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(Created page with "*'''Log: 2023-01-06_Contact''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Lockon Stratos, Character :: Rita Bernal *'''Where:Ptolemaios''' *'''OOC - IC Date:0097-01-06''' *'''Summary'...")
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Revision as of 22:40, 24 February 2023

  • Log: 2023-01-06_Contact
  • Cast: Lockon Stratos, Rita Bernal
  • Where:Ptolemaios
  • OOC - IC Date:0097-01-06
  • Summary: During a simulation, Lockon Stratos finds himself haunted by a friendly New-Type in Rita. Asking for his aid, she explains to him troubles on the horizon for a certain Celestial Being member.

<Pose Tracker> Lockon Stratos has posed.

The universe is infinitely expanding, and no place validates that truth like the deep void of space. Within the darkness of the eternally spreading chasm though there is infinite possibility, infinite potential to change. And yet, within what couldn't even be considered a percentile of a percentile is more of the same. Machines capable of exploring this vast eternity roam through the stars. For some they appear as simple vessels of transportation like shuttles. Others took more to the form of their creators. A more humanoid like appearance. And of course, like most humanoid frames, what they excel at is...The use of weapons.

One after another unit after unit can be seen brandishing some sort of gun as they lock in on their target. Arrays of missiles fly through space like meteor showers as they create their own little supernovas upon impact.

One could question why these conflicts are necessary, why they arise, but when you're caught up in them...There's only one thing to do.

"Yosh, targets in sight."

In quick succession several of those machines find themselves pierced through with beams. More explosions occur and those remaining can only turn towards the source that seems so distant that in some respects their enemy appears on the other side of this ever expanding universe. Though even with that expanse another volley follows and with it two more units are taken down.

"Still outside their range."

Ultimately the only decision left is to attempt to close in. The remaining squadron pressed forward at once, hoping to close the distance of what could only be felt like dozens if not hundreds of kilometers. Each unit in their swarm attempts to reach the range in which they can fire back. Moving in sporadic movements in hopes of avoiding being the next that gets caught in the sniper's scope. Whether attempting to dash forward at full speed to close the distance the quickest, maneuvering to preserve their chances of survival...One by one without missing a shot, the machines vanish, and the emptiness of the void returns...

Only as all comes to an end do the words upon the monitor appear:

Simulation Finished.

A small sigh escapes a young man as a green helmet's pulled off, long hair left to float within the confines of zero gravity as he leans back in his seat. "Mmm, Haro what was stats on that one?" As he asks the question he turns to the small orb-like machine at his side holstered within the cockpit. A small, orange robot that almost appeared more like a toy than an actual support unit. "Ninety-six percent! Ninety-six percent!"

A brow gets raised, "Hmmm, so we did miss one after all. Alright, guess we'll take it from the top again. Haro, keep the number of enemies the same but randomize the appearance, maneuvering, and firing patterns."

The tiny machine would flap open the sides of its frame almost like that of a bird as it spoke up. "Roger! Roger! Simulation starting in 3...2..."
� Logging to file "C:\Users\jlfei\Downloads\2023-01-06.txt" started
� Logging stopped

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

"Found you!" A sweet voice echoes, spiritually. Politely, its owner floats through the door. She's a guest here, after all! It'd be rude to go through the walls. Brilliant green eyes watch Lockon work his way through the simulation. As he finishes, she looks expectantly at the Haro for his results.

"Woah, ninety-six!" The ghostly visitor applauds.

Lockon prepares to try again, and the ghostly girl floats closely. "Hang on a second, please! I need to talk with you!"

...but he doesn't respond. "Ah."

Glancing around, the young lady's eyes land on Haro. "Excuse me. My name is Rita, and I need your help!" Gently, she places a hand atop the little companion robot. Haro shudders for a moment, and his eyes turn brilliant gold.

"Lockon, please wait!" Rita says, and Haro repeats, in his little cheerful voice. "I need to speak with you. My name is Rita Bernal! Sorry about using Haro. I think this is the easiest way we can talk."

Rita covers her face with her free hand. This is so embarrassing..!

<Pose Tracker> Lockon Stratos has posed.

"3...2..-" What should have been the start up of the next simulation is halted and with it there's a silence as the tiny companion goes quiet, only for its gaze to light up. "Oi, Haro, you alright? Need a battery change or--" The meister's concern is cut off as Haro speaks out again. Only...to be interrupted. In fact, there was a word in there he found a bit baffling.

