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As Anosillus is freed, Akane feels ''bone-deep'' relief. Kaiju should be free.
As Anosillus is freed, Akane feels ''bone-deep'' relief. Kaiju should be free.
"... Yeah, we definitely don't have the juice left to fight someone like Joje Rival," Akane says, when BioNet plays its own trump card. The Dividing Driver probably won't last much longer either -- it's probably best to cut their losses and appreciate their gains... and make sure the other team is okay.
"... Yeah, we definitely don't have the juice left to fight someone like Joe Rival," Akane says, when BioNet plays its own trump card. The Dividing Driver probably won't last much longer either -- it's probably best to cut their losses and appreciate their gains... and make sure the other team is okay.
As people reach out to encourage Akane further, Akane rubs at the back of her head. "... You guys should be thanking Rikka. Sheryl, too, the next time we see her. I'm just doing what other people taught me... ahahaha."
As people reach out to encourage Akane further, Akane rubs at the back of her head. "... You guys should be thanking Rikka. Sheryl, too, the next time we see her. I'm just doing what other people taught me... ahahaha."

Latest revision as of 04:46, 28 October 2023

<Pose Tracker> Mobile Weapons Team has posed.

It might not be an enormous surprise to GGG when Alba City's sirens begin to wail.

They received a warning from Spike Spiegel: one of his contacts was murdered and he had concerns about that. He didn't have anything concrete, but he told them to keep an eye out. As such, when the air raid sirens go off, well...

They knew something could go wrong. Now, it's a matter of finding out what.

They quickly see that in the distance: a massive, turtle-like kaiju that is stomping across the Martian landscape, towards the domed city. Moving nearby it are a pair of grey Wanzers; they rush over the ground, armed with shotguns. And, more than that, there are speakers mounted on them.

They play a strange song, played over a synthesized piano.

One of the pilots of the Wanzer speaks, voice echoing over several channels. "GGG. We're a private group of citizens with Alba City," he says. "Surrender GaoGaiGar to us, or we'll be forced to use force against the city's western side until you comply."

A moment later, another voice speaks -- this time, over GGG's networks.

"This is Jet Black," the gruff ex-cop says. "Those are Red Dragon Syndicate. They stole some of those models, not too long ago." He hesitates for a second. "We've got a problem. Lucine is missing -- Spike is looking for her. But I don't think these guys should be left alone."

The two Wanzers continue speeding towards the city. And behind them...

KTS: Artemisia ka Britannia has joined Mobile Weapons Team's bucket!
<Pose Tracker> Knight has posed.

        "Naito, come, come! We can't be cooped up all this time! Pushing yourself too far and then collapsing, geez!" The Second -- or 'Nidaime', as they call her, in Japan -- drags her partner down a street of Alba, away from the ships which have docked here in on their way to Jupiter. "Yoooou-- are DOWN IN THE DUMPS!"

        Knight frowns, his neatly-pressed suit rumpling just so as the office lady ahead of him drags him on. "Mm," he hums, noncommittal.

        "And that means!" Nidaime speaks with punctuation, as she pumps her free hand: "We're going! To KARAOKE!"


        One of them is all emotion, and one is blunted; but Knight follows Nidaime, faithfully, to the karaoke booth. "All right," she smiles, as she pulls out her microphone. "Let me show you how we do it! I, the Second, will sing--!!"

        Knight leans forward, just so, with only a little grimace as his healing core is jostled in the motion. His arms all slung across his knees, he watches, intent, as she starts up the...

        ... song...

        "A--aahhh?" Nidaime asks, all choked out, as a strange pianist's melody overrides the choice she'd made. "AHHH--!!"

        "The Second!" Knight barks, as he launches up, at once, to catch her. She clutches at her ears -- she SCREAMS,

        "HELP ME--!!"

        And outside Alba, in the nearest clear space, a massive shape resolves, all rippling at the edges with technological effects. Anosillus the First responds to his daughter's call,

        and the music,

        keeps playing.

        The music -- THE MUSIC -- siren and shackle, it steers Anosillus as he lumbers in towards Alba City, towards his daughter's cry, towards...

        He ignores the wanzers, flanking him, playing that tune. The aim of his anger is plain, made clear by the piano's fine notes. He is almost seventy metres tall, raised up onto his lumbering hind legs; massive bull's horns flank him, erupting from his armour, head horned like some ancient dinosaur. His shell is raised like an opera house; his claws are blunted and massive. He will surely do immeasurable damage, if he is allowed to reach his goal. And yet...

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka was there when that warning went out - she'd helped passed it along. So it's not a surprise... but she does regret that Spike's hunch turned out right. She had plans today...

...But at least she and Akane are spending time together in one sense right now, as Kakuseijin V2 deploys.

As they draw closer to the combat zone, though, they see the nature of the threat this 'private group' poses to the city. A kaiju, heading toward the city... but not just any kaiju.

"That's... Anosillus. How...?" Rikka gasps. ...And that's when she notices it. That music. Rikka shudders for a second. It's... eerie - a strange piano tune echoing from the speakers equipped to the wanzers, tugging at her senses and her mind in unpleasant ways. Hearing it, she feels a sense of unease."...That song... that has to be it."

She shakes her head, trying to clear her thoughts.

"That kaiju is Nidaime's father... he's usually friendly. I think they're controlling him! We have to stop him before he does any harm!" Rikka announces. ...But immediately after she finishes, she finds her confidence wavering.

...Can she really do this? Can she really save someone? She remembers back to Kakuseijin V2's first real combat deployment, and how it ended... Rikka takes a deep breath. She exhales. Her hands, suspended in spheres of Linker Gel, grasp the controls slightly - a sensation that might pass through them.

...She's going to make sure this time ends differently.

"...Let's get closer. But not too close." Rikka suggests. And once they draw close enough...

"Anosillus! It's me, Rikka! We're all Nidaime's friends... we're here to help you!" Rikka calls out. She doesn't know if he can hear them all over that music... but it's worth a try - even if only to provide some assurance.

With that, she takes control for a brief second, the Neuronoid transforming from Accept Mode to Active Mode. Kakuseijin V2's kaiju-like head turns its gaze upon Powered Zenon, opens its mouth... and fires a beam!!

...It's a good beam, though - tracing a shield over her friends' form to provide some reinforcement.

"That should cover you guys for a bit..."

KTS: Rikka Takarada targets Neon Genesis Junior High Students with Fortify!
KTS: Rikka Takarada has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Qivi has posed.

When Qivi prepared for this operation - the whole trip to Jupiter - she expected space battles.

Why wouldn't she? Jupiter doesn't exactly have a lot of things to land on, and so she *knew* she would have to engage space targets. And, of the two mobile units she owned, that meant one was a clear winner. Sarangay was atmospherically sealed, sure, but it didn't do well without something to stand on, while Minokawa was capable of operating pretty much anywhere.

Which is why Minokawa came on the space train, and Sarangay got to sit in a storage garage run by someone she trusted, paid up for the next six months.

But just in case Minokawa had to deploy, say, inside a colony (she was pretty sure Jupiter had at least some colonies, even if they weren't civilian colonies - surely the Energy Fleet was based out of one?), she'd brought some extra equipment. Minokawa had massive axe-blades on its feet but when they were deployed it didn't stand very well, and it couldn't really fly indefinitely, only manage very extended booster jumps. She needed a way that Minokawa could make sweeping kicks, and ideally swooping strikes with its wing blades. It had taken her a while but she'd found a solution.

When they'd gotten to Mars, she'd dug it all out of storage, just in case. It'd be a little strange of a deployment if she actually needed to use it, she thought.

Then disaster had struck. Of all the things that might have happened here - especially after Spike's warning - 'local criminals somehow manipulating Anosillius in a violent demand for GaoGaiGar' was not even on the top ten possibilities. Qivi almost immediately saw red.

But now that she was actually driving what she'd put together for Minokawa, despite the dire situation, despite her worry and anger and her desire to fix this problem, she had to admit it: at least it looked cool.

Minokawa itself is a heavy-looking, faintly insectile machine; only fourteen meters high and change, but built broad, with flared armour plates, blades where wings might be, claws on its hands and enormous folded talons that seemed to serve as feet when closed up. And it is...

...Minokawa is riding on a motorbike, sized for it, with a cannon slung backwards from its seat.

Fortunately, Qivi actually owns a motorbike, and so she knows perfectly well how to drive one, though she's never prepared to do it while readying for combat and 'wearing' a heavy suit like Minokawa; she's macronized in there, but it's a bit more than power armour, closer to a human pilot with a kobu. She's practiced, but is practice enough? Only one way to find out.

Minokawa squeezes the grips, though it's being surprisingly delicate given the size of its hand-claws, and leans forward as if to try to squeeze out some more speed. She's already turned the wing blades on their sub-arms to be parallel to the ground, to cut into the wind rather than be held flat against it.

"I see the big guy," Qivi says, into her radio. She knows Anosillius; she's fought with him before, however much in passing that was, and she's met the Second. "You guys think you can help him?" she demands, having no idea how to help Anosillius. She's going to have to trust the others on that. "Then while you do that let's show these assholes why not to pull some bullshit like this!" She's furious, Qivi finds. "If there's anything I can do, you let me know, right away."

Qivi switches her radio to a wider broadcast: "<'Forced to use force'? What are you, some kind of coward? If you're going to pull something this underhanded and cruel, own it! It won't make me go easier on you but at least you'll be honest about being a terrorist and all-around asshole! Get your hands off of him - !>"

Qivi guns the engine on the bike, and it hits a small rise. At the same instant it does, she fires Minokawa's back thrusters, sending the entire bike up in an impossible jump, actually going straight over some outlying buildings before landing almost on one of the wanzers; she spins the bike on one wheel when she lands, threatening to bowl a Numsekar over.

KTS: Qivi targets Mobile Weapons Team with Cannon Bike Sideswipe!
KTS: Qivi has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

        This doesn't seem particularly important to the mission. They haven't even made it to Jupiter yet. Risking reducing their fighting strength here seems unwise.

        But then Chloe isn't in command.

        So when the alert sounded, she was of course quick to sortie, regardless of her thoughts on the matter. As a result, the large Pallas Makhia lumbers its way towards the outside edge of the Alba City dome closest to where the attack is originating. The machine turns to face the approaching Wanzers and beast in the distance.

        Being a Buster Type pilot, the plan calls for Chloe to provide long range support. Which suits her just fine. Not only does she not really come equipped with melee weapons, the Wanzers are roughly a sixteenth of her size. No doubt their agility is well beyond her own. Chloe watches their approach, the three targets highlighted on the screens across the wall of her cockpit. Chloe reaches up with both hands and grasps at the holographic weapons stowed there.

        The Pallas Makhia reaches up, taking the heavy cannon from its back in one hand, the artillery missile launcher in the other.

        The Red Dragon Syndicate machines give an ultimatum.

        Their words are unimportant. Nor replied to. Terrorists should only get one thing.

        <"Chloe, Pallas Makhia. Providing artillery support.">

        The Pallas Makhia aims its cannon and fires, the large 400mm shell blasting out towards the Wanzers. With that kind of calibre, even a near miss is going to shake the small machine's frames. They better not take a direct hit if they don't want to die!

KTS: Chloe targets Mobile Weapons Team with MKW-195 400mm Heavy Cannon Blast!
KTS: Chloe has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team fails to parry Qivi's Cannon Bike Sideswipe, taking 3180 damage!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 82185
KTS: Qivi has engaged Mobile Weapons Team!
KTS: Your EN is now 198.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Kaworu had heard from Spike that an acquaintance of his had been killed. Kaworu had given him his thoughts on the matter, then said he'd help to the extent he's able. When Jet transmits that Lucine's gone missing and Spike is looking for her--when Kaworu senses a nefarious piano melody and sees Anocillus manifest outside Alba City in response--it's clear that this is the extent he's able.
        "Anosillius II..." Kaworu murmurs, lifting his chin from where he's seated in his usual fashion (right leg bent towards his chest, left leg dancing off his perch, left hand resting next to him, right arm resting on his knee) on Unit Beta's hand. Unit Beta, for her part, is crouched near GGG's train.
        He might have only joined the train from the Moon rather than Earth or even Orbit Base, but he's brought a new mobile weapon with him. Kaworu has spent most of his time thus far on the train in or on her, and it's with this weapon that he stands. Unit Beta bows and turns her arm back to bring him up to the entry plug, her long, white hair parting around it, and he enters, a courtesy to the sensibilities of his compatriots.
        A moment later, Unit Beta rises. Her coloring is champagne yellow; her silhouette is distinctly feminine with curved hips, extra chest plating, and high heels. Engines attached to her pylons extend; iridescent-orange gossamer wings extend from them, and Unit Beta leaps gracefully into the air.
        She carries an Evangelion-scale rapier; it is her main weapon. Nonetheless, when she flies over the Kakuseijin and other GGG forces to land before the massive bulk of Anocillus, she greets him only with her hands, palm-out in a warding 'stop' gesture. When Anocillus inevitably does not stop, she will grapple with his enormous blunted claws, potentially snaking a hand around and taking a step inwards to jab her elbow on his joint to further discourage his advance on the city.
        "<Anocillus,>" Kaworu projects softly from within the hitherto unknown Evangelion, a gentle firmness that does not harmonize with the projected piano. "<You mustn't rampage this way. It will do no good.>"

KTS: Kaworu Nagisa: Will Barrier Activates.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Knight with Elbow Strike!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team partially guards Chloe's MKW-195 400mm Heavy Cannon Blast, taking 2595 damage!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 79590
KTS: Your EN is now 198.

<Pose Tracker> Gai Kurenai has posed.

Strangely, of all the Sol Systems he's traveled to, Gai Kurenai has rarely had occasion to visit the 'red planet'.

Alba City is thus totally unfamiliar to him - and yet simultaneously familiar in all the little ways a human city has become to him - and his preferred manner of dress is slightly less unusual in the 'city of cowboys' than anywhere on Earth.

Slightly. He lacks the 'swagger' of actual bounty hunters, after all.

He's on his way back to the spaceport after a wander of the city when the tinny noise of the synth-piano wafts across the city air - but as bystanders look around in bewilderment, Gai puts a hand to his temple and grunts - and hears The Second's scream, even though she's in another part of the city entirely.

Something is deeply wrong - and the shaking earth from Anosillus the First's footfalls spurs the Sunset Wanderer to action.

Looking around, Gai ducks into an alleyway and swirls his coat, kicking up a cloud of red-brown dust to obscure himself from anyone who might be watching, and thrusts the Orb Ring skyward, 'vanishing' in a blur of radiant light.

"Ultraman-san! Tiga-san! I'm borrowing the power of your lights!"

====== FUSION UP! ======
(OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zJ7lIr-TvU&t=4s)

A giant clad in silver, black, red and indigo drops from the sky in a ripple of light, the cloud of martian dust obscuring him as he pulls himself to a standing position.

