2023-06-05: Brightening Future

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  • Log: 2023-06-05- Brightening Future
  • Cast: Rikka Takarada, Akane Shinjo, Gridman
  • Where: Tsutsujidai - Junk Shop "Aya"
  • OOC - IC Date: 0097-06-05
  • Summary: Gridman reunites with Akane and Rikka after their ordeal on the Garuda. It's a little tear-streaked, but ultimately a strong affirmation of their bond.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

They might have escaped the Garuda, but for Rikka, that was only the beginning. She still has a long road ahead of her, and there's no telling just how long it'll be. The presence of company helps. It's difficult to express just how grateful she is to Akane and her mother for that.

Today, though, Rikka has just returned from the Wadatsumi, from another one of her scheduled treatment sessions. Even on the best of days they're exhausting, which is why she's currently as nestled as she can get into the Aya shop floor's couch in order to relax. There's still room for others to join her, though... which is good, since she's feeling well enough to accept more company today.

Truthfully, it might be a bit of a strain since she's still feeling rough... but she wants to see her friends. And it's important for her right now to express those wants.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Of course Akane's gone to treatment with her, though not every time. Usually, she ends up talking to whichever member of Research or Intelligence staff is present but not guiding the session -- she has a lot of questions. Some of them are practical, process-oriented questions; others are more worried.

Now, though, she's exactly where she wants to be: on the couch next to Rikka. Her left hand curls around Rikka's right. "I sent a few texts while you were under," she notes. "A lot of people are busy, but we'll see who can show." Tapping her chin for a little bit, she adds, "Oh, do you want anything to eat?"

... it's partially a practical question, if a discreet one. The hunger-denial suggestions make Akane way more nervous than some of the other stuff and she is very concerned with how well those are getting untangled. (... She's still Akane Shinjo, and Akane Shinjo has always had a bit of a relationship with other people's meal habits.)

"Oh, and -- how's your side? I know that's the one thing they did fix up okay on the ship and the wound was kinda shallow by their standards, but I'm still a little worried."

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

Vist's security team all left with their lives, the day Gridknight called Calibur for aid. But that's all the mercy they were granted. Each of the Neon Genesis Junior High Students fought with a vicious ferocity they had never displayed before, making certain none of their targets could escape before being arrested by Shuffle Alliance authorities.

Calibur nominated himself to stay with Rikka through the process of her treatment. Trusting GGG to keep Akane and Alouette safe, the samurai quietly stationed himself outside Rikka's recovery room -- then outside her home in Tsutsujidai.

The moment the girls' recovery was made known to Gridman, he wanted to rush to see them, but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"They've been through a lot, Gridman." Vit said, understanding in his eyes. "Let them tell you when they're ready."

It was difficult to wait.

When the time finally comes, Gridman is outside Aya's door seconds later. In his arms is his usual school backpack, clearly carrying something other than papers and binders. The door is thrown open, and he rushes inside -- Max, Borr, and Vit just behind them. Calibur remains outside, staring ahead in his usual manner.

"Rikka! Akane!"

Tears come to Gridman's eyes. He's frozen in place. Is he going to make a scene..?

No. That's not what they need right now. Instead, he walks up to the couch, rubbing surreptitiously at his eyes. Once he arrives, he kneels on the ground before them, unzipping his backpack. Out comes a dozen cartons of tomato juice and a dozen more cans of tea (non-carbonated, of course), and an enormous, plush blanket. The very softest and largest he could find.

"I thought it might be nice if you didn't have to go on a drink run for a while." Gridman explains, lining up his offerings in front of the girls. "And I know it's pretty warm here, but I always feel safer when I have a blanket."

A beat.

Slowly, Gridman stands, then sits on the couch next to Rikka. If she doesn't react poorly, he'll wrap his arms around her and hug her tightly, smiling at Akane over Rikka's shoulder.

"Welcome home. Whatever you need, I'm here." Gridman sniffles, then laughs. "If that's just listening, or a 2AM snack run, just say it. Take advantage of me!"

Pulling back, he manages to keep a smile on his face, though it's a wobbly, slight thing.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka's hand holds onto Akane's. Just having her here helps, but the contact does a lot to put her mind at ease. She nods, as Akane explains the situation. And then, she asks if she wants anything to eat.

"I don-" She starts reflexively - but catches herself and looks sheepish for a moment. "...Yes please."

