer to have the anti-ship impact cannon with her. Unless... "Their
 bodies... how well do they conduct heat? And as for grampa's gun... *do* they
 break if you hit them hard enough, or do they just transfer the force across
 their whole bodies or anything weird like that?"

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        "...She did?" That's something Liam couldn't bring himself to do. He
 can barely manage karaoke in a private booth with a few close friends. He was
 impressed when the Eva pilots put on their concert back in Tsutsujidai. "I'm
 glad. I think this place could... use some more of that, yes." He nods to
 Kaworu, and swallows as discreetly as he can to banish the taste of the Print

        "The one with the watermelons, right?" Liam says. He's seen it a
 handful of times, from a distance. Who is the caretaker of the mysterious
 watermelon garden?

        As for the Meteora... Liam winces in sympathy. "Familiar, yeah. And is
 it just... here they come after? No sign of anybody sending them, or
 communication amongst individual Meteora?"

        They thought that Angels were lonely, separate one-offs, and... that
 turned out to be not wholly accurate.

<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

        Her? Change the city's culture? Coco seems pretty sure that, "No... No
 it won't be me that will do that." Nonetheless, Coco gives Kaworu a small
 smile, "Thank you for the offer."

        Kaworu brings up the idea of gardens while Christina goes even bigger
 with hydroponics farms. Coco nods a little in response, "I expect the hope is
 to build things like that in the future... But space is at a premium
 underground and even with AI driven mining drones, expansion is a slow
 process. Projects like that would probably take a while, so right now
 importing looks to be the best short-term option."

        Although the comment is not direct at her, Chloe still nods in
 agreement with Kaworu regarding the similarities. While she has yet to fight a
 real Meteora, she has done so in simulations. And she has actually fought real
 Angels. She's even commented on their similarities in the past, though she
 doesn't have the authority, experience or knowledge to declare with certainty
 that they are connected or not.

        Liam asks a question that is actually more difficult than it seems at
 first glance. Chloe shrugs in response, "Professor Julie-Prometheus's lead
 scientist-has mentioned a bunch of theories. Nothing proven. But she does seem
 to think that they might have shown up once or twice before the city was
 founded. And that the frequency of their attacks increased when it was. Even
 if the period between attacks is still measured in years, sometimes over a
 decade. With no noticeable pattern to the their timing."
        Meanwhile, Serinas asks about methods of countering them. Chloe seems a
 bit more confident in this as she answers, "Heat based weapons do not seem
 especially effective. But both particle and projectile weapons work. They both
 inflict damage to a Meteora's structure, particularly after penetrating the
 harder outer shell. However, Meteora have superior regenerative capabilities
 and can restore their structure within a matter of minutes. Locating and
 destroying their core is the only known means of killing one."
        So yeah, put simply they don't know what they are. Why they're attacking.
 Where they come from. Or how to stop them permanently.


        Finally Coco brings her chair to a stop outside a building. One which
 looks to have recently been renovated into a hotel. Once more imparting how
 rare visitors are and the sudden need for more temporary accommodation. Coco
 gives everyone a smile, "We will leave you here now, as I would not blame you
 for being tired after the trip. Hopefully this has proven informative! The
 assistant at the front desk can help you get situated." Thankfully everyone
 will find their rooms inside a lot more conventionally decorated, compared to
 the city's exterior. Thus forgoing the requirement of the AR glasses while
 inside. Is that normal, or special consideration for outsiders? What would it
 be like to live in a home that can only be seen through augmented reality!? So
 many questions!

        "If you would all like to meet again tomorrow morning at the spot where
 we met, we will guide you to the auditoriums where the conferences will be
 taking place." Coco bows in her chair once more, saying, "It was nice to meet
 you all... I had fun." She sounds a little sad at this fact, though doesn't
 seem particularly keen on explaining why. Instead she turns, starting to roll
 herself away.

        Chloe looks just a little concerned herself. But she gives everyone a
 nod in farewell before moving to follow Coco.

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        Christina nods at the comment about farms taking time. And then...

        They're here! Lani and Christina adjust the glasses to briefly peer at
 the stark white building behind the Texture. Serinas and Makaio are still
 distracted in thought, and nod at the explanation of weaknesses, he grunting a
 thoughtful "Hmm..." as he no doubt considers how to tune whatever the
 "Annihilator" is to best fight such a foe.

        The older women look at the two lost in thought, and gently encourage
 them inside to get settled and unpack. "It was nice meeting you, dear!" "Yeah."

        Serinas is jostled out of her thoughts of fighting long enough to also
 say "Nice meeting you! Yeah, I look forward to tomorrow!" She offers Coco and
 Chloe handshakes before walking inside to marvel at *this* new venue.