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Revision as of 22:25, 10 August 2023

  • Cast: Marina Ismail, Yuta Hibiki
  • Where: Tsutsujidai: Junk Shop Aya
  • Date: U.C. 0097 08 08
  • Summary: It's Hyper Agent Day at Cafe Aya! Welcome Home, Master~!

After a warning from Calibur about a busy day at the cafe, Gridman calls in a new friend, Marina, for help.

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

"Cafe Aya," reads the recently-altered sign outside Tsutsujidai's most famous Junk Shop. Orie could hardly let her daughter enter a maid contest without supporting her, and Gridman (and his companions) feel much the same way.

On days the Takaradas are otherwise occupied, the Neon Genesis Junior High Students take over. Each of them makes an excellent butler, as they're practically dressed for it, 24/7, but the real star of the show is...

"Welcome Home, Master!" A sweet, energetic voice calls, practicing.

Today, the maid Lattice is dressed in much the same way as he was at Emilia's maid training day. The only real change is his high heels have been traded out for flats. He had no idea how much more effort it took to move around with just a small heel... People who choose to dress this way all the time must have incredibly powerful legs!

While Cafe Aya has been doing good business thus far, today, Calibur approached Gridman in the morning with a concern.

"I--it's going to be a busy day." The samurai mumbles. "Y--you should call in backup."

"Oh, alright!" Gridman responded, with a smile. Calibur's danger sense is well-developed. There's no reason to doubt him.

(Is a busy day at the cafe really something dangerous, though..?)

All the same, Gridman had the perfect person in mind. They promised to meet up to practice together, after all. Now, just a few minutes before Cafe Aya opens, Gridman-Lattice waits anxiously by the front door. Is she going to arrive on time..?

<Pose Tracker> Marina Ismail has posed.

        A blue suited gentlewoman in tortoiseshell-colored glasses strolls at a brisk pace past the shopfront of Aya, lingering only to check her watch and glance inside. She paces off, and it is shortly thereafter that the raven-haired beauty, Annabelle Locke, arrives at the door, raising her hand uncertainly, unsure if knocking was customary. She's in a casual outfit, at least casual as far as aristocracy is concerned; her dress's airy white skirts sway as she comes to a stop, and the black vest layered atop the white blouse is adorned with a silky ribbon.

        Her so-called retainer, Ellen Kennedy, arrives behind her with a few garment bags raised high, and leans closer to Annabelle, who pulls open the door without further delay, stepping in and greeting her new friend with a quiet smile on her face.

                "Miss Lattice," (has anyone bothered to correct her?) "I hope you have been well since our training day. I was surprised you chose to ask for my help with those other talented staff around, but I am quite happy you did. I have never been to Tsutsujidai before, but have heard of its hospitality and resilience." She speaks in an even tone, mostly, but it ranges just ever so slightly more enthusiastic with her first new friend in a long while.

                "Mistress, please note the time," Ellen chimes in, before Annabelle gets too carried away. "The shop will open soon, and you still have to get dressed."

                "Oh! Please excuse me, Lattice, could you direct me to where I might change?"

        Miss Locke takes her garment bags and passes into the back, exchanging her fluttery white-and-black street clothes for sheer leggings, a flowing black-and-white maid outfit, and her cute sandals for wedge heels. As she comes back out, there is a brighter smile on her face--not to say she looked unhappy before, but she's clearly far more unreserved in this role! How strange, to be more at ease on-shift at a hospitality service...

                "Master, Annabelle is here to bring you cheer today!" she announces.

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

"Miss Anabelle!" Lattice greets, a smile on his face. "Thank goodness you made it. Oh, you can change right back here..." He directs her to the bathroom just behind the curtain that leads to the Takarada residence. It's used for customers every now and then, so Lattice hopes they won't mind.

