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*'''Log: Politics and Romance'''
*'''Log: Love And Fear'''
*'''Cast:''' [[Character :: Calas Zelinn]], [[Character :: Leina Ashta]]
*'''Cast:''' [[Character :: Calas Zelinn]], [[Character :: Leina Ashta]]
*'''Where:''' December One Residential District, PLANT
*'''Where:''' December One Residential District, PLANT

Latest revision as of 22:46, 27 August 2024

  • Log: Love And Fear
  • Cast: Calas Zelinn, Leina Ashta
  • Where: December One Residential District, PLANT
  • OOC - IC Date: July 18, 2024 (0099 UC)
  • Summary: Calas reaches out to Leina again, well after the interview, and they meet at a restaurant on December One. They have a chance to talk a bit more casually than back then, covering topics from romance to Spacian identity.

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

This part of December One is beautiful--residential primarily, with a few businesses to cater to homes and people. It's a wonderful place to live; green lawns, even some real trees, large homes... Calas Zelinn's is in the area. But she's out at a cafe, a lovely and quiet place called 'Kalri's' that is known for real imported coffee and good, small-bite food; an afternoon cafe, more than an evening restaurant. And it is afternoon.

The walls are bright, and there are photographs and paintings both; the tables are small, and elevated. And Calas is seated at one of them, by the window, where her son Tarol is currently beginning to doze off again.

She's in red, a button-up blouse and a long skirt, with flats. She doesn't stress too much about her height most days; she'd rather be able to get around than wear heels to make up for it.

She has a few magazines and 'local guides' handy, but also a cup of tea, and a space for one Leina Ashta...

Who isn't 'Leina Mass', notably. But is related.

Calas reached out anyway, and not for the political connections. After that interview...

Well, Calas is a little thoughtful.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

While she was still feeling a little self-conscious about it, today she put on a modest midi dress with pink persimmon blossoms after the shuttle ride over. Dresses and skirts don't mix all too well with Zero-G, as she well knows.

Part of Leina wondered if she just took a walk, how many people would recognize she was a 'Natural' right away, because she broke some cultural norm of the PLANTs that wouldn't be obvious even to a Colony Girl like her.

But, she wasn't afforded the opportunity, her Benerit Security detail required she travel by car for any distance over a kilometer. Public transportation was similarly off limits.

She understood why, certainly, they're worried she'd duck security again - or worse, use this as an opportunity to defect.

'Yeah like I'm really going to blow up my whole life, and half of my friends lives.' - She doesn't say.

Either way, the car pulls up about a block away, the security of men in suits clear the area, then she's allowed out. They're at least not so paranoid that they hover around her as she walk, or at the restaurant.

Indeed, it's possible that Calas doesn't know they're there.

However, as she hoists her purse over her shoulder, she stands on her tip toes for a moment, before spying Calas...

"Hello again! I didn't really expect to see you again so soon Mrs. Zelinn. Thanks for setting this up" There's a warm smile, as she then looks over at the dozing Tarol. Just in case he's asleep, she waggles her fingers, and murmurs softly, "And hello to you too, little guy. Are you escorting your Mama around today?"

She knows he's probably too young to understand much of that, even for a Coordinator, but she not the type to baby talk a kid unless they're an actual infant.

Sliding her purse down over her chair back, she takes a seat, taking an extra moment to smooth out her skirts. "How's everything for you lately? I hope things have settled down now that we're in the summer."

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

The answer is probably fewer than Leina would worry; Calas knows, but there's no Coordinator secret hanshake; here, they just assume most people are.

Calas doesn't comment on the security. Instead, Leina greets her and Calas smiles at her. "Hello, Miss Ashta."

Tarol looks at Leina with big, sleepy eyes. "Yaahh," he replies, and his eyes start closing again. But Calas's smile turns softer. "He is. The others are at home, but he's been keeping me company."

"I'm not sure 'settled down' is how I'd put it, but it is less chaotic with just my own kids," she says wryly. "...I might extend that for longer than just the summer." She's thoughtful at that one; there's more to it. But she doesn't immediately elaborate.

"You?" she asks. "I know the PLANTs are different than how you used to imagine." Since Leina told her as much. "...And as for 'now', it happened to be good timing for me. You're quite welcome. It's nice to see you again."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"Tarol right?" She asks Calas to confirm before smiling, and waggling her fingers again at his 'word' as he dozes. "What a cutie." She giggles.

