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Latest revision as of 17:38, 17 October 2023

  • Cast: Alouette Pommier, Neon Genesis Junior High Students
  • Where: Division Train, Cafeteria
  • Date: U.C. 0097 10 16
  • Summary: Over lunch on the Division Train, Alouette catches up with Max, Vit, and Borr, in the wake of the fight to save Anosillus the First and his daughter. The Hyper Agents thank her for her efforts in developing a Grid Calibur replica, while also keeping her updated on what the real Calibur is up to. While there are worries about what's to come in Jupiter, and what they left behind on Earth they agree that it means they need to put this mission to an end as soon as they can.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

It's been a week or so, but the Division Train remains stopped in Mars. There's still some lingering business with the Red Dragon Crime Syndicate, and several injured personnel, although they were able to save Anosillus the First with little to no issue.

The encounter with what was absolutely a subsidiary of BioNet - and a particularly Vicious one at that, has Alouette understandably a little on edge, even if things are mostly under control. Just seeing them is enough to kill her mood at least temporarily.

Right now, she's in the cafeteria area, holding a CalorieMark bar for a quick snack in one hand, and honestly kind of aimlessly scrolling her laptop with the other.

Although she looks busy, she actually really isn't as long as they're still docked in Mars... that big block of text on her screen is really just a kind of mediocre light novel, with some of the most predictable turns and twists she's ever seen. Which means it's the perfect time for some company!

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

After the battle against Anosillus, the Neon Genesis Junior High Students (minus Samurai Calibur) have been increasingly present around the Division Train. Even Max, who has spent most of his time in his quarters, has been making an effort to check on those around him. The three comrades are rarely seen together in one place -- it seems they're dividing up duties to ensure the Train is evenly watched over.

The exception to this is, of course, meal times. Though the Hyper Agents don't truly need to eat, it's something of a hobby for Borr and Vit. Max enjoys the break, if nothing else. So, as his comrades wander through the cafeteria to find something interesting, Max approaches Alouette.

"Miss Pommier," He greets her, politely. "Would you mind if we joined you for this meal? We have yet to properly thank you for your Program Calibur."

Carrying a handful of assorted fruits and vegetables, Borr appears at Max's side. Vit takes a while longer, choosing from between several identical-appearing drinks.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

In her time on the Division Train, Alouette has most definitely appreciated the Neon Genesis Junior High Students' ever-helpful presence, even while they remain stopped at Mars.

And while she appreciates that diligence... she's also glad they're taking breaks, too, as feels Max's looming, yet gentle presence. "Max-san! No, I don't mind at all..." She answers, as she slowly shuts her laptop, looking up to meet the Hyper Agent with a smile. "If anything, I appreciate the company. I was starting to lose my patience with this novel!" She laughs, brushing the lid of the laptop. It was labelled a slow-burn read, so she figured it'd be perfect for such a long trip, but sometimes when there's one too many chapters where the couple makes absolutely zero progress, well...

Her expression turns more serious when Max thanks her for Program Calibur. "You're welcome. I'm pleased it worked out for you, too. Even if it's no replacement for the true Calibur-san, of course." She bows her head slightly. "...But I knew that if you were taking this trip with us, the battles would become unpredictable, and even more so, dangerous. You're all very strong and capable, but I didn't want the three of you to be totally defenseless for it, that's all..."

Her eyebrows scrunching out slightly, and she adds, "I mean, using someone as sweet and gentle as Anosillus as a weapon? It's unforgiveable." If nothing else, she's glad that all they're efforts, and especially Akane's heart, came through for him.

Her expression softens, then, when Borr shows up with a plate of fruits and vegetables, and Vit not long after. She waves 'bonjour' to them, too, as she eyes the tray, deciding to take an apple for herself. "...Yep, this is way more fulfilling than just a CalorieMark. Thanks for looking out for me, you three~"

"I guess I can't help but worry about what's going on down on Earth, though..." She frowns. "We haven't lost contact yet, so it's safe to assume the planet hasn't totally exploded or anything... but I do worry about Calibur having to handle everything down there on his own." She admits.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

Max nods in approval as he takes a seat. "I should have brought some books as well. In truth, I expected to have far more to do during the voyage. More to occupy my mind." He sighs. "Now I feel as though I have jinxed us by wishing for such a thing."

Borr takes an apple of their own after Alouette does, biting into it with gusto. "Nah, jinxes are fake as hell. Whatever happens, happens."

