2025-02-01: Worth Living
- Log: 2025-02-01: Worth Living
- Cast: Eight Orlodhari, Flay Allster
- Where: Eight's Office, in Magallanica
- OOC - IC Date: February 1, 0100 (2025)
- Summary: Following her defection from the Gaia Sabers, Flay meets with the Admiral of Terminal to determine her next steps. Eight asks her what she wishes to do, and they both agree to not only protect the world but live in it.
<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.
There are downsides, now and then, to having an office on the top floor of the building. At least the MDF main office has elevators. Appointments with the Admiral come here. The MDF facility is triangular, with a dignified sign in front of the building, made largely of glass and metal, in the main colony of Magallanica. There are soldiers around, but they're largely the 'wearing base uniforms' kind rather than the 'actively carrying rifles' kind, the MPs and such aside.
The inside of the building is well-appointed and more comfortable than one might imagine; there are wide corridors, perfect for those who don't get off of ships often and might want some extra space. But most of the desks are metal, serviceable rather than luxurious. It's a practical sort of building.
Eight's assistant will buzz any given appointments in. When they arrive... They will get a nod from Rasima (said assistant), and the door will open to lead them into Eight Orlodhari's office.
There's models of ships; one of the old 'Ra Mari', and another of the 'Ra Mari II', done up in something that looks like gold but might not actually be gold. There's a hockey stick over an old jersey reading 'York'. And there are photographs; pictures of Eight and a large green man and their children, as well as one of Rena and Anita.
But Eight herself is behind the desk, looking up when Flay enters. She is in uniform, albeit a maternity uniform, because she is quite visibly pregnant. Flay might forgive her if she doesn't stand, but she moves to stand to greet her anyway once she steps inside.
<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.
A lot has changed, in the past few weeks, since the paradigm shift in reality that began with the Empress at the End - between the reveal of an organization called Logos as the apparent puppet-masters behind the Gaia Sabers, the ensuing outbreak of conflict, and the sudden collapse of NUNE's consensus. A lot has changed for Flay, too. Deciding she wasn't going to be a pawn for Logos, she used the communications code she had received in secret from Murrue Ramius, and slipped away from Heaven's Base overnight along with the Strike E and several of its packs.
An officer deserting - and taking an important piece of military hardware with her at that - is not an offense to be taken lightly. The only reason Flay was able to get away with it in the first place was because high command was far too busy with everything else to go after one girl, and because she knew she had a lifeline. That brings her here, to Magallanica. She hadn't expected to be back so soon after the terrorist attack, and she'd been staying with Miriallia at her apartment until she got her bearings.
Still, if she was going to stay here, she thought she should probably make it worth their while. To that end, she's arranged a meeting, with an Admiral who holds a great deal of influence over the inner workings of Magallanica - and beyond. With a deep breath, Flay waits outside, ruffling the blouse she'd bought for the meeting. Right. She'd probably have to replace her entire wardrobe she left behind at some point. But... that's kind of a trivial matter compared to what she's really about to talk about, isn't it?
Standing where she is, it finally starts to hit - really hit. She betrayed the Gaia Sabers. Britannia was her homeland, but if she ever so much as tried to return... they'd probably shoot her on the spot, no matter who her father was. Her life or death is on the kindness of these people, even if many of them were her friends. At the same time, it's kind of a weight lifted - it's far too late for regrets, so she has to make it count.
Following Rasima into the office, Flay looks a little nervous at first, but the tension fades as she takes in the atmosphere of the room, and the photographs of familiar faces. And when she regards Eight, well... it doesn't feel right to ignore it. "Oh! Ah... congratulations. Is it too late to say that?" Indeed, seeing as Eight is pregnant, she tries to make it a little easier by taking a few steps closer to the desk so she can sit back down if she wishes.
And then she reaches her hand out to shake. "Flay Allster, formerly of the Gaia Sabers. It's not the first time we've met," She says, because she remembers briefly speaking with the Orlodhari's in the VIP box of that high-profile Asticassia duel. "But a lot's changed since then, hasn't it? I'm sure you probably have a few questions... but I wanted to thank you for having me first."
<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.
It's been chaotic beyond measure. It's been strange. Eight, too, saw what became of the Empress--but she had no idea that all of this would follow. ...Because she's been viewing reports, she has a better view of it than many, but it still doesn't entirely make sense. So, she's focusing on what things she can make sense of. One of them... is this issue. Young Flay Allster, whose father...
Well. She's her own person now, isn't she?
Rasima smiles at Flay to try to encourage her, but then salutes Eight and closes the door behind her.
"Thanks," Eight answers as she stands. "It's definitely not too late. Or too early!" A smile. "I'm at twenty-four weeks," she explains. "I'm firmly on desk duty these days... Which is convenient, because it means I can attend to your case personally."
