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(Created page with " *'''Log: 2023-04-19: Full Circle''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Banagher Links, Character :: Akane Shinjo, Character :: Rikka Takarada, Character :: Mineva Lao Za...")
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 144: Line 144:
She doesn't, of course. But her eyes cast downward, and she lets out a quiet sigh.
She doesn't, of course. But her eyes cast downward, and she lets out a quiet sigh.
Alexis Kerib teleports in.
Line 252: Line 251:
She may have just given her cousin an informal order to kill him, after all.
She may have just given her cousin an informal order to kill him, after all.
As he talks about the Banshee, though, she hugs close against him, frowning. "I've been dreaming about it, too. Whoever's in there... wants me, too. Not the same way they want him, or the Unicorn... but... there's this awful, possessive intent."
As he talks about the Banshee, though, she hugs close against him, frowning. "I've been dreaming about it, too. Whoever's in there... wants me, too. Not the same way they want him, or the Unicorn... but... there's this awful, possessive intent." She nods to Akane in confirmation. "That's it."
Alexis... "He's the one who hurt you..." She nods a little. "With what little we know... I wouldn't be surprised if he's involved."
Alexis... "He's the one who hurt you..." She nods a little. "With what little we know... I wouldn't be surprised if he's involved."
Line 275: Line 274:
Rikka ''also'' knows exactly what she's doing.
Rikka ''also'' knows exactly what she's doing.
[OOC] Mineva Lao Zabi blu-ray: add to the end of my third paragraph: She nods to Akane in confirmation. "That's it."
  <Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.
  <Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Latest revision as of 05:00, 9 August 2023

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

One year ago, Banagher was in this same park, disconnected from the world and entirely lost as to what his role in it would be. He wandered under the blooming trees, collecting petals for a girl he thought would never return his feelings.

Now, he squeezes Audrey's hand, guiding her to one of the more spectacular trees.

"I want to show you something, wait right here." Banagher says, letting go of her hand.

Bending down, he gathers handfuls of the petals. He's far less choosy than he was in the past, simply scooping as many pink flowers into this hands as he possibly can. Satisfied, he returns to Audrey, hands behind his back.

Perhaps a flash of warning crosses Audrey's awareness, or perhaps Banagher's mischievous grin is its own warning -- but either way, she's met with an attack..! Cherry blossoms are thrown at her (well, thrown at a spot slightly above her head. Banagher would never do anything to distress Audrey, even in play), and then the young man takes off, laughing as he runs.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

One year ago, Akane had let the mere idea of cherry blossoms wither out of her city in favor of an eternal summer. (Two years ago, she'd watched one float down while introducing herself to a girl in the infirmary.)

Now, she walks through a park in Japan, a couple of stray blossoms floating down into her hair. (She doesn't notice.) She's not up to nearly as much horseplay, though; indeed, she seems to be taking it pretty sedately.

"This is pretty nice," Akane admits, though it's obvious that a public park is a little bit of strain for her.

She glances over to Banagher's little round of horseplay, and adds, lips curling up in a slightly self-deprecating grin, "I don't think this is gonna be an issue but if you do that to me I'm gonna freak out." Then, a little louder for Banagher, "Jeez, where do you find the energy?"

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Last year... Rikka went to see the cherry blossoms here. It was her first time seeing them in full bloom, and that's a memory she'll carry with her for a while. It was beautiful - she took some pictures with her phone, but the ones she took with her mind are still as vibrant as the day she first saw them.

Things are very different now than they were then - for the better, she thinks. For starters... Akane is here, with her. That's something she'd never give up. Someone else is here with her, too, though - it seems that Banagher and Audrey were interested in seeing them too, so why not go together? She met him for the first time here, too.

And so, at the moment, Rikka walks alongside Akane. She can tell this is a little much for her, so she keeps close, one hand in hers. She laughs a little, as Banagher showers Audrey with cherry blossom petals before running off.

"Right?" Rikka replies at Akane's comment, looking back her way - but there's a fondness to it. It's nice to see that kind of energy. As she looks her way, though... she spots something. She takes a moment to appreciate the sight of Akane with petals in her hair. She looks really cute... but then, Rikka always thinks she does.

