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(Created page with "*'''Log: 2024-09-20''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Flay Allster, Character :: Shinn Asuka *'''Where:''' Onogoro Island, Orb Union *'''OOC - IC Date:''' September 20, 009...")
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Shinn's discomfort at the realization they're both mobile suit pilots is noticeable. She doesn't want to know that he wouldn't hesitate if he was ordered to shoot her. But piloting, being on the battlefield, can really change a person. If they can end the war as quickly as possible, they might never have to face each other... at least that's what Flay wants to hope.
Shinn's discomfort at the realization they're both mobile suit pilots is noticeable. She doesn't want to know that he wouldn't hesitate if he was ordered to shoot her. But piloting, being on the battlefield, can really change a person. If they can end the war as quickly as possible, they might never have to face each other... at least that's what Flay wants to hope.
"Shinn... I won't forget that." She nods, trying to commit the young pilot's name to memory. "I hope so, too. It's nice to know that maybe there's some good people in ZAFT, too." She gives Shinn one last lingering look, before she starts to head off. "I don't know if we'll ever see each other again, but... take care."
"Shinn... I won't forget that." She takes his hand, trying to commit the young pilot's name to memory. "I hope so, too. It's nice to know that maybe there's some good people in ZAFT, too." She gives Shinn one last lingering look, before she starts to head off. "I don't know if we'll ever see each other again, but... take care."
As she walks off through the sandy beach of Onogoro, Flay passes by a young blonde man on his way to check on Shinn. He uncharacteristically freezes at the sight of her, but she's so consumed by her own worries that she doesn't quite notice anything except for brief chill down her spine. They both continue walking like nothing happened.
As she walks off through the sandy beach of Onogoro, Flay passes by a young blonde man on his way to check on Shinn. He uncharacteristically freezes at the sight of her, but she's so consumed by her own worries that she doesn't quite notice anything except for brief chill down her spine. They both continue walking like nothing happened.

Latest revision as of 04:20, 21 September 2024

  • Log: 2024-09-20
  • Cast: Flay Allster, Shinn Asuka
  • Where: Onogoro Island, Orb Union
  • OOC - IC Date: September 20, 0099
  • Summary: Two strangers, one from the Gaia Sabers and one from ZAFT meet over the same shore. Flay's fear and Shinn's anger should bring the two into conflict, but they find themselves sharing in the pain of war instead, even if there's an implicit understanding their next meeting will certainly be as enemies.

<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.

The Minerva isn't the only ship docked in the harbours of Onogoro Island. As Shinn might have learned, Orb has its plans to join the NUNE with the marriage of Cagalli Yula Athha. Because of that, the Gaia Sabers have steadily been building up a presence in the ports of this so-called neutral nation, whether it's to discuss security of the wedding or to make sure Orb's self-defense force is smoothly integrated into the Gaia Sabers' fleet when the treaty is signed.

After returning from her leave, and picking up her Strike from the Aion, Flay was assigned here. Even though she's part of the military now, she was once a citizen of Orb herself... even if she harbours some of her own bitter feelings towards the country. There isn't a lot to do in this sector of Orb... and she doesn't really feel like visiting that memorial a second time. Especially since after the world broke, those flowers were wiped out once again.

Instead, she approaches the heavy waters of Onogoro's shore to reflect on things. Perhaps by coincidence, it's not far from where the Minerva is docked. Her custom uniform clearly marks her as a member of the Gaia Sabers, which could mean trouble for the Minerva, but if there's anyone else watching the waves crash against the shore, she hasn't noticed just yet.

<Pose Tracker> Shinn Asuka has posed.

There was definitely another person on the beach. Dressed in his civilian clothes, Shinn was sitting on the shore, staring into the crashing waves as if they had some answer. After the run in with she who shall not be named, Shinn decided that it would be in his best interest to find some space to decompress away from his friends. They meant well. Shinn knew this but he also wasn't a child and was allowed to feel how he felt. Right?