ULTRAMAN ORB: SPACIUM ZEPERION observes the situation, and understands precisely the purpose of the wanzers escorting the agonised tortoise kaiju. "Chief Shishioh - I will intercept the kaiju. They're hurting him." That said, he assumes his O-50 fighting stance, declaring to the Red Dragon Syndicate: "I am Orb! I light the Darkness, and strike at Evil!"

His obligatory announcement now pronounced, he charges towards Anosillus, wrapping his arms around the great tortoise's neck to try and slow his charge towards the city. His crystalline gaze tracks towards the Kakuseijin V2, sensing the pilots' unease, and his words travel to them: "Don't worry. I won't let us lose anyone else."

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

The sires wail - and Alouette is the first in the Division Train's Main Order Room to report. She was well aware that BioNet - or rather, the Red Dragon Syndicate could cause them trouble during their stay in Alba. But there's a slight grimace as she relays the situation, outside. The figure she sees...

"Looks like Spiegel's warning came true. We'll let him continue his investigation, but..." She zooms in the giant turtle-like figure on the main screen. "Look. That's The Second's father, isn't he? No, did they...?" It's clear as day, this behaviour isn't in the nature of this peaceful kaiju.

Alouette feels the urge to go out and help him immediately, as he sings those pained notes -- but the Red Dragons' threats catch her attention, instead. Surrender GaoGaiGar? Now that's a familiar one. "As if a plan like that ever worked out for them..." She asides, quietly, before Jet relays them some information. A marked frown when she hears Lucine's missing, but she quickly straightens in her seat. "Liam will come for her, no matter what. I agree... we can't let a threat like that go unignored. We didn't come to put the people of Alba City in danger, but there's no way we can give them GaoGaiGar. Or let what they did to Anosillus stand."

Soaring from the Division Train's Mirror Catapult is the newly upgraded Gatherway Guardienne Aviaire, equipped with an armoured jet for improved thrust in the further reaches of space -- and a taller, reinforced frame, truly exuding the image of a gallant, winged knight Alouette intended the mechanoid to be.

The mechanoid stares down the two Wanzers making their mark on the city with a gleam. "Foolish. Haven't you learned your lesson by now? And dragging an innocent and gentle kaiju into your plans... you won't get a shred of mercy from me." The former scion of BioNet threatens Lin and Shin, as she approaches.

Blade in hand, it might look like she's simply posing en garde, without actually doing anything - but Alouette is nothing if not thorough, already calculating the perfect wavelength to jam those Wanzer models, all to give GaoGaiGar enough time to --

"Guy, Dividing Driver, heading your way! Let's make sure their threats hold no water, shall we?"

As for Anosillus... several friends have already made their way to soothe his pain... Rikka, Akane, Kaworu, and that Ultraman guy, too. She feels... relief, knowing it's in their hands.

KTS: Gai Kurenai targets Knight with Orb Grapple!
KTS: Gai Kurenai has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Alouette Pommier targets Mobile Weapons Team with Jam!
KTS: Alouette Pommier has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Alouette Pommier jams Mobile Weapons Team's sensors, reducing his accuracy.
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 79590
KTS: Your EN is now 198.

<Pose Tracker> Zan has posed.

The sound of a train is easily heard before it shows itself. Instead of going for Anosillus, the train diverts. Especially as there's no tracks, that should be concerning as hell for just about anyone. And it's flying. Even if it's low to the ground.

There's a sudden burst of smoke from the second car of the train as an orange craft takes off from it and the train heads up into the air to apparently observe.

"These wanzers seem to be causing this. Round 'em up and let's brand these outlaws!" Comes the voice of Zan as he flies out in his hovercraft ORCA mode.

Flaring his jets to catch up, he decides to show that GaoGaiGar isn't the only thing for the Red Dragon Syndicate to worry about.

That supportive train on it's way up into the air turns a bit. Turrets pop out of the tops of the cars and twist to point at the Wanzers before it starts to open fire repeatedly to attempt to slow them down and let the others catch up to them. Especially as it tries to drive them towards the incoming Dividing Driver zone.

Zan himself giving a 'Yee-haw!' is probably a bit unnecessarily heard. Someone showed him westerns apparently.

KTS: Zan targets Mobile Weapons Team with Supporting Laser Fire!
KTS: Zan has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team successfully avoids Zan's Supporting Laser Fire
KTS: Your EN is now 198.

<Pose Tracker> Artemisia ka Britannia has posed.

A strange and terrible song...


"Hmh," Artemisia ka Britannia declaims as she gazes up at the screens indicating the core information of the threat to Alba City. "Summarize for me."

"YES, YOUR HIGHNESS," says CALEB QUINN, an unremarkable-seeming if weather-beaten man. He has one hand in his right jacket pocket. "It would seem that this is an attempt at using the great beast with intent to extort. In particular, they demand the surrender of GaoGaiGar to them."

Artemisia turns slightly to look at the gentleman.

"I thought of that too," Quinn replies: "but it sounds like there's an attachment to the beast. It's some sort of hyper-being. Connected to the Tsutsujidai business."

Artemisia grimaces, without elaboration.

"It seems like disappointing quarry, in my opinion," Quinn muses. "But the drivers are another story."

"It does take courage to attempt something like this," Artemisia continues. "Will we have to take responsibility for the damn turtle afterwards?"

"From the records -- No. 'Anosillus' can survive in Martian environments, apparently," Quinn concludes.

"Hmmm-m-mh," muses Artemisia.


Caleb Quinn breathes heavily, seated in a Sutherland configured for long-distance optical telescopy. His hand is stroking the Face, feeling the gray fur. He doesn't wear the Face. He doesn't think he'll need to. His job is simply to find. No different, in the final analysis, from guiding. A guiding day, not a hunting day.

"Spotted, your highness," he transmits. "Two Wanzers. Shot-type equipment. Can't tell if one's the lead."

"Ugh," says Artemisia.

Shrouded beneath a dust-red cloth, moving swiftly in the lee of the dust being thrown up by the deployment of larger and heavier machines, the occasional glimpse of bare and gleaming metal or painted perfection shines outwards from the Renard -- the top's drape, of course, resembles a fox.


An electromagnetic anomaly builds. Something spits out of the back of the Knightmare Frame, ripping through the shroud. Caught in some invisible field, the object - a simple cube of iron with some tungsten-alloy inclusion for hardness -- trembles, crackling for a moment. "Tum tee tum... Let's go on the right," Artemisia says, before

CRACK: The accelerated shot streaks outwards, thunder ringing shallowly in the Martian atmosphere as it hurtles towards one of the wanzers.

VRRRNNH-- as the KMF pivots towards the Wanzers.

"All these bold announcements," Artemisia remarks, this time to her co-belligerents: "Quite stirring!"

KTS: Artemisia ka Britannia targets Mobile Weapons Team with Rangefinding Shot!
KTS: Artemisia ka Britannia has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> TenRyuuJin Team has posed.

        A trail of red dust cuts around the edge of the great dome, approaching Anosillus and his wanzer-piloting captors at lightning speed. Long-range cameras resolve two vehicles, which could easily be mistaken for part of Alba City's garrison--one has the sleek profile of a missile carrier, and the other has some sort of long-barreled cannon folded up on its bed. The colors are wrong. The missile carrier is dark purplish-black, and the artillery vehicle is bright pink. (A better camouflage choice on Mars than on Earth, but still.)

        <"GBR-9 AnRyuu, reporting. My sister and I have cleared the dome airlock and are en route.">

        <"Hang tight, Acting Chief! Ugh, this dust is getting everywhere!>"

        The transmissions come, respectively, from the missile carrier and the artillery vehicle: AnRyuu and KouRyuu's voices, for those who know them. The dust plume grows bigger; the silhouettes of the two vehicles are visible with the naked eye.

        <"Red Dragon Syndicate," says AnRyuu. <"I'm not familiar, Mr. Black.">

        <"Who's the big guy?"> KouRyuu trails off in an uncomfortable pause, as Rikka lays out the stakes. <"Oh. ...oh. This isn't the first time we've dealt with someone controlling a kaiju, Rikka. We've got this.">

        The twins are closing. <"Red Dragon operatives,"> says AnRyuu. <"Power down your Mobile Weapons, release your hostage, and surrender immediately.">

        <"Alouette, is that your new machine?"> says KouRyuu. <"We're sending you and the new girls a little something to help keep you safe!"> Data streams in to Kakuseijin Mk. 2's computer, and Guardienne's.

KTS: TenRyuuJin Team targets Rikka Takarada and Alouette Pommier with Insight L1.
KTS: TenRyuuJin Team has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: TenRyuuJin Team shares insight with Rikka Takarada, making her next attacks more accurate!
KTS: TenRyuuJin Team shares insight with Alouette Pommier, making her next attacks more accurate!
KTS: +defend (player or queue number)
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team successfully evades Artemisia ka Britannia's Rangefinding Shot
KTS: Your EN is now 188.
KTS: Gai Kurenai has activated the Trust Spirit Command targeting Rikka Takarada

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

In the Branch Order Room aboard the Division Train:

"Wish I could say this was a new one," Guy sighs, as the demand goes out. Spike's alert that someone was dead was already a sign something was moving...it could just be Spike's own past, but he doubted it. And here we are.

"Not a chance this is an actual group of 'concerned citizens', hey?" Cactus notes. Jet's confirmation concludes that line of thinking.

To say nothing of the arrival of The First. "Hostages," Supervisor Yang rumbles, hands clasped behind his back, glasses gleaming in the light. "And a controlled kaiju. This stinks of Bionet."

Shigeru sniffs, irritated. "This isn't a game GGG is weak against. These guys are underestimating us. Pommier, Guy, get to it."

"...I hope that's all it is," Guy murmurs. Some of what Spike said...he hopes this isn't something much bigger. "I'll go...talk with 'em."


Final Fusion occurs in the air, a whirlwind of green EM radiation masking the combining machine from intrusion. But just as it would dissipate, a shot of mirror-coated light rockets toward it.

When it bursts apart, GaoGaiGar tilts straight down toward the Wanzers equipped with a massive flat-head screwdriver, which it drives tip-first into the ground in front of the Wanzers. "DIVIDING DRIIIIIIIIIIIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!!" Guy roars, and the oxygenated fuel discharges all at once. In seconds, a huge space maws open beneath their feet - a harmless expansion that pushes the city out from around the wanzer team, leaving them sitting at the bottom of a kilometer-wide circular arena of bare rock.

GaoGaiGar squares up, its orange eyes gleaming beneath its helmet. The Dividing Driver hits the ground with a crash.

"Gentlemen," Guy says, chilly.

"You wanted a chat?"

KTS: Guy Shishioh targets Mobile Weapons Team with Dividing Driver!
KTS: Guy Shishioh has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team charges into the attack!
KTS: Guy Shishioh anchors Mobile Weapons Team, forcing him into close range.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team partially guards Guy Shishioh's Dividing Driver, taking 1000 damage!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 78590
KTS: Guy Shishioh has engaged Mobile Weapons Team!
KTS: Your EN is now 183.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

The voyage had been quiet for its first couple weeks -- but then, it couldn't remain that way forever. Still, Bionet affiliates weren't what Akane was expecting to break up the semi-pleasant monotony of travel; she'd been expecting the Ruin Apostles to make their move. She's a little scared to go out there after her last piloting experience, but...

... she's not alone. That makes it easier.

Rikka identifies the kaiju -- and Akane's heart sinks. Under the control of BioNet... something about that brings the bile up in her throat. "... why is it always this kind of thing with these people?" Akane mumbles to herself. ... it's not as though it's a tactic she's never employed, but she isn't sure she ever had the same motivational schema as BioNet.

"You have control!" Akane affirms, as they switch from Accept Mode to Active Mode, and immediately gets to working on monitoring. "That music is definitely having some kind of effect... but we can't totally ignore the kaiju." It's just a fact -- as much as she'd like to simply punish evil and avoid causing any harm to Anosillus... it's not that simple.

Her brow furrows as she says, "I'll do everything I can to get you good data." With Rikka handling movement for now, Akane focuses on providing support to others -- such as by transmitting her telemetry data to Evangelion Unit-Beta and the Neon Genesis Junior High Students.

KTS: Akane Shinjo targets Neon Genesis Junior High Students and Kaworu Nagisa with Awe.
KTS: Akane Shinjo has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Guy Shishioh has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

"What'd you say this thing was called again?" Buster Borr asks, holding up a glass of red liquid.

Vit, with a glass of his own, grins. "Bloody Mary. I thought it was pretty worthwhile."

Alongside the two Hyper Agents sitting at the bar, a third stands, keeping an eye on the door. He does not have a drink -- not that he has ever been seen taking one, really. Max's face is shadowed with emotion.

Borr takes a drink. They consider, glancing down at the drink, then back to Vit. Vit stares back, a lazy grin on his face.

"Yeah." Borr drinks again. "Yeah! You're right, it does taste like red. I'll take another!"

Vit lets out a quick laugh. "I knew you would. Max, you sure--"

"Yes." Max rumbles, not taking his eyes off the door.

"Alright, alright..." Vit raises both his hands in surrender.

There's only so much you can do to cheer up your comrades, even when you're all technically offshoots of the same person. This bar is hardly comparable to Aya, but it feels home-y. Maybe Vit will be able to get them over here more often? But just getting Borr and Max out of their quarters is enough of a victory for today.

Right as Sky Vitter is mentally congratulating himself, sirens blare. It only takes moments for the Hyper Agents to make it outside and identify what's happening.

"How the hell!?" Borr shouts. "Who brought the big guy?"

"Wasn't me, could've swore we left him back home." Vit runs a hand through his hair, looking sideways at Max.

The largest Hyper Agent has already retrieved the squishy, red, pseudo-terminal from his inner pocket. "Our allies are en route. We cannot be late. Together!"

In harmony, three voices call out: "Access Flash!"

Much like Anopapa, in the nearest open space, a giant forms. Blue, pixelated light heralds the arrival of Powered Zenon. Shining armor closed around empty space, the almost-Giant of Light gets their bearings immediately, gaze focusing on Anosillus. The smaller machines flanking the kaiju will have to be someone else's problem -- Anosillus is practically family. A strange uncle who happens to be a turtlebeast, perhaps.

Rikka and Akane are here already, earning a salute from Powered Zenon as their machine opens its mouth and beams a shield around the War Deity.

"Thanks!" Borr shouts.

This is their first big fight without Calibur by their side. They're going to need all the help they can get. Although, it won't be quite as bad as they feared, thanks to one brilliant young woman.

"Remember what Alouette said to us." Max instructs, as Powered Zenon brings their hands together before their body. "We must fight as if he were here beside us. Our intent and belief will serve as its strength."

