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(Created page with "*'''Log: 2024-05-02''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Guy Shishioh, Character :: Alouette Pommier, Character :: Rikka Takarada *'''Where:''' GGG Orbit Base *'''OOC - IC...")
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*'''Log: 2024-05-02'''
*'''Log: 2024-05-01: The Resting King of Braves'''
*'''Cast:''' [[Character :: Guy Shishioh]], [[Character :: Alouette Pommier]], [[Character :: Rikka Takarada]]
*'''Cast:''' [[Character :: Guy Shishioh]], [[Character :: Alouette Pommier]], [[Character :: Rikka Takarada]]
*'''Where:''' GGG Orbit Base
*'''Where:''' GGG Orbit Base
*'''OOC - IC Date:''' January 0098
*'''OOC - IC Date:''' January 0099
*'''Summary''': ''Weeks after a climatic battle above the Moon culminating in his purification, Guy Shishioh is finally ready to see visitors. Rikka and Alouette visit him and assure him that the Grand Glorious Guard is still in good hands. ''
*'''Summary''': ''Weeks after a climatic battle above the Moon culminating in his purification, Guy Shishioh is finally ready to see visitors. Rikka and Alouette visit him and assure him that the Grand Glorious Guard is still in good hands. ''

Latest revision as of 01:36, 17 May 2024

  • Log: 2024-05-01: The Resting King of Braves
  • Cast: Guy Shishioh, Alouette Pommier, Rikka Takarada
  • Where: GGG Orbit Base
  • OOC - IC Date: January 0099
  • Summary: Weeks after a climatic battle above the Moon culminating in his purification, Guy Shishioh is finally ready to see visitors. Rikka and Alouette visit him and assure him that the Grand Glorious Guard is still in good hands.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

It's been weeks now - more than a month, by now, since the unfolding chaos at the end of December of UC 0098. The damage is as mended as it can be. The GaoMachines and Galeon are back to their regenerative torpor in the Orbit Base hangars; the Goldion Armor was a wreck, but its data is now being carefully analyzed by the Research team for further advancements to GGG's kit. Betterman Lamia has been seen to by Hinoki Sai, one of the finest biologists alive now. And Guy Shishioh...is, by some miracle, alive. Until now he'd been sleeping, nearly comatose, but the word has come out that his first few visitors have been seen, and he'd like to see more of his friends.

It's strange to see Guy in such a low-energy state. That flashy grin of his heroic persona is gone, replaced with an almost humble, quiet man in Japanese style casual clothes, a light garment thrown over a plain blue-green robe as he leans against the headboard of a private medical room's bed, reviewing something unseen on a tablet. Indeed, maybe there is something about him that simply has less energy, now.

He spent so much of it in the battle, after all.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Even a month or so later, the chaotic series of events across the Moon are nothing short of unbelievable - and the aftermath has required much work and rest alike.

The mechanical damage was one thing... especially with the regenerative abilities of Genesic's components. But as for Guy... who wouldn't be worried? No one on Earth has ever survived the bloom of an Animus flower. There was no telling what would happen next.

But Alouette still hoped above all that he would open his eyes again soon, so when she heard the news... she was quick to carve time out of her schedule for him.

She's there right at the scheduled time, making a quick knock at the door. "Guy, it's Alouette. Rikka's here, too. We're coming in, okay?" She takes slow, careful steps into his hospital room, making room for Rikka to enter along with her - with a small vase of flowers in hand. Bright sunflowers, for wishing good health. She sets them on the bedside table, and briefly looks at Guy's visage.

It's not the look of a hero, certainly... but maybe it's a good thing, that he's not forcing it anymore. "...Ahh, I'm so glad to see you. How are you feeling?"

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

It's been more than a month, now. They've done everything they can, but Guy... He's been on Rikka's mind ever since. His survival was a miracle, but after what he went through... Who knows what would happen next? She could only trust that he'd awaken eventually. That's something she's learned a thing or two about.

And, eventually... that trust is awarded. Word gets out - and the moment Rikka hears, she makes arrangements to meet him. Alouette, as it happens, had done the same - and so, they arrive together at his door. Alouette announces them and, once the door opens, she follows her inside.