Plus his sister really loved the beach. She always used to splash Shinn when he was trying to just get some sun. This memory brought a sad smile to his face before he saw her again, twisted in the rubble.

Shinn clenched his teeth and threw his head back, wondering why the world was so cruel. It just wasn't fair.

The Coordinator knew he would never see this place again soon. The sentiment of Coordinators was getting worse due to Break The World. He could understand that much. For now, he would just experience this place one last time.

After a moment, Shinn caught notice of the girl in her uniform. He recognized it immediately, suddenly glad he wasn't in his ZAFT uniform. Maybe part of him wished that he was? No, maybe not. She could've just been someone on the crew of whatever ship stationed here. Shinn remained quiet, watching the girl for a moment.

<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.

The oceans of Orb bring back a few memories for Flay. Not many of her father, considering he was a busy man who spent more of his time in the Federation... but maybe a few from back when her mother was still alive. Of course, she's not really the sentimental type of person, either... and she can't quite ignore the tension in those waters.

Flay doesn't dwell on it for long, realizing that she isn't here by herself. She spares a glance, wondering if it's going to be someone she knows. But she doesn't recognize Shinn. She doesn't know the depths of his pain, or the extent of which he lost. But she doesn't think someone would carry themselves like he is if he wasn't mourning something. So she gives him a moment, instead of interrupting him.

Once she knows he's watching her, she turns her gaze towards the Minerva, and then stares back at him. "Oh, you're... are you from that ZAFT ship? The Minerva? It's nearby, so..." She asks, even if he's not in his uniform. She hesitates, and shakes her head quickly after. "Not like that matters here. I guess we should enjoy the 'neutral ground' while it lasts."

If this young man might be a Coordinator... she probably shouldn't get too friendly with him. So she doesn't offer him a smile. "It's a pretty view, but it won't last forever. Don't you think?"

<Pose Tracker> Shinn Asuka has posed.

Shinn flinches as she is able to figure out he's with the Minerva. It wasn't as if that would be hard to figure out but it was definitely rattling him. He offers a forced smile, looking away as if he's almost ashamed? No that wasn't quite it. He was proud of being on the Minerva. It was more that Shinn now was with a potential enemy in one of his lowest moments. It was a moment he didn't even comprehend how to deal with. Finally, he offers. "Yeah. That's right."

"No, it won't...But it used to be much prettier before the invasion." Shinn says, standing with his hands at his sides. He looked tense, attempting to read Flay for any signs she was going to attack. It wasn't like he was armed but maybe he could throw some sand and run?

No, Shinn might have to make a stand. Maybe. What would Rey do in this case? He probably wouldn't be caught dead in a situation like this.

For the moment, Shinn keeps calm, not making any sudden movements. "I guess NUNE is already making itself at home." He says without any offense in his voice. He had already moved on from this place. It was like meeting the person who moved into your childhood home. "There's nothing for me here anymore..."

<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.

Shinn's reaction tells Flay that she's right on the money about him being from the Minerva, but she doesn't really look happy to be right. If she had a gun, she'd cling to it but, she knows she wouldn't actually stand a chance against Shinn in on-foot combat anyways. Her hands shake, forcing a smile of her own, trying to project anything but her own weakness. Some Gaia Saber she must look like right now.

It used to be prettier before the invasion, Shinn says... "Prettier? You used to live here, then?" She asks. She doesn't think a person raised in the PLANTs would harbor any strong feelings about the invasion of Orb, except that it was something that made the war easier for them. "Orb won that battle, but... I guess that's not the whole story." Maybe that doesn't change anything for Shinn.

NUNE making themselves comfortable in Orb... Flay considers that, but then she shakes her head. "I don't know if I'd say that. It's always been the same... ever since Heliopolis went up in flames!" Her expression tenses, and she looks away from Shinn and towards the violent waters. "Nothing's changed, but at least this means they're being honest about it for once." She smiles, bitterly.

"There's no point in going back to an empty home, is there..." She replies to Shinn's last statement. It's not quite mocking, maybe there's a hint of sympathy there.