Eight sits down with a grateful look, and it is only a ltitle hard on her knees. Then, she extends her hand too, and shakes Flay's hand. Hers is warm but firm.
"Eight Orlodhari," she answers, though of course Flay knows that, too. "It's not," she agrees. "But these are circumstances that lend themselves a bit more to a seriosu conversation."
A pause. "Yes. A lot has changed." A smile, then, as she takes her hand back, and inclines her head. "You're welcome. People who want to change their way of life... I believe they should be afforded that chance. Though I must admit it's not just charity; there are matters of position and practicality here, too."
"But before we consider that... I want to say in return, welcome to Magallanica. You'll be safe here, if you want to be."
A pause. "But I do have questions. The first is... Tell me in your own words, what makes you want to come to us, instead."
<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.
With Rasima's encouragement, Flay enters the office... and it's also encouraging to see that Eight is willing to smile. "About halfway there, huh?" She nods. "I hope it all goes well." Even without considering her own age, Flay isn't exactly rushing to have children, but she understands how important it is to many women. She takes Eight's hand, and doesn't quite manage the same grip strength - but her handshake isn't weak, either. There's some resolve to it.
"I can agree with that," Flay nods, about having a serious conversation. "I'm not naive enough to think it'll be so simple, and at first, I wasn't entirely sure if I deserved it, but... I also feel like I can trust you." Somehow, she already does feel safer here than she did around Heaven's Base, even if she is in a bit of a difficult situation right now. "And... I think there's a lot I can offer you in turn." Flay is not a poitician, like her father. She isn't even really an officer anymore - but to be a bargaining chip has always come naturally to her.
Eight's question requires her to think beyond that paradigm. In her own words. What she wants. She gives it some thought first, her eyes tracking across the room, before settling on Eight. "When Chairman Durandal first made his announcement, I was really confused. I knew my father was a member of Blue Cosmos, but I'd never heard of Logos before. At first I didn't want to believe it, but... it made me think about where many of my thoughts and beliefs had come from. And what purposes my actions in the Gaia Sabers were really serving." She'd already been questioning it, but in a sense, that was the final straw. "But I don't want to fight another senseless war!"
Her eyes track back to the photographs set up on the desk. "But to answer why here, specifically... I have my reasons." There's her history with the Archangel for an obvious one, but also... "During the Battle of Junius Seven, your partner- um, I mean, your Captain, saved my life. When I didn't know how to repay her, she told me to keep my eyes open and encouraged me to make my own decisions." She looks back to Eight. "The next time we met, it was during the nuclear attack... and I was ordered to fire on her." She gives Eight a pained look. "I was hoping I could apologize for that, too. I... I never wanted it to turn out like that."
<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.
It's very important to Eight! ...But it's not all that's important to her--which is why she's still here working, instead of on full leave. Magallanica still needs her, and she maybe needs to stay useful.
Resolve is more than good enough, as compared to raw strength.
"Deserve..." Eight shakes her head. "Well, I'll tell you how I feel about 'deserve' in a minute," she says. "I'm glad you feel you can trust me. I'll try to be worthy of that trust."
But a lot she can offer? That's useful, sure--but a bargaining chip isn't how Eight likes to treat lives.
Logos, Blue Cosmos... Eight nods. "That makes sense," she says of questioning, and keeps watching thoughtfully when Flay says she doesn't want to fight another senseless war. She doesn't answer immediately; it's important to her to let Flay finish, first.
"...That sounds like her," Eight says of Rena. Captain, partner; she's both.
"...We've all done things we regret," Eight says of that pained look. "...But admittedly, the fact that she's still alive makes it easier to forgive. That's not true of everyone we oppose, even when we don't want to."
A pause. "...But you'll have the chance to give her that apology, at least. All we can ask is that everyone do the best they can at any moment."
She smiles, then. "...But you know? I originally joined the military for Captain Lancaster, myself. I was an energetic kid who had no idea where her future was going..."
She lets that trail off. "Regardless," she says, "I believe you. As for wars--you're not obligated to keep fighting. If you simply want asylum, we'll grant you that, and let you start a new life here. We will need the hardware one way or another; that's something I can't let remain in the hands of a civilian. ...But if you believe in our cause, we can give you a place here, too. Where your life goes--as much as I can, i want that to be up to you."
"...You've had a long road getting here. It's all right to take some time to think about your next steps. But with everything changing so quickly... It would be best if you made up your mind soon. Not immediately--but soon. NUNE's collapse could lead to something a lot worse. I'm hopeful--we're in talks with many other governments, which I can tell you--but... We have to keep an eye out for the possibility."
<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.
To be deserving of one's kindness, to be worthy of one's trust... regardless of whether or not it's true, it's what Flay and Eight have shown each other. Flay feels some relief, as Eight seems to understand her reasoning. In a way, it's refreshing not to be treated as a bargaining chip for once.
