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(Created page with "*'''Log: 2023-09-06- Future Fulfilled''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Akane Shinjo, Character :: Rikka Takarada *'''Where:''' Neo-Japan - Theater *'''OOC - IC Date:''' 00...")
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Latest revision as of 18:49, 8 September 2023

  • Log: 2023-09-06- Future Fulfilled
  • Cast: Akane Shinjo, Rikka Takarada
  • Where: Neo-Japan - Theater
  • OOC - IC Date: 0097-09-06
  • Summary: Akane and Rikka attend a Truthseeker Serena stageplay, then poke around the merch kiosk and talk a bit.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

It's hard to keep everything when you're cramming a two-cour anime into two two-hour stage plays. Accordingly, the first stage play has cut a lot of development for the side cast and covered a lot more ground. A couple of minor antagonists who show up in the first cour and reappear in the last four episodes have been cut entirely, too.

Crucially: This means stopping at Serena's recapture... and that virtually nothing is getting cut in the second 'half' that isn't obvious.

Akane emerges from the first half, thus... digesting a bit. They have about an hour and a half before the showing of the second half -- or they could go tomorrow, instead; it's running three times total at this venue, though the third run includes an Antheia recast, since the actor had a commitment to do promotion for a Donshine sequel in which she's been cast as the lieutenant.

Akane seems like she's at least somewhat intent on the merch kiosk; a lot of stuff that's been out of print since the original broadcast is available again. For Akane, that's her first crack at it; she's on the hunt for Serena's wallet. (She's also on the hunt for Cecilia's sunglasses.)

"... Okay, I didn't think I'd feel like this going into it, but it's seriously weird how little screentime Sal and Tyro have here. It's not that it doesn't work, it's juuuuuuuust kiiiiiiiinda odd." She reaches up, fiddling with her tie and -- a moment later -- her ponytail. "It's still good, but it's like... weird? The pacing's kinda overwhelming this way, though."

She scoots a little closer to Rikka... and then folds both hands on her shoulders, looking up at her. "So, how do you feel about the 'hanging off of you' now~?" she teases, unable to quite stop herself from giggling.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka exits after Akane, looking similarly thoughtful. The first half has given her a lot to think about in the regards to the direction they've taken everything.

And of course Rikka, too, is quite interested in the merch kiosk, so she's more than happy to visit it with Akane. She's been at this for a while, so she's been able to grab the merchandise she wanted when it was available for the most part...

...but there have been a few pieces that have slipped through her fingers over the years, so it's a great opportunity.

Akane offers her thoughts, and Rikka briefly watches her mess with her tie and ponytail.

"...Yeah. I found myself missing them." Rikka agrees. She is, naturally, a big fan of Serena and Cecilia - but she's always enjoyed the side cast, too. It's a bit of a shame to see them get more sidelined than usual... even if she can understand it. "I get why they did it, but you're right, it does feel like things went a little fast. ...It was good, still, though, and now I'm kind of excited to see how they handle the rest."

Akane scoots closer to her, folding both her hands on her shoulders and looks up at her. At her question Rikka can't help but smirk.

"...I think I could get used to this." Rikka replies - though soon enough, she finds herself giggling, too.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane takes her time with the merchandise; she's not in a rush, and while she does have specific pieces she's looking for, she also doesn't know what she doesn't know. Despite being quite gotten, she is in fact a new fan.

"Yeah, definitely. I guess that's true whenever you're retelling something... you gotta choose what you're emphasizing. Hmmm -- any things you thought worked better here?" She can't quite keep her hands away from Rikka, though she settles for holding her hand as they sloooooooowly make their way around. "You're kinda the senior fan on this one. ... Hehehe."

She thinks for a few moments about whether she has any other particular or specific thoughts, and decides she doesn't yet, so instead she asks... "How's it been with the new term starting? Montserrat has gotten a little better about remote stuff over the course of the year... I definitely don't think I should do it that way all the time, but it's definitely made stuff like this easier."

She opens her mouth to ask a follow-up question -- and then gets tapped on the shoulder by a man about a decade Rikka and Akane's senior. "Excuse me," the man starts. "... Can I get a picture? You two nailed this."

Akane pauses, glances back -- and immediately ends up a little tongue-tied, looking to Rikka for help.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka combs through the merchandise, too - occasionally pointing out some particularly noteworthy pieces to Akane as she does. Some of them have some history to them - and Rikka's more than happy to share.

"When you only have so much time, you have to make the most of it." Rikka agrees... and then considers the question for a moment, offering a slight smile as she takes Akane's hand. "Well... it kind of depends on how the second part goes... but I feel like with the parts they did keep, they made sure to flesh them out. You can really see the parts that'll pay off later. That's the advantage of working with hindsight, I guess."

