2023-01-21: Embers of Doubt

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  • Log: 2023-01-21: Embers of Doubt
  • Cast: Teletha Testarossa
  • Where: ? ? ?
  • Date: U.C. 0097 01 21
  • Summary: An email from Mithril concerning details from Colonel Garland's attempted coup with the Macross 13.

(This email was sent out on the morning of Jan 21 0097.)

From: <A burner Mithril email.>
To: <Shuffle Alliance Leadership>
CC: <This space was intentionally left blank.>
BCC: <Black Knights Heads, Celestial Being Leaders, ZAFT Command, and Persons Of Interest confirmed to be at Colonel Garland's Attempted Coup resulting in the destruction of the Macross 13 and his death.>
Inscribed Encryption:
  • Email - Confirmation of no tampering in transit with matching MD5 hashes.
  • Mithril - Confirmed organization with cryptographically sound signature.
Enclosed Attachments: ColonelGarlandSpeech.mov, ColonelGarlandComparison.pdf, ColonelGarlandMacross13.ogg

Good Morning,

First off, Mithril wishes to extend their condolences to everyone who was at Pendragon. The coup was a thing that should not have come to pass, and may Colonel Garland rest in peace.

Mithril sends this email to posit that the Macross 13 is not destroyed. More importantly, Colonel Garland was not acting by himself, but with, or guided by, an accomplice with an unknown end goal.

Enclosed are four documents. In order:

  • ColonelGarlandSpeech.mov
  • ColonelGarlandMacross13.ogg
  • ColonelGarlandComparison.pdf
  • ColonelGarlandTranscription.txt

We will refer to these as Speech, Macross, Comparison, and Transcription respectively.

Speech is one of Colonel Garland's speeches before his movement with Blue Cosmos. Macross is the audio of the final 15 minutes of Colonel Garland's life before the supposed destruction of the New Macross 13, ending upon the ship's transition to orbit. Comparison is a visual spectrum comparison of the previous two's files. Transcription contains the relevant contents of the Speech and Macross files, including timestamps and subtitles.

What Mithril has found is that Colonel Garland's speech before the Macross Cannon's confirmed firing upon the Toy Box is identical to one of Colonel Garland's speeches. Alongside this, there is an unnatural shift in cadence in the sentence following the copied one.

Mithril proposes that there was a third party behind Colonel Garland's sudden actions, using the evidence of identical lines between Speech and Macross and verified by the analysis found in Comparison, with additional technical information found in Transcription.

Mithril also urges that any suspicion about this incident be relayed back. Considering the state of the world today, information is the key to victory.


TDD-1 - The Toy Box


I don't know how many of you suffered due to Colonel Garland's coup. One was too many, but the extent of the damage upon us was, in a sense, lucky.

Regardless, it has been over a month since Tsutsujidai did what it did. I fear the worst and hope for the best, but I do not believe we can be in this stalemate of waiting and hoping. With current relations as it stands, we can only try and form a better, more cohesive understanding in the face of what's to come.

Truth be told, I'm unsure if the Macross 13 is destroyed. There's too many oddities, too many things that conveniently went right in that explosion. But the fact is that something out there manipulated Colonel Garland. For what ends, why, and how, I can't answer.

I wish to reconvene what Wang Liu Mei has tried to push together, so that the power vacuums formed by the disappearance of people do not morph into all-out collapse.

Thank you,

TDD-1 Captain

(The email ends here.)