"You got it, Max." Vit speaks up. "Here we go. Calibur Ring Plus!"

Cocentric circles form above Powered Zenon's clasped hands, formed in the same fragmented blue light that heralded the Hyper Agents' entrance. A heartbeat later, an axe-headed sword appears, first as an outline, filling in pixel by pixel. Soon, they find themselves holding a dataforged copy of their comrade.

"That's kinda fucked." Borr mutters, as Powered Zenon tests the weight of this phantom-Calibur.

"It will suffice." Max announces. "Look."

The Hyper Agents raise their gaze. A new Evangelion -- Unit-Beta, it seems, has engaged Anosillus. Kaworu speaks from within. In harmony, Max, Vit, and Borr feel their stomachs twist.

"Right." Vit answers. "Even more than helping out Anopapa, we've gotta keep him safe. No matter what."

No other words are needed. Hefting Program-Calibur, Powered Zenon charges forward to fight alongside Kaworu and his new partner. With a unified cry, they attempt to meet the kaiju shoulder-first and it away from Unit-Beta.

"Kaworu, we're with you!" Borr announces. "I like the new look. Wish we had wings like that, but someone here couldn't work it out."

Vit groans. "This again? Come on... We can fly, that's what matters, right?"

Beneath his comrades' banter, Max calls out to Akane and Rikka. "Akane, you may know Anosillus best of all of us. Any guidance you have to offer would be of great value. No one wishes to hurt the noble creature."

Max pauses, then broadcasts his voice a bit louder. "Is anyone in contact with Knight or The Second? I cannot imagine The Second would not come to aid her father."

KTS: Rikka Takarada fortifies Neon Genesis Junior High Students's armor!
KTS: Knight fails to parry Kaworu Nagisa's Elbow Strike, taking 2976 damage!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa has engaged Knight!
KTS: Akane Shinjo inspires awe, increasing Neon Genesis Junior High Students's Morale!
KTS: Gai Kurenai anchors Knight, forcing him into close range.
KTS: Knight blocks Gai Kurenai's Orb Grapple, taking 3225 damage!
KTS: Gai Kurenai has engaged Knight!
KTS: Gai Kurenai roots his unit, coming to a standstill and leaving him vulnerable.
KTS: Gai Kurenai begins a Formation attack!
KTS: Neon Genesis Junior High Students targets Mobile Weapons Team with Powered Charge!
KTS: Neon Genesis Junior High Students has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Neon Genesis Junior High Students has activated the Enable Spirit Command targeting Kaworu Nagisa
Neon Genesis Junior High Students has cancelled their attack.
KTS: Neon Genesis Junior High Students targets Knight with Powered Charge!
KTS: Neon Genesis Junior High Students has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Knight fails to parry Neon Genesis Junior High Students's Powered Charge, taking 4680 damage!
KTS: Neon Genesis Junior High Students has engaged Knight!
KTS: Akane Shinjo inspires awe, increasing Kaworu Nagisa's Morale!
<Pose Tracker> Lamia has posed.

         Convincing Rakan and the rest of the Somnium to join forces has been an ever increasing hassle. Or it had been, but thankfully, Lamia has a good excuse this time for everyone to band together. The longer GGG is tied up on Earth, the longer it will take to destroy the King of Ruin. Even if it's not the reasoning for why he actually wants to deploy, it's logic that appeases most of the group, save for Rakan, who Lamia never expects to please. Instead, the genius merely grumbles about how unnecessary all of this is. Majority rules however, and he's leader anyhow, so it doesn't matter...

         The sky tears above Alba City, revealing crimson red just like a crimson wound. Just as quickly as the tear appears, however, it vanishes, but not before a massive monster appears, a conglomerate of various parts that matches GaoGaiGar in height. It's a monster that, despite its brief appearances, is now known to many, either by ID or from first-hand experience.

         Betterman Cataphract.

         Despite its wing, the Betterman simply falls to the ground with a large thud, knees bending slightly as it absorbs the shock. It remains still after its landing for a while, listening to the song. Observing Anosillius. Staring down the Wanzers. Despite the lack of radio, the creature is clearly able to pick up context and come to several conclusions...

         Cataphract moves to meet the kaiju, its large feet shaking the earth with every step as it throws back one of its massive arms, winding it up for a punch before throwing it forward in an attempt to help repel the creature.

KTS: Lamia: Will Barrier Activates.
KTS: Lamia targets Knight with Forte Punch!
KTS: Lamia has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Knight blocks Lamia's Forte Punch, taking 1800 damage!
KTS: Lamia has engaged Knight!

<Pose Tracker> Mobile Weapons Team has posed.

"Shin," Lin asks his brother, as their Wanzers rush forward. "Are you sure about that song?"

"The offworld allies said it will work," Shin answers, his brow furrowing. "And Vicious said we can trust them."

"...Then I'll put my faith in him," Lin says, with an unwavering nod.

The twins look much alike -- black hair, dark eyes, and in their late twenties. Lin wears his hair short; Shin's is a little longer, with bangs in the front. Both wear jackets over a shirt and tie, even in the cockpit.

Their Numsekars are grey Wanzers, sleek and armored. Lin's carries a a shotgun with a massive pilebunker on the left arm; its spike gleams in the Martian sun. Shin's carries a bazooka, with the right arm sporting a heavily armored and reinforced band of steel. A knuckle for punching.

The same knuckle is what Shin makes his Numsekar lift, as Qivi comes rushing in on a bike -- and then his punch lands a moment too late, as she smashes a bike wheel into the Numsekar, smashing it backward.

"The Red Dragon Syndicate is civilized. We offered to negotiate," Shin says. "Remember our mercy after you're in hell!"

The Numsekar launches forward, swinging back its fist -- and the huge, spiked knuckle punches right for the front wheel of the Minokawa's bike.

Then, Shin turns his head -- as he spots a train coming for him. The Syndicate member narrows his eyes, then turns his Wanzer, zig-zags away, the laser blasts scoring the ground after. He lifts his bazooka, taking aim for the train.

Fire bursts out the back of the bazooka -- and a rocket explodes out from the front, hurtling through the Martian atmosphere, before crashing down for Zan's train.

Then, he picks up a gleam from his monitor -- and a split second later, Lin makes his Numsekar juke just to the right of the shot, which blasts up red stone and soil. He turns, aiming his bazooka in the direction of the princess's Knightmare Frame.

"Words won't matter!" he answers her, before firing. He fires a shell up, rising above her and Caleb's KMFs both; it explodes in the air, and rains down shrapnel across their position, with fire and smoke descending after the sharpened fragments.

Then, he turns his head -- frowning at KouRyuu and AnRyuu. Twins, too, he supposes. "I'll make the same offer," he says to them. "Surrender, and we'll let you live."

But he also raises his bazooka -- takes aim -- and fires a single rocket, which explodes out of the barrel, and goes hurtling off towards AnRyuu with explosive promise.

Lin's eyes look up, as the Pallas Makhia fires its huge cannon. The shell comes smashing down near his Wanzer; his Numsekar lifts one arm up, with the pile bunker, and the shockwave smashes his Wanzer backward. He hisses through his teeth.

"Damn Earthers," he spits to himself. "Always showing off..."

His Wanzer takes aim with the shotgun, raising it, and fires. A massive blast of flechettes explodes from it, hurtling across the Pallas Makhia's armor. Ultraman Orb calls out.

"Call us what you like!" Lin snaps at him, before he looks back at the Guardienne Aviaire, even as his systems crackle with static. "We weren't asking for mercy. And you... you know what happens, if you run away. I'd say you can tell Spiegel that... but I don't plan to let you live that long."

He rushes towards the Mechanoid. The Wanzer shoots in closer, lowering its shotgun, and takes aim -- then fires a massive blast of flechette rounds, which explode out for its armored feet as it speeds inward.

The Dividing Driver comes crashing down. In the distance, Shin sees his brother skating away from it, trying to avoid being pulled in close even as the field will overtake him -- and Shin knows he doesn't have that distance. He looks up at GaoGaiGar (and up, and up, and up..) and then narrows his eyes.

"Give it up, Shishioh," he says. "Your number's up."

Space ripples. Shin slams into it, as the ground is torn into that featureless plain, and the Numsekar rushes over it.

His jump jets fire -- the Wanzer goes airborn, swings back the Bone Buster knuckle, and then slams the huge reinforced slab of steel for GaoGaiGar's right knee.

KTS: Mobile Weapons Team targets Qivi with Bone Buster Repelling Punch!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team targets Zan with Boa-40 Bazooka Blast Shot!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team targets Artemisia ka Britannia with Boa-40 Bazooka Shrapnel Burst!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team targets Chloe with Catsray XX Shotgun Shot!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team targets Alouette Pommier with Catsray XX Shotgun Point Blank Shot!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team targets Guy Shishioh with Bone Buster Strike!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team targets TenRyuuJin Team with Boa-40 Bazooka Shot!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: EN Regen activates. Your new EN value is 207.
KTS: SP Regen activates. Your new SP value is 120.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team rattles Zan, making its next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Zan blocks Mobile Weapons Team's Boa-40 Bazooka Blast Shot, taking 2300 damage!
KTS: Artemisia ka Britannia charges into the attack!
KTS: Artemisia ka Britannia successfully avoids Mobile Weapons Team's Boa-40 Bazooka Shrapnel Burst
KTS: Alouette Pommier has activated the Rouse Spirit Command.
KTS: Alouette Pommier parries Mobile Weapons Team's Catsray XX Shotgun Point Blank Shot, taking 1470 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team has engaged Alouette Pommier!
KTS: Qivi parries Mobile Weapons Team's Bone Buster Repelling Punch, taking 570 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team repulses Qivi, forcing her to disengage.

<Pose Tracker> Knight has posed.


        Anosillus the First is not, it seems, one for conversation; his answer to Rikka and the others is a rumbling, angry roar. His head turns and tosses, as Ultraman Orb wraps about his great neck, to throw him aside -- threatening to trample him. He grasps and grapples with Unit Beta, though her grace proves startlingly effective; finally, he manages to shove her, and Kaworu, away. He turns to meet the Cataphract's punch against his shield, and Lamia will find it a very, very stiff opponent.

        Nearby, in Alba City, Knight puts his foot through the karaoke machine -- but the faint strains of piano, now, are coming from outside, and she can still hear them. Nidaime all but rushes out, and he follows her; catches her, again, as she hitches and shudders.

        "The-- music," she groans, clutching her ears. "Ah--hhh, my heart's boiling!"

        "I'm here," Knight says, and knows at once he can't leave her. No, if he goes out in this situation...

        Nidaime frowns, grasping at her head. "But, Papa... Papa is...!"

        "He wanted to protect you," Knight supplies, and he makes his own voice steady, even as his muscles tighten. "He came here to protect us." The words are in his heart as much as his throat, light snapping over his eyes as he tries to reach the ships, outside the dome, with some flash of insight.

        The Syndicate has no issues with endangering people to get what they want.

        And what they wanted, here --

        Dividing Driver dulls the music in Nidaime's ears, as the battle is taken so much further from the city; but Anosillus the First is still here, still listening, still enraged. He meets Powered Zenon's charge with his horns, using them like a bull's to throw them off of him; his turn is great and lumbersome, cra-CRUNCH his foot against the cracked Martian ground, rumbling at red earth.


        And so, Anosillus's shell LIGHTS with power, before it all collects to his horns -- and he fires his Sonic Blast across everyone who has come to get in his way.

KTS: Knight: Will Barrier Activates.
KTS: Knight targets Neon Genesis Junior High Students with Sonic Blast!
KTS: Knight targets Rikka Takarada with Sonic Blast!
KTS: Knight targets Lamia with Sonic Blast!
KTS: Knight targets Gai Kurenai with Sonic Blast!
KTS: Knight targets Kaworu Nagisa with Sonic Blast!
KTS: Knight has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Neon Genesis Junior High Students rushes into the attack!
KTS: Neon Genesis Junior High Students successfully avoids Knight's Sonic Blast
KTS: Knight: Will Barrier Activates.
KTS: Rikka Takarada blocks Knight's Sonic Blast, taking 1750 damage!
KTS: Chloe successfully avoids Mobile Weapons Team's Catsray XX Shotgun Shot
KTS: Lamia has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Artemisia ka Britannia has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Lamia's Will Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Lamia blocks Knight's Sonic Blast, taking 1250 damage!
KTS: Guy Shishioh partially guards Mobile Weapons Team's Bone Buster Strike, taking 3444 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team has engaged Guy Shishioh!
KTS: Gai Kurenai blocks Knight's Sonic Blast, taking 2450 damage!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa's Will Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa blocks Knight's Sonic Blast, taking 750 damage!
KTS: TenRyuuJin Team has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: TenRyuuJin Team successfully Intercepts Mobile Weapons Team's Boa-40 Bazooka Shot
<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Forces gather - some of them, Rikka doesn't recognize. In particular, that unfamiliar unit... an Evangelion? Rikka flinches just a little at the sight of it - but she relaxes once she realises who's inside. Kaworu... she's a little relieved, at that.

"...Yeah." Rikka murmurs quietly, in response to Akane's mumbling. She nods, though. It's true - if they don't do something to halt him, he's going to cause some damage. "I think we can make this work."

She smiles, then.

"Thanks - I'll be counting on you." She says to Akane. ...And, they're not alone on the field - they receive a reminder of that much when AnRyuu and KouRyuu send them some helpful data.

"Thanks! ...It's nice to be fighting alongside you. Please take good care of us!" Rikka replies.

Gai, Ultraman Orb, has words of kindness, too.

"...Thanks. We'll be counting on you, too." She replies.

And the Neon Genesis High School Students are here too! With... an addition she didn't expect?

"Is that-" Rikka starts. But... no. It isn't Calibur - just a weapon that looks like him. Still... they raise a good question.

"...That's... a good point. I haven't heard from them today..." She considers. ...She would be here - she should be here. She frowns. "...I hope they're okay."

...But right now, they have to worry about themselves. Anosillus's reply is a roar - and not long after, he unleashes a Sonic Blast. Kakuseijin V2 braces itself, stumbling just a bit but regaining its footing as the soundwave crashes into it.

The Dividing Driver goes up - but that still means they need to prevent him from harming their allies. They can't just leave Anosillus to rampage - he's still a threat.

"...Here goes!" Rikka says. She quickly transmits her plan over to Akane for repositioning, and once they've got a good angle for grappling...

"I have control!" Rikka announces as Kakuseijin V2 transforms again - and then fires off one claws. Attached by chain it flies toward the kaiju, seeking to wrap around something - and then, Kakuseijin V2 pulls hard to fight against his momentum. The size difference means they might not accomplish much - but if it makes things easier for their allies, that's good enough.

KTS: Rikka Takarada has activated the Enable Spirit Command.
KTS: Rikka Takarada has activated the Attune Spirit Command.
KTS: Rikka Takarada targets Knight with Chain Grapple!
KTS: Rikka Takarada has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Gai Kurenai has posed.

