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*'''Log: 2024-07-30: Reunion'''
*'''Log: 2024-07-30'''
*'''Cast:''' [[Character :: Murasaki El-Amari]], [[Character :: Cagalli Yula Athha]]
*'''Cast:''' [[Character :: Murasaki El-Amari]], [[Character :: Cagalli Yula Athha]]
*'''Where:''' Capitol Assembly, Olofat Island - United Emirates of Orb
*'''Where:''' Capitol Assembly, Olofat Island - United Emirates of Orb

Latest revision as of 01:24, 31 July 2024

  • Log: 2024-07-30
  • Cast: Murasaki El-Amari, Cagalli Yula Athha
  • Where: Capitol Assembly, Olofat Island - United Emirates of Orb
  • OOC - IC Date: July 30, 0099
  • Summary: A reunion of two old friends. The bodyguard of her and her father's before his untimely death. And the teenage woman who now bears the responsibilities of an entire country.

<Pose Tracker> Murasaki El-Amari has posed.

Murasaki walked cautiously through the halls of the United Emirates of Orb's Capitol Assembly building, the seat of power and government for the entire Orb Archipelago. The building was relatively old, being built shortly after the Orb's founding. Murasaki was in her uniform, a soldier of the Defense Forces not being out of place in the government building, but she still did her best to look as inconspicuous as possible. It seemed impossible to Murasaki, but Marian had actually pulled the right strings and gotten her something she had thought impossible:

An audience with Cagalli.

The two were far from strangers, Cagalli having plucked Murasaki from her first unit to join her in North Africa as a bodyguard, and Murasaki knew more than anyone the toughness and spirit that was inside the wayward Princess. But the Princess was Princess no longer, she was now the Chief Representative. And ever since the day Lord Uzumi was killed, the scheming powers that be had done everything in their power to keep Murasaki away from her.

But not today.

Murasaki checked in with Cagalli's secretary and once permitted to enter, walked up to the Chief Representative's office. She breathed in, trying to calm herself, before knocking on the door.

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

"Come in!" Cagalli says aloud. The amount of paperwork she's had to deal with in the recent weeks has slowly dwindled thanks to Marian's help keeping /some/ of her political opposition in check with her influence. While she's grateful, she's also been hearing murmurs of her methods... Still, she pushed that thought aside, and welcome a new distraction.

As the door to her office opened - grand decor with ceiling high windows drawing natural light in, an environment she still felt like she's a stranger in - the figure she saw in the doorway made her eyes widen in surprise.

"Mu- Murasaki...?" Murasaki is a woman a few years older than her. A woman that Cagalli randomly picked when Ledonir practically forced her to get another bodyguard when she ran off to North Africa, just a little after the Heliopolis incident. Despite the age difference, she still regarded her as a good friend. Which is why she didn't question it when they told her Murasaki didn't want to see her after her father's death. That she was embarrassed at failing to protect her father, or that she wanted to atone. But now in hindsight, she should've known better, with all the political opposition she has.

The fancy chair rolled behind her as she stood, and after a slight moment of hesitation of deciding if the Murasaki standing before her is real with watery eyes... she ran towards her. Even before the doors are closed, she threw her arms around Murasaki in a tight embrace.

"Murasaki! It's... It's been so long...! Th- They told me you didn't want to see me!"

<Pose Tracker> Murasaki El-Amari has posed.

Murasaki knocked, and entered the Chief Representative's room when her muffled voice bid her entry. And when Cagalli stood, ran up to her, and threw her arms around Murasaki, the soldier was stunned.

Murasaki didn't know what response she was expecting. Maybe it would have been easier had it been a cold one, or a hostile one, but this was the last one she honestly had expected. When Cagalli touches her, as a true, honest friend, the emotions start to boil in her as well.

"C--Cagalli..." Murasaki starts to cry, "...I did! I did, I did I did! I've been wanting to talk to you every single day! I tried everything I could but I was just stopped and pushed away! I'm..."

Murasaki put her arms tightly around Cagalli, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I'M SORRY!" She wailed, "I'M SORRY! I'M SO SORRY CAGALLI! I FAILED! I FAILED YOU, I FAILED YOUR FATHER, I FAILED ALL OF ORB! I'M SORRY!"

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

She's never seen Murasaki cried before. Murasaki has always been this strong, protective figure to her. Well, she has to be, being her bodyguard. So when she does, she's completely caught off guard. Her own tears began streaming down as well.

Her legs gave out under her in Murasaki's hug, less so from her strength and more finally having been reunited with a dear friend after so long. She never blamed Murasaki for her father's death. It wasn't her fault he got murdered. Murasaki was just as much a victim as everyone is. She's only glad Murasaki wasn't caught up in the explosion and lost her life too. She lost her father that day. She doesn't know if she could bear losing a dear friend too.

