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Revision as of 15:10, 15 September 2023

  • Cast: Akane Shinjo, Alouette Pommier
  • Where: Orbit Base - Main Order Room
  • Date: U.C. 0097 09 14
  • Summary: The advent of the Conquering King of Ruin is upon us all. Akane and Alouette discuss what a future after looks like.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

The good thing is that Akane had already been in Tsutsujidai to have an unrelated meeting on the Wadatsumi; as a result, she's well-positioned to make it to Orbit Base in fairly short order. She's in uniform and ready to go as she, too, heads to her post.

... It's a little worrying to have to be there; it's the first time in a while she's been called in in this way. When Alouette stops by, though --

"... I need to talk to Rikka to be sure, but I think I'm going, too. I owe you the chance to make your dreams real, haha," she answers, quite honestly. "There's things I can do to help with that here too, but..." She glances off.

"We've still got a few months until entrance exams... and after what happened in Tsutsujidai last year, people are pretty understanding about remote and correspondence stuff, so it's not like I'm abandoning everything if I do go." ... She doesn't want to explore the other part of this, though, that closely.

The part where they might not come back, if they go. "If we both go... I'll support you with everything I've got."

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette nods when Akane mentions she needs to talk about it with Rikka first. "That's definitely an important conversation to have," she agrees. It wouldn't be right to leave Rikka out of it.

It's true that there will be ways to support from here... they're probably leaving behind an emergency purifier with a small team of staff.

But Akane's willingness to fight for Alouette's own dreams in turn... "It's not so much that you owe me... but I know it's something you've thought about a lot. So... if that's your decision, then it means a lot," she answers Akane with her own honesty.

It also makes sense that Akane's already thought about it in relation to her education. It's something that concerns Alouette less... but it's good to know Akane has a backup plan. "It's going to be a pretty long trip... I guess there's plenty of time to do your homework on the way, that's true." She grins, slightly. "And even then... you're both smart and dedicated enough that I don't think it'll be an obstacle to you getting in. Have you thought about programs yet?" She asides, tapping her finger on her desk. College... she feels like it's a miracle she even got to experience high school for herself.

Akane's support has taken so many forms at this point, shifting just as rapidly as she has. "Whatever form that takes... I'm grateful for it. And I promise that I'll keep you safe the very best I can, too." Unlike Akane, she's given very much thought to the scenario where they don't come back... because she's going to make sure it never happens. Even if it means they need to give it their all to keep each other safe. "After all, I already fought hard to make sure that dream was something you'd be around to see come true."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Yeah. I kept her locked out of a bunch of these things... it's not fair to do that kinda stuff. I'm trying to do better talking to people," she concedes, with a slightly-strained smile. "And if there's anyone I gotta figure out talking to..." She laughs, a little nervously. "I shouldn't say that. We've been doing pretty well on it for the most part."

Talk of the trip -- and what comes after -- gets her to focus up a bit more. "It's not just for you and Guy's sake. ... I want to meet Mikoto for real, too," she enthuses, before talk of college gets her thinking. "I'm looking into psych? I might pick up a minor in art therapy or something... I want to be able to help people who go through the kind of stuff I did, or Rikka did. I've been working with Hinoki-san a lot lately, and it does kinda... it's the sort of thing that feels fulfilling to do, I guess?"

She smiles to Alouette, agreeing, "Yeah. And I want to see it come true, so... I'm probably coming. Part of me hopes Rikka will too, but... well... we'll see, I guess." It'd be great to move forward together, instead of always having to tug each other back from the brink...

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

"Mhm. Especially since she's still recovering, I think it's important that she gets a say in these things, too. Even outside that, trust and communication are pretty important. And..." She smiles herself, then. "I'm glad things are going so well between you two~"

Her smile only widens when Akane brings up Mikoto, then. "She's just... so incredible. I can't wait for you to meet her." She says, in the way that only someone could talk about their number-one inspiration. A first friend, too, in Alouette's case. "Besides... I want to show her the woman I've really become." She adds, more quiet and somber.

