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m (Aisling moved page 2022-12-27: Promise. to 2022-12-27: "Promise.": The link misbehaves when clicked bc of the period. Plus this way it matches the other Ennil logs better.)

Latest revision as of 07:19, 28 December 2022

  • Log: <Promise.>
  • Cast: Sky Vitter, Ennil El
  • Where: Vit's Home, Tsutsujidai
  • OOC - IC Date: 12/27/0096
  • Summary: Ennil and Vit have a genuinely wonderful date. It's important to treasure these moments.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

With a slight tremble in his fingers, Sky Vitter presses the three start-up buttons. Immediately, the computer comes to life. Without the usual groaning and whirring, Junk seems entirely revitalized. The new graphics card goes to work immediately, popping up "SSSS" in brilliant color. Probably 20 million brilliant colors.

The screen displays a large "OK"...

"Hey, looks like we're in business!" Vit grins, pushing his hand through his bangs.

Standing up, Vit turns his gaze to Ennil, casually leaning against the desk that holds Junk. "You wanna go out some time?"

It's a full dose of Sky Vitter charm -- those blue eyes, that perfect hair, that barely-there smile. Enough to make anyone weak at the knees (or so he hopes). His hands are held behind his back, to emphasize the fit of his suit, certainly not to hide how that nervous tremble hasn't entirely gone away.


Everything is perfectly in place. It's the epitome of a classy bachelor's pad. A little garden plot hosts carefully-chosen flowers in shades of blue. Women love a man who can tend plants. It shows care, and attention to detail. Vit's porch has one of those camera-doorbells. It plays a cheerful little tone when pressed.

Inside: the first room you turn to is decked out. There's a slight hint of fresh paint -- but that's mostly drowned out by the several scented candles burning in the front room. All are full to the brim, glowing cheerfully atop a central table. A gloriously fluffy rug lines the floor, covering natural wood floorboards in a deep blue. There's only one large couch in the room, across from a curiously blank wall.

Everything is perfectly in place... as long as nobody peeks a little further into the house. The upstairs is totally bare, and the next room down the hall is empty except for two dozen models of various aircraft. But it should be fine! All they need is in that first room. There's even a little bucket of ice with some wine, and glasses placed on the table.

Should that camera-doorbell be rung, a cheery "Hey, Ennil. Be right there." will be heard. After a few seconds (as though he wasn't just waiting at the other side of the door), he opens the way into his home. Sky Vitter, looking impeccable as always... except, is that a new tie? Instead of the usual Neon Genesis Junior High Student style black, it's deep blue. A plane is embroidered in. And the knot is, well. Someone tried very, very hard when tying it.

"Welcome! Everything's all set up. Just waiting on you." A wink is implied.

<Pose Tracker> Ennil El has posed.

Ennil smiles too as Junk flares to life, the little squeeze on Vit's shoulder turning into a side-on hug.

She lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding and sets her hands down on the desk... and looks over just in time to find herself looking Vit dead in the eyes.

"I -- " She freezes up for the barest moment, eyes wide, before that slow smile sneaks back onto her face. "I happen to remember telling you I wasn't going to help you get a date until I met somebody cute."

But her face is nearly as red as her hair.

"So... Yeah, sounds nice."


If Vit is paying attention to that camera at all, he might see Ennil as she steps to the front door, flicks an umbrella down smoothly, and peels off her gloves, shaking them off before finding a suit pocket to slip them into - and only then pressing the doorbell.

For her part, Ennil has gone to a little more effort than usual - It's so rare for her to put much care into her hair aside from keeping it out of her face, but there's a pair of simple clips, black and silver, pinning it back today. With it so soft and neat, her earrings are much more on display. She's gone for a slightly warmer shade of lipstick than her usual glossy red, and the moment that door swings open she turns from looking at the flowers.

"Well, at least you don't hold a girl up." She gives him another of those soft half-smiles and steps inside - leaning in a little to kiss his cheek. "I like the tie."