"It's nice to see you too, Miss Ellen." Lattics bows lightly. "Let me introduce my comrades. This is Max--" The large Hyper Agent nods from behind the counter. It seems he'll be preparing the food today. "Calibur--" Slouchy as ever, Calibur stands next to the door, menus in hand. He stares straight ahead, lost in thought (potentially). "Borr--"

"Hey." Says Borr. They're carrying a nice tea set. Cafe Aya isn't as fancy as Emmy's cafe, but nobody can beat the speedy service!

"And Vit." Lattice finishes, but the fourth comrade is nowhere to be seen. "Uh, Vit?"

"Sky Vitter has stepped out to accompany the Takaradas." Max rumbles.

"Oh, right." Lattice shrugs. "Between us four and you and Miss Anabelle, I'm sure we're going to do great. Most of our customers will probably be high school kids for about an hour, then the adults finish work and come by."

As if his words were a summoning spell, the little bell over Cafe Aya's door jingles. Six high school boys come strolling in, talking and laughing among themselves. They're all dressed in matching jackets -- it's the volleyball team! Or at least some of them.

"Oh!" Lattice hurries over to greet them. "Welcome Home, um, Masters!"

The group goes quiet.

"No way, it's really him!" One boy says, impressed.

Lattice straightens up, blushing. His eyes have transformed in the space between his bow and his rise, now as blue as the Tsutsujidai sky.

"Yuta, you look great!" Another boy adds. "I didn't expect this from you."

"T--thanks." It's a little embarrassing to have people he knows come to visit, but that's no reason to do anything but his best! "I'm, um, Lattice! My friend Miss Anabelle and I will be serving you today!"

"Hell yeah." One replies, and they whole group of boys breaks into friendly laughter. Calibur hands them each a menu and shows them to a table -- well, two tables pushed together. Just before Lattice greeted them, the tables were separate... How strange!

Once Lattice re-emerges, Gridman walks up to her, still blushing. "Miss Anabelle, could you take their order? I'll prepare the complimentary tea with Borr."

<Pose Tracker> Marina Ismail has posed.

                "Yes, it's good to see you well, Lattice. These are your com-coworkers?" Her gaze sweeps, but she decides to stick with her word choice. "I trust Mistress Annabelle's help will be sufficient...but I will step in to help her if you four are...called away by business." As she steps to a table near the back, it's hard to tell--is she scowling or smiling? Is... Shirin are you encouraging him or cautioning him?? Is this because Marina's out of sight?? Girl, please calm down. Marina is literally as safe as can be, here.

                As Marina comes back onto the scene, she passes by Shirin. "Ah, Annabelle, was it? May I have a Brittaniano and some tea biscuits? I'd like to get some work done."

                "El--," Marina almost replies with her normal, distal tone to Shirin's voice, but she quickly catches on. "Of course, Mistress! Please wait just one lovely moment while I get those for you." Shirin, are you supporting her or bullying her? It's probably a little of both, isn't it?

        Annabelle passes by Max and Borr, catching up on her own share of the Hyper Agent introductions, as she relays the request. The boys come in and seem to recognize Lattice, and perhaps fluster them a little! For her part, Marina is by now familiar with collisions of different identities...

                "I would be happy to, Lattice, I will make sure any friends of yours get five-heart service!" It seems she's been practicing with embarrassing lines like this, it comes out so easily.

                "Welcome home, Masters! Would you gentlemen like something to eat? Savory or sweet, we can serve your dreams with a smile! And please don't forget to consider our ~special service~ packages! Lattice and I will meet your hearts' desires!"

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

Gridman bows to Ellen. "Thank you. I really appreciate your support!" Any scolding flies right over the Hyper Agent's head, though Max and Calibur, listening, exchange a quick glance.

"We were going to meet up anyway, remember?" Lattice says, brushing off Annabelle's bashfulness. "Besides, I see those guys all the time. I'd really like to get to know you better. I hope that's not a weird thing to say!"

Calibur, overhearing Ellen's request, wanders over and puts a menu down on her table, then leaves. Nothing needs to be said. This is an exchange between professionals.

"Thanks so much..!" Gridman looks relieved Annabelle doesn't tease him. "I'll be right back!"