As she counters that isn't how she'd put it... "Fair enough, it just extends your hours as a housewife, doesn't it?"

At the very least, she doesn't seem to be the kind of person who thinks that it's 'easier' doing so, keeping house with this many kids is hard!

"Then I imagine you start summer meetings soon, curriculum updates, procedural updates..." As she ticks them off.

As she's asked in return, "Better with exams all finished. And work granted my request for leave. So... definitely less hectic. Trying to spend more time with my family, and my... significant other this summer."

It's a gender neutral word that, but they are in public, and while Leina is proud about who she is, she isn't here to cause trouble for Calas either.

"But now with Mom's appointment, well... family time has become a little more helping her get set up."

There's a shrug on that, like she's utterly unbothered by the idea of spending her off time on family in that way.

"And I'm not the type to delegate something like this to her assistant." She chuckles, before ordering herself a coffee with cream and sugar when the server comes back around. "If Mom's going to be living by herself up here, then I need to be sure it's adequate to her needs."

She winks, "Which, are a bit higher than her own standards, she's the type to neglect herself when she's working."

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

"Yes! Forgive me, I forgot to introduce you properly." She does't let it get her too dow, though.

"True," Calas says of extending her hours. "I don't mind that. I'm cosidering making it a permanent adjustmennt. I'd like to spend more time with my family. And Navras thinks it's a good idea. It would also free me up for--well, for certain business. Being a politician's wife has some expectations, too, along with my other responsibilities..."

A smile. "...So I might get saved those, anyway."

But, better! "Good," Calas says to Leina. "It's important to. Family, and... well, that too. Hang onto that one if you can."

Calas isn't exactly airing her laundry in public either, so she doesn't blame Leina going a little conservative in how she talks.

"I imagine so," Calas says. "A politician's daughter isn't trouble-free if you want to stay involved, either. I know how that goes; my parents were involved, that way."

A laugh, then. "I'm glad your standards are higher than hers, then. I can help with that, at least; if she settles on December, these materials should be useful." Calas slides some over the table. "I've circled some things, highlighted some others, but you know her tastes. I don't."

"..I have to admit, the news surprised me on a few levels. But maybe it's just what we need. Familiarity is the first step."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"It's totally alright. A mom out in public with a toddler has her mind going six different ways at once, right?" She tries to tell her, in understanding.

"Oh?" Knowing what she does of her home life... well, she's not certain what to think of that, but at the very least, it's Calas' choice. "I imagine it does require you to present a certain image." Leina does reply, about being a Politician's wife, "Well- do let me know how it works out for you? I'm... well, I do want to have children of my own some day, and these days everyone pushes the work - life balance so much. It's hard to even remember myself that I always have that option."

And that she has it better than most if she desired it, given her wealth. Most women just don't have that option, even if they're told they do.

However, to herself perhaps, she's worried it might cause greater... strain, on the situation Calas told her about. It's not any of her business to note that though with someone she's newly acquainted with.

"The most important thing." Leina agrees, and she does mean it, and there's a chuckle, "Well it's an executive cabinet appointment at least, no campaigning. Which is fortunate - I doubt my Cathedra ties would poll well."

Her tone isn't that she looks down on them necessary, it's more that she just understands political realities.

"But- I absolutely want to stay involved, as much as I can. I'm a Side 1 Girl, so I know just how much of a difference her position can make to billions of lives up here."

When her coffee arrives, she takes a sip, grinning, "She might. There's an internal push to make it Aprilius, but I always feel like a Colonial Capital puts someone... that much further from the people they represent, you know?"

Picking up the materials, she starts reviewing them. "It's a longer commute but not so long as to be prohibitive." Fishing out a pen from her purse, she starts making her own markings on Calas' material, brow furrowing as she considers.

"Which part of it? A Natural?" She looks up and grins at her, "Sayla Mass? 'Zeon's Daughter'? There's a lot of ways that one can take that one. The League does represent more than the PLANTs you know."

It's just a light tease because she knows that Calas knows that, "She's a bit 'progressive' compared to the average League politician, but really that's... just what NUNE needs in that position, I feel."

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

"...Well," Calas admits, "That's true. That's part of why I only brought Tarol. I didn't want our talk to be dominated by the kids' questions. But maybe you can still meet them soon."