She sets aside the damp umbrella once she's properly inside, and leans a little past Vit to get a look. Even with the candles, it's not hard to tell most of this is new - but she just smiles. "Looks cozy. Where'd you get this stuff?"

As she settles back from peeking ahead, she holds out a hand gently just in front of him. The implication is hopefully clear - Go ahead and invite me in.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

"Woah." Vit says, as Ennil opens the door. Sure, he's seen a ton of beautiful women online, but this one is right here! In person, and looking at him..! Vit clears his thoat, a silly and very un-practiced grin on his face. "You look pretty great."

Was Ennil's hair always so soft? Vit wants to touch it. And damn, that lipstick!

While he's still thinking about Ennil's choice of lipstick, she leans in to kiss his cheek. Vit blinks -- once, twice -- and then stutters out a, "T--thanks. You mentioned wanting help on tying them, so I picked it up." He's fumbling, trying to regain his cool aesthetic. "Couldn't resist the little plane."

Ennil offers her hand. Vit, still flustered, takes it in his own, bending to press his lips to her knuckles. "There's a few furniture shops who escaped the destruction. I picked a couple things up, you know... Wanted it to be nice. A gal like you deserves the best."

Vit straightens up, still holding Ennil's hand in his own, and leads the way into his front room. So far so good. He's nailing this. The door closes behind Ennil automatically, must be some kind of smart-home feature.

"So, I couldn't rent any movies because of the 'net being down. But." Vit walks to the table, where a few options are fanned out. "I grabbed the absolute worst-looking offerings from the Aya dollar bin. Figured we could always get a good laugh."

And, truly, those movies look terrible. Horrible CGI explosions behind scantily-clad heroes of all genders, sappy rom-coms, even what looks like a movie with singing animals... Vit found a little of everything.

<Pose Tracker> Ennil El has posed.

It's Ennil's turn to be a little speechless. Seeing Vit looking at her like that, well - that was the intended effect. It's not like she doesn't know how she looks.

It's the things she didn't expect to hear that throw her for a second. "...y-yeah. It suits you!" Her eyes slide a little - God, Ennil, that was obvious - but it's hard to resist smiling at just how hard he's trying.

She curls her hand around his. It's still a little cold from outside, thanks to the ongoing rain - but she's warming up, little by little. "You know just what to say, huh?" Her tone's a little mischevious, but the smile is genuine. "...Well, it's not like I don't like it."

As he leads her in, she slips down onto the couch, and throws one long leg over the other. She leans forward, curious, as he fans out the movies - and giggles a bit as he explains how he ended up with these. "Oh, that's great. Honestly, I'm kinda -- I think the last thing I bought as soon as it came out was that album Sheryl put out for her birthday, and only because Leina was so excited."

She lifts one of the DVDs, turning it over in her hand and taking her time appraising it. "You should see the stuff you get on a cheap TV the whole camp's gotta share. When I finally got a place of my own I think I was so amused there were channels you could actually curse on I'd just throw on the cheesiest marathons you've ever seen." She gently tosses it back down - one of the cute romcoms Vit grabbed - and reaches for another one instead. The girl on the cover is...

Well. She's very blonde and posing very aggressively. There's a pretty impressive explosion, too, even if it the two shots are clearly separate.

"Throw this on. Might as well make the most of our time off, right?"

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

"Heh. Suits." Vit says, with that charming smile. "Good one. You know, I never get tired of seeing those earrings on you. Honestly, they've gotta be some of my best work."

Ennil's blushing. That's a good sign. Keep up the charm, Sky Vitter, you've got this.

Inside the house is warm and welcoming, a sharp contrast to the weather outside. "Well, I am something of a popular guy..." Vit brags, as he picks up the wine bottle. "Would you like some? Terrible movies are always better when you're tipsy. One night, Borr and I watched a movie about an alien attack and got sloshed. It was pretty great, all things considered."