"Oh, Akane." Rikka says. She leans in close for just a moment - and then reaches up, gently picking the cherry blossom petals out of her hair.

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

Audrey's been looking forward to this. She's been keeping them well away from the crowds, both for the sake of Akane, and a little bit for her own safety. As they walk through, she holds on to Banagher's hand tight, her eyes bright, sparkling with the sea of pink before her. "I've seen pictures, but... it's so much more beautiful in person...!" The wonder of the unfamiliar--the affirmation that there's beauty yet to be seen. So much to the world, so much to see...

It's a world worth protecting.

She's transfixed, a little, enough so that she doesn't pay much attention to Banagher once he's wandered off to find what he's going to show her. She looks to him as he approaches--


Her hands go up in front of her moments before she's showered with delicate pink petals, laughing. A few petals linger on the shoulders of her jacket, a few more in her hair... she scoops up some for herself, and... doesn't follow him. Indeed, she waits for him to come back around before opening her hands in front of her and blowing a gust of petals back at him!

She grins to the other two. "He's pretty adorable like that..."

May he never lose that, she prays.

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Sadly, Audrey doesn't take the bait. After a few moments of not being chased, Banagher returns, taking her counter-attack with a laugh. Shaking his head to dislodge the petals, he takes Audrey's hand once more, joining the girls in a more sedate walk through the trees.

"I never thought I'd be here again. Especially not with Audrey." Banagher answers Akane. "I guess -- I'm pretty excited!" He laughs, blushing softly. "I feel like I could run for hours."

Double-dating is nice, especially with Akane and Rikka. They both understand the need for keeping a low profile, and their feelings for each other shine. Banagher feels comfortable around them.

Another blush crosses his face as Audrey calls him adorable, and he leans in to kiss her cheek. "Thanks, Audrey." With a soft look in his eyes, he smiles to her -- then turns his attention to the other girls as well. "Would you all like something to eat? If you want to just walk around, that's okay too."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Getting fussed over is something that turns Akane pink instantly. Soon she'll be brighter than the blossoms. "Hey, you don't need to --" she starts, awkwardly, though by the time the petals are back out of her hair she's descended into giggles.

"It's kind of crazy... even when I lived near here I never bothered coming," Akane volunteers to Audrey. "I guess I thought this kinda stuff was for other people." As Banagher and Mineva form back up -- after a brief round of petal war -- Akane considers Banagher's question. "I could eat," Akane -- who basically always Could Eat, lately -- answers, "but probably something light? No gym this week, between school starting back up and another intensive I kinda had to let something go." ... and, all things being equal, it's easiest for Akane to let that slip. She's not exactly a gym person.

"Rikka, do you have anything you want?" Akane asks, deciding to let the person with the most specific food preferences lead that part of the conversation. (... or maybe she just likes it when Rikka's in charge, a little bit.)

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

The smile on Audrey's face is enough to confirm she feels the same way, looking at Akane and Rikka. They're really sweet together. The grin widens as Akane flusters. She brushes most of the petals out of her hair and off her shoulders. "I think I get why they were selling parasols back there..."

"Hmm... well, if you're all getting something," she starts thoughtfully, "A hot dog sounds nice." Looking at Akane, she tilts her head. "I've heard that's how it tends to be... the landmarks you live around are just kind of 'there', or something like that?"

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka looks very satisfied as Akane turns abruptly pink when she begins to fuss over her. She starts to giggle - and soon, Rikka is giggling, too.

She pulls away and watches Audrey's reaction to the cherry blossoms with interest. She'd forgotten that this would be her first time seeing them in full bloom like this. She can't help but smile a little at that.

"It really is incredible." Rikka agrees with a nod. "I'll never get tired of this."

She listens as Akane thinks back. So, this would be a fairly new experience for her, too, then...

Banagher returns - to a counter-attack from Audrey! Rikka laughs.

"I always wanted to come back here. ...But I didn't realise it'd be like this. It's nice to be surprised sometimes." Rikka comments. And then, he asks if they'd like something to eat, while Akane asks if there's anything specific she wants.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind getting off my feet for a bit." She replies. With a 'hm', Rikka considers her options. Audrey wants a hot dog, and for her...