Hurriedly, he walks to Borr, shoes clicking on the hard floor of Aya. Between the two of them, the tea is well in-hand, with Max supervising all of it. He has a feeling of what the boys are going to order...

"Woah, check her out!" One of the volleyball team members whispers, loudly.

Another blushes, hiding behind his menu. His neighbor laughs and bumps their shoulders together. He gives Annabelle an easy grin. "We've gotta come by more often if you're working here, miss!"

"Order already, idiots." Another, with the fanciest jacket, chastises them. Perhaps he's the team captain? Menu placed neatly before him, he speaks up. "I'd like a slice of cake. Everyone knows Rikka's mom makes the best cake in the whole city. Oh, and we'll all be going in together in a group photo, with you and uh -- Lattice."

The decision is made. Four of the other boys agree, but one pipes up, "I don't get my allowance until Friday!"

His worries are dealt with, causing only a minor squabble. A deal is struck: he'll pay them back on Friday. Teenage boys sure know how to draw each other into mischief.

"Yeah, I want cake too!" The speaker is elbowed by another boy. "Please!"

Another, quieter boy, considers the menu thoughtfully. "Hmm. I've had cake here before. Can I try the sandwich combo?"

Cake, cake, sandwich combo, just the free tea service, cake, and a milkshake. The last boy receives some mockery for ordering something 'juvenile' at a place like this, but it's all good-natured.

Right as Annabelle finishes taking their order, Lattice appears with Borr at their side. The smallest Hyper Agent places surprisingly fancy tea cups around the table, while Lattice goes cup by cup, demonstrating Emmy's technique for the perfect pour. Her lessons really sunk in..!

Max, of course, overheard the boys' orders. This is a small shop. But he wants Annabelle to feel useful, so he waits to get started until she approaches him.

"I hope your journey to Tsutsujidai was a pleasant one, Miss Annabelle." Max offers, slicing off pieces of cake. "Lattice mentioned your kindness to him during the training day. I am grateful for that."

He inclines his head, then goes quiet as he runs the blender.

Sliding a tray laden with everything the boys ordered (even a miniature slice of cake for the allowance-less boy,) Max inclines his head. "Here we are. Please walk with care."

Back at the table, Lattice shares a laugh with the other boys. He doesn't know them well, but they're all friendly. "No, I wasn't talked into this! I thought it sounded fun." He does a little spin. "It's more time with my friends, so who cares what we're doing?"

"You sure are lucky, Lattice! Hanging out with Shinjo and Takarada like that!" One boy props his elbows on the table -- and is quickly kicked under the table by the club leader.

Another laughs. "I'd dress up like this too if I got to hang out with girls all day!"

<Pose Tracker> Marina Ismail has posed.

                "I really would like to get to know you, too! You put so much heart in, and I cannot help but want to learn from you. I get the impression we want the same thing for our homelands. Will you have time to show me around Tsutsujidai after closing?"

        Ellin nods to the agent without even looking up from her notepad--strangely enough, this is a compliment of trust from her: she doesn't need to see him.

                "Thank you, Calibur."

                Annabelle, for her part, gracefully bows to the volleyball boys, "I would be honored, Masters! Today is a special treat to help my friend Lattice, but for you gentlemen, I might stay in town for an extra day!"

        Anna takes her time to circle the table, offering her thoughts on the items as she leans in, conservative in her dress but the boys can't help but catch the hints of jasmine and sandalwood as she passes close. Shirin subtly tips the corner of her mouth up, in the corner. No wonder Marina made such improvement in such time...

                "Ah, Masters, skipping straight to dessert? I'm happy to hear it~" Surely she means the cake, not the photo! "I will be happy to share a memory with you all!" She bows and steps happily over to Max, proud of herself.

                "It is nothing, Lattice was wonderful and taught me in turn~"

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

Lattice beams. "Yeah, of course! You won't find any city as great as Tsutsujidai. It's the best place to live in the entire Earthsphere. I know all the best spots. By the time we're done, you're going to want to move right in."