"Please? That's a first from the little guy." He doesn't immediately hold on though. If anything, he finds himself picking up his little companion, looking over the orb like frame of his buddy as he starts asking him a few questions. "Tch. I keep telling Ed not to mess with you and the others. Always causes a mess after--Hmmm?"

Just as he's about to pull up some diagnostics on his little companion Haro speaks in the place of Rita and while there's still a bit of confusion and almost a bit of worry about someone hacking one of Celestial Being's machines, or knowing their location...


The name definitely sounded a bit familiar. He feels like there's been a notice of something along those lines. So... He gently puts down Haro again as he looks it over, arms crossed over the other. "Mmm, ya know, usually its proper procedure that if someone starts tinkering with our stuff without our permission we report it immediately..." There's almost a sternness that comes from his voice, as if reprimanding a younger sibling for misbehaving or acting out of line. Though ultimately there's a small smirk that escapes his lips.

"Though I find it hard to believe that someone being so polite about it is gonna cause trouble. Alright then, what's up then Miss Troublemaker?" Hopefully Tieria wouldn't try to scold him too much later, but for now, he was open to listening.

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

Rita perches on the desk, crossing her legs delicately. A white sundress covers her spiritual form, giving her a sweet, casual look. Not that anyone present can see it. But appearances are important!

"I promise I'll be careful with him. I won't change a thing, I'm just using him so you can hear my voice." Rita says, turning her arm to keep it in contact with Haro as Lockon picks up the little creature. "Please don't report me!"

Lockon's tone is unfamiliar to Rita -- but she feels at ease once he smiles. Rita sighs in relief, which probably sounds odd, coming from a Haro. 'Miss Troublemaker' earns a giggle, and a kick of Rita's legs. It's almost a shame to move on to such heavy topics, Lockon seems like a really fun to talk with!

"I'm here to um." Rita pauses. How did they word this? "Report an institution for promoting war! You see... One of your own comrades has been victimized by an illegal Cyber-Newtype lab. I was one of their victims as well. They used experimentation and brainwashing tactics to severely damage my friend, mind, body, and soul."

Rita's free hand swirls in the air, and a little doll appears. A green scarf covers the doll's head, and the rest of her is clad in a cheerful green sundress, much like the one Rita herself wears. She hugs the doll close to her chest, a comforting motion.

"All this time, they've hurt her more and more. They've turned her into a killer and a weapon specifically to hurt Newtypes. But that isn't the end of their plans. They want to do something even worse, and I can't accept that! They're going to kill her if they try it, and --!" Rita takes a few breaths, overcome by emotion. "I'm going to stop them. But I need help."

"Since she's your comrade, I thought you and your friends might help me. Her name is Yuliana. Do you know her?" Rita asks, and then appears to have an idea. "If Haro has a screen, I can show you a picture of her, I think."

Is this enough to earn Lockon's interest? Maybe she needs more.

"The Institute is making lots and lots of soldiers, beyond just Yuliana and I. Cyborgs, all kinds of things, all intended to, um, promote war, all over the Earthsphere. They've been doing it for decades, now, and--! They have to be stopped. For peace, and to save their victims."

With a twitch of her fingers, the illusory doll in Rita's arms begins to float. It dances in the air happily, twirling so its skirt flares out. This is going to work. Rita's seen it. She just has to find the right path to get to that future.

<Pose Tracker> Lockon Stratos has posed.

He can't pick up on the appearance of Rita, that was for sure, but there were things he could pick up on. The manner of speech the one communicating through Haro was using. How respectful they were when addressing someone who was just in their mid twenties. It was definitely the kind of vibe that he imagined someone of a teenager or kid would have given. It was cute for certain, it almost reminded him of a certain someone. Though...

There it is...

The meat of the conversation. Something that adds weight to things all at once. It's not like someone like him was going to be contacted by a child for something light-hearted.

Still his demeanor while listening stays calm and collected. The entire time he nods in engagement as he hears the worries and concerns the entire way through. It's a tough topic for certain, though it only meant more delicacy needed to be given. Especially as he can tell she's getting wound up, her heavy breathing even being translated by Haro as she does so.

"Easy. Easy. Deep breathes. You're okay..."