A pause. "It does," Calas says. "My military and familial histories make me an asset on that front, at least. If Navras weren't into politics, I might've been obligated to do it myself." She stops then, and nods. "I'll let you know. The truth is... Well," she says, "Jovri's parents surprised him with news about how his testing's going," Calas says delicately. "So he may not be around to pick up the slack indefinitely." She wants to be happy about that, but it's a big change, too. If it happens that way.

"Probably not," Calas admits of Caera ties. "But it's necessary work you do. Some of us understand that. It's not just corporate profits."

Involved! "...Yes," Calas says. "A big difference." A pause, and she smiles back. "Aprilius is a good place, for sure. But I don't regret living here instead at all. I'm inclined to agree with you."

A laugh, then. "All of it," Calas admits. "But it does. And indeed--her position represents a lot more than us, in particular. Earth doesn't treat its Naturals very well when they're from Space either."

Calas does know that about Sayla--in part because of Leina herself. "...When you're dealing with refugees, it's better to be more progressive than not," Calas agrees. "Development, too. ...But I suppose I'm biased."

"....My family has long history in the Zodiac Alliance. Since well before the PLANTs were as nice a place to live as they are now."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"I'd like that." Leina says with a smile, and does genuinely mean that.

She then listens, nodding quietly, "It's a difficult route for women, in politics. Probably doubly so in the PLANTS. I think men outnumbered women three to one on the Supreme Council during the war?" She does a mental count in her head, "And it's about the same ratio right now..."

However, Calas reveals that Jovri... there's a faint flinch, "I see." There's a pause, as she tries to mentally consider how that might change dynamics at home, "How's your husband taking it?" She asks, gently, "It really changes things up for you as well..."

That's putting it mildly, Leina's trying not to be intrusive with her worst fears on how this could turn out.

"Corporate profits are about the last thing on my mind." Leina smiles, as she takes a sip of her coffee, before phrasing it delicately, "Mostly - we're raiding human experimentation labs. It's... something quite personal to me. The EFF didn't really take it all too seriously before."

There's a soft chuckle, "Yeah, especially for a politician. They really live in different worlds? You've gotta get them away from the lobbyists and corporate centers... drag them more down to earth."

Calas admits all of it, and Leina titters softly, grinning, "Believe it or not, I've been in her care for twelve years and I didn't know that last part until just before it came out to the public." She winks at her, "I was so mad at her for a while."

But- "You can say that again." She notes, softly, "I was a born on Shangri-La which... well, famously the first Colony. But visit it and... let's just say it wasn't a great place to grow up."

She smiles again at that, "Absolutely. And despite what I said before, the League has done great things for Side 1, compared to the Federation. I'm pretty sure they were installing beam shielding, last time I swung by? I mean, wow. Before we couldn't even get the Colony Corporation to invest in fixing the busted seasonal cycle on the environmental systems - or making temporary patches from damage during First Neo-Zeon war permanent."

These stories are of course, no surprise to someone from the PLANTs, given the food caps, but they are still stark...

"Yeah?" She nods thoughtfully, "Well, it makes sense to me, in the end what everyone really wants is to get by - to have a nice place to live. It's not like the average person really likes big corporations, they just think they're good for the economy."

Which, to even Leina shakes her head, she definitely has her own misgivings about that... but checking the maps and materials Calas passed her, she starts disqualifying a few locations just purely based on proximity to a few things.

Bars and Liquor stores.

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

Calas smiles. "That sounds right," Calas says of the numbers. "I'm not really outgoing enough for the job, anyway. I'd rather play to my strengths."

Calas notices that flinch, and Leina may feel--or see--a flash of guilt on Calas's face. "...He's stoic about it, of course. He doesn't really..." She glances to her son, with a quietlly pained look, "He doesn't really confide in me that sort of thing." She shakes her head. "But it's all maybes right now. What he's said is that it was inevitable that it might happen sooner or later, and that's... true. But it's different to be faced with it now."

Calas picks up her tea and drinks while Leina speaks. "Yes," Calas agrees. "That's very important. ...When I was fighting Neo-Zeon, I faced off against a few of their 'experiments'. We were able to rescue some. ...But not all."

"...It's very important work," she says again, and perhaps that's one of the memories that does haunt her of her time at war. Then she smiles at a better subject. "Yes," she says. "That's one of my 'jobs', I suppose; you might be surprised at how many political spouses I've met with over the years." Mostly wives, of course.