As for her side...

"It still stings a bit." She admits. "It hurts to move too quickly or too roughly, but... it's better than it was."

It's probably going to leave a scar... but, at this point, that's the furthest worry from her mind. Especially now, as she hears the door open.

Rikka looks up - and there Gridman is, standing in the doorway. A part of her was worried she might not be able to recognize her friends when she saw them next - but seeing him there erases all doubt.

There's no mistaking him. Memories come flooding back - and she begins to tear up a little too, when she sees that he is.

"Gridman..." Rikka murmurs in greeting. Shouting is a little difficult right now. He approached them and retrieves something from his backpack - it's quite the delivery.

"W-wow... This is a lot... Thanks." She says, managing a small smile. Gridman takes her other side, then - and pulls her into a hug. She's surprised, at first, but... it's nice.

"...Th-thanks. I'm... I'm..." She takes a breath. "...I'm really glad to be back. I'll... keep that in mind."
SCENESYS: Puru-1 has posted scene #342, 'Re: I Am', at 19:00 EST on 06/23.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"I'll get you some ibuprofen when I get up," Akane says, nodding. "I dunno how much it'll help, but... hey, better than nothing, right?"

When Gridman arrives, Akane does her best to greet him with a smile, even if it's a little difficult. "Hey, Gridman," she says, doing her best to stay calm. The drinks get a raised eyebrow -- and the blanket makes the smile a lot easier. "Oh, this is going to help a lot."

She stands up, heading over to the kitchen with clear purpose. "Hmmm, melting cheese would be a pain in the butt right now, and I think we're out of Gruyere anyway. Actually, uh, if you want to run out and get some after this that might be a good call," Akane narrates; the latter is for Gridman's benefit. "But I think, hmmm..." She goes to the fridge, snagging some lemon puree she'd made earlier, some ice cubes, and a couple small bottles of blueberry yogurt. Then, to the pantry for some fruit granola. "Yeah, this should work," she affirms, starting to pile it into the blender.

"How are you holding up? Did things in Nouvelle Tokyo turn out okay?" she asks Gridman. "Uh -- 30 seconds before answering that, actually," she says. "Sorry --"

Pulse pulse pulse. Even in the future, there's only so much you can do to make the act of crushing ice quiet. (It also keeps her out of the way a bit and lets Rikka unite with Gridman on her own terms, which... might have been her plan all along.)

Now she's ready for an answer, as she pours a smoothie and -- after a little poking around -- finds the ibuprofen and brings two pills over along with it. "Here," she says, getting settled back in.

"It's -- good to see a friendly face!" Akane says, though it's a little difficult to get out and comes out a touch forced at the end. She likes Gridman, but there's definitely a little lingering guilt.

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

Gridman laughs nervously under Akane's raised eyebrow, scratching the side of his cheek. "I had to bring something, right? It'd be weird to just show up." Thank goodness, she likes the blanket. It's a soft pink, right on the other side of pastel. "Feel how soft, it's really nice!"

It is, truly, very soft. That kind of minky fabric that you imagine clouds would feel like, before you learned they were disappointing puffs of watery air.

"Please, allow me, Akane." Max rumbles, then vanishes in a blur of movement. It seems Gridman's comrades are here to provide support, allowing the youngest Hyper Agent to focus on his friends.

"Anytime." Gridman answers Rikka, sniffling again. "I'm so, so happy you're home. I'm --"

He wants to apologize. For not being there. For not resucing her sooner. But, really, was there anything Gridman could've done that he didn't already do? Would apologizing put the burden of reassuring him on Rikka?

"I knew you would come back to us." He decides on. There's an easy companionship between the two now -- where before, sitting this close made Gridman anxious, now it feels comfortable. "I was out of my mind, but deep down... I've always believed in you more than I believe in anyone else, Rikka."

Akane asks about Nouvelle Tokyo, and Gridman opens his mouth -- only to be interrupted by the grinding of the blender. He shrugs, smiling shyly, waiting out the noise.

"Honestly? We almost had Alexis." Gridman sighs, shaking his head, setting his little red hair-spikes swaying back and forth. "He was acting really weird and like... gleeful?" Is that a word?

Vit, leaning against the back wall, looks up from his phone. "Yeah, managed to shoot him a few times, but he warped away. Hate that."