"I wonder if they still have those vegetarian sushi rolls... Oh, and we've got to have some of the sakura mochi." Rikka decides. That should be light enough for both of them, too...

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

"I don't think that's strange, Akane." Banagher says, nodding to Rikka. "You get used to things that are in your space, no matter how amazing they are. As for food..."

Banagher glances around. There's plenty of food stalls nearby, hopefully enough to satisfy everyone's tastes. When Audrey asks for a hot dog, the young pilot grins, squeezing her hand.

"Street food has really made an impression on you." He says, teasingly. "Remember when eating and walking at the same time was unthinkable?"

Sure enough, there is a hot dog vendor! Banagher squeezes Audrey's hand once, then goes to purchase one for both of them. It's nostalgic, in an almost-sad kind of way. Industrial 7 is long gone, now...

"Sakura mochi sounds amazing." He doesn't want to get emotional on a date. "Last year I didn't get any, so I want to make sure to try it."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Oh, that would've been a good idea," Akane reflects, "but at the same time it's not like I mind the petals or anything. If they were coming down a little harder that'd be one thing, but this isn't horrible or anything." Mineva's comment about familiar landmarks gives Akane a little pause, though, especially with Banagher's follow-up; she actually has to think about it.

As she thinks about it, she shifts from clinging to Rikka to just having an arm around her. Eventually, she concludes, "I think that could've been it, but... nah, the park felt as far away from me as Lhasa or Odessa. I was kinda just too much in my own head."

As they continue along toward food, Akane visibly brightens. "I could definitely go for some kappa-maki and sakura mochi..." Akane says. That's probably about the right size of meal for her too, as she thinks about it. Reaching into her bag, she fishes out her card and hands it to Rikka, with all the implications of 'I'll buy, but you have to handle ordering' it brings.

(It is, of course, right behind her transit pass. Banagher and Mineva get a glimpse of something special to Akane, as a result.))

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

"Hmm... yeah, some sakura mochi sounds like a good idea... it'd be a shame not to indulge in the tradition," Audrey agrees. She's following along close, fingers laced with Banagher's, as she laughs bashfully, nodding. "Y-yeah... it wasn't until we went back to Sweetwater that I really got a feel for it."

Even now, she tends to worry about cleanliness for such things. Perhaps justifiably, perhaps not, depending on who you ask...

There's a nod to Akane. "I see." She's glad to be here to see Akane come out of her head...

There are a few quiet moments, as they wait, and her mind drifts. It's hard not to think about Char. She almost wants to reach out...

She doesn't, of course. But her eyes cast downward, and she lets out a quiet sigh.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

A parasol would've been a good idea... but then Rikka wouldn't have had the opportunity to pick petals out of Akane's hair. In that regard, she's fine with this outcome. She studies Akane's face as she thinks about Banagher's comment. It's... not too much of a surprise for her. She smiles.

"...You're here now, at least. I'm glad to get a chance to share this with you." Rikka replies. She chuckles a little at Banagher's teasing of Audrey. It's really sweet. It paints a certain picture of their relationship, and it's nice to see the two of them growing, too. She then looks toward Akane as she agrees with her food choices.

"Great. I think I'll grab some tea, too... Do you want anything? They have a few different drink options." Rikka asks, accepting Akane's card.

Banagher comments on the sakura mochi, and Rikka smiles.

"It's great. I definitely recommend it." She says. She waits a moment for Akane to give her a drink choice, if any - and then with that, she gives Akane's hand one last, brief squeeze before slipping away to the vendor. She doesn't at all mind doing the ordering - and before long she's back, passing Akane over her share along with her card. As she does, she catches sight of Audrey with a downcast expression. What could have gotten her into that kind of mood...?

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

"Oh, I see." Banagher murmurs. "I was like that when I was still in school too. My friends would go to dances, or other stuff, but I always stayed in to study."

He's quiet for a moment, eyes faraway.

"I'm glad that both of us are able to go out and enjoy things like this now, Akane." He catches a glimpse of a cute pink case in her bag -- a wallet, maybe? "I like your case. It's cute."

Audrey and Leina both like pink... Maybe they'd like something similar? Banagher is always on the look out for things that girls enjoy.

Chomp. It seems along with walking and eating, he can consider and eat as well. Banagher smiles at the taste. It's not the same as the ones back home, but pretty close.