<Pose Tracker> Shinn Asuka has posed.

Was she scared? Of him? Because he was from PLANT? Because he was a Coordinator? Shinn is honestly sort of stunned and maybe a little offended. Was this what they thought of Coordinators? That they were monsters who'd do...something. His brow furrows a bit before he coughs into his hand, feeling himself loosen up a bit. He wasn't sure if this was psychological warfare or a trick however. Shinn still kept himself ready for the Gaia Saber trickery.

Her next words sort of knock him back to reality. He flinches before he responds evenly like one would to an angry leopard "Yeah. With my family." Shinn frowns, looking away at the ocean. "Yeah they won the battle but people still died...I'm all that's left."

"Yeah. They are being honest at least." He says just as bitterly. "I take it you're from Heliopolis...That was pretty bad I've heard." Shinn's expression softens a little, turning back to look at Flay. "War is...he worst." He says, wondering if the Gaia Sabers thought that way. "Still, you have to fight. Otherwise you'll just end up like everyone else without the power to protect themselves. That's the world we live in." He sounds quite sad about this. Suddenly Shinn's body just loosens all the way and he just radiates sorrow.

"No...It's just painful." Shinn responds, with a genuine sad smile.

<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.

Truthfully, that fear probably comes from a combination of all those factors. There might be a certain trickery in making herself seem more unassuming to avoid a confrontation. But Flay doesn't quite notice that her fear gradually begins to lessen as she speaks with Shinn. As she learns about who he is, and maybe even empathizes with the personal tragedy that drives him.

She notes the way Shinn flinches at the question, and his distant answer. She grimaces, and doesn't immediately respond, trying to find the words. "...Oh. Um, I'm really sorry to hear that. No one should have to..." She clasps her hands together, and she at least sounds genuine with her condolences. "Winning a battle doesn't mean very much if you can't protect everyone." She agrees.

Flay nods when Shinn guesses she was from Heliopolis. "I went to school there with my friends. My dad... he was a Federation politician, but his ship was shot down by ZAFT not long after." She explains. "I was trying to take revenge this whole time, and I thought I got it... but I don't think it made me feel any better." She admits. "So you're right, war really is worst! And now we might be on the verge of another one, all because of..." She stops there, she doesn't need to spell it out.

She considers Shinn's words, about having to fight to protect yourself. She flinches, and she's not sure if it's because of the words themselves, or the sheer sorrow behind them. "I think I know what it's like to be that powerless. It's why I put on this uniform... because if you always count on someone else to protect you, it only hurts in the end." Her eyes wander off. "Does that mean you're a pilot, too?" She asks.

But Shinn's entire conclusion is one thing: it's painful. "...Yeah. It really is. I know we're fighting for different sides, but I don't want to lose anything else either." She shouldn't sympathize with someone who could become her enemy the next day, and yet... it's hard not to when he's right there in front of her. Maybe it'd be easier if she couldn't.

<Pose Tracker> Shinn Asuka has posed.

Seeing her loosen up makes Shinn relax, keeping his arms at his sides. He finally scratched the back of his head, smiling awkwardly. It was almost like talking to a girl at school without the whole potential enemies at war thing. He looks away at the ocean, wondering if it has an answer for him. It crashes against the shore without any hidden meanings for Shinn. "Yeah..Winning the battle doesn't mean anything to me. Not when I lost everything due to the idiots in control." There is that anger creeping back into his speech. It always was in Shinn since that day.

"I'm sorry. That must've been tough." Shinn looks at her. "I know I'm a member of ZAFT but---I'm sorry." He shakes his head, wondering what else he could say to help someone just like him. "I wouldn't even know who to get Revenge against in my case...War as a concept? And yeah war is about to happen again due to some idiots in power and some damn terrorists." What else could he say? He was honestly surprised to be talking to a Natural like this. For the moment it was kind of nice not to be worried about a gun muzzle in his gut or a bat to the back of his head. Any of the number of horror stories he heard about. Just like...Shinn frowns as his memories of Orb come back yet again.