"Yes.. she's a kind person. I know she's been through a lot too." Flay says, about Rena. "I don't know if I'd ever be able to forgive myself if she, or Ms. Rosetta, had been shot down." But as Eight says, it's easier to forgive when they're still here. She's not sure she would've been able to bring herself to finish the job, anyway. "...Still, I guess I'm just glad to have the chance to show her I meant what I said." She smiles.
And then there's an interested look when Eight says she joined the military because of her... because she had no idea what she was doing. As an Admiral, Eight had seemed so well put-together to her, it's almost a surprise to hear. "I'm sure you must've been through a lot since then. I mean, I heard from Captain Ramius about what happened at JOSH-A... but it's also a little inspiring that you were able to survive and figure out your own path despite it all."
She then considers Eight's words about her own future path. It sounds so easy, almost tempting even - to just accept the asylum, give up the Strike E, and live out the rest of her life as a civilian. She'd never have to worry about war again, exactly like she wanted. It's the closest she'll ever get to her old life back on Heliopolis. But the more she thinks about it... "I appreciate the offer, Admiral... I'm glad you gave me the option. I'm not sure, though. It might be that.. I've seen too much to just return to a life like that."
Flay produces a card from her purse, the comms code from Miriallia that brought her here. One of Terminal's. "It's true that your activities extend beyond just defending Magallanica, right? I said I didn't want to fight a senseless war... but if your goal is to bring real peace to the Earth Sphere, I won't turn down the chance to help you. I brought the Strike E with me for a reason... and if enough people are willing to listen to my words, maybe we'll get a step closer to that peace."
"Of course, I'll give it some thought... but if you have the power to make a difference, you should put it to use, right?" Those were just some of the words that had kept Kira down for so long, it's only fair that she live by them too. "If my answer changes, I'll let you know. But if Kira, Ms. Lancaster, and the others will be fighting, I don't think I can just stand back. Even if it's against my former allies." She does spare a thought for the people like Aurora - who never had the chance to leave like her.
After all, it's as Eight says - NUNE's collapse could make things better, but it could make them a whole lot worse. "Right. I don't think the Chairman was wrong to reveal the existence of LOGOS... but it did shatter the unity of NUNE, for whatever it's worth. It's clear he has some goal in mind... so we should probably be ready for anything."
<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.
"I understand," Eight says. She has people she doesn't remember shooting down--people from back when she was a weapon. ...It's not the same, but it's hard for it not to feel similar even after all these years.
"Good," she says of showing Rena. And then that interested look gets a smile. "I have," she says. "I became a Captain after being just a fresh out of the academy, expedited Comms Officer... and then I took the ship into my own hands, and my crew thankfully trusted me enough to go with me."
"If it inspires you, I'm glad."
She appreciates the offer, but... isn't going to take it. Eight had a feeling, after all this--but while it's bittersweet to see someone choosing this life, it's Flay's choice to make. Maybe she can read that in Eight's expression. Maybe not.
The code... "Ah. Good, so you're awaare." Eight thinks about it for a moment, and then nods. "Yes," she says. "That's what we're fighting for. It's why we opposed the Gaia Sabers--why we opposed NUNE's excesses, and why we're trying to make peace with as much of the Earth Sphere as we can now."
If you have the power...
"That's what they say. I tend to feel the same way, myself. It's why I'm still here." A pause. If her answer changes... "That's hard," Eight says. "To fight former allies. I've done it myself, and the only way to do it is to let yourself feel that difficulty--you can work past it, but if you don't acknolwedge it exists, you might never get your 'self' back from the palces you go."
"...Yes. I don't know what his angle is... But I have a feeling we're standing in the way of it."
"...But remember. We're fighting for the day we can put our arms down, too. Don't get so caught up in fighting that you forget to live. ...Try to do both, if you can."
<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.
Eight says she understands, and Flay can distinctly tell she means it, even if she doesn't have quite the familiarity with Eight's past to know why. Eight does tell her about some of her more recent past, though. "A comms officer being thrown into the Captain's seat... it seems like a surprisingly common occurrence, now that I think about it." But Eight was singularly able to rise to that challenge, making it all the way to Admiral of a fleet. "Mhm... you know, speaking to you now, I think I get why people are so willing to rely on you."
Flay can also tell, just a little bit, that Eight feels conflicted about her decision. As a person who once forced someone else to fight because she couldn't, Flay fully understands the weight behind her choice. Still, it feels better to make it herself, rather than get swept up in the tide of the changing Earth Sphere.