"Once we're done with this first round, I'll get us some sakura mochi." He promises the group at large. "For now, let's find a place to sit."

Thankfully, there are plenty of options! Blankets have been spread out beneath the trees, and there are picnic tables and benches to be found. Banagher starts to approach one of the blankets -- but wouldn't mind sitting elsewhere, if any of the girls don't wish to sit on the ground.

Audrey looks a little sad, and Banagher's expression quickly mirrors hers. "Is everything okay? Are you getting tired? We don't have to stay longer than you want to."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

The vibe shifts under the conversation a bit, and Akane instantly notices. It's a nervewracking thing to notice, because she feels like she's being a bring-down. When Rikka goes to order after that last squeeze of her hand, she's tempted to chase after her after all -- but she lets her go, instead, after noting, "Hojicha?"

The moral arc of the world does not bend universally toward tomato juice, unfortunately. Living in the world means small compromises.

She shifts uneasily while she waits, trying to think of a way to pierce the awkwardness that isn't itself awkward -- but Banagher makes the first move. "Oh! Rikka got it for me when I left Tsutsujidai," Akane enthuses. "It's really nice. I didn't feel like my cards were something I needed to take care of, but..."

She waves it off, finishing, "Thanks," continuing along with them as everyone finds a place to sit. Banagher opens the awkward-moment conversation as they settle in on a blanket, and Akane follows up with, "The vibe is kinda off for both of you, actually. Is it just that Leina couldn't make it, or something else?" ... please don't let that be invasive...

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

Audrey takes a seat with the others on the blanket, taking a bite of her hot dog. She's chewing, thoughtfully, as the others ask her what's up. She shakes her head. "It's fine. I'm okay, just..." She pauses. "Thinking about Ch- ...my father."

She doesn't want to say his name.

"It's kind of hard not to, lately." She smiles a bit. "But being able to do things like this helps. Don't worry about it, really! I'd rather enjoy the cherry blossoms than dwell on it more than I have to."
SCENESYS: Puru-1 has posted scene #319, 'Unicorn Fight Night: Placeholder', at 19:00 EST on 05/26.
SCENESYS: Rita Bernal has posted scene #320, 'The Price We Pay', at 17:00 ET on 05/17.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"Hojicha." Rikka confirms with a nod as she departs. She can see that brief temptation to go with her and she lingers for just a second, but when Akane ultimately elects not to, Rikka departs and returns shortly.

"I saw it when I was out shopping and pretty much immediately thought about her." Rikka comments with a wistful chuckle. It laid in her bag for months after that... but in that time, she treated it with great care.

She nods, too, as Banagher promises sakura mochi.

"Sounds good." She replies. Rikka, for her part, doesn't mind sitting on a blanket. So, before long, she's sitting with everyone else. She takes a sip of her tea, and listens as the topic of what's going on is finally breached.

Audrey says she's thinking about her father. Given who her father is... Rikka nods quietly, and offers her a smile.

"Well... I'm glad we could be here for you." She says, then looks toward Banagher. "The same goes for you, though. If anything's up you can tell us, okay?"

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

"That's kind of her." Banagher smiles to Akane, then to Rikka. "It really suits Akane. I didn't know you'd left Tsutsujidai, are you going to go back? Your school was there, right?"

When Audrey invokes her father, Bangaher scoots closer to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"I'm sure you both heard about the almost-colony drop, right? We were there in the fight. Audrey had to fight against him." Banagher looks worried. "It was pretty terrible. I had to fight one of my friends, and I nearly got turned by 000. But we saved her."

Banagher considers bringing up the fairy men, but ultimately decides against it. He doesn't need more mockery.

"You're so kind, Rikka, thank you." Banagher looks away for a moment, then continues. "There's been this... thing hunting me, whenever I go out in the Unicorn. I don't know how it keeps finding me. But every time, it takes me out. My... family, sends it. And the pilot is..."

He closes his eyes. "Some kind of tormented Newtype child. Maybe back from the dead. She even finds me in my dreams. I'm -- a little exhausted, and it's hard not to feel guilty."

