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Revision as of 21:28, 3 June 2023

  • Cast: Teletha Testarossa, Kaname Chidori
  • Where: VERTEX - Shuffle - E2EE/TLS Security
  • Date: U.C. 0097 06 02
  • Summary: Two girls in positions of authority catch up, reconnect, muse about recent events, and speculate about private and public happenings.

[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: hey, what do you know about bani morauta?
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: On which level, Kaname?
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: well uh
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: i met al
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: Give me a moment
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: switching on end to end encryption
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: Understood
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: There
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: How much has Sousuke told you
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: not much. I know he designed the arbalest, and knowledge of his death flipped a switch in AL
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: we're pretty sure the arbalest has anxiety
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: Sounds about right from AL's own reports
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: He...did a lot. He made AL's AI, to put it simply
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: He also made the Lambda Driver
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: oh. uh.
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: okay so... uh, pretty good odds that AL's sapient, then
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: yes
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: we don't exactly know how he was made but
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: he's the only one in existence
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: i was doing a bit of research on super-AI and
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: there literally isn't enough space in an M9 frame for the hardware involved
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: Compared to 3G's designs, no
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: impossible is kind of what we do, I guess...
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: For something of his (estimated) caliber, the extrapolation places him at around the scale of around 3-4x larger at best efficiency
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: it isn't impossible, not at all
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: after all, it's real, isn't it?
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: No, you're right. you know what I mean, though
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: I know
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: I grew up with it always in my head but I know
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: how are you holding up?
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: better than I thought I would, worse than I believed I'd be
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: Sayla's a wreck still so she's doing managerial duties while being where char is
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: people keep obliquely asking about him and I have to be nice in face of people who've...it's complicated
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: people like chariot?
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: It's the one time I'm thankful some of the Shuffle crew see me as a child
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: they can speak however they want, but they aren't good with hiding what their eyes say
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: yeah. you don't have to address what they don't say out loud... ugh. i'm sorry
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: I'll manage
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: It's only a matter of time until he wakes up and faces the music but I can't think about that right now
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: yeah.
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: if there's anything i can do to help you, let me know, please
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: I will
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: How's Jindai? Still standing, I hope
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: yep! on monday, sousuke weaponized a pitching machine
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: Let me guess: home run practice
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: one of our best batters is out for three weeks
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: just bruises, but there are some real shiners there
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: thankful he didn't use thermite
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: hey, what do you know about bani morauta?
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: Is the budget still in place for shoe lockers?
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: yeah. he's using less explosive these days, though, now it's just his locker and the eight around it they need to replace.
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: Still expensive...Not a surprise, it's budgeted
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: Oh, right, uh... I drew up some plans for a small-scale test rig for the flight system
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: Oh? Send them over; Use Sousuke's communicator in the apartment, its secure
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: right... hold on
[VERTEX] Kaname Chidori sends a photoset of plans drawn over several two-page spreads of college rule notebook paper.
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: it might need a bit of adapting to work correctly with the magnetic slipstream system, i didn't really have time to double-check all the details with you
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: mhm, there's a few minor adjustments to make based on how the TDD-1 has been repaired thanks to its tour of duty, but the overall margin of error is pretty slim
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: but everything checks out so far, within alloted time and budget too
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: awesome. now to find a wind tunnel...
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: For this test? Mithril has a few places here and there; We can't test this in public locales
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: yeah, kinda figured
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: The TDD-1 doesn't have any scale models remaining, so we'll have to build another...but this does look promising. I'm...excited
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: it doesn't quite feel real, you know?
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: ...what part of it?
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: that I'm doing this. like... this will work, I know it will, but
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: when i look at where i was before i met sousuke, and where i am now
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: Right
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: i'm used to it myself but...i know what you mean
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: sorry. i'm not dissociating or anything, promise!
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: You mean like "look where I am, compared to where I was", right
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: yeah
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: No fugues or sudden skips in memory or waking up with the walls lined with equations or anything
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: nope, not at all
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: good
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: i'm glad
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: ...Bani's death was related to that. Please limit yourself in diving there without reason or notice.
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: yeah...
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: Thank you. It's been a hard few days.
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: weeks
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: months
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: when you can... I want to meet up and talk
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: a girls talk or an official talk
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: girls talk
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: i've been having issues too, it hit pretty hard that leina was
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: compromised
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: I know
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: I was wondering when someone was going to be compromised and I hate that its happening at all
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: i was watching AL's mind map when we were talking
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: he's angry about it, too
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: angry rage or angry frustration
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: a bit of both, i think. but he's frustrated that he can't do anything, and
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: angry that it happened, that someone did that to hurt the people leina loves
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: this is his first encounter with truly despicable people and the way they work
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: Not for Sousuke, so AL should grow in the right direction
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: there's a lot of tension there, honestly... I kind of worry about sousuke there. you know how he feels about how AL should be equipment, not the, uh, co-pilot he's turned into
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: Unfortunately, he's the only one that can pilot it.
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: ...unless Al is successfully reverse-engineered, only he can.
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: Hopefully, he'll adjust.
[VERTEX] From Kaname Chidori: ... at least as well as I have.
[VERTEX] To Kaname Chidori: I hope so too. I honestly hope so.