Akane asks her about the new term, and Rikka takes a moment to think it over.

"It took me a bit to settle back in... but, it's been going alright. We're kind of easing into things, but I can tell we're going to ramp up before long." Rikka replies. "...I'm glad Montserrat getting better about that, though. I-"

Suddenly, Akane is tapped on the shoulder by someone asking for a picture. Rikka sees the way she freezes up, looking tongue-tied. Rikka gives her a gentle squeeze of the hand, before turning her attention toward the man.

"Sorry, could you step back a bit?" Rikka asks politely, then looks back toward Akane.

"...What do you think? I'm okay with it... but I want to make sure you are, too." Rikka asks quietly. She doesn't have to speak - Rikka's paying attention, just in case.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

'When you only have so much time...' when isn't that true, really? The constraints of two two-hour stage plays are one thing, but... that's really anything. "Yeah, that makes perfect sense," Akane agrees. She's definitely excited for that kind of thing.

The squeeze at her hand does a good job of grounding Akane; she doesn't move to hide behind Rikka, at least. Instead, she opens her mouth once, then finds nothing coming out -- but that's fine, because Rikka has it handled.

Once their potential photographer steps back, Akane leans in toward Rikka. "I mean, ah... Ahaha..." She pauses, taking a breath. "... Yeah, it's fine. I just. Ahah. Uh." She brings a hand up to the back of her neck, scratching a bit. "... I'm kinda flattered we look good enough to get people asking..."

Taking a few deep breaths, Akane turns back to the guy, nodding. "Yeah, it's fine. Sorry -- you startled me. I was..." She laughs awkwardly, explaining, "I spent a couple of years as a hikki. Still kind of getting used to people again." It's a gross oversimplification, but it serves the purpose well enough. (Akane takes a little pride in herself for handling at least part of the conversation herself.)

Nodding, the man says, "Hey, no worries. Take your time."

Tapping her chin, Akane leans in toward Rikka and adds, "Hmmm... I'll let you take lead on the pose, but... I don't mind being a little daring this time, if the energy's right." Even though she froze up, she's still been somewhat emboldened by her success on stage with Rikka.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

The photographer steps back, and Akane leans in toward her. Rikka is fine standing there with her like that, and she smiles when she gives her answer - and chuckles a bit, too.

"...I'm pretty flattered too, to be honest. But I'm glad our hard work paid off." Rikka replies. Akane takes point in explaining - and Rikka, too, is proud of her for that.

Now, though, there's the question of the pose...

"Me?" Rikka starts, and 'hm's to herself consideringly. "Daring, huh... Okay, I think I've got one in mind. You'll want to hold onto me a bit - tell me if this is too much."

That said, Rikka shifts her grip a little, holding gently onto her wrist while the other arm wraps around Akane's waist and moves to support her back - before lowering her, once Akane's got a good enough grip, just enough that isn't too difficult to keep her up with both of them supporting her.

"What do you think, does this feel right?" Rikka asks Akane - before looking into her eyes, adjusting her expression to proper match Antheia's confidence and intensity.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane nods to Rikka, bracing herself. She's not sure what to expect, though -- and when Rikka sweeps her up, Akane's startled enough to fall backward a little bit all on her own. It's a good thing Rikka's got her well in hand.

There's a few seconds where Akane looks like a deer in the headlights -- eyes wide, startle actually totally genuine. "... w-wow, yeah" she manages, after a few moments of forgetting to breathe despite her mouth hanging a little bit open.

... dangerous...

Akane's still a little stunned by the time the photographs start; their photographer snags three. The effect is pretty good, all told -- while Akane's dazed for very different reasons, it still creates quite the effect.

Straightening herself out a little bit, Akane asks, "Can, uh -- can we get copies of that," still a little out of it. "Or do you have a To-witter, or... uh, you know what, To-witter's easier. I'm @NewOrderAkane there."

Nodding, the man affirms, "Sure," swiping over. It takes a minute...

... which means Akane has a chance to still be a little giddy. She's not quite as starstruck as she was while actively in Rikka's embrace, but... "You are so -- haahhaha... I kinda felt like I was forcing this one on you but, you keep killing it..."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka's a little worried she might have gone a bit too far, at first - but past the initial startle Akane seems pretty into it. Really into it, actually. She can't help but feel a little pleased with herself about that. Rikka holds the position and her expression while the photographs start, and once they're finished she helps Akane back up into a standing position.

"I definitely want to see how those turned out, too." Rikka agrees as Akane asks for copies. She'll have to keep an eye on Akane's To-witter for when the pictures get posted...

...Not that she doesn't already keep an eye on it.

Rikka smiles at Akane's giddiness.