"No..! No, no no no! It wasn't your fault! It's not!" She just cried back, her throat starting to tighten as she confesses. "If it's anyon- anyone's fault, it's mine! I'm sorry I'm such a bad leader...! I'm sorry...! I'm sorry I couldn- can't protect Orb...!"

<Pose Tracker> Murasaki El-Amari has posed.

Murasaki held Cagalli up. Her friend's protest cut deeply. How could Cagalli possibly blame herself?

"No, no, Cagalli it's mine! I...I killed the only person who could have told us who attacked him and why! I didn't have a choice, he was...he was going to kill another innocent person! But I've been in the dark ever since, and I've...I still...I still don't know if I did the right thing!"

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

She couldn't stop them from separating her and Murasaki. Hell, she never even tried. She naively believed in their lies. All the nobles and officials going out of their way to oppose her that she's unable to stop... She's not like her father. Not like the Lion of Orb. Orb is in such a bad state because of her. For not learning everything she could that could prepare her for this role as Chief Representative. For disobeying her father at every turn. She has everything to blame herself for.

"No...! No, stop! You di- you did the right thing...! Fa- Father... wouldn't have wanted you to kill an- an innocent person for him..." She reassures her. Her father, the kind and strong leader that he is, wouldn't have wanted it. She believed with every fiber of her being.

As the two continue in their tears and embrace, the secretary left the room. She was tactful enough to give the two friends their space.

<Pose Tracker> Murasaki El-Amari has posed.

Murasaki pulled back a bit, to look at Cagalli once more. Her assurances were calming, grounding. Exactly what she had been hoping to hear from anyone, especially her, for two long years. The secretary's absence was what Murasaki had also been hoping for, a chance to finally seek out Cagalli's help.

"Cagalli......I don't know what's going to happen to Orb. I don't think there's anyone else who can lead us forward but you, and I've been doing everything I can to keep you safe. I've...I've been trying to find out who did it, and why. I have my suspicions but I don't know how much I can say right now. I've been searching, with some of our old friends from the Three Ship Alliance, and...well now I have Marian to help. I just..."

Murasaki almost felt embarrassed at how weepy she's become. Did she look desperate? Even though both these women had fought and bled together? Murasaki sighed and composed herself.

"...Whatever you need me to do Cagalli, wherever you need me to go, whoever you need me to fight...I'll do it. I just needed to tell you...that I'm sorry. And I'll do anything I can to make things right!"

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

Cagalli looks back at her and listens intently. Her head tilt sideways when Murasaki says she's the only one who can lead them forward... Is that really true? She's settled on marrying Yuna - much to Athrun's dismay. Which is the main reason their relationship is so complicated right now... It was an arranged marriage with no real love or romance behind it. But if it's the only way to protect Orb... A combined Seiran and Athha house can exert even greater influence among the aristocracy... And maybe she could use that influence to convince everyone not to join NUNE! That's the only way forward, isn't it?

And as for Murasaki's plead... "No... Murasaki... Just... Stay by side again... Like before... I won't order you to become a weapon..." She won't do it. Orb doesn't need another weapon. She was against the production of more weapons. New warships, the Murasames, even a new Gundam. But she was stopped at every turn. Orb is a target for so many due to its powerful nature. The G-Project is what caused the Bloody Valentine war in the first place. If she could disarm Orb, then she can finally live up to her father's ideals. No more conflict, no more wars, no more killing.

<Pose Tracker> Murasaki El-Amari has posed.

Murasaki looks at Cagalli with her same hesitant sadness. The unspoken issue of the upcoming marriage. The push to NUNE. Murasaki was so very, very against both, but knew she had no power to stop either.

"I don't know if they'll let me...but no matter what Cagalli, I'm begging you. I know you don't want anymore fighting but please, be willing to fight for yourself, and what you think is right! Even if they won't let me protect you...I'll...I'll do my best to be right behind you, no matter what path you choose. I won't lose you..."

There's a knock at the door once more, as the Secretary announces Cagalli's next meeting. Murasaki is so hesitant to leave, but she knew that her time was going to be fleeting. She takes Cagalli's hand once more, and composes herself to leave.

"No matter what Cagalli you can always count on me. I promise, I mean it!"

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

They shared a silent agreement. Neither of them really had the power to stop either. Not as she is. Which is why she enlisted help. Even finally deciding to go through with the marriage after many nights of consideration. All's that left is for a date to be determined...

"I... I'll do my best to get you back by side!" She promised. And regardless of her doubts to herself... whether she can afford to fight for herself like before in the new role she's thrusted in... She appreciate Murasaki's support all the same. With how few allies she has these days, she needed it.

She grips Murasaki's hands tightly, knowing their meeting is coming to an end. Sniffling for one final time before she wipes her tears away. "...Thank you, Murasaki... I will..."