Calibur accepts Ellen's thanks with a simple nod. This is how true warriors communicate.

Meanwhile, at the volleyball-club table, the boys look thrilled at Annabelle potentially staying another day. "If you do, we'll come in tomorrow, too!"

"Yeah, we'll ditch practice!"

The rest of the boys laugh, and even the club leader doesn't offer chastisement. After all, how many times do they get to hang out with a woman as beautiful as Annabelle dressed like a maid? This is vital for their enjoyment of their school days!

The less-subtle boys lean toward Annabelle as she sets down their orders. The boy without an allowance even sniffs the air, though he's quickly distracted by his sliver of free cake. "Sweet! Thanks, Miss Annabelle!"

"Only the best for our customers!" Lattice adds, with a cute pose. "Please let us know if you need anything else at all, Masters! We'll come back when you're ready for a picture."

With that, she gives another little bow and follows Annabelle back to the cafe bar. The volleyball club noisily enjoy their food, leaving no question as to their high opinion of the Maid Cafe.

Blue eyes flicker back to yellow, in the space between Lattice's blinks. He doesn't seem to notice. "This is a little unreal for me." He murmurs, quiet enough only for Annabelle, Borr, and Max to hear. "There was a girl's volleyball club, too, but... They all died in a kaiju attack, a year ago."

It's the part of the story that matters, even if he's holding some of it back.

"It makes me wonder what things would be like if they were still here. They were always kind to me. I actually entered the GUTS pageant last year in their honor, they were all really excited about it..." Lattice brings his hands together over his skirt, knitting them tightly together. It's still a cute maid pose, but it lets him self-comfort a bit. "Seeing the boys' team like this..."

A pause. Latice seems to come back to himself a little, and his eyes flicker back to blue. He looks up at Annabelle apologetically.

"Sorry, that was a lot. I'm just glad they're so happy and carefree." Lattice puts on a sweet smile. "That's what matters, right?"

It isn't long until the boys have finished their meal and call the maids back over. Borr approaches with their phone, and they all line up, Cafe Aya's rows of junk items in the background.

"Everyone say..." Borr starts, holding their phone up. "Damn, I can't think of something. Just say whatever you want."


Lattice, standing on the opposite side of the boys as Annabelle, puts on a smile.


The volleyball team, half of them kneeling, put their arms around each other, laughing.



"Oh yeah, that's a good one. I'll print it right now." Borr taps at their phone, and an ancient printer behind the counter starts whirring. Calibur, wandering over from the door, collects them and hands a photo to each boy.

"Thank you so much for coming by, Masters!" Lattice offers a bow. "We hope to see you again soon."

<Pose Tracker> Marina Ismail has posed.

                "Oh! Lattice, I would love to see more of Tsutsujidai...of your home. It must be an amazing place for you to love it so much! I will have to invite you to my homeland some time soon, if you can find some time off of school. I will make sure my new friend gets the most comfortable stay for the night."

        When the volleyball boys promise to come in, Annabelle looks to the Hyper Agents and her own agent, wondering if they heard. Ellin sets down her pen as her eyes meet Annabelle's. Without a word, she picks it back up and looks back down.

                "Let us meet again tomorrow, a special treat for my gallant Masters. Annabelle will cheer you on for your next game!"

        Though it was her own lessons, when the boys get close, Marina does blush ever so slightly, not quite as used to the earnest attention. She puts some extra cheer into making sure their drinks are filled once the orders come out, passing by Ellen to refill her coffee as well, with a flutter and a bow.

        When she reaches the back of the cafe, she...sees another side of Lattice. Pain, sorrow, grief. It's hard not to let a little bit of the princess show past in return.

                "It is all anyone can hope for. My wish...is to see a world where people smile without hiding pain behind it. Until then... Let us give them something more to smile about." She leans close to the younger maid, placing a hand on Lattice's shoulder. "We can talk more while you show me around." The princess breathes out and back in, refreshing herself-- "Annabelle is coming to see you, Masters~!"

        *Ka-Cha!* is the sound of a memory, today.