"I don't know about that..." Vit mutters. Pilots are suspicious creatures, it seems.

"Anyway." A pause as Borr chews. "How are you doing with everything that's gone on? I know it's gotta hit close to home... If you don't wanna talk about it, that's fine, but we've got your back. You're a capable gal, so we know you don't need babysitting, but if you ever feel lonely or freaked out, any of us would be happy to hang out."

Vit smiles in his typical charming manner. "Like Max said, we owe you for Program Calibur. We all thought we'd be out here fist fighting villains... It's way, way better to have a weapon. No way we could've handled poor Anosillus without it."

"That was so fucked." Borr grumbles.

"Indeed... Especially to take advantage of his love for his child. I do not blame the great turtle for his wrath." Max rumbles. "BioNet can never be satisfied. At least The First and The Second are both safe, and no true damage was done to the city. It is small comfort, but comfort all the same."

Borr and Vit smile as Alouette thanks them, though their expressions turn serious as she brings up the Earth. They both look to Max, who holds his silence, then each other. After a moment, Vit sighs and speaks up.

"Calibur's been sending updates. The reception out here isn't great, but we've all got a thing with our phones, so I guess that's making up for it a bit. Weird stuff's going down on the Earth as always. You know that Anti-Newtype cult? Gridman, Calibur, and I checked them out once." Vit makes a face. "Weird bunch. They attacked the REA, got driven off though."

Borr shrugs. "Tsutsujidai has been quiet. Quiet enough that Calibur was able to go investigate NERV a bit." Borr places their apple down and summons one of their knives, using it to carve off pieces of the fruit. If they're a bit more forceful with it than they have to be, it's a coincidence, surely... "He didn't get too far. The bastards are locked down. But..."

A nudge to Max. It'll be good for him to tell this next part. Things feel more real when you say them out loud.

"Calibur located and retrieved Shinji Ikari. It seems he has parted ways with NERV." Max's voice is soft, and his gaze stays down on the table. "Though uninjured, the young man is in a bad way mentally... Calibur saw him safely to Captain York's care."

"Yeah." Vit smiles brightly, trying to keep the mood light. "Calibur's got this handled. Of all of us, he's the best for non-transformed fighting. Yuta's doing fine -- apparently he joined the Volleyball Club, of all things. Can you believe it?"

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

"I definitely wasn't expecting to stay in Mars so long, either," Alouette admits. "But now that we've had trouble with the Red Dragons... I guess we can't just leave Alba behind, either." She heard that although the rest will be recovering pretty easily... Spike's in critical condition. It leaves a bad taste in her mouth.

As for jinxes... "They say," she starts, pausing to take a bite from her apple. "If you get jinxed, you owe a gilla." She says, as if it's some deep wisdom. "But I'm inclined to agree with Borr on this one. We just have to be prepared for anything... and support each other no matter what." That's been her mindset this whole time, but when Borr asks how she's really doing, she's taken a little off guard.

"I've been trying to keep everything together, mostly." She nods, slowly. "Having to face BioNet was really stressful and brought back some unpleasant feelings, but... I can't keep my eyes distracted for too long. Once we make it to Jupiter, we're probably going to finally confront the Ruin Apostles. They have the likes of Soldato J and Takeshi Todo among them... but I'm most worried about having to fight Mikoto." She frowns. "Along with Guy, she was one of the first people to show me kindness, and I wanted to become an operator just like her. And now she's..." Her cheeks puff just a little bit, and she lets it stay that way, because the Students are people she can trust with her emotions.

"I told Akane a little while ago that I wanted to show her the woman I've really become while she was gone. She's... incredibly strong, so it won't be easy, but I'll never give up on that promise." She manages a smile, about that last part. "I think it's close to home for a lot of us. But that's exactly why we can't give up on them, right?"

"Still... I really appreciate the offer, too. You're all really easy to talk to. And honestly? I bet you guys could use the company, too."

Vit's idea of fistfighting villains gets a brisk laugh out of Alouette. "Seriously... I guess I could have added something in that lets you throw your fist like a Broken Phantom or something, if you were going down that route. I thought sticking with the axe concept would be easier to adjust to, though."

"It really was..." She agrees with Borr's expletive. "The men in the Wanzers didn't exactly seem remorseful, but it sounded like their boss had his eyes on something else entirely." A grudge against Spike? "Vicious... I have to admit, even his name sent a chill down his spine. Especially knowing he's a man who would do such things to an innocent kaiju." About the First, and Second, she nods. "I'm glad they're both alright... and that Knight is, too. He was very brave to stay behind with her. And definitely a good thing we had the Dividing Driver on standby to keep the city safe. I can't believe they demanded GaoGaiGar without even researching what it can do!"