Scintillating indigo-and-white energy materialises in front of Orb as he spreads his arms and then crosses them in response to Anosilius levelling a volley of sound at him - the dangerous vibrations are dispersed mostly harmlessly across his expressed light.

Gai, within the inner space, grimaces and gestures - and Orb clasps that light before him and casts it outwards, where it expands into a sphere surrounding Anosillus. Surprisingly durable, the dome of light pushes back against the elder kaiju's attempts to break free, while slowing him and making it harder for his attacks to push through.

The kaiju's daughter...? That explains the cry he heard. "She's in the city!" He replies to Powered Zenon. "This music - it's hurting her, too!"

Spacium Zeperion concentrates on the beam maintaining the dome around Anosilius, feet planted in the red-brown earth.

KTS: Gai Kurenai targets Knight with Shutdown Protect!
KTS: Gai Kurenai has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Zan has posed.

Seeing the incoming shot at his train body, Zan angles his core form to protect it. The blast rattles his hovercraft mode and sends it spiralling for a moment before it rights itself and turns towards the wanzers. The train angles upwards away and begins giving better active footage of the battle for the supportive efforts as well as moving out of the firing range.

Zan meanwhile turns towards the one not trapped in the Dividing Field. "You two should not have done that, pardner."

Firing the jets, Zan flies after Lin and extends a very long chain. Once he gets far enough that he can, he suddenly spins in the VTOL orca form to send the chain flying, which has a massive hook on the end. Completing the flip, two arms unfold from Zan in preparation to grab the chain itself.

Said rockets take over trying to guide the hook to get a hold of Lin's wanzer and try to stop it in it's tracks the hard way. "You're coming with me!"

Zan might be in his orca form, but he's taken on bigger than the wanzer and survived as he tries to drag Lin into the Dividing Field.

KTS: Zan has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Zan targets Mobile Weapons Team with Guided Hit!
KTS: Zan has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Knight's Will Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Knight blocks Rikka Takarada's Chain Grapple, taking 2100 damage!
KTS: Rikka Takarada continues a Formation attack!
KTS: Knight's Will Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Gai Kurenai anchors Knight, forcing him into close range.
KTS: Knight blocks Gai Kurenai's Shutdown Protect, taking 540 damage!
KTS: Gai Kurenai has engaged Knight!

<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

        Showing off? Chloe is showing off? That doesn't seem right.

        The blast of flechettes rushes towards the Pallas Makhia. It doesn't try to move (not that doing so would really do it any good). Instead, a barrier consisting over multiple overlapping hexagonal panels of light appears in front of the Makhia. The fired shrapnel smashes against it, not a single piece managing to break through to the machine's armor.

        Okay, maybe she's showing off a little. Though it's doubtful that she realizes it.

        <"You are outnumbered. And outgunned.">

        As if to emphasize that point, the Makhia now raises the large launcher in its left hand up.

        <"You cannot complete your mission here. There is no further point to risking your lives. Retreat now.">

        As if to emphasize just how much risk there is, the Makhia fires a volley from the launcher. The large missiles don't fly straight once they leave the ports. Instead they rise up into the air, arcing over, before raining down across a large area to reduce the chances of the small machines from escaping the blast radii.

KTS: Chloe targets Mobile Weapons Team with MKW-223 LR Artillery Launcher Targeted Bombing!
KTS: Chloe has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Zan anchors Mobile Weapons Team, forcing him into close range.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team partially guards Zan's Guided Hit, taking 2700 damage!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 75890
KTS: Zan has engaged Mobile Weapons Team!
KTS: Your EN is now 207.

<Pose Tracker> Qivi has posed.

Finishing her spin, Qivi drops the bike back down to both wheels, starting to accelerate.

Not fast enough; the spiked fist lashes out at the Cannon Bike's front wheel, and she's not getting out of the way of that. So she doesn't even try - she swings her foot forward, 'opening' Minokawa's foot on that side.

What looked like toes in the 'closed' position turns out to be an armoured knuckle as the rest of the talon uncoils from where it formed the base of the foot. This also reveals a more massive blade more like an axe than anything else that serves as Minokawa's true heel.

And she catches the punch in those bladed talons, squeezing hard enough and cutting deep enough to score the punching guard the Numsekar is using. "Some negotiation. Dragging the kaiju into it - that's low."

(Yes, Qivi knows Anosillius' name. But she doesn't know if *they* know it, and if they don't she's not going to give it to them.)

"And if this is civilized I'll take my chances without!" Qivi kicks, not at the right angle to actually connect with the Numsekar - she's only trying to push it back so she can move, wheeling around for a follow-up attack...

...just as the Dividing Driver forms a new space. A very, very flat space.

"You couldn't have left me some ramps or something?" Qivi said *that* to herself - no point complaining to Guy, honestly he's got the right strategic plan here, but the lack of any kind of variable height means she's got nothing to jump off of. Not that she can't just... fire the thrusters and lift off, but when she's bringing the cannon bike along it's a little shaky if she doesn't have some vertical momentum already. Maybe she can use the craters that she's pretty sure Chloe is going to create in here.

So instead she runs down the maneuvering wanzer. Qivi swings her weight sharply to one side, sending the bike nearly to the tipping point as she turns - but it also brings the sub-arm with the oversized wing-shaped blade low enough to strike the Numsekar in a wide, sweeping cut as she passes by, turning toward the other.

KTS: Qivi has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Qivi targets Mobile Weapons Team with Wing Cutter Sweep!
KTS: Qivi has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team fails to intercept Chloe's MKW-223 LR Artillery Launcher Targeted Bombing, taking 3975 damage!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 71915
KTS: Chloe roots her unit, coming to a standstill and leaving her vulnerable.
KTS: Your EN is now 207.

<Pose Tracker> Artemisia ka Britannia has posed.

The KMF turns to face towards Lin's Wanzer as he opens fire. There is a great burst, and ripped tatters of that shroud erupt out of the chaos of the shot. Shrapnel no doubt takes its toll and the Martian dust rises, everpresent and irritating.

(In the KMF's cockpit, Artemisia -- giggles. But it isn't transmitted.)


Quinn keeps breathing steadily. Focus on the gravity, he tells himself. Isn't that nice? It's two-fifths of Earth's. Nice on your joints. And none of that twitching in a colony. "The kaiju's lighting up," he reports. "Not seeing anything else inbound."


Out of the dust cloud, a Slash Harken streaks outwards towards Shin, aiming to anchor into his Wanzer. The glittering blue and gold form of the Renaud shows itself, magnetic repellence keeping the metal from accepting Mars's stain -- at least, for the most part.

One of the machine's 'claws' - normally arrayed behind it on the circular suggestion of the magnetic driver - pops forwards. As the KMF reaches over to detach this weapon, Chloe speaks. Artemisia says, "You know, she's right. I'm surprised you're *here* - I'd expect you to be all but over the horizon, doubtless in a shielded vessel..."

"You aren't expecting your friends to show up, by any chance?" Artemisia asks Shin, with a face-splitting grin in her tone of voice alone.

KTS: Artemisia ka Britannia targets Mobile Weapons Team with Slash Harken Hook!
KTS: Artemisia ka Britannia has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        When a scarlet scar tears through the sky and disgorges the monster known as Betterman Cataphract, Kaworu gazes up at it. However, he knows this beast; there's no need for concern at the moment. Akane streams telemetry data to Unit Beta, increasing the amount of environmental data for her--and her support crew, back at the GGG train--to process. Ultraman Orb comes in to tackle Anosillus 'round the neck, while Powered Zenon knocks it away just as Anosillus shoves Unit Beta away. She flies backwards, flipping in midair and landing in a graceful crouch before rising anew, white hair streaming around her.
        She doesn't move like a robot. But then, she is an Evangelion.
        "Thank you, Akane, Rikka. And thank you too, Borr," Kaworu replies to his allies, his smile faint and lopsided as ever. "I'm sure you'll find beautiful wings of your own one day, if you wish it." Or if Vit wishes it. But they'll have to navigate those contradictory wishes on their own.
        That smile fades as Max wonders where Knight and The Second are. He's noticed of course that the weapon Powered Zenon is wielding isn't Calibur, but it only makes sense that they would leave someone behind to look after Yuta. That question, though... Orb explains that she's in the city and the music is hurting her. Kaworu adds, "Anosillus has sensed his daughter's distress and come to protect her." He focuses his gaze back on the great kaiju. "...I do not think she will be able to aid us at the moment."
        As if to convey his rage at this, Anosillus ROARS, then emits a blast of sonic energy from his horns to blast all those who've gathered in his way. The force and energy impact with Unit Beta's A.T. Field as she gazes eyelessly upon him; her long, white hair splays and whips out behind her as the force of Anosillus's attack grinds her footing back. All the same, she remains standing.
        "That music," Kaworu continues to the battleground at large, "must be stopped."
        As Kakuseijin V2 whips out those chains to attempt to unsettle Anosillus's footing, Unit Beta follows up by ducking down and sweeping her leg into the great kaiju's, taking advantage of any initial unbalancing to attempt to knock Anosillus completely over and render him vulnerable.

KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Knight with Ground Kick!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Knight's Will Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa rattles Knight, making his next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Knight blocks Kaworu Nagisa's Ground Kick, taking 1620 damage!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa has engaged Knight!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team fails to parry Qivi's Wing Cutter Sweep, taking 3600 damage!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 68315
KTS: Qivi repulses Mobile Weapons Team, forcing him to disengage.
KTS: Your EN is now 202.
KTS: Artemisia ka Britannia anchors Mobile Weapons Team, forcing him into close range.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team partially guards Artemisia ka Britannia's Slash Harken Hook, taking 3010 damage!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 65305
KTS: Artemisia ka Britannia has engaged Mobile Weapons Team!
KTS: Your EN is now 202.

<Pose Tracker> TenRyuuJin Team has posed.

        <"I really don't think this is an actual negotiaton,"> says KouRyuu. <"If you think you can bully us Braves, you're dead wrong! ">

        Red lights flash atop the trucks' unoccuped cabs.

        "Your proposal is noted," says AnRyuu, "and rejected. Release the kaiju hostage, and--"


        Both twins see that rocket flare, and track the incoming missile as it races towards AnRyuu. Their reaction to it is uncanny. AnRyuu starts to turn, while KouRyuu decelerates behind her; the massive folded cannon rises, and the focusing armature flares. A moment later, a brilliant beam lances through the air, striking the missile head-on. The warhead erupts in a plume of flame and shrapnel as the MASER shoots through it, then cores out the rest of the missile.

        Perfect timing, perfect synchronization. It's like they've trained together their whole lives. (They have.) A loud cry echoes across the dust as the twins speak as one:


        KouRyuu and AnRyuu swerve away from each other, going into full-on twisting skids on the Martian dust. The bright green of the G-Stone shines across the red Martian soil as the twins' vehicle forms unfold, twisting and turning to reveal limbs, heads, humanoid body plans. As their own localized storm dies down, they land in front of the wanzer, side by side; KouRyuu's MASER cannon sits ready at her side, while AnRyuu's shield rests on her arm.



        It's them. They're a little sleeker, a little more modernized, but the Dragons of Light and Darkness are back, and where they belong.

        "Hurting his daughter?!" KouRyuu turns and looks up, up at Ultraman Orb. (Gee, she knew Ultras were big, but seeing them like this is new experiential data. Same for Evas. That's not what they normally look like...?) "Well! We'll just have to show them how we dealt with BioNet back home, right, sister...?"

        AnRyuu rolls her eyes. She's already taken a knee between her sister and the wanzers, and raised her shield. The massive 'backpack' on her back--the missile racks from her vehicle form--swings up and out, parallel to her shoulders. "Understood, Administrator," says AnRyuu. "Stopping the music."

        Missiles streak free from their housings, racing across the battlefield towards Lin's wanzer. Each packs all the explosive payload one would expect from a conventional warhead, as well as metallic microparticles that immediately rush out into the thin Martian air.

        <"Deploying nanochaff," says AnRyuu. <"Preparing to interfere with enemy frequency.">

KTS: TenRyuuJin Team targets Mobile Weapons Team with GBR-9 Missile Racks - Smoke Missile Rain!
KTS: TenRyuuJin Team has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: TenRyuuJin Team rattles Mobile Weapons Team, making his next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team partially guards TenRyuuJin Team's GBR-9 Missile Racks - Smoke Missile Rain, taking 1913
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 63392
KTS: TenRyuuJin Team begins a Formation attack!
KTS: Your EN is now 202.
<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

One of the wanzers comes straight at him. Guy does not take it lightly; it's still a weapon, and the operator isn't behaving like some negligible flunky. He's right to take caution, too, as even that bonecracking Bone Buster smash at GaoGaiGar's knee resonates loudly in the Dividing Field. Guy emits a pained "HYAUGH!" as the hit registers on his own nerves. A one, two step stumble before GaoGaiGar has its footing again.

"That's not a call you make," Guy says. "Bionet thugs like you have tried stunts like this to get GaoGaiGar before! It failed with Gimlet, and it'll fail here!"

(Gimlet didn't actually fail, entirely, but let's not worry about that....)

The rest of the arrivals briefly register. Kaworu's here - So that's the new machine. So far so good...

KouRyuu and AnRyuu alight, and Princess Artemisia engages too. "Thanks for your help, everyone," he says. "Good to see you!"

"Now, as for you...! Cut that OUT!"

Lightning crackles along the Left Arm of Protection, and then Guy thrusts it at the Wanzer, thundering, "PLASMA HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD!"

Threads of lightning snake across the distance to grasp Shin's Wanzer, and once he's got it, Guy screams with exertion before hoisting it into the air, then swings down hard, driving Shin hard into the ground.

KTS: Guy Shishioh targets Mobile Weapons Team with Plasma Hold!
KTS: Guy Shishioh has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Guy Shishioh anchors Mobile Weapons Team, forcing him into close range.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team fails to react to Guy Shishioh's Plasma Hold, taking 2790 damage!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 60602
KTS: Guy Shishioh has engaged Mobile Weapons Team!
KTS: Your EN is now 202.
<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

It's not just GaoGaiGar, Gatherway Guardienne Aviaire, and Kakuseijin deploying to stop the Red Dragons and save Anosillus the First. Alouette is also heartened at the sight of AnRyuu and KouRyuu in action after so many years, finally regaining their combat-ready forms. "That's right! This machine is my wings, and my courage taken form." She answers the dragon twins with a bright smile. "You two aren't looking so bad yourselves, you know." She adds, wry. They receive a coded message saying MERCI, as Alouette receives their data and commits it to Aviaire's memory, as it's simpler to do both at the same time like that.