"Really?" Calas says. "I suppose she had her reasons to hide it. I'm glad you seem to have repaired the relationship."

Shangri-La... "Right. I believe you."

"I'm glad," Calas says. "Thre are a lot of us who'd ignore the plight of Spacian Naturals," Calas admits. "...But Navras thinks that total isolationism will only lead to more wars, and I think I agree. Either way, we can't pretend the rest of the Earth Sphere doesn't affect us."

The stories are no surprise. But...

"Right. And investing in infrastructure is how we get that. People want to contribute; give them the chance, and they will."

A pause. Calas notices a few commonalities in what's discarded. But she's too tactful to call it out directly. "...But they are a good place to live now. As you can see."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Leina chuckles at her comment, "That has a charm all it's own anyway. You'd be surprised how the serious minded mother polls." As she takes a sip, "But I get what you mean."

There's this long moment of watching Calas, then a slow blink, and she inhales. "Hmm. It might be a good time to try, anyway. Find out where his head is at. Communication is, key for these kind of arrangements right?"

Leina's trying not to sound trite here, just, to nudge her perhaps in that way, "Especially if... Jovri is gone, he's going to need someone to talk to, open up to. And who else if not you?"

She's trying to at least be discreet in her volume here. "Even if he's... more interested, in others, that makes it even more important to communicate expectations." It's still an unideal arrangement in her mind, but it's a different culture here, and she's trying to be understanding of it.

At least until the moment she discovers it's definitively harmful to her.

"Mmm." Leina murmurs softly as Calas notes rescuing experiments in the war, "I'm tempted to ask but... I know it's just going to be another dead end."

Still, after a moment, she closes her eyes and takes a breath because in the end, even if it is, "Ten to eleven year old girls, orange hair, designated Puru Two to Twelve?"

As her eyes open, it's clear this is important to her, but she's not saying why.

Navras... well Leina at least could look him up online, she was hesitant to go through Cathedra intelligence, and there's a nod, "I'm inclined to agree with him, though I understand why anyone here would be wary to trust NUNE after the war. It's just... I don't see any good path forward separating each other into two tidy groups of 'the Other'. That's what Blue Cosmos and Patrick Zala both wanted."

Infrastructure of course, she smiles and nods at her, "Absolutely, and you have to give them a society worth contributing to - I feel. If you can't support them then you get..." Angelo Sauper... Yuliana Kafim... "... people that fall through the cracks, easy recruiting for extremism."

Is what she eventually winds up on, as she hopes Dawn of Fold is... smaller than she suspects it is

That feels like a vain hope.

"Yeah, I do see that." She does smile wryly, "Part of me kind of hopes that Mom finds the dating scene a little more to her liking up here, but... well... a girl can dream, right?"

She is of course, teasing her Mother here some, but, it's clear it's a more genuine hope under that.

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

"Hmm. When you put it that way, I can see it." Pause. "But, you do." Seem to get it.

A long moment; Calas is a little less confident during that moment. "That's... true," Calas admits. "Communication is important. Maybe it would work, if I tried again, made myself... available, emotionally." She sighs, and looks at Tarol. "...He's great, when we do get alone time, you know. Really. And... Sometimes I think he'll open up more to me one of these times. But I guess just hoping isn't good enough for this, either."

She shakes her had. "Well, my issues aside," she says.

But, they talk of those. Calas watches Leina. "...Some were like that," Calas says. "But not the ones we were able to get away from their handlers. It was others we were able to help. ...Things didn't go well for most of our pilots, fighting the Purus."

She'll find that, despite Calas's issues with him, Navras is quite progressive as PLANT politicians go--though he's made no moves towards doing away with their systems of arranged marriages. One can't have everything.

"Right," Calas says. "It's fear. That's what it is. And I feel it, too, I admit. ...But I know that it's not so simple as that. That thinking in those terms only leads to making it worse."

"Yes," Calas agrees. "...That's true." She sighs, at that, looks down. "I've known some people myself to fall into that trap. ...Not all of ZAFT stayed in the fold after the war. Some are still trying to prosecute it even now."

"Maybe I'd be with them, if not for Tarol here. But maybe not. I have more experience with Naturals than most here."

"Heh," Calas says of dating. "That I'd have a hard time helping with. I haven't dated since college..."