Even if it's only through a comm he tries to console her. To get her to pace herself. To get herself worked up on all things was definitely not something that'd turn out well. Once she's a bit more calm he continues to listen in earnest before the topic of a potential ally was brought up.


He tries to think back on the name. He's pretty sure he's never met Yuliana face-to-face before, that wasn't unusual for CSB members. The organization was split into cells upon cells of groups that didn't even know they were all working towards the same goal. Though saying that aloud even Rita seemed so earnest felt like a bit too much of an info leak to give out. "Hmmm~, well if you're already got Haro helping you out he should be able to let you put it up on the Dynames." Lockon might have been a Meister, but even his access and knowledge of those in the CSB was limited in some regards. Mostly keeping familiar with solely the other Meisters. There was an occasional exception though...If Rita really was talking about another member, having that image would have been good to confirm with VEDA or some of the more informational officers.

As Rita really starts getting heated again, Lockon finds himself having to try and calm her down. "Rita." Again his voice sounds stern for a moment, though just as before as if he was talking to her directly, he places his hand atop Haro and gently pats it. "We'll help."

He said it with such confidence, as if trying to assure the one speaking through Haro that this issue was already as good as solved. Even if obviously it'd be so much more complicated than that...Even if he knew saying such things was probably a bit brash.

"Before that though, you need to tell me one thing, but you need to be honest, and thoughtful, alright?"

He could already tell Rita was impassioned about the situation. Which was all when and good. But as a team leader, sometimes he had to do more than act on emotion. If that was the case, he needed to see if Rita was able to assess the situation. Could she elaborate just how dire this was? Or was she herself already in a panic? Those were things so much harder to pick up through communication like this alone. "This place...Are they planning to use these soldiers immediately? Is Yuliana in immediate danger?"

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

Rita's emotions get away from her so quickly, being a creature of pure expression and understanding. The way she chooses to let them show remains her choice -- and now, tears wouldn't do any good. So she sniffles, to help herself feel better, and takes a breath as Lockon requests.

It'd be mean to make a Haro cry, anyway, even if just as an echo of her own feelings.

"Yes. Now I'm free, and nobody can hurt me ever again. You don't need to worry about me at all." Rita's voice is steady, now. "I've been trying to get to know you and your friends for a while now. I want to help you. I was hoping I could do more for you before I asked for your help, but... Yuliana doesn't have the time."

Up on the Gundam? Rita puts her doll in her lap and places her other hand on the Gundam's controls. Static flashes on the screen as Rita figures out what she's doing. It's one thing to speak through a Haro, but translating an image onto a Gundam... She focuses, going quiet for a few minutes.

Rita closes her eyes and holds Yuliana's image in her heart. Every detail is focused on. The way her hair falls, her fierce green eyes, Yuliana's cute little fang. When Rita opens her eyes, the image she visualized has been projected on the screen of the Dynames. A representation of when Rita last saw Yuliana, viewed from slightly above. Yuliana looks straight ahead, scowling. She seems to be holding a bronze-metal heart, for some reason.

Seeing her friend makes Rita emotion all over again, worry and fear consuming her to the point that her form flickers briefly. Rita can't see Yuliana's future, an odd quirk of the woman's void aura. What if--

Lockon's voice cuts through Rita's mounting panic, and she takes another breath. They'll help! They'll help! Rita gasps, and then laughs in delight. "Thank you -- thank you! I'm so grateful!"

Though he can't physically touch her, Rita smiles at the sight of Lockon's hand atop her own. It's sweet. He seems to be a good, kind man. So different from the other members of Celestial Being she's met so far, but in a good way.

A request to be honest and thoughtful. Rita nods, then remembers she needs to respond verbally. "Yes, I will."

Green eyes close, remembering test subjects 'graduating' into active service. "They've been using their soldiers for a very long time. Even now, they're taking out missions. The scientists and doctors are creating more. For Yuliana..."

Rita closes her eyes, thinking very hard. "It's hard to understand time the way you do, now. But I believe she has a little more than a month left, before they do their final experiment on her. That's the last time I can see Dr. Devi typing in Yuliana's file, when I look very hard."

<Pose Tracker> Lockon Stratos has posed.

He waits patiently as Rita actually finds herself able to get Yuliana's visuals on the screen. With a bit of static he's still very surprised by her accomplishment. With all the security VEDA implements and along with what he assumes is Ed's contributions to their cyber security, getting to display anything on the Gundam is probably a huge technical feat. Enough that even Lockon finds himself letting out a whistle when she finally pulls it off. Maybe I should keep this part out of conversation. Last thing we need is Ed trying to pull this off too...