At Guy's roaring command, the Dividing Field goes up - but not before other allies make their own entrance. She can't help but pay attention to the Neon Genesis Junior High Students, since she helped them find a solution to their lack of weaponry. At a time like this... she really hopes it works. The rings emerge, and... do exactly as she worked them to! Even if poor Borr finds it a little unsettling. "How is it working for you? Even if it's not the genuine article, I really hope it suffices..." She asks, as Powered Zenon weighs the sword. They may find it's almost weightless in their hands, yet packing a punch nonetheless. "Remember, Calibur-san's still waiting for you three... as long as you can remember his courage, his quiet strength will be yours. After all..." She continues to watch the rampaging Anosillus, spell to the Red Dragons' song. "I think he'd hate this just as much as the rest of us."

Guy emerges in the wake of the Dividing Field, exuding a frigid tone only rarely heard from the King of Braves. And with that, the appearance of another entity. "Betterman's here..." Alouette says, hushed. Or rather, Bettermen's here. "I guess they made it after all... but I suppose we can count on their help for the time being." She marks them a tenative ally, even if Lamia's attempt on Guy's life isn't forgotten by her.

Systems crackling, it's still enough for Alouette to have to hear what the Wanzer pilots have to say. "Running away? As if..." She levels her cameras as Lin charges forth with his shotgun, going for an uncanny kicking parry against those flechette blades.

"And the idea that you could take me out with those two pieces of junk is laughable, too. Gimlet wasn't so successful at that either, you know!" It was enough to put her in a coma, but... she's here now.

"I'll start with you. Program! OVER! DRIIIIVE!" As Guy slams Shin down with a Plasma Hold, Alouette uses her own hold over Lin's machine - aiming to not just jam, but explode those sensors with the throw of a Program Ring. The ring detonates, crackling electrical energy across the Wanzer.

KTS: Alouette Pommier targets Mobile Weapons Team with Program Overdrive!
KTS: Alouette Pommier has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Alouette Pommier rattles Mobile Weapons Team, making his next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team fails to react to Alouette Pommier's Program Overdrive, taking 4000 damage!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 56602
KTS: Your EN is now 202.
KTS: Alouette Pommier has activated the Attune Spirit Command targeting Neon Genesis Junior High Students

<Pose Tracker> Lamia has posed.

         Cataphract arm meets resistance, and just as it pulls back to try again, the creature is bombarded with a blast of sound. It reels back just a few steps, its wings clipping and nearly knocking over a building behind it. It manages to correct itself before this is the case, however, and a shimmering translucent glow encases the Betterman like a membrane, seeming to absorb most of it.

         "It is such an ugly song, is it not?"

         Lamia talks, or rather connects, not to any of the currently deployed pilots, but to Anosillius. A mental message only for them. For all the good it'll do. They're currently lost in their rage. But even so, a voice to help guide oneself out from the depths of such overwhelming emotions might help. After all, it worked for...

         Cataphract once again contests the monstrous turtle yet again, this time raising one of its huge legs up to rest against the creature before putting all of its weight into pushing it back. As if in response to its wishes, a blast of gravity helps to back up the attack, welling up inside its shins before shooting forth.

         "Though, if you must take your anger out on something, let it be me and not the World."

KTS: Lamia targets Knight with Pondus Kick!
KTS: Lamia has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Knight's Will Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Knight blocks Lamia's Pondus Kick, taking 960 damage!
KTS: Lamia has engaged Knight!
<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Me?" Akane's surprised. Then again... 'Akane Shinjo' is an idea that includes 'kaiju,' too -- perhaps there's some truth to the idea that she, of all those involved, would know Anosillus's heart the best. "... Right." Her focus sets a little more -- being trusted like that means a lot to her.

"We need to start by closing off his options," she says, matter-of-factly. "Right now, he doesn't have control of himself... this isn't going to help us a whole ton right now, but it'll make stuff that comes later a lot easier." As the Dividing Driver goes up, she nods, affirming, "Really good start."

In the machine whose Active Mode takes its visual cues from Betterman, Akane looks up to see Cataphract take the field. Her eyes widen -- and despite its kaiju-like nature, or maybe because of it, she's relieved. She still owes him more thanks than she's given him...

... but there's going to be better time for that later. "... It's good to see you, Betterman," is all she broadcasts for now.

"I have control!" Akane announces when she's given the controls, and sure enough, she gets Rikka into a solid position -- and then transfers it right back, with a, "You have control!"

... and then she gets an idea. Taking a moment to breathe in and then out, she starts...

... to sing. It's clear she's nervous, and her voice is a little shaky, but...

o/` My dreams dance and make my heart flutter
o/` And right now, I still hear all of their laughter
o/` I reach -- out to the future
o/` And feel -- that hand in mine...

... if her heart really is the most suited to reaching Anosillus's, perhaps she needs to bare it a little more.

KTS: Akane Shinjo targets Knight and Mobile Weapons Team with Shock.
KTS: Akane Shinjo has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Akane Shinjo shocks Knight, reducing his Morale significantly.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

Anosillus catched Powered Zenon with his horns, but the combined War Deity doesn't give up ground so easily. Placing one hand on each of the kaiju's horns, the Hyper Agents weather the mighty attack. This has the added bonus of allowing them to be close enough to The First's mouth to dodge his sonic attack with ease.

"Easy, big guy! Remember us? Gridman's pals?" Borr shouts to the turtlebeast. "We're all a long way from home, why don't we take a second to figure things out?"

Program-Calibur, in comparison to the real deal, is a few hues bluer. It has a holographic sheen, like a computer program that isn't fully rendered. It is missing the blue gemstone in the hilt that Calibur speaks from. Other than coloration and the gem, the weapon is identical to its counterpart in weight, size, and design. It's a little unnerving to be fighting with a perfect copy of your comrade, but it is far better than having to go unarmed.

Rikka answers Max's question -- the largest Hyper Agent allowing his comrades to control their shared body as he focuses on communication. With as close as Knight and Rikka always have been, the fact that she does not know where they are is troubling.

"I share your hopes." Max replies to her, fervently. Gai is next to speak up, identifying the odd music as the cause of The First's distress. Kaworu confirms this. "If that is the case, we must silence it!"

This problem, it seems, is already being addressed. More of the Neon Genesis Junior High Students' allies are engaged with the twin mobile suits projecting the music. Max gives a nod to Guy in particular -- though it's hard to imagine he will see it in the chaos of combat. In any case, all those fighting to save The First have the Hyper Agents' trust.

"Don't encourage her." Vit grumbles to Kaworu, good-naturedly. "It's tough building armor around nothing! We're gonna need another comrade to add something on."

"Focus, you two." Max rumbles, before Borr can say something in response.

Kakuseijin V2 and Unit Beta go for Anosillus' feet, and after a moment of worry, Powered Zenon chooses to attack higher. Brandishing Program-Calibur, the combination machine takes a thruster-assisted leap.

"Sorry about this, big guy..." Borr says.

As soon as they're even with the armor beneath Anosillus' tall shell, Powered Zenon cuts their thrusters and brings their axe down, trying to cleave through the tough skin just above the kaiju's head. It shouldn't be fatal, right?

Alouette calls to the Hyper Agents as they strike, reminding them of Calibur's courage and support. No matter how far apart they are, they're comrades. They're a family. Nothing can change that.

Program-Calibur gleams as it descends -- the quality of Alouette's hard work is about to be tested.

KTS: Neon Genesis Junior High Students targets Knight with Powered Axe!
KTS: Neon Genesis Junior High Students has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Knight blocks Neon Genesis Junior High Students's Powered Axe, taking 4278 damage!
KTS: Neon Genesis Junior High Students has engaged Knight!
KTS: Akane Shinjo has activated the Rouse Spirit Command targeting Neon Genesis Junior High Students

<Pose Tracker> Mobile Weapons Team has posed.

"Damn! Here he comes!" Lin shouts, as the rockets come flying in -- and a chain slams into the Wanzer, curling around it. He skates to the side -- locked into place, but not entirely locked down, and turns as Zan comes down.

He swings back the Numsekar's fist, with the huge spiked piledriver on it. The spike is pulled backward -- and then SLAMS forward, the hydraulics sending the spike punching for Zan's armor.

He turns, as he spots the multiple missiles firing from the Makhia. Lin fires the Wanzer's shotgun, but the blast of flechettes doesn't tear through -- and several missiles slam down, exploding across his Wanzer. The Numsekar is hurled backward, Zan's chain rattling. He swings his Wanzer's arm around, drawing a bead on Chloe.

Then he rushes for her position, running in closer. As he approaches, he lifts the shotgun -- and fires, another burst of flechette hurtling for her. "Not happening!"

Lin turns, then -- Zan's chain rattling, restricting his Numsekar -- and sees the Minokawa rushing for him. He swivels, and then brings back the pilebunker. She slams into him, the side of the bike smashing into armor plates and crumpling them. He punches down at the same time.

Then, the spike slams out for the Minokawa's leg, trying to tear through it. "Yeah, we didn't play fair," Lin tells Qivi. "Playing fair is for the dead!"

His screen lights up, with multiple missile locks dancing across it. "Agai--WHAT THE HELL!?" Lin shouts, as he realizes what AnRyuu and KouRyuu did. He wasn't ready for that, even if he read about it.

The Numsekar turns, as missiles erupt across it -- smoke clinging to it, the explosion knocking it backward -- and takes aim with the shotgun. It fires, a blast of shrapnel exploding from the barrel for TenRyuuJin.

A moment later, the Program Ring around his machine crackles -- and several cameras on it crack. The radar antenna explodes with sparks, and Lin grits his teeth. "Damn! Damn, damn--"

He shakes his head. "Don't think, for even a second, that we're like Gimlet! Vicious--Vicious won't be HALF AS KIND!"

The Numsekar goes rushing forward at Lin's command. Its footfalls drag the chain after, kicking up red soil, and the pilebunker swings back -- and he slams the spike for the armor of the Aviaire.

A slash harken comes flying through the air, the blade catching the armor of the Numsekar. Shin hisses as sparks fly -- and the blade rips into the armor. The longer-haired twin grits his teeth.

"We'll bail if we have to," he says. "But I trust our leader. If he has a plan... we'll see it through!"

The knuckle swings down, setting into place, and he fires his jump jets. He boosts in towards the Knightmare Frame, then slams the hardened piece of steal for Artemsia's machine.

Lightning explodes across the ground -- and across Shin's Numsekar, which finds lightning rippling across it. The speakers keep playing -- but the music distorts, with a sharp screech of electronics -- and Shin grits his teeth, then swings the bazooka back towards GaoGaiGar.

He takes aim, then fires, and a large rocket explodes out of the barrel. Fire blasts from the back of the bazooka, as the shell goes screaming off for the Mechanoid.

"If you're not gonna surrender... then we'll do this the hard way!" Shin calls back to Guy.

His eyes turn, for a moment, to Anosillius. That roar seems angry. He looks nervous, for a moment.

KTS: Mobile Weapons Team targets Zan with Pilebunker Puncturing Blow!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team targets Chloe with Catsray XX Shotgun Breaching Approach!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team targets Qivi with Pilebunker Topple Strike!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team targets TenRyuuJin Team with Catsray XX Shotgun Shot!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team targets Alouette Pommier with Pilebunker Strike!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team targets Artemisia ka Britannia with Bone Buster Melee!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team targets Guy Shishioh with Boa-40 Bazooka Blast Shot!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: EN Regen activates. Your new EN value is 218.
KTS: SP Regen activates. Your new SP value is 150.
KTS: Akane Shinjo shocks Mobile Weapons Team, reducing his Morale significantly.
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 56602
KTS: Your EN is now 218.
KTS: Alouette Pommier fails to parry Mobile Weapons Team's Pilebunker Strike, taking 4400 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team has engaged Alouette Pommier!
KTS: Chloe's EN Barrier activates, negating 500 base damage.
KTS: Chloe partially guards Mobile Weapons Team's Catsray XX Shotgun Breaching Approach, taking 5200 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team has engaged Chloe!
KTS: Zan fails to Parry Mobile Weapons Team's Pilebunker Puncturing Blow, taking 3960 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team has engaged Zan!
KTS: TenRyuuJin Team blocks Mobile Weapons Team's Catsray XX Shotgun Shot, taking 2400 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Knight has posed.

        Anosillus the First meets V2's grasp and chains with his horns, and Rikka pulls at him, distracting him for a moment from lumbering ever onward. "GRRRRRRR..." He rumbles, dropping the 'u'. Perhaps it communicates his frustration. Perhaps it's simply the sound a turtle makes.

        (That's probably not the sound a turtle makes.)

        Lamia's Cataphract puts its great leg up to KICK at Anosillus, all aided by gravity. And it seems that gravity plays favourites, because Anosillus is forced to lumber backwards, all while he's being tugged aside. His anger, pouring into Lamia's connection, is wordless and protective -- he has come here to defend his daughter, not to mention his son-in-law, and the music has led him to a violent conclusion.

        Powered Zenon comes in from above, with a great WHACK from their axe. Anosillus's armour is turtle-thick, and won't be breached so easily -- but he's dazed by the assault, and has to find a moment to figure out where he's going, having been kicked back and pulled this way and that. "RRRRRRUUUUUU?!"

        Unit Beta comes in lower, to sweep at his legs. He is a lumbering, clumbering creature, with trunks for legs designed to carry his immense bulk; but Kaworu is clever enough to come in at just the right angle to compliment Rikka's yank and Lamia's kick, and so, Anosillus begins falling towards the earth.

        But in the middle of that motion he's captured in a bubble, courtesy Ultraman Orb, and Orb's orb traps the First before he can crater the red earth. He finds his feet and throws himself against his prison, once -- twice -- three times, thunder-rumble-CRASH. He is unbelievably heavy. Even so, Orb's dome holds, for the moment.

        But one thing that bubble doesn't block -- couldn't block -- is Akane's song. Tentative, shaking, her words meet his ears and his heart; she might not have full faith in her efforts, but coupled with the distortion of Lin's own music, Anosillus visibly slows.


        His roar has its own melody to it, anguished and beleagured, and to hear it is to know his protective confusion -- a heartbreak punctuated by the way he finally crashes his way through Ultraman Orb's bubble.

        But he lumbers, and turns, unsure of his footsteps.

        That voice... isn't she now part of his family, too? His sister... and he's fighting her!

        Hasn't this happened... before?

KTS: Knight targets Gai Kurenai with Demoralize!
KTS: Knight targets Lamia with Demoralize!
KTS: Knight targets Rikka Takarada with Demoralize!
KTS: Knight targets Neon Genesis Junior High Students with Demoralize!
KTS: Knight targets Kaworu Nagisa with Demoralize!
KTS: Knight has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Knight demoralizes Rikka Takarada, reducing her Morale drastically.
KTS: [Spirit Defense] Rikka Takarada's Steadfast Resolve activates, and her spirit endures.
KTS: Knight demoralizes Gai Kurenai, reducing his Morale drastically.