"But I hope she does."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"I don't think it's as bad as you think it is." Leina does admit, "But maybe I'm just extra fond of that type too."

Don't you say a damn word Sousuke Sagara.

"But it's been difficult for you." Leina notes, "Even before this added tension at home. And you don't have anyone to open up to either." As she lays it out, just - matter of factly, before nodding, "Sure, when you do. ... But it sounds like emotional intimacy is something both of you have a hard time at. You want it, at least. That's something."

Does Navras want it though? That's a tougher question.

"It's a difficult situation for you to be available emotionally when it feels like he's not there for you emotionally either, right?" She tries to look her in the eyes, "And that you're not valued as much as Jovri, when you're emotionally supporting him."

It may cut some to hear that, but she's not trying to be cutting. "So you've gotta figure out if you can get there, to what you want."

There's a lengthy pause, then she pinches her eyes shut, and nods, "Yeah, I get it. Nah it's... most of them weren't even deployed until late in the war anyway."

And she knows how little support the Nahel Argama got at that point, even from the AEUG.

"I mean, even as a Natural I'm scared for you, because I know how easy it can be to manufacture consent in some stupid culture war. It's just... if we don't even try - we're just going to be firing GENESIS or Nukes at each other until one, or both sides are wiped out."

She puts a hand on her chest, "And speaking as a Newtype, I know from personal experience the Earthnoid... Spacenoid divide? A lot of it was the same as the Natural... Coordinator divide to the elites on Earth. It's just the quiet part not spoken out loud. It's why the Titans gassed Colonies for daring to protest."

Indeed... as she puts it back down, she notes, "As people, we have to have the tough conversation, to reject these ideas that create these false divides, or eventually there won't be anyone left to divide."

That part about ZAFT though, causes her to sigh, because she wonders if some of them are in Dawn of Fold even now, it's hard to tell with ZAFT Mobile suits being so close to Zeon's... "Well, I'm glad you're not." She murmurs, with a smile, "I'd rather have coffee with you than fight you." That too, is a small tease.

But on the last part, there's a small laugh, and a smile, "Well I try to help, but it's embarrassing for her - to take dating advice from the girl she raised." She winks, "And I suppose I haven't had the best of luck until recently so-!"

There's a sigh, then a smile as she looks up, "Mom just has it rough, War Hero known by everyone, Princess of a defunct Republic, Sister of one of the Greatest Criminals ever known, Philanthropist - everyone has a certain... expectation of her, so much so that it's... hard for anyone she's dating to just... look at her... for who she is."

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

"Maybe," Calas says. "Harder to see from the inside."

Leina knows more of her situation than most do, of course, thanks to that interview. "...But," she admits on 'when they do', "That was mostly last week. Now, with the pressure on Jovri and how Navras has been working late..."

She sighs. "That's true," Calas admits. It does cut to hear it. "...It's not as if I hate him," Calas says. "I understand it's difficult for him too. We're friends; we've been... close, in the past. But still..."

Hm. If they can get there. 'If'. "...I suppose."

Calas is apologetic that she can't help more, but does't belabor it.

"Right," Calas says. "That helps no one. And it's not what I want, either. ...I remember."

The tough conversations... "You're passionate about it. That's good. Maybe more people can see it that wawy."

"...Thanks," Calas answers about 'not'. "I'd rather that, too. I'm... tired of fighting. Tired of the things we do to each other."

A smile, then. "Yes, I imagine it would be. I can just imagine," she laughs.

But the rest is more serious. "...it's difficult to be defined by expectation," Calas agrees. "For better and for worse."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

There's a reason why divorce law has shifted so much over the years. It's because the easier it is to divorce, the fewer reasons people have to 'make it work' to 'stay' in situations like this. Yet, Calas isn't even thinking about that, that's how deep the situation is, in Leina's mind.

There's a prolonged pause, as she contemplates it...

"Right. It is but - you're also put in the position of not being first in his life, emotionally. As hard as it is on him, you're still expected to accept that place in his life. That's hard for any married woman who has emotional needs, Coordinator or Natural."

She tries to be delicate there, "He has to understand it's difficult for you too, and that you desire some level of that intimacy - perhaps in your shared struggles there, you can find common ground."

It's definitely an 'If' because this is hard for anyone, this understanding. But - that understanding is important, she has to believe it is.