At this point he finally gets a view of Yuliana in view. There's a small smile that escapes Lockon's lips as he sees the picture. Maybe he seems somewhat familiar with her, or maybe that scowl just seemed entertaining to watch. All the same..He says nothing one way or the other on the matter, instead simply waiting and listening to Rita's showers of gratitude at first, and then finally hearing what he really needed to know.

"A month, huh?"

A smile once again shows on Lockon's face as he hears the news. "Should be plenty of time then. Not sure how many us you've tried reaching out to but we have someone who's pretty good when it comes to coming up with plans. In the meantime, I've got a few conditions you're going to need to follow from now on if you want any more requests. The first..."

First off, Lockon began punching into a keyboard on some sort of tablet device, it takes a bit of time but... "Mmm, if I do it like this I imagine I won't be getting too much shouting later. Especially if you're already being a bit naughty by hacking our stuff. I've put in a request with one of our members to create an encrypted channel for you. In the future, if you plan on reaching out to us, consider this a more formal channel to talk to reach out to CB. You won't be getting a direct link to us, but it'll hopefully keep anyone from getting angry that your touching things in systems you shouldn't be touching." It's probably not the BEST decision. But as far as things go, he imagines allowing her access to a line that they secure was better than just letting this person haphazardly create communications that could be unsecured.

"Second condition. Don't casually brush off your own well-being. You got that?" There's a bit more of a stern tone again as he says this, almost looking a bit annoyed as he speaks to Haro this time as if he'd help send the message across when he assumes Rita couldn't see him still. "Already have enough people acting like they're tough as nails around here. And I'm definitely not gonna believe you saying you're not hurting when you're already so quick to get worked up...I get if what they put you through, or what they put the others through...If that still stings for ya. " She says she's free, that she can't be hurt again. He misses what the truth of those words truly mean. But at the same time, he knows that from her words alone, they could still hurt her. She could still be harmed. "Which brings us to condition three. As far as I'm concerned, you won't be attacking this base with Celestial Being."

And like that, as she's been requesting help from CSB, it's odd that she gets told they'll take the job but...She can't help. "I'm sure you wanna help your friend, but I can already tell you're quick to jump the gun. I don't know what your plan was before, but if you panicked and worried about Yuliana enough to do something rash while we're fighting, you'd be putting yourself at risk, and my teammates, and I can't allow that. As far as I'm concerned, Celestial Being's mission will be to handle the disarmament of this facility."

In other words, it sounded like she was being sidelined. It was the equivalent of a child telling an adult something bad happened, and then only to be told to leave it to the grown-ups. He hadn't even been aware of the Gundam she used, and yet...He was telling her she'd get in the way?! One could imagine that probably wouldn't sit right with someone who was so passionate just moments ago...Though before she starts to force Haro to flip out, he adds one more thing.

"Our mission will be to deal with that base and the fighting. So you should make your mission the one that helps get your friend out of there safe and sound, right?"

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

Rita can't help but preen a little at Lockon's impressed whistle. Maybe she is okay with computers after all! She's never really used one before...

Lockon looks nice when he smiles. Rita smiles as well, though her look changes to one of concern when he mentions conditions. She holds her breath, ready for some great task, peeking over Lockon's tablet as he begins to type.

"Um -- hang on, I'm not actually hacking anything. I'm right here with you, you just can't see me. It's a little bit of a long story, but." Rita picks up her doll, letting the image of Yuliana fade from the Dynames' screen. She looks at the doll's face, as if searching for answers. "I'm not exactly like you anymore."

Before Rita can explain, Lockon lays out his other conditions. Rita hides her face in her doll. Oh no. She had assumed Setsuna would've talked to his comrades about this..!

"Excuse me, Lockon, but I think you have the wrong impression about me. I'm not a hacker, really! I'm, um." Rita sighs, squeezing her eyes closed. He's not going to like this, going off what he's said so far. "I died a while ago. I'm a spirit now. I'm sitting right here with you in the Dynames, but you can't see or hear me. If you want proof, um... I'll move your hair around!"

He does have very nice hair, after all. Rita wouldn't mind playing with it. So, she leans forward and holds Lockon's hair straight up with her abilities. Making sure the message sinks in, Rita begins to braid it, flicking her fingertips this way and that to twine the hair together.