Less great was discovering what "vomiting" feels like, the next morning. Turns out, even Hyper Agents have their limits. Borr didn't get out from under their kitchen table for a full day.

"Sheryl Nome, I've heard Rikka talk about her. Seems like a classy sort of lady. Her music's pretty good! Max knows all the lyrics." In fact, Sheryl Nome is Max's go-to Dishes Washing Music. "Ha, I can't imagine. Back when we thought he was Yuta, Gridman would blush whenever a movie swore. Then he got used to it, being around Borr so much."

"Some kind of sexy explosion lady. Nice." Vit takes the included data card and slips it into a projector, firing it up. The movie projects on the wall before the couch.

Casually, Vit sits down next to Ennil. "Off to a great start." He says, as fighter jets roar across the screen. Should he try to put an arm around Ennil? It's too soon, right?

<Pose Tracker> Ennil El has posed.

"Ehe... Yeah, go ahead and pour me a glass. Just keep an eye on me, alright? I don't think Hyper Hangover Agent is a good look. And I wanna remember tonight." She gives Vit a playful wink and throws an arm back on the couch as he sets up the projector.

"Yeah, she's really something. I got out to that birthday concert actually - should take you to the next one. Whenever we get out of here." Thinking about Sheryl's concert... actually also makes her blush.

She chuckles at Vit's comment on the movie, taking a light sip of the wine. He really did work pretty hard, tracking all this stuff down with Tsutsujidai in this state. The room's so warm and comfortable, and it smells nice. She lets her guard slip a little more.

She's not quite bold enough to put an arm around Vit, either... but she does shift a little closer, tilting her head his way and smiling as the action kicks off. It's nice not to have to take things so seriously all the time.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

It's Vit's turn to blush at Ennil's words. "Oh? I'll have to make it memorable, then." Vit pours two glasses of wine, offering one to Ennil. "You wouldn't be the first Hyper Hangover Agent, if you can believe it. Calibur's the lightest-lightweight anyone's ever seen."

"A concert, huh? I could go for that." Vit raises an eyebrow as Ennil blushes at the memory of a concert. Just what goes on at Sheryl Nome's performances? "Looks like I've already won a second date~."

Ennil shifts closer, encouraging Vit. With a slow movement, he reaches out his arm and wraps it around Ennil's shoulders, heart pounding in his chest. With her head on his shoulder... Wow, this really is as great as he read online!

"Ooh, damn." Vit laughs as the sexy heroine lays waste to a few waves of bad guys, fake blood spraying into the air. He takes a sip of his wine. "We're in for fine art, my girl! Blondie here is going to put on a show for the ages, I can tell."

<Pose Tracker> Ennil El has posed.

"Ahaha... Honestly, I wouldn't have guessed." Vit jokes about a second date, and Ennil grins, slipping her legs up onto the couch so she can lean in a little more. "You gotta save the world first. She's not throwing any Tsutsujidai concerts any time soon. But pull that off and... well, you'll be setting a personal record. The first guy to last more than one date." It's a quiet admission, but she doesn't mind. It's not like Vit would tell anyone.

His arm curls around her shoulder and - there's a brief tightening, like she's jumping from a static shock. The wine ripples slightly as the glass tilts... though it steadies out before even a single drop spills, and Ennil slowly leans back into him. She looks straight at Vit for a second, eyes searching... and takes a long, steady sip of wine. I won't say anything if you don't. More importantly, she puts a hand up to grab Vit's before he can flinch away. Just in case.

She turns her eyes back towards the screen as her breathing evens out, letting herself smile again at the bad special effects. There are a few 'action' cuts that are clearly a little more focused on showing off the star, and Ennil has nothing to complain about there, either. "You can say that again."