"I think everyone can, but it requires that... perspective, that empathy, and that media literacy to cut through the bullshit of the twenty four hour propaganda cycle. Some people just choose... not to, because they learn to hollow themselves out, until there's nothing left but the 'I'."

That's a little specific phrasing isn't it? But, rather than explain, she just takes another sip of her coffee, which is promptly refilled by their server.

"Yeah same... and I know it's not over but - we can hope it's getting there." She then winks at her, "I'd much rather be studying full time rather than fighting, but that's not the world we live in. And - I've got to build it, the one I want my own children to live in one day."

On the last point, there's just this, rueful but, a little tight smile, "Usually worse." She makes a few markings with a pen, "Want to grab a bite before we head out looking? My treat of course."

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

'Divorce' is definitely not on Calas's radar... though not just because of social pressure.

Calas gets a faraway look when she talks about Navras. It's not hard to guess, especially with a Newtype's insight, that she has strong feelings for him. Arranged marriage or not.

"...that's..." Calas sighs. "Living all together was my idea in the first place," she explains. "But, I will admit that it's difficult sometimes."

Shared struggles... "Hm. Maybe that's true. And it's not as if I've told him all of it."

Maybe she will now; maybe she'll wait. But it's in her mind, at least.

Still, "Right." She's thoughtful, thinking maybe Leia is thinking of a specific person by how she says that, but, "There'll always be people who choose not to. But take me; I'm not without reservations, but with my history I've had more chance to see that the other side are 'people' too--so I think the more we can show that, the better off we might be."

"Right," Calas says. "...That's not the world we're in. I'm not sure the wars have much more use for me, though. Maybe it's better this way."

"...But if you want to build such a world, then maybe it's the same I'm hoping for."

A pause, and a glance to Tarol. "Hmmm, since you offer, sure. I'll also need to feed this one again in a bit, so taking a little time first works for me."

"...Sure, I'll accept that. Let's eat."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

It's difficult for Leina to think of how to communicate that 'just because it was your idea doesn't mean it wasn't pressured' but, she doesn't.

"Right - but you were trying to make it work. You still are." Leina notes, "You're making sacrifices of your feelings, to make it work, while he's not having to do so similar."

It doesn't take a Newtype's insight on this one, simply an examination of the 'roles' and 'expectations' from the information she has of PLANT culture.

"And that wears on someone. My last boyfriend I... let him take over an organization that did something awful to me, because I wanted to make it work. I suppose what I learned from that is- when you love someone, it's easy to take your own feelings for granted."

A hard won lesson, to this day she can't say she doesn't love him - or Mineva for that matter, but she is doing her best to move past that.

Because love them or not, she knows it's not good for her to remain fixated upon them, bond or no bond.

Calas is close - Leina's thinking of a class of people perhaps, it's difficult to have that insight. "Yeah exactly, I think that kind of exposure is important. Which is why I think isolationism... I don't think it ever works out well. It's comfortable perhaps, but it never allows an easy fantasy to be challenged by a messier reality."

With a grin, and a wink her way, she nods, "Maybe so, unless you're not quite the woman I think you are." As if she were just secretly some supervillain, or horrible science criminal, indeed - that one is a tease.

"Absolutely. Promise I'll never be upset that you have to nurse, and that your child comes first." He's a little old for nursing, isn't he? But that behavior... no she shouldn't read into it.

When she says that, she makes to motion that they're ready to order, but then second guesses it, "Before I flag that poor girl down to just stand there waiting on me, any recommendations?" She grins, sheepishly, "I haven't even looked at the menu."

<Pose Tracker> Calas Zelinn has posed.

It's for the best that Leina doesn't. What she does say is enough. "...I suppose," Calas admits. "But it's my right to sacrifice for my family." That won't be something she stops doing easily, though, "...I'll talk to him, though."

It does wear on someone, her expression allows. Add the she's sympathetic. "I see," she says. "...Well, with a lesson like that, I suppose I have to at least consider it. I'm glad you got out of that situation."

"Right," Calas says. "Well, we tried that; it didn't end well. Dealing with SAL and NUNE may go better. I'm willing to do my part for that, anywway."

"Heh," Calas says of 'the woman Leina thinks she is'. "Well, we do want a lot of the same things."

A smile, then. "Good. Of course, I've introduced solid food for him too," Calas says as if it's obvious. "But..."

"Oh, right. Their BLT is particularly good--and they have a little tart that's wonderful."

Calas will probably do those, for her part.