"It all makes sense now. And don't worry about a thing, the NERV kids and I cleaned out 000's attempt at taking over the city. They actually... had a Verona in there, somehow?" Gridman sounds unsure about it. "It was pretty tough. Rei saved me, and then Mari saved everyone else."

Akane returns bearing a smoothie and ibuprofen. Gridman looks at the pills, concerned -- recognizing them. "Are you hurting, Rikka?" Obviously, Rikka's been through the most here, and she deserves the care, but... Gridman turns to Akane, worry in his eyes. "And have you eaten enough, Akane?"

Looking down at his own hands, Gridman tugs at the wristband hiding his Primal Accepter. "Caretaking, even when you love someone, is really tough. Have you had time to rest and start recovering?"

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"Thanks." Rikka replies with a nod as Akane offers to fetch the ibuprofen. She doesn't have to suppress the urge to say 'it's fine' this time, at least... so that's something.

She listens as Akane narrates her thought process, watching intently as she gets to work - though her attention turns to Gridman as Akane asks him about Nouvelle Tokyo.

...She'd heard what happened after the fact. She could only hope it isn't too serious...

She shakes her head, though, when Gridman says he had to bring something.

"It's alright, really... I'm just happy to see you and everyone again." She replies with a shake of her head... though she, too, does reach out to feel the blanket. "...That is really nice."

Gridman says he's happy she's home - and eventually says that he knew she would come back. That he believed in her.

...Her head hangs a little. His belief hurts a bit. She shakes her head.

"...I... I'm glad you think that way. But... I wouldn't have made it out without Akane. I wasn't-" Her breath catches in her throat. ...In the end, she lets the sentence fade uselessly, her gaze falling to the floor again.

...Fortunately, Akane's return proves a good distraction.

"Thanks,,, This looks really good." Rikka replies, offering a small smile. She takes the ibuprofen first, before working on the smoothie.

...It is really good. Good, proper food... she's really missed it. It's hard to miss the way she seems to relax, just a little. She listens as Gridman explains what happened, more and more concern crossing her face.

She looks up, though, at Gridman's own concern. She hesitates for a moment.

"I, uh..." She starts, before deciding to just tell the truth. "...It was... just a graze, but I got shot at. It's healing up, though."

Gridman asks Akane how she's doing, though, and Rikka watches and listens attentively. ...She wants to know how she's doing, too.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Ahaha, I'd probably do the same thing, but I dunno if it'd be quite this thoughtful," Akane answers him, with an embarrassed little smile. Max volunteers to pick up some fondue cheese, and Akane's able to smile a little more freely. "Thanks."

When Gridman tells Rikka he's believed in her more than anyone else, only for Rikka to respond that she wouldn't have made it out if not for Akane... a little anxiety sets in.

Smoothie first.

Settling in, Akane listens to Vit and Gridman's explanation. So it was Alexis... "I think he was having a good time knowing we were on the other end of the world having a crappy one," Akane volunteers. "I wouldn't read too much into it." With a nod to Vit, she says, "... I'm starting to get a better picture of him in my head, though."

... that's not a happy thought. She's eager to get past it.

... there's something she needs to address before anything else. Sometimes, things that go unsaid are a lot louder than things that get put into words.

"Rikka... you fought so hard. Think about what they did to Leina in the same kinda time frame. Sure, you had me to rely on, but all I did was give you a hand to hang onto." Now she's tearing up a little as she says, "Rikka's heart is stronger than anything. I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't."

Settling back in, she lets Rikka answer the question. "That one's -- kind of my fault. I needed the security to get thinner, so I asked if we could do a trip out to... uh... well, Dr. Murasame wanted Marusan. She caught on, so Knight was there instead, and it turned into a fight with the security detail." She doesn't know that the NGJHS cleaned that up, yet.

Both of them seem interested in how she's doing, and she starts at, "I'm -- perfectly fine!"

Unfortunately, Lie Fatigue(tm) settles in INSTANTLY and she says, "... actually, kinda bad," slowly. "I... think I understand why Alexis keeps doing this stuff now. And -- I kind of... ggghh. I almost feel bad for him." Shivering, she adds, "As long as I'm with Rikka or doing something, it's okay, but... sleeping sucks, lately. It's hard to get a sleep aid refill compared to the rest of my meds, and I keep just lying in bed and going over all that stuff again..."