<Pose Tracker> Zan has posed.

Zan wasn't expecting things to be well, reversed on him. Literally.

That being said, he tries to fire his thrusters and get his trusty tool gun up in an attempt to possibly block but ends up with that pile bunker nailing into him.

Zan's tough, but there's a limit to toughness even for him as a plate gets torn off. The chain at least stays attached, and he knows he can use that. But for now?

He jets backwards out of the way and flips as he transforms using the smoke screen as cover. "CHANGE ROBO!"

Flipping literally over, he switches to his robot form as the entire folding process happens. A shoulder looks to have been damaged, but the transformation works just fine once he lands he reverses direction again and charges the wanzer since he's just a couple more meters taller than it.

The shoulders of the new robot form unfold, giving the orange robot four arms against two as he moves to engage in close combat and attempt to get hold of the Wanzer to throw it at the Dividing Field physically.
Zan transforms to BT-104 Zan Robo

KTS: Zan targets Mobile Weapons Team with Loading Arm Grappling!
KTS: Zan has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team rattles Qivi, making her next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Qivi parries Mobile Weapons Team's Pilebunker Topple Strike, taking 630 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team has engaged Qivi!
KTS: Knight demoralizes Kaworu Nagisa, reducing his Morale drastically.
evade not permitted in MeleeEngaged
KTS: Artemisia ka Britannia fails to parry Mobile Weapons Team's Bone Buster Melee, taking 4950 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team has engaged Artemisia ka Britannia!
KTS: Knight demoralizes Neon Genesis Junior High Students, reducing their Morale drastically.
KTS: Zan anchors Mobile Weapons Team, forcing him into close range.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team parries Zan's Loading Arm Grappling, taking 510 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Zan's Iron Will activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 56092
KTS: Zan has engaged Mobile Weapons Team!
KTS: Your EN is now 213.
<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

        Lin's Wanzer rushes in closer to Chloe, reaching her near the rear. It's close enough at this point to disappear from her screens. Thankfully though her cockpit renders the closer object in holographic form, giving her an idea of where it is.

        Getting in closer is a smart move as it allows the Wanzer's shotgun to take advantage of gaps in the Makhia's barrier. This time the fletchettes do reach the machine's armor, tearing into it a fair deal, though not enough to penetrate yet.

        <"So the plan was not simply to try and blackmail GGG?"> Clearly that's already fallen through at this point. <"There's more to it... Otherwise why else would you still be here?">

        The Wanzer is too close in now to effective engage with either of her currently equipped weapons, so Chloe stows the launcher on her back once more, then reaches that hand for the railgun rifle at her waist. Aiming it towards the Wanzer trying to outmaneuver her below, she simply pulls on the trigger and lets the rapid fire alloy shards pepper the Wanzer's general area in hopes of getting in some hits.

KTS: Chloe targets Mobile Weapons Team with MKW-121 Railgun Rifle Spray 'n Pray!
KTS: Chloe has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team fails to evade Chloe's MKW-121 Railgun Rifle Spray 'n Pray, taking 3910 damage!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 52182
KTS: Your EN is now 203.
KTS: Qivi has activated the Trick Spirit Command.
KTS: Qivi has activated the Trick Spirit Command.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team rattles Guy Shishioh, making his next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Guy Shishioh fails to evade Mobile Weapons Team's Boa-40 Bazooka Blast Shot, taking 3450 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Artemisia ka Britannia has posed.

The spike of steal streaks towards the Renard. The agile and alert form of the Knightmare Frame *barely makes an attempt to get out of the way*. Indeed, the armor-punching thing does exactly like the label claims: punching in through the front of the Frame, bursting upwards and lodging inside of the left shoulder assembly somewhere.

(In the spotter frame, Quinn's eyes saccade for a moment. An unfamiliar sense of dread, a peeking-up of an emotion he has experienced perhaps half a dozen times in his life: *concern*. Something is tremendously out of his control, and if he watches Artemisia die on a scope, he might as well ask the train to let him off in the middle of the Asteroid Belt. It would doubtless be faster.)

(But to Quinn's relief, and the Face's as well...)

Again, Artemisia giggles.

"Perfect," she tells Shin. "That's just perfect." The two-handed weapon is shifted round and then transferred entirely to the right hand, which swings backwards as the electromagnetic assembly SNAPS to life with a loud hum and a pouf of Martian dust -- that red, after all, comes from iron oxide.

"It's good to see YOU TOO, Guy Shishioh! Have you been informed? This gentleman wants your machine! It's really quite unreasonable," Artemisia continues, even as the entire Knightmare Frame twists around to swing the pointy end of the weapon to embed like a spike-tipped hammer into the metal of the Wanzer.

"As the insulted party, of course," Artemisia continues towards Guy, "you'll want to have your satisfaction." She leans forwards in her cockpit and stage-whispers towards Shin. "Hospitality, my good fellow. Does your little *gang* believe in that?"

KTS: Artemisia ka Britannia has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Artemisia ka Britannia targets Mobile Weapons Team with Detach Claw!
KTS: Artemisia ka Britannia has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Artemisia ka Britannia enervates Mobile Weapons Team, reducing his Morale significantly.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team partially guards Artemisia ka Britannia's Detach Claw, taking 5880 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Artemisia ka Britannia's Let this moment last forever activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Artemisia ka Britannia's The Hunter's Song activates, causing Deject!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Artemisia ka Britannia's Perfection of Movement activates, causing Nullify!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 46302
KTS: Artemisia ka Britannia has engaged Mobile Weapons Team!
KTS: Your EN is now 203.

<Pose Tracker> Gai Kurenai has posed.

Anosillus's confusion, pain, and protective rage sting Gai's heart as the kaiju smashes through his projected barrier. Stumbling backwards from the shockwave of the bubble being burst, Orb shakes his head and assumes his stance again before moving in and ducking low, the red markings on his body flaring to light as he unleashes a mighty uppercut!

"It's working, Akane!" he calls. "If we can just keep him busy until he clears his head...!"

KTS: Gai Kurenai targets Knight with Power Tiga Heavy Strike!!
KTS: Gai Kurenai has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Gai Kurenai has activated the Rouse Spirit Command targeting Akane Shinjo

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Not only does AnRyuu take action to stop the music, but Akane provides a new music of her own. Kaworu shuts his eyes and hums along with her vocals, his faint smile returning.
        He stops at Vit's grumbling, looking over at him. "Shouldn't I?" he wonders, sincerely. Vit's claims on how hard it is to do get a low, thoughtful hum, but Kaworu doesn't argue with him on the matter. Ultimately, it's between him and Borr.
        Either way, Kaworu continues to entrust handling the Wanzers and their eerie music to Guy and the others. It's clear immediately that the music's distortion and Akane's song are having a positive effect on Anosillus, too... in a sense. Inside the Dividing Driver field, there's no need to be concerned about the force of Anosillus's fall, but it's hardly a bad thing that Orb's bubble softens the fall from a crash into a stumble.
        Even so, that great sorrow in the kaiju's voice arches Kaworu's eyebrows downwards, their inner tips tapering close. Yes... he knows his anguish well. He, too, would go to his loved one's side to protect them if he could.
        Even so...
        As the massive turtle kaiju lumbers out of Orb's bubble, stumbling from one direction to the next, Unit Beta approaches, one hand extended forward. Anosillus's enormous bulk means that a pin is effectively impossible, but Unit Beta will attempt to take hold of one of his massive claws, step behind him, and bend it backwards as she moves into an immobilizing joint lock.
        "Be calm, Anosillus," Kaworu encourages him, not unlike how Lamia had a moment ago--although Kaworu doesn't project his words for Anosillus only to hear. "We will not allow your daughter to come to harm. But first, you must calm yourself." He smiles. "Listen to her song."

KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Knight with Elbow Strike!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Vicious won't be half as kind.

Gimlet was toying with them - it was Shuu who had blood on his mind, and only for Guy. And even then, Gimlet successfully kidnapped Mikoto *and* Alouette, to say nothing of his success in abusing PhantomGao's weaknesses to steal that, as well. This new enemy...Vicious. Eeven just the name didn't suggest a person to be taken lightly. GGG's handled enemies like this before, but...

....no. He has to rely on Liam and Spike. They'll handle whatever else is going on. He has to deal with what's in front of him.

Guy's monitors detect that incoming bazooka shot. Unfortunately, the Protect Shade has problems deflecting physical projectiles effectively, often sending them pinwheeling off into the environment. With this many people around he can't risk that, so he just tries to juke aside; distracted, the hit takes him clean, black armor scuffing and Guy screaming out from the force.

But amid the dust: "If you're banking on my love for humanity to make me hold back, THINK AGAIN, RED DRAGON! PHANTOM RING!! PLUS!!"

When it clears, the Phantom Ring hovers in front of GaoGaiGar, with fist reared back. "As a matter of fact," he answers to Artemisia, "*I DO!* BROKEN PHAAAAAAAAAAAAANTOOOOOOOOOOM!"

The Right Arm of Destruction fires off, spiraling around itself to SMASH into Shin's wanzer - a fist as tall as his entire machine.

KTS: Guy Shishioh targets Mobile Weapons Team with Broken Phantom!
KTS: Guy Shishioh has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team partially guards Guy Shishioh's Broken Phantom, taking 5130 damage!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 41172
KTS: Guy Shishioh completes the Formation attack!
KTS: Your EN is now 203.
KTS: Knight demoralizes Lamia, reducing his Morale drastically.

<Pose Tracker> Qivi has posed.

"Funny, I don't seem dead yet. And anyway, there's a difference between tricks and THIS! I'm sure there's more vicious than you..." does she even know that's a name? "But if you think you're getting away with this, you're wrong. Give up! You've already lost it!"

Qivi is finding that being on top of the bike is *really* convenient for Minokawa, far more so than she expected.

Without the need to stand on its own two feet, and dealing with mostly attacks from below - because the Numsekar, though pretty big for a wanzer, is still smaller than the 14 meter Minokawa while it's riding a motorbike - it can use those oversized talons on the feet to deflect the punches. She can feel the impact run up her leg with every blow, but she can take it, and - at least so far - so can Minokawa.

Qivi kicks at Lin's incoming fist. She catches the back of his hand with the interior of Minokawa's foot, like a palm strike for her legs, and though the spike drags along the blade with a squealing sound that she can feel in her teeth and a spray of spikes, it doesn't get solid penetration, leaving a furrow of warped metal rather than a neat hole.

She kicks off, nearly overbalancing the bike the other way and taking off like a shot, unwilling to stay in close while other people shell the wanzers. Plus she has an idea.

So why is she driving directly at Anosillius?

"Sorry, big guy!" she calls. "I don't know if you can hear me; I don't know if you can listen if you can." She heard Kaworu (who she doesn't know well, but she doesn't need to) say something about the music, but the only thing she could do would be turn on her speakers, and it sounds like Akane's doing a better job than she could.

So instead she fires the thrusters for a few long moments, coutning in her head. The entire affair - Minokawa, bike, cannon, and all - shudders before lifting up, getting a boosted jump -

Right onto the slope of Anosillius' back.

Qivi guns the engine as soon as she lands, still using some secondary thrusters to accelerate the riding Minokawa at dangerous rates; she feels herself pressed back as the whole thing goes up, over the arc, and keeps going into the air.

Between the lower gravity, the thrusters, and the sheer speed of her ascent, Qivi half-falls, half-glides toward the closer of the Numsekars. She reaches out with Minokawa's hand, firing each clawed finger on its own cable, like a handful of harkens; aiming to grab the back of the Numsekar and drag it along with her, bouncing it repeatedly along the ground as she descends right toward the other one, bike wheels first.

If she hits, she comes down with wheels spinning and both feet opened up to reveal their axe-blades; she's got the bladed toes hooked around the foot-pegs and the axes thrust out several feet, so that she hits with them at the same time as the wheels.

Also, there's an excited whoop. Regardless of the situation, doing something like that is exciting... she can feel her heart pumping.

KTS: Qivi has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Qivi targets Mobile Weapons Team with Minokawa Unleashed!
KTS: Qivi has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team fails to react to Qivi's Minokawa Unleashed, taking 8360 damage!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 32812
KTS: Qivi has engaged Mobile Weapons Team!
KTS: Your EN is now 203.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"You're welcome. It's... really good to see you, Kaworu." Rikka replies. Kaworu explains something, and Rikka frowns. Nidaime is in distress... so that's why he's here. But hearing that makes Rikka frown in disgust. "Did they seriously get after her so they could control him...? These people are sick."

She nods, though, as Max shares her hopes. That's all they can do right now - alongside putting a stop to this quickly.

Akane lays out some idea.

"...Right." Rikka agrees. And then... Betterman. Rikka looks toward it, and eventually ventures...

"...It's good to see you again." She says. She remembers his challenge, so long ago.

And, in the other cockpit... Akane starts to sing. Rikka is momentarily surprised - but finds herself listening intently to her voice. She's always loved Akane's singing... She makes a mental note to compliment her on it later, but right now she doesn't want to shake her concentration.

At their attempt to stall him, Anosillus lets out a frustrated grumble.

"Sorry... After everything that's happened to you, I can't blame you for being mad. You just want to protect Nidaime, and Knight..." Rikka murmurs. There was his abduction by that parasite, too... Poor Anosillus has had it rough. She hopes this doesn't make him hate people.

Akane's singing, though, seems to have an effect. Anosillus slows - his steps seem unsure. That sounds he makes... it makes Rikka's heart hurt, a little, and for a moment she starts to feel bad. Are they doing the right thing, here...? Once again, though, she breathes in and exhales.

This is for his sake, after all.

"Keep going - you're doing great." Rikka encourages Akane. "Let's go for glue synthesis and adjust the formula to safely apply to a living target... but take your time - I think your voice is what we most need right now."

...She pauses for a second.

"...Your singing is still beautiful, by the way." She adds privately.

Rikka gets ready, though - leaping Kakuseijin V2 over to a good vantage point. The vials on its back begin to bubble, and the vents on its chest begin to draw in material from the surrounding area as the Neuronoid raises its claw toward Anosillus and takes aim.

"Synapse Attack!" Rikka calls out - and from the claw, Kakuseijin V2 fires out the resulting glue-like substance toward Anosillus to further aid in restraining him.

KTS: Rikka Takarada has activated the Attune Spirit Command.
KTS: Rikka Takarada targets Knight with Synapse Attack - Glue Blaster!
KTS: Rikka Takarada has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Knight's Will Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Knight fails to react to Gai Kurenai's Power Tiga Heavy Strike!, taking 2850 damage!
KTS: Gai Kurenai has engaged Knight!
KTS: Knight fails to react to Kaworu Nagisa's Elbow Strike, taking 2976 damage!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa has engaged Knight!
KTS: Knight's Will Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Rikka Takarada rattles Knight, making his next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Knight fails to react to Rikka Takarada's Synapse Attack - Glue Blaster, taking 1875 damage!
KTS: Rikka Takarada continues a Formation attack!
<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

It would take heart to be able to save Anosillus's soul, Alouette surmised. Akane takes that burden herself, making sure Anosillus hears her song. As shaky as it is... it seems to have an effect? Alouette places her trust in Akane as she continues to sing, turning her attention back to her own battle.