"See? A hacker couldn't do that." Rita laughs, then releases his hair, letting the braid gently fall apart. "My spirit lives in my Gundam, the Phenex. She's waiting nearby your ship so I can talk with you. I can't project myself too far away. But I promise, I don't mean you any harm! I won't hurt anyone. I don't even carry any weapons."

Well. She doesn't exactly need any weapons. But it's still true.

"I'm not sure if I could use an encrypted channel. Can it connect to the Phenex? I'm not good with this stuff, I usually just move her with my mind, like I moved your hair. If someone can show me how, I'm sure I'll be able to remember!"

As for Rita's well-being... Rita puzzles that one out for a moment. "I'm not sure about my well-being. One of my friends got worried about me, too, but. I'm a spirit, now. It's not like I really need to do anything to take care of myself."

Once Lockon's voice goes stern, Rita's words take on a steel tone, even through the Haro. It's the determination of someone who will not be denied, come hell or high water. "I respect your worry, and it's very kind of you, but I'll be there. There's nothing else I can do to help, the way I am now. I have someone I trust to run the mission inside, but -- the Institute is going to be mounting a fierce defense! You're going to need my help. I'm very strong, Lockon."

Rita places a hand on the Dynames' controls again. Static overtakes the display, then a beautiful golden machine appears. She rotates slowly, showing off twin shields at her back, almost like wings. This is clearly a top of the line, modern creation.

"If you need to see her specifications, I can send those to you. I think." Computers... "But I'm very strong, and I'm very fast. I can help you. And I mean even beyond this. I want to help you with your mission, for as long as I can. I've fought by Setsuna's side once before, in the Denver colony. If you need proof, please ask him!"

There's more to be said, but... It's too soon. Lockon needs to deal with the fact that Rita's a spirit, first of all.

<Pose Tracker> Lockon Stratos has posed.

Lockon knows that the world is much crazier than it used to be. Newtypes, Getters, Kaiju, Angels, it's a place filled with paranormal. Though being told someone is a spirit, well, that's a bit much. Having his hair touched...Probably even more so. A small shiver running over him as that happens. "O-oi, okay, I get it, I get it!"

He can tell she wants to elaborate her situation but.

"You don't have to say anymore..."

She says she doesn't have to as she starts making mention of being a spirit of her death, but frankly it almost feels like he's asking her not to elaborate further. The subject of children dying is something he doesn't handle well already, and the way she speaks almost makes him think of a certain younger sister in the same light...

"I believe you now, honest."

She talks about her uncertainty of communicating through the comms but well... "Mmm...Can't interact with the software directly...And we can't probably mess with your machine. In that case...Oh~. Haro, you're still in there too, right?"

"Here! Here!"

"Good, let Ian know to set up that channel, and then give access to it to your brother. We'll see what we can do about you getting a longer ranged access later, but for now..." He points to a green Haro outside the cockpit inside some sort of larger machine as it made a few repairs. "If we have one of the Haro's set up to link to the channel, and you happen to borrow it, it shouldn't be too much trouble. For now, consider that the formal way to reach out to anyone from here on out."

He imagines that's a good enough way for her to get to communicating a bit easier with everyone, and without panicking others. Though that did leave one more issue to handle.

Rita's insistence is palpable. She's definitely aware enough of her Phenex's capabilities as she puts it up on the screen. "First off, if you're here...Let me know where you are so I can look you in the eye...And no more playing with my hair!"

He'd wait for her to guide his direction so he was 'looking' her in the eye and then with the most casual response, technically not even sure if he was hitting it, but just going off that sniper's instinct, he flicked her forehead. Well...Not actually, but it's where her forehead would have been and probably just phased through it. It's funny, she's probably capable of beating him in a fight, she's probably able to mess with him more but...He's got practice as an older brother, and as such has perfected the art of the 'Not on my watch,' stare.

"This isn't about how strong you are, how fast you are or any of that. I even believe you've met Setsuna, if anything you're clearly sounding like him if you're trying to jump the gun. But that's not the issue..."

Spirit or not, he just honestly didn't want this girl getting so emotionally attached to the mission. Maybe it was a bit cruel, but if something went wrong, he could only imagine what would happen. She might be the Phenex pilot, she might have even been a test-pilot, but he was sure of one other thing from the way she acted...She wasn't a soldier, not in mind at least.

