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|cast=Nagare Akatsuki, Erina Kinjo Wong, Ranka Lee, Grace O'Connor, Elmo Kridanik
|cast=Nagare Akatsuki, Erina Kinjo Wong, Ranka Lee, Grace O'Connor, Elmo Kridanik
|summary=Strong-Arming is such a nasty phrase.  I prefer Trimming the Fat, personally.  Mrs. Wong, pass me my Boning Knife.
|summary=Strong-Arming is such a nasty phrase.  I prefer Trimming the Fat, personally.  Ms. Wong, pass me my Boning Knife.

Latest revision as of 18:44, 11 May 2024

If Elmo Kridanik had known that this day would have ended like this, he would have worn a suit. Instead the flamboyant president of Vector Productions was currently wiping the sweat off his brow with a handkerchief in a sweltering Colony board Room, hat currently in hand.

On the other side of the table was Nergal's CEO, flanked by Erina Kinjo Wong. Lining one side was an entire brigade of Lawyers in suits. On the other side were administrator from the League, including several uniformed FAITH from the PLANTS, and multiple older executives from the various Sides.

"I have to hand it to you Mister Kridanik, few men have luck like yours. Discovering celebrity talent capable of rising to the heights your little songbird has. Tell me - do you ever feel like you've won the lottery?" Nergal's CEO posed to him as a question.

The man laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck, "All the time actually. To an old Zentradi who lived through the war, it's all about the music for me? Ranka's music stirred something in my heart, you know? It inspired me."

"She inspired him!" The CEO noted to the room as if it was something to laugh about, but noone did - except for Elmo himself, with an awkward chuckle as the CEO continued. "Well I'm glad it's not all about the money for you, Mister Kridanik."

A lawyer slid a sheaf of papers his way, right in front of him, as Nergal's CEO continued, "Because this settlement is considerably less than you might expect."

Elmo's face fell as he read through it, and looked up and down the table, "I - you know I'll have to have my attorney review-" Then he came to a concrete term of the agreement, "-I'm not signing this! You can't just cut me out and not even inform Ranka why!"

"Oh?" Nergal's CEO smiled, "Is that truly your line?" A partially balding SAL Executive began to speak, "Recent legislation passed makes it a crime to obstruct the League in matters we deem critical to Earthsphere defense. It went into effect starting... April 24th, a day before our last effort to negotiate with you regarding the matter of the Vajra."

He slid a second set of papers his way, "This is a warrant for your arrest, followed by a court order for immediate civil forfeiture of all related assets. Now we could execute this immediately - however, if you should choose to settle this amicably, then I think we would all know you certainly had no intention to /obstruct/ us, Mister Kridanik."

Elmo began to stammer incomprehensibly, as Nergal's CEO laughed heartily, "It all feels a little unfair, doesn't it? But I think we've been more than fair. How many unforced errors have you made while managing our talent, Mister Kridanik? How many 'charity concerts' and 'Britannian Blacklists' must my shareholders endure? Why - you even allowed her to go on a months long journey out of system - which resulted in returns on our investment of-"

He gestured at Erina, "Miss Wong, do you have the numbers handy?" "Zero." She uttered instantly with a hard look, as he echoed far too cheerfully in reply, "Zero! And the talent getting abducted by aliens to boot-! We're lucky the tabloids didn't print stories of her getting probed."

"So you'd think that a man in your position would know that they needed to play ball when the League came knocking at his door but." Nergal's CEO just sighed long-sufferingly, "No, it's /all about the music/ to you. That would be selling out!"

He finally found his voice, "Ranka doesn't /want/ to do this!" Elmo blurted out, as all the man's good humor dropped off his face, "Mister Kridanik - this is precisely why you're in the position you find yourself now. You've let the talent manage /you/ rather than the other way around. We require a steadier hand at the helm, someone who will understand when it is in her best interests... to offer guidance towards our best interests."

Nergal's CEO stated in that moment, "I believe the gentleman needs a pen." And abruptly, a pen was produced by everyone at that table, save the CEO himself.

Elsewhere, a bespectacled woman smiled, immaculate teeth on full display.


"-Kridanik announced his retirement today as idol, Ranka Lee's manager, citing ongoing stress."

"I had no idea I was causing so much trouble for him." Ranka stated miserably, after she hit pause on the the news report on her phone, "I wish he'd told me before..."

A woman's hand was lain supportively on her shoulder. "... he likely felt as if he couldn't, Ranka. Almost certainly he underestimated how quick your rise would be. He'd never professionally managed a talent such as you." She smiles supportively at her, "You've already told me how stubborn you were in having things your way, how being so permissive was affecting him. It was his duty to communicate to you when you were being so obstinate that it was creating problems." She continues after a moment with quiet understanding of her plight, "Don't worry, as your new manager, I promise that I'll always let you know if you're being difficult."

There was something about that that didn't quite sit right with her, and after a moment she gives voice to it, "Are you sure? Sheryl can be very headstrong too." It was one of the qualities she always admired about Sheryl, and Grace sits back and adjusts her glasses, looking momentarily sheepish. "I can see where you get that impression, but you never saw what our relationship was like behind closed doors. I always put in the work to ensure healthy communication between us."

Still not feeling entirely at ease, Ranka nodded thoughtfully, "I'm glad to know it was like that between you two... but..." She gives Grace a sudden searching look, "... have you told her yet?" And the other woman put on a smile, "Not yet, but I intend to sit down with her later today. Don't worry... Sheryl is like a daughter to me, she'll definitely understand." Then she pointed out, "Your manager quit abruptly, that's a true emergency for an idol at this stage of your career. That Nergal asked me to take over to prevent any disruptions... how could she not?"

Grace's words made sense to Ranka, and eventually she allowed herself to relax some, "You're right. Of course Sheryl will understand." Grace smiled in reply, "Now I want you to put this out of your mind. In order to help with that, I've booked a TV appearance for you on 'The Ring'."

Ranka perked up all of a sudden, "Really? How soon?" Grace smiled at her, "Tomorrow." Ranka's hair suddenly leapt up, "Tomorrow!? I should have been prepping sooner-" A hand touched her shoulder again, as Ranka's phone suddenly lit up with a file attachment. "Don't worry. You're a pro. You can certainly handle a TV performance. You're going to be performing your new song to promote your upcoming single - then answering a few questions. I've sent you that list of questions and responses that are sure to do more than just satisfy your fans."

Ranka scrolled through it, looking at them in wonder, "They're really just going to ask these? And nothing else?" As if that contradicted her experience how interviews work, but Grace told her soothingly, "I assure you, I've taken care of all the arrangements. At this point, you don't have to do much more than show up."

Grace couldn't entirely hide her smile, "You'll find that things are going to be very different for you, from now on."