"Cute~." Rikka starts, then chuckles. "I wasn't quite sure it'd be a good match for me at first... but I think it really works, actually. I'm glad I decided to take the step - and I'm glad you asked me to try it."

She considers Akane for a second, then.

"I know I've probably already told you this about a dozen times, but you pull it off really well, too." She says.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

The photographer hangs around for a few seconds -- but once he figures out that these two aren't just friends but a couple, he decides to dip to the other side of the merch kiosk with a quick, "Have a nice time, you two." (About a minute later, he dips -- whatever he was looking for isn't there.)

Akane offers him a slightly awkward, "Uh -- you, too -- yeah!" as he retreats, before turning her attention back to Rikka in earnest. "N-no, yeah, haha... I was kinda thirstposting at first, but like... it kinda suits you." Gradually finding her flirty footing again, she adds, "Though I don't think you'd need to do nearly as much to get me on-sides with you."

Akane finally remembers she was looking for merch before all that, and does turn her attention back to that. "I think both of us could pretty much pull off any character from the show... it's nice to change it up some times. I think I like Serena best for cosplay and Antheia might be a little weird for me, for -- lots of reasons. Her day-to-day look would probably hit a little better on me."

That reminds her, in turn... "Do you wanna go shopping again while we're out here?" she asks, curious. "The Orbital Ring has some decently high-end stuff, and..." An awkward smile crosses her face. "Imminent danger pay again." ... she's really not above spoiling Rikka in the least. It's actually easier to do that, now that it feels earned.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"Thanks, you too!" Rikka replies, offering the photographer a wave of farewell - but as soon as he's out of sight, her attention is right back on Akane.

Thirstposting, huh... Rikka smirks.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that~. Still... you think so?" She replies... and then Akane finds her footing, and Rikka chuckles. "Hmm, I think you might be right. I can think of a few ways."

Akane starts looking for merch again, so Rikka joins her.

"Yeah, I think so too... I still love Serena, but it has been nice to... branch out. I think I might've unconsciously been trying to put myself in too strict a box." Rikka considers, and nods. "Yeah, you make a great Serena. And... yeah."

They probably don't need to elaborate on those reasons.

"I think so too, though. That'd look pretty good..." Rikka starts. She pictures it mentally - though she pauses, when Akane makes an offer.

"Imminent danger pay..." Rikka repeats... but, she smiles. "I'd love to. Did you have a place in mind? I still don't know my way around here too well."

Akane isn't above spoiling her - and Rikka isn't above being spoiled, as long as it's Akane. The time spent together makes it all the better.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"I definitely can't really say much about trying to shove yourself into a box," Akane says, her smile momentarily getting even more cringing. ... She doesn't linger there, though -- it's been a little easier, without Alexis lingering at the back of her thoughts, to... allow herself to appreciate moments like this.

"Hmm, well... I think I saw somewhere on my way in? And while we're headed there, we can look for a couple more places." She doesn't feel the need to elaborate too much. "We don't have that much time before the second half, but if we want to do shopping... yeah, let's commit to seeing tonight's second-half showing instead of tomorrow's. That way we don't have to switch gears." That's probably more of an Akane concern than a Rikka one, but she's being proactive about it, at least...

"Ooh!" Akane finally spots Serena's wallet, and snags it immediately. "Hmmm... maybe I'll use this one for work stuff," she muses. "I already have one for my ID and transit pass, after all." That gets her to flash a slightly more roguish grin Rikka's way...

... though that reminds her of the last time before her trip that she had to make use of her transit pass, and her expression turns a little more serious. "Have you gotten a chance to talk to Hibiki-kun outside class yet...?"

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka laughs just a little awkwardly at that... but it's probably a good thing Akane can say that at all, and that things continue to progress.

"Let's check it out, then." Rikka decides, then nods. It's true... they don't have that much time, but there should be enough. "Good idea - then let's do that."

With an 'ooh!' of surprise, Akane finds what she's looking for! Rikka quickly takes a look over.

"Oh nice, you found it!" Rikka enthuses, then smiles. Using it for work stuff... "That's a great idea."

...She's touched, though, by Akane's next comment, and that roguish grin...

...God, she loves her. Rikka can't help but smile back.

The conversation turns serious, then, as Akane asks about Yuta. Rikka shakes her head.

"Not yet. I need to soon... I don't want to just leave things like this." She replies.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Nodding to Rikka, Akane says, "Take your time. He's still kinda trying to figure stuff out, I think. He's..." With a slightly nervous smile, she concedes, "I think we're a lot alike, and trying to rush stuff with me never really worked out, so..."

She brings her ill-gotten gains to the cashier, giving her a slightly awkward greeting before starting the process of paying. She continues, "Be gentle on him and he'll probably recover okay. I got a chance to stop and talk to him, and it went okay, but... he's definitely still working through some questions, and I don't really blame him."