"S--sorry, that's a little heavy."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Mineva's father. ... Char, presumably -- not Dozle; Akane picks up that cut-off. "I can get that," Akane says. Certainly her thoughts drift toward all kinds of people she'd rather not think about, when she has spare time.

Taking her tea and her food from Rikka, Akane scoots a few inches toward her. ... she's getting steadily more comfortable with physical closeness even while observed, and it's something even she's noticing. It's nice.

When Banagher recounts his experience at the almost-colony drop... Akane pauses, and pulls out her phone. "This is the Banshee, right?" Akane asks, remaining steady. "It showed up when 3G was after the Phenex, too. ... I've been having the dreams sometimes." She draws a quick circle with her finger, then swipes. "Alexis is helping them. I'm starting to wonder if he's interested in that pilot, but there's a lot I don't get about it..."

After taking another drink of tea, Akane realizes she needs to do something to buoy her mood before she starts spiraling. She glances at Rikka's bottle of tea, then at her own. "... hmmm, I don't think I've had that brand before. Trade you sips~"

She knows exactly what she's doing.

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

Audrey purses her lips, not particularly happy with the turn in the conversation as Banagher talks more about Palau. "It's... saying my feelings are complicated is an understatement."

She may have just given her cousin an informal order to kill him, after all.

As he talks about the Banshee, though, she hugs close against him, frowning. "I've been dreaming about it, too. Whoever's in there... wants me, too. Not the same way they want him, or the Unicorn... but... there's this awful, possessive intent." She nods to Akane in confirmation. "That's it."

Alexis... "He's the one who hurt you..." She nods a little. "With what little we know... I wouldn't be surprised if he's involved."

There's something oddly comforting about talking about it here, among the cherry blossoms, over hot dogs and tea. When you're surrounded by beauty... maybe it's a little easier to handle the evils of the world.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"She'll be finishing up school through digital presence, but after that she'll be going elsewhere. I'll miss her, but we both agree that it's for the best - and it's not like we won't be able to keep in touch and meet up like this." Rikka explains for Banagher. Akane scoots toward her and Rikka smiles. She's noticed, too - how much more comfortable she's been getting.

"...Yeah. I heard about that." Rikka confirms with a nod. She was prepared for the possibility that something like that happening, after the conversation at Villa Mass. She shakes her head. "...That's sounds awful. I'm glad you all were able to get out of that okay."

The topic of conversation changes to the Banshee, and Rikka listens intently.

"...That sounds horrible." She murmurs, about the dreams. She's the only one of them who hasn't had some kind of contact with it, so she hasn't experienced it for herself. She can't imagine what that must feel like - that awful, possessive intent Audrey mentions. She hopes she never has to.

She spots Akane taking notice of her tea, though, and a moment later, she asks to trade her sips.

"Sure." Rikka agrees with a smile, offering her the bottle.

Rikka also knows exactly what she's doing.

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

"Yeah, the Banshee." Banagher looks a little surprised that Akane has heard of it. "Oh, you're with 3G, no wonder. How close did you get to it? I thought only people who fought it had the dreams, but I don't think you're a pilot."

Banagher frowns, finishing his hot dog and crumpling the wrapper. "Alexis... I remember, he was there when Vist attacked the PPL. Why would he cooperate with the Vist Foundation? It's not like he needs money."

Akane's clever plan goes unnoticed by Banagher as he runs this new information through his mind. Audrey hugs closer, to him, and he tightens his hold around her shoulders, leaning in to press a kiss to her temple.

"This just doesn't add up..." Banagher murmurs.

Rikka speaks up, and he comes back to the conversation, nodding at Akane's school plans. "I'm glad you've got something figured out. I just gave up on school when -- everything happened." He shrugs, but there's a little sadness to it.

"I hope you'll be able to stay far away from all of this, Rikka." Banagher says, softly. "Why don't I get us that sakura mochi? I'll be right back."

A press of his head into Audrey's, and he stands, wandering off toward the vendors. Maybe something sweet will help lighten the mood. And taking a second to go fetch the treat will give him time to think.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Haha, yeah... I guess you can't just decide to feel one way or another about it," Akane answers Mineva, a little distantly. A stray blossom blows onto her kappa-maki; she plucks it off casually, and says, "He implied it pretty hard, yeah..." Banagher's question needs an answer, and unfortunately, Akane has it. "I guess he needed something to do besides mess with me." ... or something to make it easier to mess with me, she reflects.