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

"That guy." Vit says, fondly. "Once we were all testing out hot sauce, and he took a sip and passed out. Ooh, saving the world for a second date? You know, you're gonna be involved in that now." Reaching out, he touches one of Ennil's earrings. "Unless you're planning on hanging up the suit, you'll be right there with us."

The first guy to last more than one date? Vit finds that hard to believe. Ennil is so beautiful, and she's got a fantastic personality. What's up with these other guys?

Outwardly, Vit just smiles, winking to Ennil. "Guess it'll be my real prize for getting rid of the Devil. Let's make it something spectacular. Will Miss Nome be enough to live up to a moment like that?"

Vit holds still as Ennil adjusts to his arm. If she shows any signs of not wanting that closeness, he'll pull back, but... It looks like its okay. As Ennil looks up into Vit's eyes, he smiles -- something genuine. No hint of the cool energy he puts on. Ennil takes a sip, he takes a sip. Their fingers entertwine on her shoulder, and Vit feels his heart do a flip in his chest.

Is this for real? Vit was sure he'd be so cool and collected, like he always is online, not a total sap!

Well... it's not so bad, really. This feels nice. Vit's never been this close to someone else, except for momentary group hugs between team Gridman.

"Looks like you're appreciating this as much as I am -- ooh." The heroine's skin-tight action outfit takes a beating as she leaps away from an explosion. "That's a bit gratuitious. I never knew it was unusual, but I've always appreciated people of all alignments and shapes and such. Whoo, there's this Zentradi guy online." Vit grins wickedly. "Looks like it's the same for you?"

Briefly, Vit remembers back when Gridman was asking Kaworu out, how he agonized over asking if Kaworu was interested in men... Is it really that big of a deal?

<Pose Tracker> Ennil El has posed.

This time, the touch is welcome. She lets herself curl into Vit's shoulder a bit, smiles. "...Yeah. Doing this together... I guess I'm still not used to thinking about it that way? But it'd be really hard to give it up..."

Another little sip. Her fingers lock on his. Adding a little weight to keep him from slipping away. "The songs are great, but she's a performer, trust me. Totally different vibe live. I wouldn't miss it."

She sets her glass down so she can give Vit's leg a playful squeeze when he starts 'appreciating' that shot. "Yeah, I guess it's like that for me too. I actually had... a rough time with guys for a little while. I feel like they get all these expectations built up in their head when they see me." She sighs a little, squeezing that hand on her shoulder. "Played around a little, realized I liked it. I'm still pickier with guys, but, hey - guess that just makes you lucky, right?" She giggles. "Maybe let me get a look at that Zentraedi later, though. If you think he won't mind."

She sweeps the glass back up, taking another quick drink, and lets her head ease back. The view of the movie isn't quite as good at this angle, but - as much as she's enjoying it, that's not where most of her attention is. She cuddles in a little closer with a comfortable sigh.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

"Maybe you can't turn into a plane or something, but that doesn't mean anything. You'll be out there supporting Gridman just like us. It's no different." Vit's voice is so confident. Ennil has his complete faith. "Unless you want to go. We won't stop you, but--" A glance away from the movie, down to Ennil's blue eyes. "...I'd sure like it if you stayed."

The weight of Ennil's fingers is welcome. Vit rubs his thumb against her hand softly. "I'll look forward to it, then. Maybe Tsutsujidai's reappearance will be enough to convince her to come out and play for us again. Some kind of celebration thing."

"Heh, sorry, kinda rude to talk about other folks on a date, right?" Vit looks rueful. "My bad. This is my first date, if I'm being totally honest. You'd never know it with my suave nature though, right?" It's a joke, at least mostly, as he grins. "If we do have a second date... We'll go at your pace. I don't wanna do anything to make it rough on you. Hell, you've already gone above and beyond, helping me save Junk like that."

Vit blushes, hiding it in another sip of wine. "Definitely lucky. And sure thing. I might've saved a few of his pics, since they were posted publicly... I might've tried out a couple of his poses." There's a little chuckle at that. "Doesn't quite work without the immense muscles."