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

Gridman's face falls when Rikka hangs her head, worry drawing his brows together. "But that's why we have each other." He says, quietly. "That's why we're an Alliance. If your positions were swapped, you wouldn't be blaming Akane for what happened, right?"

He takes a soft breath, trying to find the right words. "You fought as bravely as anyone could have. And you're still fighting now. You haven't lost who you are. No matter what, you're still Rikka. That's incredible. That's all we could ever ask for."

Akane's smoothie seems to help Rikka, and Gridman relaxes a little bit more, too... Until Rikka reveals she was shot at. Tears fill his eyes again, and he stutters out a little sound of horror.

"I'm so sorry." Gridman can't keep it in, this time. The words are heavy. "Thank goodness it wasn't worse."

From the other side of the Junk Shop, a half-audible streak of oaths reach the children. Should anyone turn to look, Borr is simply running a diagnostic on Junk, their back carefully turned to the children.

"That sounds right for him." Gridman says, about Alexis, a scowl on his face. "I know Alexis is immortal, but I hope Vit's bullets hurt him like hell. I don't think it's bad to understand him more. It just means we'll be able to predict his movements and take him out all the faster."

Max makes his reappearance, placing a bag of high-quality fondue cheese on the cafe bar. "I hope it is to your liking." He looks at the dour faces of the three on the couch. "Would you three like anything else to eat? I would enjoy being able to help, even in a small way."

"Oh, I'd love another coffee, Max." Gridman asks.

"No." Max responds, folding his arms before his body. "You have had enough caffeine in the past week. I will make you a milkshake."

Gridman sighs, flopping back against the couch. "Thank you..." He mutters.

Max sets to work arranging ingredients. Gridman turns his attention back to the girls, blushing a little in embarrassment.

"Leina..." Yellow eyes lower their gaze. "She didn't make it out, right..? Do you guys think she's going to be okay? The Shuffle Alliance made a timeline for how long they've had her and. It's bad." Gridman finishes, lamely.

Vit, Borr, and Max share a glance as Akane speaks of the lessened security detail. Gridman tilts his head, blinking once, then twice.

"Oh, we know about that." He says. "Knight called Calibur, and all of the Neon Genesis Junior High Students came to help. It was--"

"Fine!" Borr calls, from the computer. "It was just fine. Those guys were pathetic. They really got hired as private security? Hope it was minimum wage."

Gridman glances their way, thinking of bloodstained suits, but he lets the statement stand. Borr isn't wrong. None of the blood was from the Neon Genesis Junior High Students, after all. They also got to learn how quickly Sayla can make a half-dozen bodies disappear, which was way more alarming.

"I couldn't do much." Gridman admits. "But it was a way we could help. All this time, we were waiting for a chance to move in. Not a single person gave up on you guys. Not for a second."

Akane lies, and even Gridman, guileless and innocent, sees right through it. He simply waits, staring at her with his inhuman eyes, until the truth comes out.

"Why does he do it?" Gridman asks, softly. "I've never been able to understand him. Maybe it's something I need to hear. If you're okay talking about it, okay? If not, it's alright."

As Akane goes on, Gridman listens. Even the noise of Max preparing food feels like it fades into the background. This is the most trust Akane has ever put in Gridman... He can feel the weight of her admission of weakness. His fists clench. Her effort won't be wasted.

"You've done so much, Akane. I can't imagine what you've been through. I think... While you have something in front of you, it's easy to push away thinking about stuff. But I think, um. That stuff has gotta be processed. It's waiting right there."

"And I think, it'll keep waiting, until you let it out." Gridman sounds unsure, but genuine. He's trying his best for her. "Maybe you can talk to Dr. Mass about the sleeping medicine, but... I think you've gotta face this stuff."

Akane doesn't like being touched by boys. Gridman knows, and so instead of grabbing her hand, he just looks at her, steady and honest.

"If helping Rikka is helping you, then I think you should keep going. I think you guys need each other right now. But, for other stuff? Please let me take a turn. I'll pick up whatever you need or want from the store. I'll sit with one of you in appointments if the other needs to rest. Just tag me in, like it's a video game or something." Gridman doesn't plead, as he says it. His voice is strong.

"You don't have to face any of this alone. We're --" He pauses. What are they, really? Friends, certainly, but the word doesn't feel strong enough. Gridman tilts his head, thinking of an ancient VERTEX chain. "We're a family, remember? All of us together. If we work together, the whole village will be safe."