She breathes in, then out. "It can't be easy to be in that kinda position..." Shifting a little on her feet, she says, "He's a little... I don't know if he's embarrassed or too proud, but it seems like he has a rough time accepting help... I leaned on him to poke his head in at the Yumi Foundation, we'll see if it takes."

She doesn't want to linger on that topic too long, though. It's important to follow through, but it's also important to have a good time... so she sidles up to Rikka again, teasing, "While I'm thinking about it... If you're doing fine on those heels, next time we should try a little higher ones. You look great."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

They're a lot alike... Akane offers some pretty good advice, and Rikka thinks it over - though with she gives her that slightly nervous smile, Rikka smiles back.

"...That's a good point. Too much attention would probably feel smothering... I don't want to pressure him, either." Rikka admits. Be gentle... she nods, though listens intently when Akane mentions that she got a chance to talk to him. "Oh, you did? That's good..."

It's a relief that she was able to catch him before she left.

"...Yeah." She agrees. It would be difficult. Having only just awoken, with someone else controlling your body... As for embarrassed or proud, she doesn't know him well enough to say one way or the other. "We'll see."

Akane sidles up to her again, then, mentioning her heels. Rikka laughs, just a bit sheepishly.

"Thanks, I'm glad it paid off... It took me a little bit to get used to these." She admits. ...She probably had to be picked up at least once while she was still adjusting, before putting the costume on for real. "It might not be a bad idea to try that... the worst thing that happens is we both get a laugh out of it."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Collecting her spoils, Akane moves along with Rikka -- if she's decided to get anything, obviously she plans to stick around while she pays. "Yeah -- it was kinda last minute, but I figured if I owed anyone the time, ahahaha..."

... lighter conversation, right. "Oh no," Akane says, theatrically, "a chance to catch you again! I'd be heartbroken." ... The repositioning gives her a chance to let her eyes rove a little. (She's not that subtle.)

Akane pulls out her phone -- the screen is still repaired -- and flips through a few things. To-witter DM, check, that's good... time check... "We've still got pretty decent time until the other half starts. Anything else you want to check out around here, or should we just kinda wander?"

While she's thinking about it, she snaps off a quick to-wit with the picture (and attribution for the photographer), then turns her phone to face Rikka. "I'd say the pic turned out okay... what about you?"

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka pays for and collects her items, as well - and laughs just a bit awkwardly along with Akane.

"Mm. That would be a shame, wouldn't it? I don't know what I'd ever do if it came down to that." Rikka replies with a smirk - and if she holds her position just long enough to let Akane keep looking for just a bit longer, it's probably a coincidence, right?

Rikka watches Akane pull out her phone, then considers their options for a moment.

"If we're going to be here a little bit longer, it might be a good idea to grab a quick bite to eat..." Rikka considers. "Something small to hold us over. And if we have some time left after that, we can wander a bit more."

Akane turns her phone to let her see how the picture turned out - and for a moment, Rikka is stunned.

"Wow... Yeah, we look great." She replies, impressed. It's one thing to be a part of it in a moment, but another to see the both of them from a different angle.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Oh, that's a good thought," Akane agrees. "I don't wanna rush too much, and getting a sit-down meal might be a little long for the kinda time we have... I saw some vending machines outside, though. Like, the hot food kind."

A moment passes, before she adds, "I heard they're retiring those at the start of next year... at least, like, the big brand that does it. I bet the rest are probably gonna follow suit." She sounds a little disappointed by that... but then something kind of clicks, and she says, "I think that decides it for sure. This might be the last shot we have at snagging this kind."

She starts toward the door before she even realizes it; it's nice, to be moving forward. "We do look great," she adds. "Your expression is killer, too... I wouldn't mind seeing that again somewhere else."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"Oh, that sounds good..." Rikka replies, interested. Akane mentions how they're being retired, though, and she gives it some thought. "Really? That's kind of a shame..."

Their last shot...

"Now we're definitely doing it." Rikka agrees, following after her. It'd be a shame to miss out on their last shot at it - and because it might be their last shot, that makes it all the more important to savor it.

Rikka smiles and laughs a little as Akane comments on her expression.

"Well, I think we'll be able to figure something out, there..." She replies.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Hehehe..." Akane slows down a little to let Rikka catch up, nodding to her. "Yeah, for sure. I'm a little sad about it... they say it's because convenience stores are beating them out, but I do kinda like vending machines..." ... then again, maybe that just means it's more important for her to get used to talking to live people.

At that last comment, though... "I thought so~" she teases, before at last they head out of the building for the moment. The excitement for later is definitely building -- and only more so once her stomach's full...!