Really, the movie could be the highest art in the Earthsphere, and Vit wouldn't be able to tell you a single character's name. Ennil is here. He never knew how much better being present is. Having someone actually with you... Vit sips his drink. The wine isn't expensive, but it's tasty enough to his palette. He's just starting to feel the tingling warmth of a buzz from it.

<Pose Tracker> Ennil El has posed.

Those eyes. The gentle touch. Everything Vit is saying...

If only it were that easy. She wants it to be. It's why she's holding on to every moment as fiercely as she can.

"I'd like that, too." She can say that much with nearly as much confidence as Vit. "And you're doing just fine. You're just as charming as ever, Vit." She turns her head again, just enough for another quick kiss. And then he says the second date can be at her pace, that she can do what she needs to be comfortable.

She swings the glass back and sets it down empty. She's in no hurry for a second - Vit would have to get up for that. She swings her own arm around his waist and hugs him even closer, her own head definitely buzzing - though the wine is only barely to blame. Vaguely, she considers how red she must look right now - and turns her head in, a little. It's still perfectly obvious, though.

As firm as that hug is, the rest of her is so relaxed for once. It almost aches, letting that tension drip out of her. She keeps trying to throw something back, to keep up the little jokes and comfortable chatter - but every time she opens her mouth, she just closes it again and smiles.


<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

There's an elephant in the room neither of them want to touch. It lingers, heavy on both of their shoulders. Triple Zero is a danger to Tsutsujidai. It's a danger to Gridman -- it's even a danger to Sky Vitter himself. Gridman's own words come back to Vit -- even if they'll be enemies tomorrow, tonight they're friends. Maybe a little more than that, really. And that's enough. The future will come when it comes.

"Always great to hear." Vit tries to keep up the charm, but it's clear Ennil's words have hit home. His heard flips again, in a way he's never felt, no matter how fast he flies. Another kiss..! "You're pretty great, Ennil. Thanks for giving me a shot."

Vit finishes his own wine as Ennil does. He's got nowhere near the constitution of Max. It feels nice, though. All the easier to ignore the oncoming future. Vit's never felt comfortable ignoring their mission, but tonight? Tonight, all that matters is the beautiful girl next to him. Ennil hugs him tight, and Vit puts down his glass. Soft red hair brushes against his suit, and now that his inhibitions are a little lower... Softly, carefully, Vit runs his hands through it. Careful not to disturb the artfully applied hair-clips, of course.

Explosions go off in the background, bad guys die with screams of agony, and our heroine poses to the camera, framing her chest as she holds up a gun. Vit misses all of it, looking down at Ennil, waiting on whatever she decides to say. "You're welcome. And hey, anytime."

With liquid courage coursing in his veins, Vit leans down, kissing Ennil's hair. "Could always move over here, if you don't wanna stay in Calibur's weird magical girl room anymore..."

<Pose Tracker> Ennil El has posed.

The movie's ending. The night is winding down. She barely stirs when Vit's fingers slip into her hair... just a little murmur, to let him know she's paying attention, that the stillness is intentional.

The candles add a pleasant haze to the room. The wine, too. It's so much less than she normally needs to feel okay. She's not fighting the way she usually does. Another little blush touches her cheeks as she feels him lean down to kiss at her hair.

"Yeah? ...There's one condition, though."

It's another thing that's hard to say. She slips a hand away from him only long enough to fish into her jacket for her phone, leaning her head against her chest as she pecks at the keyboard. Strictly speaking, she's pretty fast - but she has to keep going back, figuring out exactly what she wants to say and how. A tiny bit of tension returns to her shoulders, but it eases back as she sighs and lifts the screen up to Vit's eyeline.