Guy... He looks different. He feels different. It'd be easy to assume there was some mistake, but she can tell... it's him.

"...Welcome back. We all missed you." Rikka greets with a small smile. Alouette asks how he's feeling, and Rikka nods. "Do you need anything?"

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Guy turns his attention up as the duo knock and enter, cracking a smile. "Good to see you two," he says, setting the pad away. The flowers are nice, he thinks, taking a moment to admire them. Sunflowers...well, he doesn't need to worry about the orange anymore, at least.

He also doesn't get up, though. "I'm hanging in there. I should be out and about soon. At this point it's running tests to make sure I'm not going to fall apart."

"Actually, could you fetch my cup?" he asks when Rikka offers to help with something. "Thirsty." That might be the most human desire he's expressed in a long time, actually...

"I'm glad...you all came home," he says then, after a moment of thought. "It was all a blur after what started happening..."

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette can't help but let out a joyful smile of her own, hearing Guy speak once again. She approaches one of the guest chairs, but she doesn't sit down quite yet in case he needs something.

She nods thoughtfully, as Guy explains how he's feeling. Even if there's still an air of uncertainty... it sounds optimistic. "That's really good to hear. You probably don't need to hear it from me, but just... don't push yourself as soon as you're up, okay?" She brushes her hair back a little. "You've built up quite a capable team, and you've definitely earned some time to enjoy yourself." A momentary frown about 'running tests', though. "That's pretty important, too. Especially since you might not be Evoluder Guy anymore..."

She quickly nods to Rikka about the cup of water and turns back to Guy. "Mmm. I'm glad, too... I just wish there was more we could have done than watch. It was... so hard to watch." She admits. "So I'm glad that wasn't the end... that we can be there for you while you recover." Her smile comes back.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"It's good to see you." Rikka replies. He cracks a smile, and she smiles back. The flowers are nice - Alouette really knows how to pick them. Rikka listens, then, as Guy explains his condition.

"That's good..." Rikka says, relieved - but nods, as Alouette urges him not to push himself. "She's right. You've supported everyone for so long... so it's our turn to support you, now. It's important to know when to rest."

That's a lesson she had to learn, too.

Tests, though... Rikka looks toward Alouette.

"I didn't think about that..." She considers. And, he asks for water. She doesn't remember hearing something like that from him before... She moves forward, grabbing the cup and offering it to him.

"Here you go." She says.

He's glad they came home... She offers a small smile.

"Me too." She says, and nods, agreeing with Alouette's wish that they could've done more. "It all happened so fast. I'm just glad everyone was there... and that everyone made it back."

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Guy nods gratefully to the offered cup and drinks, relaxing some as water flushes into him. "Yeah. It sounds like everything's running smoothly despite all this chaos with NUNE and the OCU and all that. I'm glad. Guess everyone knows how to get back to their roles at this point..."

He smiles, faintly. "Yeah. Even I felt like I was just..." ... Then he shakes his head, his face growing more serious. "No. It's hazy. But something was happening that wasn't just...Ruin corrosion, too." ...He grunts and downs the rest of his cup. "The point is...I'm glad you're OK. Lamia plays with gentler gloves than I thought, I guess."

He looks up, first at Alouette, then at Rikka. "Doesn't seem so. Evoluder, Semi-Evoluder, these definitions are all in flux, but...it looks like I'm no longer the Superhuman Evoluder anymore. So among other things, I'm probably on the bench until we finish re-calibrating Galeon's systems for whatever new level of Fusion I'm capable of. So, we'll be counting on you two." A flash of his usual cheesy grin. "Mobile Captain and Chief, huh? You'll have a lot of work to do."

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

"The big split is something of a logistic nightmare, with all the paperwork..." Alouette admits, with a wry smile. "But 'logistic nightmare' is kind of nothing compared to everything else we've been up against. We've been managing!"