The other half needs an answer, too, though. "I was providing shipboard support, so pretty close." It's a practical answer. She doesn't linger.

Akane trades bottles with Rikka; despite the fact that she's actually kissed her several times, including in public, it makes her a little nervous. With a slightly shaky hand, she lifts it to her lips -- and then can't help herself and takes several gulps.

Letting it go with an, "aaah~," she gently puts it back down. "Hmmm... I'd say I have a new go-to," she concludes, winking at Rikka.

When Banagher goes to get the mochi, Akane looks up toward the trees. "... it's nice to get out here. The train ride is a little long, but it's a pretty good time of year to watch all that stuff go by. It might be fun to go in a car or a KMF or something so it isn't whipping by so fast..."

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

Audrey shakes her head. "If he's involved with the Vist Foundation... it's likely we're all in this mess together now. They've been putting most of their resources toward finding the Box... so I can't imagine they won't be putting his talents toward that."

She leans into the smooch. Things may have taken a bit of a dire turn, but the affection helps warm her. Audrey stares down at the last bite of her hot dog, popping it into her mouth and giving a thoughtful chew.

"The why isn't really important, though. What is important is that they're working together."

And after a long, silent moment, she nods to Akane. "Yeah. That kind of trip sounds nice, really. it's hard to appreciate properly from a train or a shuttle..."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka listens as they consider why Alexis is helping the Vist Foundation. It's a good question. Honestly, anything he's doing is pretty bad, but she doesn't have any concrete information herself... so, there's only one thing she can offer.

"Because he sucks. So bad." Rikka replies, with a shake of her head. ...Her expression lightens a moment later, though, at the way Banagher offers comfort to Audrey. ...The two of them really are cute. It's nice to see.

"...I'm sorry." Rikka murmurs, at Banagher's sadness regarding school. "...And, thanks. I hope so, too."

She nods to see him off. Akane's Scheme, though, pick her mood right back up. Without hesitation, she takes a few sips from Akane's bottle herself and meets her wink with a smile.

"Yeah, me too~." She replies fondly. And then, Akane talks about how it might be fun to go in a car or a KMF or something, and Audrey agrees that it sounds nice too. Rikka pauses for a moment, and 'hm's to herself.

"...Why don't we?" She considers. "We've got time coming up. I've got my license and I'm a pretty good pilot, so we wouldn't need a driver or anything. Just a vehicle. There's still a lot of the world I haven't see yet... It'd be nice to see something new."

Especially if it's with her.

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

"I see." He answers Akane, face serious. "I won't press you for details, but -- I've got your back. Anything my family is trying to do, if they're connected with Alexis, it's like Audrey says. We're in this together. Let's protect each other as best we can."

As Banagher purchases the mochi, he takes his time. If Akane is with GGG, that should offer her some protection. And Tsutsujidai has a protector as well, that giant. Still, that's far less secure than Akane's situation. Rikka will be the one to watch out for.

Banagher returns to the group slowly, giving himself enough time to work up a smile. The mochi is very cute, pink and appealing. If he can just exist in this moment for a little while longer... The future will come soon enough. He has to cherish this time.

A cherry blossom blows into Banagher's face, landing squarely between his eyes. Coming to a stop, he blinks at it, arms full of the sakura mochi. The humor of the situation isn't lost on him, and he grins, shaking his head to clear away the little petals.

"Alright, I'm back!" He announces, putting down the boxes. There's more than enough to share. "I've never had mochi before, one of you will have to show me how it's done."

Banagher settles back in beside Audrey, looking at her softly for a moment. "The last time I was here, a year ago, I gathered up as many perfect cherry blossom petals as I could find. Rikka helped, actually." A grateful glance is shot her way. "For you. I carried them around with me everywhere I went. Into battle, through the Sleeves ship... Always. Even when they dried out and started to crumble, I had faith I'd be able to give them to you someday."

"And I did, finally. Back at Christmas." For a moment, it's like the burdens on Banagher's shoulders fall away. He looks peaceful, and happy. Existing here and here alone. "I never thought we'd get this far. I'm so happy we have."