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Latest revision as of 01:48, 13 July 2023

  • Log: 2023-07-13: I'll Be The Villain
  • Cast: Orpheus Zevon
  • Where: Area 11
  • Date: U.C. 0097 07 13
  • Summary: While most of the Black Knights perceive Naoto Kozuki's return as a blessing, Oz being the skeptic begins investigating to make sure that like most miracles...It's not a well formed lie. Even if this means becoming the one that tears at the hearts of the Black Knights in the process.

In the time since his arrival he's been welcomed back with open arms. A man who's return was like the revival of the phoenix. A form that brought forth warmth and hope to those around him. Before the formation of the Black Knights he was known as leader, for some friend, and for even some family...

There's a saying not to look a gift horse in the mouth, and for most of the central members that saying could not be more true. In the return of Naoto Kozuki, they have received a miracle that rivals any thus far that Zero has provided to them. For these people, the fires of rebellion were surely fanned from this single individual. A man that has surely brought new life to the Black Knights in more ways than one.

Among the Black Knights there are surely those that have their doubts. In fact, even in the minds of those so close...Deep down they must have their worries. Will they act upon them though? No. Who would want to? For those who have the return of a brother-in-arms why would they risk a miracle to be a lie? For those more earnestly skeptical, was it worth it to them to raise their concerns? Wouldn't they simply be refuted? Would they not be rocking the boat of the good times that were being had? After all, what if they were wrong? Could someone rocking the boat end up becoming the villain at the end of the day?

It was one thing to become a villain when it was for the greater good, to rebel against society that would label you as such. It was acceptable to become labeled unjust by an unjust system. That was something that all Black Knights could accept. Though, did any of them truly have the resolve to become a villain in the eyes of those they considered allies and friends? It's a burden that can linger like a curse, and one that can't be so easily removed once done...

Still, one might say it is a necessary evil. There will always need to be those willing to open the jaws of the beast and stick their head inside, the gamble of their own life...If only to confirm that one's gift isn't a trojan horse. That the miracle isn't a lie.

Oz does accept that task though, even if no one asks it of him. Rather, if someone was to ask him why he was going to such lengths, his reply would be simple. The answer he could provide though, wouldn't be to protect his allies, it's not because he's curious of the origins of Naoto Kozuki's return. If he had to give a proper answer, it would just be, "The world just isn't that kind."

And so, he investigates. From the dawn as he leaves his quarters, to the noon as he's greeted by comrades and prepares supplies, to dusk up as he makes his return. For several days, the contracted knight keeps tabs on Naoto and his conclusions were...Nothing. In the brief time he's tailed him, there's not been a time that he hasn't been where he has said he's been...Nor done anything to erect suspicion during that time. For some that surely would have been enough to suffice. Yet, Orpheus continued...For days he opts to monitor Naoto, from day till night, from the moment he gets up to the moment he returns back, waiting through the hours of the night...And for days, he functions without sleep in what feels like a fruitless endeavor until the one night...In the early hours of the morning before the sun even comes up...Naoto leaves his room without a word.

From the way he dressed, it was clear that this was no late night walk to the restroom. It was an abnormality, and one that could have been tracked. Though at the same time...For the first time, without any potential witnesses there was a new sort of opportunity present. When Naoto had left, Oz had taken the liberty to make his way into his quarters. It was a task that involved some level of tact to avoid breaking locks or garnering attention but eventually the distrustful knight would make his way into the young man's room and from there he'd take his time scouring. Computers, books, drawers, calendars, anything that could have held significance had been investigated or attempted to be accessed. Nothing was considered sacred in his search. For ours he sifted through the room, though nothing was yet to be found and time was limited. There was no telling at what point the Kozuki brother would return and if he did--

Like clockwork the sound of the door opening once more could be heard and with it, Oz is forced to think on his feet. An eye illuminates a crimson red as the thought of Naoto's sister is the first person to come to mind. He clears his voice as a faked tone of guilt leaves his voice, "Ah, brother...I didn't think you'd be back so--" It's then as he looks into Naoto's eyes that he finds himself cut off. Oz imagined a look of confusion, a look of frustration, a look of worry at the potential sight of his sister scrummaging through his room and yet... There's nothing. He enters inside wordless, his eyes staring into Oz's and still there's no response, no life in his gaze. The intruder brings up a hand towards his face, a gentle wave following but still...No response. The only things that follow from Naoto are the silent steps that follow as he returned to his bed, shutting his eyes as if nothing had happened...The crimson fades and he simply looks down at the young man as he rests. Something is very clear wrong...The full picture isn't here, but in his gut he knows this foreboding feeling all too well. It would only take a moment to rectify and no one would know better. Rather than taking a life though, he instead leaves something behind hidden within his Knight's uniform. It's only then still under the veil of night does he leave.

As he makes his way out to the streets he brings out his phone as he waits for the one on the other side to pick up. "Kaworu, I'll be sending you my itinerary for the next few days. I need you to let me know which times you can make...I need your opinion on something. Also...If willing to dip a foot back in the dark...Please let /her/ know, her insight is wanted..." A conversation follows into the night and ultimately ends as Oz sends a picture of a certain calendar over an encrypted message.