As for Terminal... "Right... I can't blame you, even if we were enemies just a week ago." Flay admits. "Because I think if you'd never intervened when you did, things would have turned out a whole lot worse for everyone." For one, she'd be dead, without Rena's intervention. And more than that, the PLANTs probably wouldn't have survived to hear Dyma Goldwin's declaration, either. "Even if it's the more difficult road to follow." She's seen how it's made them a lot of allies - and plenty of enemies, too.
"I don't think anyone likes to feel like they can't make a difference." Flay nods, when Eight agrees. "It's not like fighting is the only way to do that, but..." Fighting former allies.... Flay's been trying to put up at least a moderately strong front for Eight, but being honest, she feels terrified by the prospect of it. "A lot of my allies in the Gaia Sabers, they were... enhanced humans." Flay explains, her voice turning hushed. People like Eight, Cyber Newtypes. "People who don't get a choice in the matter like I do, who have no option except to fight or die. I... I can't pretend that doesn't bother me." She takes Eight's advice to heart... let herself feel that difficulty. "Right... so I won't pretend."
Durandal's angles... while she's sure he's up to something, Flay doesn't really have the political mind to know exactly what he's going for. She can leave that to the experts, but she does give Eight a curious look when she says they might be in his way. But what Eight says next is something she can understand. "I'll do my best. This world is worth protecting, and that means it's worth living in, too." She's not entirely worried about losing herself to the fights, after all, she has plenty of friends here. But she appreciates Eight for raising the concern. "I'd say the same goes for you, but..." She looks at those happy photographs again. "I think you've been setting a pretty good example, Admiral!"
<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.
"It happened a lot," Eight agrees. "Sooner or later, leadership falls to whoever's left, for better or worse. ...Hopefully at least sometimes for the better." Speaking to her, Flay can see that? Eight smiles, but it's a very serious look in her eyes. "If I can be someone people can count on... Well, it's as you say. If I have the power to make a difference... I'd like to."
Eight tries to give that choice to everyone she can.
Eight nods. "Yes. ...It's not something I could let slide. I lost people to ZAFT, too, during the war. But the people of the PLANTs don't deserve to be exterminated. ...It's a harder road, true, but at the end of the day, at least we can say it's the road we chose. That's something all you can do."
Plenty of enemies indeed. But the friends are worth it.
"...That's worse, isn't it?" Eight says softly. "Knowing that they don't get that choice. ...We can't always save them," Eight admits. "It bothers me, too. I know full well how lucky I am."
But... Well, Eight is one of those experts, these days, and even she isn't sure what that angle is yet.
She has her own experts to ask.
Then she smiles, and this is wider, more easy. "Just so," Eight answers. "...Haha," she answers, and it is a genuine laugh if a small one. "Thanks," she says. "...It's easy when you have so many people you love."
She extends her hand across the desk again. "Rasima will get you settled in, in the meantime; we've arranged a residence for you. ...Thank you, whether you fight or not. Seeing even one more person choose another path than the Gaia Sabers... it gives me more hope."
<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.
Flay nods, at the idea of better leadership. "And it's more than just single battleships, too. I really did believe in NUNE. But if it's falling apart now... I'd like to hope the right people will be able to pick up the pieces." She wonders if she'll be one of those people... but she feels certain Eight's leadership will be important in the times to come. "Exactly. If nothing else, I can make sure you won't need to use that power alone." It always does take an entire crew to run a ship.
"I once believed it was the only way..." Flay admits, when Eight mentions wiping out the Coordinators. "I never thought I'd forgive them. But I've gotten to know many Coordinators since then... and they really are just people. If even I could come to understand that... maybe one day we'll get to bridge the gap between Natural and Coordinator."
'We can't always save them', Eight points out. Flay recoils at the memory of Lilium Valerie, in that strange pod. "We can at least try," Flay says, "...But I'm sure it isn't as easy as it sounds." Flay pauses, when Eight says she knows how lucky she is. She doesn't pry into exactly what her experience with it might've been, just deciding to take away that Eight has seen enough to know what she's talking about.
Flay smiles, too, to hear Eight let out a genuine laugh. "You know... the relationship setup you have seems so different. It's not all so bad." Flay points out, trying her hardest not to sound rude. "I was once arranged to marry for political purposes, so I'd always seen relationships as more of a transaction than anything. But you all seem so happy." Thankfully, she'll have plenty of time to untangle her relationship with the heterosexual regime now!
"...Thank you," Flay nods, and she even remembers to turn to nod to Rasima. "Magallanica's a bit of a culture shock, but I think I'll get used to it with time." She doesn't know if she'll live here permanently, but for the time being, she can try to see it as 'home'. It's not her first time living in a space colony, but Heliopolis was quite different. "And.. you're welcome. I would never be able to choose this path if there was no one there for me. I only hope.. there will be others willing to follow me." She concludes, with a resolved smile. She thinks the meeting went well... only hoping she made an okay first impression. She wasn't expecting Eight to be so... nice, but it's well, nice!