That's... not quite how the legend went, but he says it so earnestly.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Alexis... Rikka feels a surge of hate, but she clamps it down. Akane says she's getting a better picture of him - but then, she addresses her.

She fought so hard, and her heart is stronger than anything...

"...Akane..." Rikka murmurs. And Gridman follows it up - that's why they have each other. That why they're an Alliance. She wouldn't be blaming Akane.

"...No, I wouldn't." She admits. She fought as bravely as anyone could have. She's still fighting now. She hasn't lost who she is, she's still Rikka...

...Right now... Right now, it's difficult for her to believe all that - she feels... fragile. Like she could fall away at any second, if nudged in the wrong way. But... they believe in her. She can feel the depths of their care for her and their belief in her.

...Maybe it's enough, first, to accept that they believe that, and work on the rest later from there.

"...Thank you. I'll... I'll try to remember that." She murmurs.

Gridman apologises for what happened to her, and she nods.

"...Thanks. I'm glad, too. If I had been anywhere else..." ...It could've been much, much worse.

She's briefly distracted by noise from the corner - and of course it's Borr, seemingly upset by something. Rikka... actually manages a small laugh at that, though it doesn't last long. Max reappears not long after.

"Thanks... but this is good enough for now, I think." Rikka says... and pauses before forcing herself to add, "I'll let you know if I think of anything, though."

That's something she needs to force herself to get used to.

As for the question of Leina... Rikka can only quietly shake her head. She doesn't know what happened to her, after all that... but the fact that she hasn't heard anything isn't a good sign.

Akane... tries to lie, but she isn't doing well, it seems. She understands why Alexis does the things he does... She can understand why that might be a distressing thought.

"...Akane..." Rikka murmurs. She reaches out - this time, she's the one taking her hand, to grasp it for as long as she needs. Gridman asks the pertinent question - the question of 'why?'

...She wants to know, too. She can't imagine it, herself.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Gridman's reassurance passes without comment from Akane -- it's important to let it stand on its own. That relationship... that's important, too. She can't be hovering over Rikka's every move.

Borr's frustration -- this is the first time Akane's really gotten exposed to it. Glancing over to them, she gives a little wave, but doesn't do too much more; she knows how it is when someone's trying to talk to you while you're working on something that requires your close attention.

Akane gives a nod to Max, saying, "Thanks. Actually, if you're up for it, I could go for some eggs?" She's so concerned about Rikka eating that she almost forgot to think about eating on her own, which is... something.

Mention of Leina... "We didn't stick around the whole time. I don't think she made it out, but... she has people who won't give up on her, and people ready to welcome her back. That has to be good enough... and we have to be ready to help." Something about that doesn't sit right with her, but -- it's all she can do.

Akane thinks her way through Gridman's other question instead. "... It's kind of like... because of how much stuff sucks in the world, it hurts to watch people do pointless stuff, right? The one thing I don't get is... I'm not quite sure if he wants to challenge people to build them up, or if it's just more fun for him to watch them fail. Maybe it used to be one and ended up the other way around, I don't know, but... when I had to lie and act like I gave up, it... it felt like I got him a little better." A little bile wells up in her throat. "And I hate it."

She trails off, there, briefly meeting Gridman's gaze and taking it for what it is -- though she can only stomach a few moments' worth of those eyes.

"... yeah. And -- oh, you remembered the o-toso thing!" That brings a smile to her face. To be remembered in a moment like this...

Scooting in with Rikka a little tighter, she says, "Family, huh... maybe, yeah. If that's true we kinda ended up with a pretty big family here... we're going to need a lot of o-toso."

... conceiving of the future --

"We should do that this year! Like, the actual sake ceremony thing. ... I dunno what counts as 'east' in a space colony, though, and if we're going youngest to oldest we have a ton of kinda existential questions to ask..." With a laugh and a rub at the back of her head, she says, "I guess we get to decide what answers matter, though."

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

Gridman smiles at Rikka. He doesn't want to overwhelm her with praise and belief. Sometimes, carrying others' feelings on your shoulders can be a heavy burden.

The reason behind Borr's outburst will remain a mystery, though Vit straightens up to go assist her in her task. He places a hand on the small Hyper Agent's shoulder, and they exchange a look, before turning to work on Junk.