There's a sigh that ultimately escapes his lips, a lamenting follows. "Yaaaaaaah, I'm seriously getting rusty...Alright, here's the deal. I'm gonna have you come back in a few days. When you do, we'll have decided whether you'll be added to the plan or not. If you are, you'll follow it without complaints. You might have a fast and strong Gundam, but it doesn't mean anything if you can't make the best use of it. And if we decide you won't be part of the operation..."

Again, this time he looks into her eyes or where he thinks they are. "...You came to us for help, right? So have some faith in us. Faith that we're gonna do all we can to help Yuliana...And have faith in us, so we can have the same faith in you..." Faith that they could trust and use her skills in a mission if need be

At this point, Lockon leans back into his seat again, hands behind his head. "Anyway, that's all I gotta say on the matter."

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

Rita laughs as Lockon fusses over his hair, quickly letting go. "Sorry, I didn't think you'd be so sensitive about it!"

"Thank you." Rita says, as Lockon tells her she doesn't have to go on. Nobody's taken her ascension very well, yet, no matter how Rita emphasizes it was a beautiful experience. "And thank you for believing me! I was going to lift up Dynames next, if you didn't."

She's teasing him. But she could've done it.

"Yes, please don't mess with the Phenex. She's perfect just the way she is, and she's very sensitive about the way she looks." As Lockon addresses Haro, Rita lifts her hand away, letting the little robot have full control of himself.

Green eyes light up, and a few radiant sparkles burst into existence. "Really? A Haro? Oh!" Rita laughs in delight. "I always loved Haros! My best friend's assistant has one that he just treasures. Oh!"

Forgetting about politeness, Rita sticks her head out, looking at the green Haro. Pulling back in, she makes a cooing sound.

"It's even the same color as my sister--um, I mean brother's!" Rita sounds absolutely thrilled. "Thank you, Lockon!"

She sounds every bit like a child getting a new toy. Sparkles keep bursting from the corners of her eyes, and Rita 'flies' her Yuliana doll around the cockpit. Settling it atop her shoulder like a little bird, Rita manages to listen to Lockon once again.

"Oh, I'm right here. About your 10 o'clock." Rita says, adjusting a bit to make sure she was accurate. "And I promise, I promise! I won't touch it again!"

Lockon meets Rita's gaze with remarkable accuracy. Shivering from the chill of suddenly being 'seen', she blinks as his finger -- flicks her forehead?! It passes through her incorporeal form, sure, but -- it's the principle of the thing!

"Wh--!" Rita blusters, at first, reaching her free hand to her forehead. Absolute bafflement covers her expression. What is this? Why is he looking at her like that? There's... care in his look, but also something stern. It doesn't feel like he's going to hurt her, or yell at her. Rita has absolutely no experience with such a thing.

Surprised into silence, Rita listens to Lockon, blinking widely. He sighs, and she tilts her head, letting long blonde hair trail across the Dynames' console. Huh?

Oh, mission orders. Rita's demeanor changes entirely, though Lockon can only hear it expressed in the stiff words Haro suddenly changes to. "Yes, sir."

No matter how free she is now, the years of torture and conditioning have left a deep scar in Rita's mind. She can't help but shift back into the mindset of that perfect soldier, one who accepted any treatment, followed any order. Rita's image flickers, shifting between the white sundress and a sharp Federation uniform.

Lockon talks about faith. He looks Rita in the eyes, and she listens, posture stiff. He seems so relaxed, and gradually... Rita relaxes too. Her sundress reigns victorious, and she shakes her head, recovering fully.

"I have faith in you." Rita says, quietly. "I have from the start. It's why I chose you, out of everyone, to come to for help. I won't let you down, Lockon."

Rita smiles as Lockon leans back. "You're a good person. I can tell, and I'm never wrong about these things!" If he's done talking... "I should go, before the Phenex scares someone. I'll come back in three days. Please tell everyone to be ready! I don't want to get shot at!"

Reaching out with her free hand, Rita places it atop the center of the Dynames' console. Light glimmers, and the image of a bird in flight appears. The little thing appears to be a canary, but with two long, gloriously feathered tails. It's a very shallow indentation, it could easily be removed with some sandpaper.

"There, now you won't forget me." Rita says, playfully. "Thank you, Lockon. I'll see you soon. Please take care of yourself, okay?"