This 'Vicious' won't be half as kind as Gimlet? Gimlet was kind of a bumbling goofball for all he hurt her, and these two could easily be bluffing... but somehow it's enough to send a chill down her spine.

A beat, as the thought runs through her mind. And suddenly a pilebunker spike is shoved through her blind spot, far too quick to parry with her blade. It rips through even Gatherway's reinforced armour, making a firm mark in the thigh of the machine - Alouette grimaces at the damage.

But she can't let that make her falter. "I've grown a lot stronger since I stood up to Gimlet, too." She brushes her hair back in her cockpit. Even if she isn't standing up to this 'Vicious', she still believes in Spike and Liam getting the job done, and saving Lucine. "So the very least I offer is to shatter your dreams where they stand, Red Dragons!" She challenges as she beckons forth a Phantom Ring of her own, as Guy strikes forth with a Broken Phantom. "Phantom Ring Plus!"

From Alouette's own machine, is not a Broken Phantom, but rather a new trick she developed for her upgraded model. "Gran Ring! TELEIOS!" She calls, as that ring spins forth on its own like a chakram, aiming to cut and grind through Lin's machine - before spinning back in boomerang motion, detonating upon Shin's machine on its way back!

KTS: Alouette Pommier targets Mobile Weapons Team with Gran Ring Teleios!
KTS: Alouette Pommier has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team fails to react to Alouette Pommier's Gran Ring Teleios, taking 6760 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Alouette Pommier's Vividity activates, causing Designate L1!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 26052
KTS: Alouette Pommier has engaged Mobile Weapons Team!
KTS: Your EN is now 203.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

Program-Calibur doesn't cut through Anosillus' armor -- and there's a sense of relief in Powered Zenon's combineed hearts at that. They don't want to hurt the gentle kaiju, especially now knowing he's being controlled by those other machines.

"Alouette, this thing works great!" Vit calls, as Powered Zenon lands with a crash. "It's just like the real thing. That brain of yours is a wonder!"

Max rumbles an agreement. "Indeed. I can feel our hearts' alignment far more strongly now. It is truly like having him with us."

"Nobody's gonna stand in our way like this!" Borr chimes in. "We owe you one!"

It seems Anosillus is somewhat more aware, perhaps, as he roars in anger. Maybe they're getting through to him? Powered Zenon holds their blade straight out in front of themselves, lining up a charge, when--

Akane begins to sing.

For a moment, the Hyper Agents go still, falling out of their combat pose, listening. Rikka is right. Akane's voice is lovely, even as unsure as she sounds.

"Music's always been important to Nidaime and her family..." Borr says, quietly. "You've got the right idea. We'll back you up, Akane. Don't stop!"

Kaworu's idea of knocking the kaiju off-balanced seemed to help the most, thus far. Powered Zenon turns their axe, lunging forward with the flat of the weapon.

"Listen up, Anosillus!" Vit shouts. Powered Zenon feels lighter with Akane's song sending them forward. Perhaps music is important to Hyper Agents, too. "Hear that? Everyone's here trying to help you out!"

<Pose Tracker> TenRyuuJin Team has posed.

        "Merci beaucoup!" says KouRyuu, giving Guardienne a little wink before turning back to sass Lin some more. "Impressive, isn't it-- eep!!" she squeaks, a moment later, and she ducks behind her sister, letting AnRyuu shield the both of them from Lin's return fire. The Numsekar's size gives it a slight advantage in speed and angle--most of the pellets slam into AnRyuu's shield, chewing divots into its face. A few bite into her legs, and her face twists into a grimace.

        "KouRyuu, stay focused!" AnRyuu chides.

        "Right, right!" A pang of guilt sinks into KouRyuu's active memory. Her MASER cannon telescopes out, and she reaches up to brace it like a soldier steadying a rocket launcher.

        "Gimlet wasn't anyone you should hope to emulate," says AnRyuu,"Much less surpass."

        "If his name is literally 'Vicious', though, then--"

        Across the battlefield, someone starts to sing. KouRyuu smiles as she glances at the Kakuseijin, but she heard that halting hitch. Akane needs to do this without pressure.

%They're making headway, I think! The kaiju seems to be deescalating. KouRyuu transmits.

        Good--but plan for a contingency. This is BioNet, they might have more... in addition to the hostages. AnRyuu's coded 'voice' doesn't convey emotion in the sense most organic brains would recognize, but it's there regardless.

        AnRyuu's optics lock onto Lin's Numsekar, calculating trajectory, likely armor density, and dozens of other variables. She nods to her sister, and KouRyuu factors in that data, finds the firing solution. She raises her MASER, tracks the Numsekar, and lets loose with another needle-thin burst--a line of energy that cuts through the air. There's a lot more power behind it than there looks.

KTS: Neon Genesis Junior High Students targets Knight with Powered Strike!
KTS: Neon Genesis Junior High Students has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: TenRyuuJin Team targets Mobile Weapons Team with GBR-8 Configurable-Output MASER Cannon - Snapshot!
KTS: TenRyuuJin Team has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapons Team partially guards TenRyuuJin Team's GBR-8 Configurable-Output MASER Cannon - Snapshot, taking
1845 damage!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 24207
KTS: Your EN is now 203.
KTS: Neon Genesis Junior High Students has activated the Rouse Spirit Command targeting Rikka Takarada
KTS: Knight's Will Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Knight fails to react to Neon Genesis Junior High Students's Powered Strike, taking 1350 damage!
KTS: Neon Genesis Junior High Students has engaged Knight!
KTS: Neon Genesis Junior High Students continues a Formation attack!

<Pose Tracker> Lamia has posed.

         "I see. I suppose your answer does make sense, if only you had come to this conclusion on yourself."

         Violence to protect your loved ones isn't something Lamia can fault. After all, it is how he himself operates. Though, really, it's not that he can't fault it, but more that he simply knows he doesn't really have any sort of high ground to stand on. The only difference between him and Anosillus at the moment is that he's acting willingly.

         ". . ."

         One of Cataphract's eyes swivel to look down at the Kakuseijin, and Rikka and Akane can feel Lamia's presence for the briefest of moments as they call out to him, but other than that, there's nothing said, and just as briefly as it was felt, it's gone. It's not like he really had anything to say anyway, it's just good enough for him to know they're both alright...

         And he wants to make sure they remain alright. Though the cries of the kaiju do reach and shake him, Lamia strengthens his resolve, powering through the sadness as he once again delivers a punch against Anosillus's armored parts, more so trying to simply push it back than do any lasting damage to it.

         Everyone here just needs more time. Time to reach its heart and to stop the music preventing them from doing so.

KTS: Lamia has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Lamia has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Lamia targets Knight with Forte Punch!
KTS: Lamia has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Knight's Will Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Knight fails to react to Lamia's Forte Punch, taking 2340 damage!
KTS: Lamia has engaged Knight!
KTS: Lamia: Will Barrier Activates.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Anosillus's roar back to Akane makes her heart falter, and Akane pauses her singing for a few moments. "... you're really having a rough one, huh," she murmurs, softly. Through Knight and Nidaime, they're connected -- a bond for bondless creatures like kaiju. It's a little strange to think about. ... but maybe the fact that it's weird makes it more important.

She breaks from it for a moment to focus on the Synapse Attack -- but only enough to adjust the formulation. It's clear now why she's here and what she needs to be doing. Nodding to herself as she locks in a formulation, Akane gives Lamia that same momentary acknowledgment back. Perhaps the relationship between those a bit left-of-human doesn't require the same type of communication.

... still, so many people encouraging her to bare her heart -- it's a little surprising. Kaworu, Ultraman, Rikka, Alouette, the Neon Genesis Junior High Students -- now that she's willing to share of herself, all of them encourage her. She falters for a moment, misty-eyed... but in the end, she picks up where she left off.

o/` ENJOY, playing and sharing dreams
o/` ALL RIGHT, a world you've never seen
o/` As you run, toward the bright unknown...

Akane starts to get a little more into it as she sings; she's never been a bad singer by any stretch. (A long time ago, on a 'high school preview' trip in middle school, an older girl told her you can do a lot to open up your vocal range and ability to project at different pitches by singing. It stuck; she'd just about gotten to a point she was happy with it before she departed for the world in her heart.)

o/` I want -- to share that world with you
o/` And if -- I got to know you more
o/` I know -- that I'd leave -- all my tears far behind
o/` COME ON IN DREAM, wo-wo-wo...

KTS: Akane Shinjo targets Knight and Mobile Weapons Team with Shock.
KTS: Akane Shinjo has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Akane Shinjo shocks Knight, reducing his Morale significantly.
KTS: Akane Shinjo has activated the Rouse Spirit Command targeting Lamia

<Pose Tracker> Mobile Weapons Team has posed.

"Shin!" Lin calls out. "That girl's singing--"

"I'm picking up interference," Shin confirms. "I'm not sure were controlling him--"


The pressure on the twins is such that they can't do much about this, though.

Zan descends -- in his robot form, now -- and slams into Lin's Wanzer. The Numsekar is gripped by four arms and thrown, but manages to tear free at the last moment. It slams into the ground, short of the Dividing Field's wall.

"Gh--" Lin shakes his head. "We're planning to blackmail GGG. Are you an idiot? When you blackmail someone, and they say no, you beat the shit out of them."

The Numsekar begins to reach for its shotgun again, until Qivi descends in her wheeled glory. The wheels slam and smash into the armor, sparks exploding as they grind through armor -- and bladed feet rip through the armor, the shotgun shorn in half. The Numsekar is hurled backward, sparks exploding out of it.

And then the ring comes flying in. It slashes across the Numsekar, leaving a deep gash on its right side -- then comes back, and the ring shreds through the pilebunker-equipped arm. It slams into the ground.

The MASER fires a moment later -- the thin beam blasting a chunk out of the armor near the waist. Molten armor rains down on the ground, sending up coils of smoke and steam. Damage warnings flash across Lin's cockpit.

"Sh--shit!" he says. "This isn't good!"

The Renard's warhammer slams around for Shin's Wanzer. The Numsekar has armor ripped away from it, with a spray of sparks. "We don't kill people we break bread with," Shin says.

He spits. "And I don't recall breaking bread with you, Princess!"

The Numsekar twists around, taking aim -- and then Shin hesitates, as he sees something. He stares at the spinning, energy-covered rocket fist.

"Oh," Shin says. "Oh, shit."

The huge fist smashes into the right side of Shin's Wanzer. Half of the chest armor, the shoulder, and the knuckle-equipped right arm are shorn away in screaming metal, a spray of sparks, and a burst of flame.

It skates backward, towards the other Numsekar. They end up back to back.

And both brothers frown, as they realize something. In all of the damage, the speakers shorted out -- and the music has stopped.

KTS: Mobile Weapons Team has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: EN Regen activates. Your new EN value is 406.
KTS: SP Regen activates. Your new SP value is 150.

<Pose Tracker> Knight has posed.

        Anosillus is reeling. Luckily, this is mostly a mental state, rather than a physical one -- he's QUITE heavy -- but it still means that he has no answer to Ultraman Orb's uppercut, the way Unit Beta grasps his claw and pulls it back. The flat of Powered Zenon's axe impacts him, and he staggers; finally, Lamia's punch, with all the assistance of his fellows, knocks him down.

        There, where he's fallen, Rikka's glue lashes across him and hardens; he stills, where he's bound up. His rumble lows.


        The music -- the music's changed. The music's changed, and with it, the angriness of Anosillus's appearance changes, too; his colours grow more muted, as he releases the power he's grasped.

        "GRAAAAAAAAAAA...!" Anosillus rumbles, triumphantly, as he shakes off the music that was in favour of the music which is. Now his sight is clear, he tromps forward, on all fours --

        Right for Shin and Lin, in their damaged Wanzers.


        His head ducks, as he shoves himself forward, his horns coming up under the Numsekars. Once he's headbutted them, he TOSSES his head -- and when a kaiju almost seventy metres large demands your exit so emphatically, well.

        They'll probably land eventually.

        "RRRRUUUUU," he shakes himself, again, but this is an inviting noise, because once he's shaken out he stills. He can tell that Dividing Driver is a temporary existence -- and anyone whose machines are damaged are welcome to come catch a ride on him, before he exits the area.

        (He may need one of his allies to translate, but there are plenty enough people who might understand his intentions through his family bonds despite his kaiju-nature that it shouldn't be much of an issue.)

<Pose Tracker> Mobile Weapons Team has posed.

"Shit--we've lost control!" Shin says. "Lin, this isn't looking good. I can't reach Vicious."

"Did Spike...?" Lin asks, something caught in his throat.

The two Wanzers, heavily damaged, move back towards each other. And then his horns come up, grab them, and hurl them. They go flying.

They land, unceremoniously, with smoke rising from their damaged Wanzers. Not so far away, GGG's entire mobile weapons detachment waits. Shin and Lin exchange a glance, as static crackles across their screens. Between them, they have one weapon.

"Do we--"

A third voice cuts in: "Hang tight."

A line of shots rips through the sand, as machinegun fire tears a wall of gunfire between GGG's detachment, Anosillius the First, and the two damaged wanzers. It comes from above -- and it's followed by a trio of energy blasts that sends up explosions when they strike the ground.

There, in the Martian skies, a crimson and dark blue jet soars. It is large -- larger than the Wanzers, closer in size to a Mechanoid.

A visual feed comes online: a man with dark blue hair, a squared chin, and a smirk. "Shin, Lin, pull back. Looks like you're not getting GaoGaiGar today."

Shin sucks in a gasp. "That's... Joe Rival!"

"Stop gawking and run!" Lin snaps, and the two Wanzers bolt -- as another burst of gunfire cuts between them and GGG. The jet soars overhead, Hiryu blitzing away. Joe's eyes linger, for a moment, on GaoGaiGar.

"...Nah," Joe says. "Not today. Sayonara, GGG."

The Hiryu's afterburners kick into gear -- and it blitzes off across the horizon.

After a moment, Jet Black's voice crackles over the radio. "It looks like they're pulling back. It looks like the other team ran into trouble. I'll get you more soon as we know."

<Pose Tracker> Gai Kurenai has posed.