<When I sleep. Need to leave? Get me awake first. Can't, waking up alone. Promise.>

Her other hand slowly, gently finds his collar, slipping up to get there. If she hears what she's hoping for, he's earned at least one real kiss.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

The contrast between candle-light and the explosions of the grand finale of... whatever this movie was, makes for an apt visual metaphor for the situation Vit and Ennil are facing in reality. As the movie winds down, the credits roll, a woman crooning a passionate love ballad over the list of names.

"Yeah?" Vit echoes, unable to help the way his heart speeds up. Ennil's practically in his lap. She's murmuring against his chest, letting him run his fingers through your hair. He's getting in way too deep. And he doesn't care. This feels like something he's been searching for, for as long as he can remember. All those followers online and flirty messages... They all feel like ash compared to the real thing.

Ennil types on her phone. Vit waits, stroking through her hair softly. Moving at her pace. Not like he'll have any issue with communicating through the phone.

Focusing in on those words, Vit's heart aches. So much pain is expressed so simply. Rough time with the other guys, huh? Vit wouldn't mind paying those other guys a visit...

Gently Vit pulls out his own phone from an inner suit pocket. He taps away at it quickly.

<I promise. Same deal for me. I've never slept with anyone but I'd worry a lot if you weren't there.>

Vit lowers his phone for Ennil to see. The moment she's finished with it, he drops it, placing both hands around her waist. Blue eyes half-lid, and he leans in enough to show interest. Ennil can finish the kiss if she wants to -- Vit's keeping his word. Moving at her pace.

<Pose Tracker> Ennil El has posed.

The phone slips from her hand. It slides up, fingers playing at the back of Vit's neck, finding a bit of his hair to play with in turn. Being given permission like this...

It's way more than she's used to. She presses in fast, just in case the moment might jet away when she wasn't looking. The kiss lasts as long as her breath, and her lips and his are still slightly sweet with wine. When it's done she throws her arms over his shoulders and leans in, curling up with him and sighing deeply.

There's a lot she wants to say. There's a lot she has no idea how to say, and the thing neither of them is willing to. She opens her mouth to try and at least get out the most important thing.

"...thank you."

That's not the right words. But you could hear them, if you were really listening.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

Vit shivers as Ennil plays with his hair. He kisses back, inexpertly, but enthusiastically. Vit's lips are warm and soft, his impeccable skincare routine paying off finally. Ennil's sweetness is, appropiately, intoxicating, and he kisses her until she has to breathe.

In a moment of wild bravery, Vit stands, holding Ennil easily in his arms. "My bed's a wreck." He admits. "But I can fix it. No problem. It's going to be great."

Suddenly, the idea that his house is half-furnished (and filled with model planes) doesn't seem like such a big deal. Making sure to wait until Ennil gives her permission, Vit walks toward the stairs, easily climbing them with her in his arms. She might get a glance of the kitchen of models, if she's looking, otherwise... It'll be a fun surprise in the morning.

Vit nudges open the door to his room with a foot, placing Ennil down in a beanbag chair near a window. A telescope is set up to be just visible from that height -- he must spend time looking at the stars. Vanishing and returning in a flash, Vit appears with an enormous quilt in his arms.

"Snatched this from Borr's place. They're busy watching over Rikka and mama anyway." He grins. With the power of a Hyper Agent, the bed is given new sheets, Borr's quilt, and finally, several pillows to choose from. "We're going to be cozy as all hell, my girl."

Walking back over to Ennil, Vit offers his hand. It's an unspoken invitation, just as she'd given him.

<Pose Tracker> Ennil El has posed.

She's swept up from the couch, and in that little pause, she just nods and slips her arms around his shoulders. It's much more gentle than the last time he carried her, but it's just as exhilarating.

She can't help but giggle as Vit whisks away and returns with the quilt. He's so... like this, all the time, but when you're honestly spending time with him...

"Well. How's that for an incredible first date?" She smiles. "For both of us."

She's all too happy to take that hand, and settle in under that quilt. She probably does just need the rest, for tonight, but...

She's got plenty of time to make the best of this.