Does that mean you're a pilot too? Shinn stops for a moment realizing this wasn't just some girl. There was a good chance that he'd be fighting her soon. A rock started forming in his stomach but he was too proud to lie. "Yeah. I'm a pilot." He straightened up, attempting to look proud of the fact.

"I don't want anyone to lose anything either." Shinn says, meeting eyes with Flay. "That's why I fight. That's why I have to fight."

<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.

Seeing Shinn relax makes Flay feel like she's back at Heliopolis herself, chatting up one of her classmates. Really, Shinn's earnest side almost reminds her of the way Kira was back then... though realistically, she knows it's not that simple, especially when that anger creeps back into his speech. Flay just nods carefully, when Shinn blames the 'idiots in control', not wanting to provoke anything.

"I don't think you have to apologize. It's... neither of us were supposed to get dragged into all this." After everything she learned about Nicol, she knows she can't just blame every Coordinator for what happened to her father. Shinn was just some kid living in neutral territory, and he still lost his family for it. "But here we are now." She sighs. "The media is saying it was all because of Coordinators, and the terrorists were Coordinators... but your ship was trying to stop it too, right?" Her memories of the battle are all hazy, but Flay thinks she remembers Dr. Mass launching from the Minerva.

Shinn confirms he's a pilot, and Flay can't meet him in the eye, realizing the exact same thing he does. "I see... so am I," And when Shinn reaffirms his reasons for fighting, Flay considers it for a few moments. "That's good. It's like you said... protecting those who need to be protected is more important than defeating your enemies, or even winning a battle. We shouldn't ever forget about that." She meets him right back in the eyes.

She wonders if this is even a good idea to ask, since it's harder to shoot at someone who's name you know. But then again... that goes both ways. "Can I ask your name, then? I think I want to know, even if we end up on opposite ends of a Beam Rifle," She volunteers hers, first, without even hesitating. "Flay. Flay Allster."

<Pose Tracker> Shinn Asuka has posed.

Shinn crosses his arms in discomfort, looking down at his feet as he listens to her. He is almost acting like he used to around this girl. That was actually kind of nice. Maybe it was because he felt that had shared trauma. He looks back up at her, nodding his head. "I was there. We were attempting to stop the terrorist but...it wasn't enough. We weren't enough."

Then she confirms again that she is a pilot. "Oh," is about all he can get out. He really didn't want to fight this girl if he could help it. That said...He knows if the order came in, he wouldn't hesitate. Shinn thinks about the words of Gilbert Durandal and the future for everyone he's dreamed of. That was the world he wanted to live in. Where war was a thing of the past.

Shinn hears her question and a slight smile appears on his face. He wanted this friendship to last. Maybe it would be ok. "Shinn Asuka." He says, awkwardly offering his hand to her. "I hope this all turns out ok."

<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.

"Even a miracle like the one on Axis wasn't enough... if it was, maybe we wouldn't be going to war." Flay frowns, when Shinn says that he was there, while Junius Seven was falling. "But you know... we did everything we could. We shouldn't have any regrets about that."

Shinn's discomfort at the realization they're both mobile suit pilots is noticeable. She doesn't want to know that he wouldn't hesitate if he was ordered to shoot her. But piloting, being on the battlefield, can really change a person. If they can end the war as quickly as possible, they might never have to face each other... at least that's what Flay wants to hope.

"Shinn... I won't forget that." She takes his hand, trying to commit the young pilot's name to memory. "I hope so, too. It's nice to know that maybe there's some good people in ZAFT, too." She gives Shinn one last lingering look, before she starts to head off. "I don't know if we'll ever see each other again, but... take care."

As she walks off through the sandy beach of Onogoro, Flay passes by a young blonde man on his way to check on Shinn. He uncharacteristically freezes at the sight of her, but she's so consumed by her own worries that she doesn't quite notice anything except for brief chill down her spine. They both continue walking like nothing happened.