Alouette listens very carefully when it comes to Calibur's updates. Anti-Newtype cult, attacking the REA? Now that she thinks about it, that does sound familiar? "I think I've heard of them. Their leader was a lady named Yuliana Kafim? I sortied with her once against some science crime... and it was honestly way too easy to get under her skin. That someone like her can lead a hate group like that..." She shakes her head.

It's good to hear Tsutsujidai's been peaceful and quiet, but NERV... "We're unsure where to go with them ourselves. I think Guy's really mad about what happened, and honestly? I am, too. But Kaworu has hardly had any answers, so it's kind of frustrating." Even if she knows his rank of Administrator doesn't actually grant him much privileges, and he was even incarcerated prior to the Angel attack. "I guess I can't blame Ikari-kun, really. He was a nice person... and never seemed like he liked fighting. I'm just glad they let him go... but I hope he finds his purpose with Captain York." She's had the privilege of meeting the Captain a few times, and she does seem trustworthy.

Finally, Vit's news gets her to smile. "Oh wow, he really did? I think he mentioned something like that when we talked... but I'm glad he ended up trying it out. And... you're right. We can trust Calibur to hold the fort. Besides, I bet he's hardly lonely with all those cats of his, hehe..."

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

"This is a city full of good people." Vit agrees with Alouette. "Moving forward is our mission, but we can't just leave them behind after putting them in danger, either. It's a tough one. Makes me glad I'm not the one calling the shots... It's easy enough to just be along for the ride."

Borr grins. "Right. This isn't anything we can't handle as long as we stick together. We've faced plenty of weird shit in the past. I'm not too worried."

Alouette speaks up about her feelings, and each Hyper Agent goes still, listening with matching expressions of concern. In moments like this, it's clear they really are born of the same soul. When it comes to the things that really matter, they exist in perfect harmony.

"Though of course I cannot know exactly how you feel, Miss Pommier, I certainly sympathize." Max says, his voice gentle. "Distraction is powerful when it comes to banishing troubles, but also dangerous for what it blinds us to."

The Ruin Apostles are mentioned, and Vit looks away.

"Hey... I know you're never gonna agree to this, but..." Borr puts their knife down, and it vanishes from sight. "It's okay if you don't want to fight. You can rely on us -- all of your allies. Nobody here would force you to go up against family."

Max puts a hand on Borr's shoulder, quieting his comrade, as Alouette continues. It is far more important for her to express her thoughts than it is to offer advice.

The largest Hyper Agent inclines his head, eyes shut for a moment. "I see. Promises are near sacred to you, Miss Pommier. I have the utmost faith in your ability to keep this one with Akane. And know we will be by your side."

"We've never given up on anything." Vit's eyes are faraway. "Not like we're going to start now."

Alouette manages a laugh at Vit's silly image, much to the relief of all three Hyper Agents. Borr snorts at the concept of a fist-rocket. "What, like the Mazingers? Gridman would've loved that. No matter how goofy something was, if it was about helping others, he was all about it."

"Wish he was here..." Borr murmurs, propping their chin on their hands. "I can't help but think that whenever something goes wrong. It's not fair of me, right? Expecting him to solve all our problems."

Vit looks back to the conversation. "Nah, I feel the same way. He had a way of finding the right path no matter how complex it all got. All we had to do was support him. It was a lot easier to exist with a purpose like that." A wink toward Alouette. "This human being business is pretty tough!"

"I could not face him now." Max replies. Vit and Borr glance toward him, worry clear in their expressions.

It seems Max doesn't wish to elaborate, and the conversation moves forward. Uneasily, Vit tries to get things back on track. "I'm pretty partial to guns, but the axe is a classic. It'd feel weird not having it in Powered Zenon form. Someday I'll get these guys to pick up a rocket launcher or something."

"What, and knock us over? You know we're hollow inside!" Borr scoffs. "Though it seems like that Vicious guy could use a good rocket to the face. What a freak. You just know a guy with a name like that doesn't have hobbies outside of fighting."

Vit laughs a little. "If Guy had actually surrendered, they wouldn't have had a clue what to do with GaoGaiGar. Like a dog chasing a car."

