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Revision as of 16:49, 7 February 2023

  • Cast: Leina Ashta, Sophia Mayhew Castellan
  • Where: Texas Colony
  • Date: U.C. 0097 02 06
  • Summary: While Leina takes a rescued person from the Institute for Continuing Study for a carefree day with the ponies, Captain Castellan arrives with a request that can wait no longer.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"Okay Rainbow you know we're gonna ride really fast soon! But right now we have to go slow!" Ira Gupta is an excitable ten year old even more excited than usual. Why? Well it's because she's here in Texas Colony!

Leina's currently holding the reins as she leads her around on a dappled pony, the little girl has a riding helmet on and a child's 'cowgirl' outfit. She's obviously a huge horsegirl.

Leina herself is dressed in a button down plaid shirt, a pair of worn jeans, some boots, and a small unicorn barrette on the left side of her hair.

This whole touristy ranch with dusty trails and flat mesa like constructions on the 'horizon'. It was rented out special today, for reasons of privacy by the Yumi Foundation, but the transaction isn't difficult to discover. Nor is it hard to see that Leina made that transaction, and bought tickets under her name...

There are Yumi personnel around but they're not combatants, they're charity volunteers.

Leina giggles, "You wasted no time naming her." "Nope! She's a rainbow! In fact I knew she was a rainbow before I met her, do you think she knows she's a rainbow?" "Probably, she looks like a very smart pony to me. I'm not even really having to guide her around."

Leina just radiates a certain warmth, as Ira starts, "Oh right! I forgot to tell you! We have a visitor! I knew it earlier but I was so excited that I forgot! Anyhow she's coming real soon!"

Leina tilts her head to the side, "Hmmm, what kind of visitor?" "A little scary I think! But it'll be fine!" "Is that so? Well that's good to know."

All the same, Leina turned around and started heading back towards one of the corrals, hoping their visitor won't be Doctor Elisa Kafim.

BBSYS: Post 686, 'Institute Raid: Brief Update on Status of Extracted Personnel and Victims' has been published to Shuffle Alliance by Leina Ashta.
Nunnally Lamperouge (Nunna) has paged Sophia Mayhew Castellan and Leina Ashta with, 'can i... watch you thing'

<Pose Tracker> Sophia Mayhew Castellan has posed.

Well, good news on that front.

"Leina Ashta."

But Sophia Mayhew Castellan, stepping out of a chartered car, may not be the best runner up. She's not in full uniform - astonishingly, since she almost always is - instead going with the kind of black sleeveless blouse and slacks combo that sells immaculately in the tea lounge and somewhat suggests she has not fully prepared herself for what Texas Colony can bring to bear on pale skin. Still, her face is as ever a steely solidity, peering out from behind citygirl stylish sunglasses. Her hair has a bit of her usual artful mess to it, but there's been some effort put into it. In a phrase, she's put some work into presenting herself.

...which means she wants something.

But she doesn't smile, drawing nearer. That honor rifle of hers is nowhere to be seen, Perhaps it's packed in the car, which waits. Sophia draws near, eyes flicking past Leina as if she could see the folk on the other side of the corral.

Unseen, the Seal of Geass shows her the world of a grateful child and guileless volunteers.

"A favor for the affected," she says, appraising. "You act fast."
Leina Ashta (Leina) has paged Nunnally Lamperouge and Sophia Mayhew Castellan with, 'Come on down!'
Nunnally Lamperouge teleports in.
POT: Nunnally Lamperouge is no longer set observer.
POT: Nunnally Lamperouge is now set observer.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

The presence is unmistakable, not because Captain Castellan is a psychic, but because the feelings from her are so very STRONG.

Leina smiles at her politely, "Captain Castellan. I'd say this was entirely unexpected but..."

She has no time to answer why before Ira waves from atop her pony her way, "Hi! You made it! Right on time! You were right on time back then too!" Before she spreads her arms out overhead as if mimicking an explosion, "BOOM!"

There's a sort of innocence to the gesture, as Leina takes a breath, and motions for a volunteer to come over and take the reins, "Hey Ira - I have to go talk to her-" "Yep I know!" Before she turns and motions excitedly towards the Volunteer, "Hi Danielle!" "-is going to take you-" "-all over! Let's go Rainbow!"