Psychology and art therapy... being able to help people the way she and Rikka were helped, the way Hinoki helps people too. "I think that's amazing... it's definitely the kind of thing I could see you doing." She enthuses, her eyes briefly glancing down to the desk. "And I can understand wanting to pay that sort of help forward... even if it turns out to become something bigger than that."

Akane hopes Rikka can come along, too, which gets Alouette to consider that for a moment. "Normally, I'd tell you it's not exactly like we're going sightseeing or something... but it's true. You really are stronger together, right? We'll see what she says."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Hehehe... I am too," Akane says, playfully. "It's not all perfect or anything -- but that's kinda, just... how life goes. I think it's better that it isn't perfect." Getting to the stage where she can think things like that -- that's been a challenge, and one she's happy she's managed to meet.

"We'll make that possible," Akane agrees, at the idea of showing Mikoto the woman Alouette's become. "Besides -- I kinda want her to meet a me I can be proud of." That sounds so corny that it gets Akane to crack up a little... but...

She looks at Alouette seriously, though. "I keep going back and forth on it a bit? Part of me thinks I should just try to live a normal life, but... I mean, who says what 'normal' is these days, right? I don't think that kind of person and I would see eye to eye."

She looks serious, though, as she thinks about going out into the stars. "... yeah," she affirms. "And, like... I think this falls under the kind of rescue thing she wants to do, too. It might be a good first crack at it... for both of us." A beat. "Well, not first. But. Like. You get the idea... ahaha..."

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

"I guess appreciating less than perfect is something we've both had to learn, right?" She nods, when Akane goes into detail of her relationship with Rikka. "Better when it isn't perfect, though... I think that makes sense." She agrees, tentatively. It reminds her of what Rikka said about Akane, last night at the Second Impact memorial.

"Good news... that's exactly the sort of thing she activates on." Alouette points out, catching Akane's laughter at her own corniness. "I mean, if you thought I was a dork... where do you think I got that from?"

"I don't think there's anything abnormal about wanting to live a life where you can have a positive impact on people." She replies, consideringly, when Akane concedes she probably wouldn't see eye to eye with those standards are normal. "Of course, it's always good to take time for yourself, too. Even someone as busy as Hinoki-san takes time for dates with her, uh, admittedly really goofy boyfriend." What in the world does she SEE in that guy?

"Yeah... we're probably going to be making stops at Mars and the Jupiter Energy Fleets, too. There's going to be a lot of people who need Rikka's skills more than anything. I wonder if the rest of the Rikka corps would want to come along too? Call her Lieutenant Takarada and give her her own ship while we're at it." She can't help but laugh.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane's had about enough crowd activity lately -- she's been struggling, and definitely wasn't feeling up to traveling even more for the Second Impact memorial. Besides -- she had stuff to do on the Wadatsumi.

The idea that Mikoto is also a goofy cornball... seems to relax Akane a bit. They'll push forward. They'll make it. She'll... really get to meet her. "Hey, Keita-san is great," Akane shoots back to Alouette. "You could do a lot worse if you were into guys, though, uh... I kinda get the feeling he's the type who took a while to cook to that stage. I have no idea what she might have seen in him a decade ago or whatever, hahaha..."

She relaxes at her desk a bit, as they talk practicals. "That's gonna be a big itinerary... I'm really interested to see how she does. A real Rikka Corps, though, huh..." That thought gets her thinking a little more.

"... Hey, if you're here -- sit down and review some of this stuff with me?" she requests, gesturing to her console. "I could use a second set of eyes..."

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette laughs when Akane counters her assessment of Keita. "Hehe... well I guess you two probably do share pretty similar interests. Admittedly, I haven't really gotten closely acquainted with him... but it might be good to change that." It's always better to get to know someone before you judge them. "But yeah... he doesn't seem like a bad person, even if he certainly isn't my type. He definitely tries really hard for Hinoki-san's sake, from what I've seen."

"For sure... it's relieving we have so many people backing us up and believing in us, though. It makes me think we're going to make it for sure." On the Rikka Corps, though... "I can almost see it, too... if Rikka gets the chance to take charge, then she's really in her element."

"Oh.. of course!" She nods, squinting on the computer screen. "I am supposed to be on my shift after all, ehehe..." The stuff looks challenging for sure, but it's definitely manageable if they put their heads together.