"...Dividing Driver was extremely impressive." Max intones. "I had not seen it utilized before. I am certain it saved the city's dome from shattering. That level of destruction would have been unthinkable."

Vit snaps his fingers as Alouette names the leader of the cult. "That's it. The Kafim women. They nearly hypnotized Gridman once, or something, at least according to Calibur. Really, though, not the kind of thing we can worry about out here. A group like that attacking a nation in broad daylight... They're probably not gonna last much longer. I can just imagine what their social media must look like."

As NERV comes up, Borr's knife reappears. They flip it between their fingers absent-mindedly, a shadow on their face. "Yeah, Max's gonna talk to Guy about all that. We've gotta figure out what to do about NERV. No way we can let people like that just keep hurting children... Not to mention whatever's going on with their nightmare machines."

"Indeed. The teeth, in particular, are disturbing." Max says, thoughtfully. "I am certain Shinji Ikari had nothing to do with the horrors we've witnessed. He is a thoughtful, gentle young man. I hope he will find happiness in this new life."

Vit tilts his head. "Can't imagine Captain York'll put him on the front lines... I think it'll be fine. All Shinji has to do is hold out until we get back, then we'll help him figure something out."

"Calibur was the first of us to find Gridman and his allies." Max almost sounds as though he's smiling. "He has always had a special bond with them. I am certain it extends to Yuta himself. Though... Without someone there to hold him back, I worry we will return home to find he's adopted every stray cat in the city."

Borr laughs. "We had him one a 'one-a-month' limit. He always says he's going to find them new homes, but then gets attached. Not that I blame him."

"Yeah..." Vit shakes his head. "We can't stop taking in strays. Guess we all get it from Gridman, taking us all in like he did."

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

"Thanks..." Alouette brushes her cheek, when each of the Neon Genesis Junior High Students, all cut from the same heart, all offer their support in their own way. "I know I don't need to fight... but I think it's something I want to do, anyways." She admits. "The moment I learned about what happened to them, I wanted to help save them with my own hands. Thanks to everything they did for me... I think that's something I'm capable of."

And you know..." She starts, gazing into that crimson red apple again. "I... saw Mikoto, while I was under the influence of Bujack. And even then, it was clear in her eyes.. they were filled with sorrow. I don't want her, and the rest of them, to suffer under Triple Zero any longer, either."

Max's words, about how sacred promises are to her, resonates strongly, and it shows in her eyes. "Exactly. It's my very own oath sworn through courage."

Her eyes orient back towards Borr, and Vit too. "But I know I won't be alone, too. If you're offering it, then I'll be counting on all of you to help me make that promise a reality.. always."

On the lighter topic of Rocket Punches... "That's true... Mazinger did the whole Rocket Punch concept first. In that sense, I guess it's like a Super Robot staple." She smiles, but then Gridman comes up... "I miss him, too. And I can't help but wonder what he's doing over in the Hyper World, either... I hope he's helping others like he really wanted." The idea of eternal Hyper-paperwork sounds like the worst!

But each of the Students has their own strong emotions related to his leave, vaguest of all, Max, whose feelings she can't quite read behind that mask. "I think... if he saw what you were doing right now, he'd be proud. You're not just carrying on his legacy, but you're also living your own lives, even if it's the harder choice." She asserts.

"It's hard to imagine Powered Zenon wielding a gun, though. Unless it looked like one of those fun toy blasters, or something in that aesthetic? But I think that'd totally clash with Vit's vibe, hehe."

Now that they mention it, what were they planning to do with GaoGaiGar. "I can't imagine how they'd even be able to fuse with Galeon... much less use its weaponry and tools. I guess it would've been funny to see them try, though."

She nods, about Dividing Driver. "As far as I understand, in the Primeval War, all the initial wave of Zonder attacks were concentrated in the Nouvelle Tokyo area. The Dividing Driver was vital in making sure the city can still survive to this day... but it happens to be helpful no matter where we are, even Mars."

"Almost hypnotized him? Really??" She almost sounds shocked, at Calibur's account of things. Yuliana Kafim was one thing, but she'd heard strange accounts about her wife, too, even if she originally knew of her as a well-published kaiju researcher. Not to mention the definitely-haunted castle they live in... "Hmm.. it's bad vibes all around, isn't it?" She can't help but agree with Vit, but somehow she feels like she'll be hearing of them again..."