The speakers on the backs of the wanzers finally short and die - and Anosillus takes great pains to make his displeasure with his would-be controllers known, tossing them high into the sky. Ultraman Orb does not envy them their landing - even as reinforcements spray the ground in front of the closing Dividing Field with gunfire, allowing Shin and Lin to make good on their escape - but the giant of light is more focused on Anosillus, laying a gentler hand on the great kaiju's shell. "Anyone with damaged units - the kaiju is offering his back as a means of egress." To the kaiju himself, he 'says' "I will go to your daughter's side." After all, he is one of the few here with no need of the laborious process of disembarking from a mobile weapon.

With that - as the Hiryu also takes flight from the scene - Ultraman Orb leaps into the sky with that iconic 'SHAAAA!', light surrounding him like a rising star as he departs.

====== ======

Not far from wherever Knight and Nidaime have managed to make it to under the dome, Gai Kurenai steps out of an unremarkable alleyway, brushing Martian dust off his coat. "Knight, Second - are you alright?"

<Pose Tracker> Chloe has posed.

        The blackmail was... The entire plan?


        Chloe moves her hand up towards her face with a sigh.

        Since her Makhia follows her movements, it does the same, even with large cannon still in its hand.

        The spell on the large creature appears to be broken. Significantly reducing the opposing force's fighting strength. And it seems like they've wisened up to needing to retreat at this point. Even if it does take a brief interruption for a new arrival on the battlefield to make them see it.

        Chloe does not pursue. The objective was to protect the city, not neutralize the Syndicate. And the objective appears complete, so Chloe reports, <"Pallas Makhia status... Minor damage to armor. Mission accomplished. Returning to base...">

        Back to the train. Back to being on stand by to hurry up and wait for the next outing.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka feels Lamia's presence for a brief moment. Just enough for him to be seen - but, that's enough. Rikka smiles, just slightly.

Akane sings... and in the fight against the criminals, their speakers are shorted out. Akane's song is the only music on the field now - and with it, Anosillus seems to be free. She watches his attention turn toward the wanzers...

...Rikka elects not to interfere, this time. Shin and Lin are ejected - but soon saved by a jet. He doesn't move to attack them... and so, Rikka exhales.

...That's it, then. They did it. They were able to help him. Hopefully Knight and Nidaime are okay now, too. She smiles, visible relief crossing her face. ...But then, Jet Black's voice reaches them.

The other team... what happened? Are they okay? Anosillus shakes himself, though, and the sound he makes shakes Rikka out of her thoughts. ...It's fine. There's not much she can do about that from here, anyway.

"Oh..." She starts. She can't quite understand him... but his feelings come across well enough that she knows what he's getting at, and even if they didn't, Ultraman Orb provides a convenient transation.

"Thank you. I think we'll take you up on that offer." Rikka decides, moving to climb up and settling Kakuseijin V2 onto Anosillus's shell. They came out of it in pretty good shape, but there's a lot of room up there.

...That, and the last thing Rikka would want is to deny Akane the opportunity to take a ride on a friendly kaiju when they're the one offering.

"Good work today Akane, everyone." Rikka says. There's still some unknowns to worry about... but she can take some pride in what they've done, at least.

<Pose Tracker> Zan has posed.

With all that is going on, and especially when he realizes there's an angry kaiju and he isn't in Iron Zanrailer form, Zan wisely gets the hell out of the way.

Standing all of 12 meters tall next to the others, Zan has a hand over his eyes as he looks up at the distance. "Woo. Those hombres got the horn put to 'em."

He seems to consider, then looks at the others, "We are not supposed to catch them, right?"

Probably fashionably too late to ask that, too, as he sees the impact and turns to make his way over. The machine gun fire and the Hiryu actually give Zan pause at seeing that.

"Who was that?" He asks.

At the offer of a ride, Zan gives a thumbs up at the kaiju before using his jets to get up on top and hang on. "Anyone need help up?" He asks.

<Pose Tracker> Qivi has posed.

Qivi retracts all of Minokawa's cables and cords with whip-cracks as they snap, straighten, and pull back. She's a little occupied in driving the bike with one hand and, for a brief instant as the axe-like heels pull in and the talons fold up around them, no feet.

Once again, she didn't exactly think through how she was going to FINISH whatever she was doing before she did it. At least this time she didn't actually break anything doing it.

Regaining control of the bike, Qivi swerves it sideways, coming to a halt, her left foot braced against the base of the Dividing Driver flat ground. She's not going to chase down the wanzers - if Anosillius thinks that's enough she's not going to argue with him. (He's big. He'd win the argument, even if she thought it was worth having, which she does not.)

"You good now, Big Guy? Everyone else?" Qivi goes on wide band to ask that - Minokawa is still in good shape, it's really only the bike that's beaten up from the abuse she's put it through. She can get herself out of here. But as for anyone else, they might have to get out themselves, or hitch a ride with Anosillius - she can't pick up most of the units here.

She does not ride Anosillius herself. She's already used him as a ramp once, and she needs to apologize for that, anyway (maybe to the Second; she seems like she could pass a message on). Feels rude to impose when she's perfectly capable of doing it herself.

But while she's driving, she connects to the comms Jet Black is using with another crackle. "Trouble? Yeah, keep us informed, please." As soon as they know...

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        "It's good to see you too, Rikka," Kaworu replies--but Rikka, sensitive as she is, might cotton on to... it's not a lie, but there's somewhere else he'd rather be... or rather, someone else he'd rather be seeing. "It does seem that way... but we need only stop them."
        And stop them they do. The distortions in the piano give way to the destruction of the speakers, and the music ends entirely, while Akane continues her heartfelt sound to reach out to the soul of Anosillus. Unit Beta releases Anosillus and steps back out of the way of Rikka's glue and the others' attacks. It's plenty to get him to calm down and listen--and once he does, he rises up defiantly and knocks those Wanzers away.
        Ultraman Orb explains Anosillus's intentions, so Kaworu doesn't. He won't take him up on that himself--he and Unit Beta are doing just fine--but he does gaze up at Shin and Lin's back-up and the wall of explosions that separate GGG from them to allow them an escape.
        Humming quietly, he'll entrust checking in on Knight and The Second to Gai, and for now listen to Jet Black's updates as they all make their exit.

<Pose Tracker> Artemisia ka Britannia has posed.

Someone out there whoops in delight. Artemisia hears it. So does Sir Quinn in his lonely perch.

"It's good that someone else can get into the spirit of things!" Artemisia crows.

She swings back the warhammer--

-- and a mighty fist slams into, and THROUGH, the Wanzer before her.

Artemisia hears those words.

She giggles again. It's quieter this time.

"You feel it, don't you?" Artemisia says quietly. "You feel the--"

And then something happens. Artemisia tilts her head upwards to gaze upon the manifestation of Joe Rival.


She lowers the war hammer.

"Well," Artemisia says. "Well done all," she continues, completely unenthused, before the Renard pivots, pulls backwards, and immediately begins leaving for Alba City.

("Damn you, Joe Rival," growls Artemisia to herself. She may know more of him than one might expect.)

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

'Program-Calibur' thankfully strikes true, much to the joy of the Students. If it wasn't for who they had to swing it at, Alouette would be pretty pleased herself, too. "I'm glad it worked out well... even if just for the Jupiter mission." Alouette answers, with slight modesty. "But of course... it was your own courage and bonds that brought out its true power! I simply provided you the right medium to use it."

Akane's own singing, and the sheer damage done to each of the speakers - is enough to overpower the brothers' song, and free Anosillus from their control. Alouette is relieved, and even manages a smile, when Anosillus uses his newfound freedom to give the Red Dragons a headbutt-into-toss combo of their lives.

It's followed by the arrival of a much larger machine, and Alouette has to maneuver away from his warning fire. "A mechanoid...?" She raises an eyebrow as she gets a closer look at the rather fancy looking HiRyu. He doesn't stay for long - just enough to linger and bid them 'sayonara'.

"Joe Rival..." She repeats, taking note of the young-sounding man in the cockpit. "I doubt he's their Vicious, but he sure did seem to command a lot of respect from those guys. If he's really with BioNet, I wonder if we'll end up running into him again." He seems like he'd be a dangerous opponent if he was taking it seriously enough, but he didn't seem like an awful enough person to really be one of BioNet's usual. Really quite handsome too, but that's beside the point, isn't it?!

"Anyway... I doubt the Dividing Field has much left in it. I think I'm going to check on Knight, Nidaime, and the others." Gatherway Guardienne Aviaire has more than enough thrust to escape on its own, but she does hover towards Anosillus, if only to ensure he's safe now, and there's no lingering aftereffects of his mental control. "Knight, Nidaime... are you both all right? Thank goodness they were able to save The First..." She echoes Gai Kurenai's concern, before moving to the Kakuseijin V2.

"You two were fantastic, out there." She says, landing Aviaire onto solid ground. "I mean... you were definitely our key to victory today, Akane. I'm not sure if I've ever heard your singing before... but it was really nice."

Her smile fades a little when Jet Black provides them his latest update. Their ground team ran into trouble. That combined with what they heard today about Vicious... definitely doesn't bode well. She can only wait with bated breath until they hear an update on the status of Spike, Lucine, Liam, and the rest.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

The Broken Phantom slams down and drives the Wanzers into each other. The First has his revenge, but before GGG can consider following up, Joe Rival appears. Guy's rocket punch loops around to re-dock with his arm, which allows him to block any stray shots that come at him - but mostly, it's covering fire. "Joe Rival..." he murmurs, and releases a slow breath. GaoGaiGar does the same, a loud hiss as hydraulics vent. "...looks like that's it." His eyes cast up to The First. GaoGaiGar's face is an unemotive mask - literally, while Final Fused - but Guy smiles in his cockpit. "Glad to have you back, friend." Then, louder: "Get out of the Dividing Field before it collapses, folks." He stoops to collect the remains of the Dividing Driver itself, and then blasts StealthGao's thrusters, roaring into the sky and out of the circle, back toward the Division Train above.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

They've done it. Everyone's efforts have reached Anosillus' heart, and the kaiju has taken care of those threatening him. Borr lets out a wild yell of celebration as Anosillus tosses the damaged Wanzers past the horizon.

The Neon Genesis Junior High Students certainly aren't ones to turn down a free ride. Max reassures himself that it would be rude to deny the great turtle, and Powered Zenon climbs aboard, settling in next to Akane and Rikka.

"You two did pretty great out there." Vit says, lazily. The stress from battle has him ready for a nap. "I'm proud of you."

Max, for his part, looks to Unit-Beta. "Kaworu, if at all possible, we should speak soon. At your earliest convenience."

While the statement is couched in Max's usual hyper-polite speech, there is a sense of urgency to the Hyper Agent's voice. Much has happened -- perhaps some things even Kaworu may not be aware of.

Once Anosillus has delivered his passengers safely home, the Neon Genesis Junior High Students will join Gai in checking on Knight and Nidaime. Perhaps the two kaiju are old enough to join them in a celebratory drink, now.

<Pose Tracker> Lamia has posed.

         Anosillus is calm, and GGG is safe. Everything should be back on track. There's no reason for Lamia or Cataphract to be here any longer, especially since the giant of light had made the kaiju's intentions known.

         The Betterman gazes upon the group one last time before turning around, crouching, and with one flap of its wings and a jump, propelling itself up into the air, the sky tearing open yet again to swallow the creature before stitching itself shut.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

As Anosillus is freed, Akane feels bone-deep relief. Kaiju should be free.

"... Yeah, we definitely don't have the juice left to fight someone like Joe Rival," Akane says, when BioNet plays its own trump card. The Dividing Driver probably won't last much longer either -- it's probably best to cut their losses and appreciate their gains... and make sure the other team is okay.

As people reach out to encourage Akane further, Akane rubs at the back of her head. "... You guys should be thanking Rikka. Sheryl, too, the next time we see her. I'm just doing what other people taught me... ahahaha."

... Akane is definitely not at all displeased to get a chance to ride on a kaiju. "... definitely can't say I'm unhappy about this one," she admits. Even if not everything about the situation is good, she can at least appreciate this. She looks up as the Betterman disappears, giving him a quiet, "Sayonara."

Then, to the Neon Genesis Junior High Students, she says, "You guys are crushing it, too... I'm really glad you're still with us."

<Pose Tracker> TenRyuuJin Team has posed.

        It's working! KouRyuu transmits, over the twins' link. Come on, come onnn!

        Neither one takes their eye off the wanzers, of course--especially not when Guy lands the Broken Phantom, to which AnRyuu smiles a grim, satisfied little smile. The brothers try to regroup, but...

        "Oof!" says KouRyuu. "Nice work, though, big guy. Sorry you had to--"

        "Incoming! Twelve o'clock high!" AnRyuu whirls to face the new arrival, calculating a targeting solution. It's unnecessary, but she still scowls as the Hiryu flies off. "Joe Rival," she says, with a bit of a growl in her voice. "That he's all the way out here--BioNet's investing in their allies." She glares at the contrail, then shakes her head.

        "You were amazing, Acting Chief! And you too, Alouette, and Qivi, and Akane and Rikka, and everyone!" At the offer of a ride, KouRyuu trails off, then beams. "Of course! AnRyuu, come ride the kaiju with me!"

        "My legs are barely damaged," says AnRyuu.


        AnRyuu concedes. As Anosillus lumbers out of the Dividing Driver field, the two Braves grab handholds on his shell, one more openly enthused than the other.

<Pose Tracker> Knight has posed.

        Anosillus rumbles, low and pleased to help, as he trundles out of the Dividing Driver field. He's faster than he looks -- again, it's a sheer size sort of thing -- so he's able to hop up and grab onto the edge of the field and scrabble scrabble scrabble THUNK his way up and out before it collapses. He makes sure to look back to make sure everyone is still all right; now his mind isn't being controlled by that music, he's quite a congenial fellow, really.

        Inside Alba City, Nidaime still holds onto Knight -- but she's looking much better than she was. "Thanks," she says, raising a hand beside her face in apology. "It was a little hard to think back there... ahh, it must have been much worse for Papa! I'm really grateful you were able to help him!"

        "We should see him," Knight says, "before we leave."

        "Oh, yeah -- he can't stay here, and he's too big for the Train..." Nidaime straightens up, and looks to Gai. "Hey, help us back to our shuttle so we can get our suits, okay?"

        And once they're properly suited up, they're able to head outside the Dome where Anosillus has parked himself -- Nidaime in a spacesuit with a musical note emblazoned there. "Papa!" She exclaims, as he perks up. "You came to save me... ahhh, I can't believe that Syndicate! They hijacked my music to make me go nuts just so you'd come, didn't they?!" STOMP, goes her foot.

        "... but you were here," Knight says, looking up to their assorted rescuers -- the ones who haven't left, anyway. (Farewell, Lamia.) "Good."

        Nidaime drapes on his shoulder, her white suit contrasting with his dark one, to explain: "He means 'thank you!'"

        "Mm," Knight doesn't contradict her.

        But if the Syndicate was willing to go that far out here, then...