As Guy struggles with recounting everything that went down in the battle, though... Alouette looks to Rikka with a slight frown. Was there something else to it? "Right... no need to force yourself to remember if it's not coming easily." She nods, slowly. Lamia's always been so hard to read, but even he... "Really, I have no idea how he expected a plan like that to work. But... I'm glad it all worked out too."

She gives Guy a thoughtful look as he explains the situation of 'what' he is, or lack thereof that knowledge. Well, he doesn't exactly seem upset about it. "That makes sense. Well, in a way, it might be good news too, right? For both you and Mikoto." She... does not feel the need to explain that one, after hearing Hinoki's initial report on the biology of a G-Stone Evoluder.

But Guy points out the good news for both her and Rikka, too. "It's definitely a major responsibility." She agrees - even if she still has Kaidou's watchful eye as Vice Captain. "I'll do my best to make sure you and Amami-san aren't losing any sleep at night." She laughs, lightly, and then turns to Rikka. "As for Chief Takarada... yep, GGG Red is definitely in good hands." She winks.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Guy nods, and Rikka nods back with a smile.

"That's definitely true." Rikka agrees. It really has been a nightmare... but, a far more manageable kind, comparatively. "We've gotten a lot of new faces, at least, so I think we're still doing pretty well for ourselves."

Guy struggles to recall - and Rikka meets Alouette's glance. She nods, backing her up - it's better not to force it.

"I don't think any of us expected that from him." Rikka agrees, shaking her head for a moment. She pauses, thinking back - but puts the thought out of her head for now. "...Yeah. I'm glad, too."

She feels a little bad about some of the things she said, now. As for the definition of what he is... it's in flux right now, but there's one thing he does know. She looks at him - and then to at Alouette, and at her comment about Mikoto she puts two and two together.

"Oh? Well, then I'm very happy for you both." She says with a sly smile - with softens to a more genuine one as he offers that cheesy grin.

"Thanks. It will be... but I've gotten a lot better about managing my time, so I think I'm pretty well-equipped to handle it, now." She says, then looks toward Alouette with a small laugh of her own.

"I think you're perfect for the job. You've had my back in combat more times than I can count." She says - and smiles, as Alouette winks at her.

"I can't say it's where I expected to end up... but when people show that kind of confidence in me, it's hard not to want to live up to it." She says. "It's an honor."

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Guy nods, rather than continue to pull his memories out. That will come with time. He has that, now. He has the people he cares about again, all of them and more. "Hinoki tells me he's always been...like that. Courageous, kind and self-sacrificing, but not in a way that humans would see. I think I understand, now."

"It's good, yeah," Guy agrees. "That body...it felt like a message from God, sometimes. That I needed to fight. Could only be someone who fights." He looks down at his hand, quietly flexing his fingers. "Maybe that's over, now."

He looks up, nodding firmly at Alouette with a faint twinkle in his eyes. "Good. I'm sure I'll need all the sleep I can get." Just. Gonna leave that one there, apparently.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette nods when Guy discusses the kind of being Lamia really is. She hadn't ever gotten to know Lamia, not really... but Hinoki had a history with him, didn't she?

She knows Guy and his reasons for fighting a lot better. "It's true that you never really.. got to stop fighting. Not just physically... emotionally too." She pauses. "So... this time it's like a message that you can finally rest for now." She nods back. "That's it's own miracle."

Rikka gets another brilliant smile. "Hehe... I'd like to think I've gotten pretty good at it by now.Even if in many ways, being Captain means knowing how to work a team." She grins. ""And I can see where that confidence in you comes from... you've always had that uncanny way of lifting people up when they need it. So.. let's do our best together, all right?"

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

That's what Lamia's really like... It's interesting to think about. Rikka's only met him a few times, but each time she did, they turned out to be pretty pivotal events.

Guy explains the way he felt. A message from God, huh... Rikka thinks that over - but nods.

"Yeah, definitely..." She agrees with Alouette. "I'm happy for you, Guy."

She nods back to Alouette, then.

"I think you've got that in you, too." She says... and then smiles. "You think so? I'm glad."

She nods once more, resolutely.

"Definitely. We'll see this all through together." She agrees.