"The Evangelions always unsettled me too, honestly. And now we know for sure... those things are alive, aren't they?" She crosses her arms. "They say that if they can perfect the Dummy Plug, they won't need to use child pilots at all anymore. It just means placing our fate in the hands of the Evangelions themselves. It's hard to know what Gendo Ikari is really thinking, though."

"I wonder if I'll ever get to see Shinji ever again, though... I guess we weren't close friends, but we got along." GUTS is a possibility, but it won't be long before she graduates, while he's just a first year.

She can't see the emotion on Max's face, but she can definitely feel joy from the man as he talks about Calibur. "Yeah... he's quiet, but you can always tell he really cares. Somehow, I totally believe that one a month limit though... he truly can't be stopped." She laughs.

<Pose Tracker> Neon Genesis Junior High Students has posed.

"Knew it." Borr grins, pride in their eyes. "I'd feel the same way if I was in your place, Alouette."

"And you know if you want us, we'll be there. Once it's time." Vit promises.

Max listens seriously as Alouette describes her experience with Bujack and Mikoto. "I believe it must be a sorrowful thing for those touched by the Light of Dawn, even in their current state. To be set against the very universe that created you, and all those you love within it... What soul could not cry out for aid?"

"They're not gonna have to suffer much longer. We're on the way." Borr says, voice full of bravado. "Everybody's coming home, safe and sound. We may as well get their rooms ready now."

"We will be with you, Miss Pommier." Max inclines his head once more. "Both in the name of Gridman, and because you are a dear friend to each of us in our own right."

Vit laughs softly as the conversation turns back to Rocket Punches. "As the guy playing the role of our fists, I think I'll pass on the whole concept. You can't exactly swing an axe with no hands."

"Spoilsport." Borr mutters, playfully. "Well, Sigma said he'd get a message to Gridman when he could, but we haven't heard anything yet. I hope you're right. He was talking about making a moon for the Hyper World, if they haven't got one. No idea how he'd pull that off, but I'm here for it."
% Max remains silent on the topic until Alouette speaks up -- then his blue eyes shimmer with tears. Clearing his throat, the massive Hyper Agent subtly wipes at his eyes. His comrades kindly pretend not to have noticed.

"...thank you, Miss Pommier... I hope you are right." Max chuckles behind his mask. "Gridman always tried so hard to be human. I can do no less. Perhaps it is time I branch out, as my comrades have..."

Vit grins. "Hey, I've already got your name saved on To-witter, if you wanna get started. You've got a mysterious look, people would love it!"

Max sputters something, bashful, which causes Borr to break out into a laugh. In faux-offense, Vit huffs out a breath -- but even he can't hide his smile. It's good to see Max express interest in something.

"No way you're getting a laser blaster on me!" Vit insists. "It'd ruin everything. Alouette gets it, she's always had a good eye for this stuff. We can just paint a machine gun bright red or something."

Borr rolls their eyes. "Yeah, and store it where, smart guy? We're not exactly GaoGaiGar levels of storage space. Damn, though, I wish we could use a Dividing Driver. It's almost as good as Fixer Beam, keeping the damage away from cities."

On the topic of the Kafims, Max nods. "Indeed. Calibur's report Mrs. Yuliana Kafim had a pair of snakes. Once he saw them approaching Gridman, Calibur picked him up and exited the meeting. Though... between us, Calibur's never been the most eloquent in his reports."

"Gridman was pretty shaken up though." Vit says. "Bad vibes for sure."

Borr grits their teeth, thinking of the Evangelions. "They must be. And we all felt Light off of 'em in that last battle, the kind of Light Gridman has. I don't know what their deal is, but I sure as hell don't think that Dummy program is going to solve it."

"It is preferable to child pilots, but I do not trust Commander Ikari." Max is resolute. "I would like to have words with that man."

Vit makes a noncomittal sound. "A man like that wouldn't care one bit what you said, Max. The best thing we can do is get the kids out of there, and Calibur's got that handled. I think, Alouette, if you want to see Shinji, you should try. He's pretty devastated. Seems like the right time to reach out, to me."

"Calibur names all the cats after types of sword. I don't know how he keeps coming up with new versions." Borr groans. "Talking about him like this is making me miss him. Damn it."

Max's eyes soften -- perhaps he is smiling behind his mask. "Then we must work together to bring this mission to a successful end. Many are counting on us, and waiting for us."

"As long as we've got our friends, we're gonna make it just fine. Besides, this just means we'll have new stories to tell while we're hanging around Aya. Mama's gonna love these new drinks I've been trying." Vit playfully punches Borr in the shoulder.