"Of course, Akane, Rikka." Max inclines his head slightly. He waits for a break in the conversation, and fires up the blender. Minutes later, he delivers Akane a plate of eggs, and Gridman a milkshake.

Gridman smiles, taking a sip of his treat. "Thanks, Max. You're the best."

When Rikka shakes her head in response to Gridman's question about Leina, his face falls further. "It's not your fault. Either of you. Just the fact that you three got out alive is a miracle... Akane's right. We have to believe in the people she loves, just like how I believed in you two."

"That's interesting." Gridman murmurs, as Akane shares her insight on Alexis. "I never would've suspected he was that kind of person. I thought he just got some kind of sick joy from causing cruelty. But it's like... crafting a story, when you put it that way. Like he's some kind of director arranging a play."

Gridman can hear the emotion in Akane's throat. He looks at her with worry, the feeling only increasing as she looks away. At least she agrees to tag him in if she needs to. He won't press more now, but... later. When Rikka isn't around for Akane to worry over.

An idea comes to mind, and Gridman puts his milkshake aside for a moment. Lifting the enormous pink blanket, he wraps it around Akane's shoulders gently. It's almost like a hug -- but one he can give without crossing one of her boundaries.

"That's what it was called!" Gridman smiles in return, settling back in. "Yeah, I'm planning on it for this new year. You've both got to be there. Oh, youngest to oldest, uhh.."

Gridman looks at Max, who offers a shrug.

"Well, according to Sigma, I should be around twenty-five? But I don't feel twenty-five. I guess I've existed like this for just a year, now, but... I don't feel like an infant, either." Gridman scratches at his cheek. "And Yuta's body is seventeen."

Ultimately, he takes a sip of his milkshake and shrugs off the existential questions.

"We'll decide what matters. Just like you said." Gridman smiles brightly. "And what matters most to me is that we're all together."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

It's not their fault... Rikka nods. And, it's true - Leina has people who won't give up on her. She'll just have to trust them to look after her - and in the meantime, it's like Gridman says. They have to believe in them.

Rikka looks pretty relieved once Akane gets some food of her own, then listens as she offers her views on Alexis. It... makes sense, actually, and Rikka frowns consideringly.

"I... remember talking with him. On the sluice gate." She says. "...I kind of got the feeling... he has trouble seeing anything but the worst of things."

Maybe that's part of it. She nods, though, giving Akane's hand a gentle squeeze as she expresses how much she hates getting Alexis.

Rikka listens with interest as Gridman and Akane bring up o-toso. Akane scoots in and Rikka welcomes it, leaning into her a little.

...Family, huh. Rikka's gaze settles on Akane for a moment. ...Maybe it's a little too early for that yet for them, but it's a nice thought.

"That sounds kind of nice... I... I think I'd like to do it, too." Rikka considers of the ceremony. Thinking about age, though... There's definitely a lot of questions, there - but like Akane says, they're the ones who decide which answers matter.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane picks at the eggs slowly, once they arrive, with a quick, "Thanks." In hindsight, she should have asked for an omelette, but... scrambled eggs are good too. She's content with what she has.

The insistence that it's not their fault -- doesn't entirely sit cleanly on Akane's shoulders. She's still inclined to agonize a bit. Nevertheless -- what he says next, and then what Rikka has to follow it up with... "God. Is he just bored and depressed? That's dire." A beat. "Kind of a mood." Another beat. "Nnnghh... I hate that..." Did he just want a friend? Did he want that friend to be her? ... Could he be better if she was a better friend --

Uggghh. No, way too painful to think about. She eats some eggs and lets the thought pass.

It's Gridman who occupies her thoughts, at first, since he's the one who brought up the notion of family. ... It's hard to miss, though, the way Rikka looks at her for a second as she works through the idea -- and then she turns bright pink.

It certainly makes her look more at home in the blanket she just got put on her, at least. They're almost the same color!

"We'll figure out who to invite, what order to do stuff in... it's a little ways off, but -- it'll be good. And then we've got university exams! I kinda feel like we should take those, even if we've already got something lined up? It'd be nice to have open options." Glancing to Gridman, she notes, "That goes for you, too. Taking care of that stuff is part of being a good friend for Hibiki-kun until he wakes up."

... wow, thinking about Rikka and Gridman makes it easier to imagine the future, huh...

She squeezes Rikka's hand back. "We... can make it through," she affirms, as much for Rikka as for herself.