Leina waits until they're out of earshot, "They deserve someone to act quickly on their behalf." A beat, "They deserve better."

She then clarifies before long, "The Yumi Foundation was entirely uninvolved with all that occurred."

Leina volunteers that much. It's better that she at least say that, and disentangle their efforts from her 'other activities' rather than play coy here, and dance around the issue of giving anything of substance.

It is better to simply offer that rather than to give the wrong impression, "Ever do we remain a charity for orphans affected by war and violence."

There's a lopsided smile on her lips, and a sort of subdued warmth in her green eyes, as she laces her arms behind her back, "Well then, you went to the trouble of finding me this quickly. May I ask what it is you want of me?"

<Pose Tracker> Sophia Mayhew Castellan has posed.

Sophia doesn't know the girl, but...God, you'd think she'd seen a ghost, the way she looks at Ira excitedly finishing peoples' thoughts before they're done in their heads.

"Right on time," Sophia says, like she were suddenly a million miles away. "...no. Far too late."

Her attention turns back up to Leina, pulling up out of the pit she found herself in. "Of course. The Yumi Foundation has nothing to do with this."

She spears Leina with her gaze in a way that says 'you, however.' but she doesn't say the words. But...it lacks power, compared to before. It takes her longer than before, to say the words.

"I'll cut to the chase," she finally says, which appears to be for herself, the way it gets her to straighten.

"A woman entered that raid from the hands of the Phenex." She holds up a hand, as if cutting off a line of commentary: "I've no special interest in the Gundam, beyond that of a few associates. But the woman..."

She sees it on Leina, now. Golden threads tying off to a stellar light, a bond immaculate.

"...I must find the woman," she says, quietly, and only afterward realizes the weakness she's expressed, and straightens herself up to a proper Britannian bullying square of a stance. "I require her name," is her second attempt. "Consider it a favor," she says, afterward. "If that's what it must be."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Leina at least can sympathize with the idea of being far too late. It is the cruelty of predictions. The inexorability of fate, or destiny. The idea you will do something only at the moment you are supposed to and not one second before.

Ira doesn't know how to control her powers of prediction yet. Leina can sympathize, she never had powers of prediction quite as strong, but she knows what it is like to awaken that strong as a child...

...and feel as if you are alone in a crowded room.

There is relief as Sophia at least acquits the Yumi Foundation in her mind of the idea of any wrong doing. She sees the way those eyes spear her though, and her green eyes only momentarily blink, but otherwise do not flinch.

Right away she expects some sort of interrogation about the Shuffle Alliance, their role in it, or perhaps their temporary alliance with Celestial Being.

She cuts to the chase however, and Leina listens, thinking of Rita breaking down the walls. Arriving with someone in hand. She of course knows who it is right away...

... and she tells her that she must find that woman. That she requires her name. To consider it a favor. That idea gets a simple arch of her eyebrow, "A favor you say?"

Leina then mulls it over, without asking what she considers it a favor for, "It would be a simple matter. I could give you her name and even put you in touch with her tomorrow." She indicates the ease with which we can do it, "However, I am held in a position of trust by her, and many others. She would be a prize catch for... certain individuals and organizations..."

Leina does not need to say what kind to her, not by any stretch of the imagination, "...and while I feel confident in saying that I believe that is not your aim in seeking her after your assistance at the 'Institute of Continuing Study.' I cannot simply hand over what you ask for without betraying that trust."

A moment passes, perhaps a moment of tension in her refusal, "But. I am willing to call her and ask for her consent. To ask if she wishes to be put in contact with you." As she puts forward her counter offer.

Without waiting on an answer, she continues, "What should I tell her? 'A G-Hound Ship's Captain wishes to know your name and be put in touch with you.' seems destined to fail without further details."

<Pose Tracker> Sophia Mayhew Castellan has posed.

Sophia's gaze slowly hardens, as Leina's response is not 'yes, immediately, hail britannia.'

Her feet shift with irritation. But she does listen. She struggles with herself to force her gaze to stay on Leina. This is how dealing with people equitably goes, after all. This kind of thinking is why Leina Ashta can lead two lives with conviction.

Though the notion she might be pursuing this prize for such cruel reasons does, briefly, earn her a look of mounting anger. Leina defuses it, just.

Fine. "Yes. As an escapee from the Augusta program, she's considered valuable to a number of investigations."

Fine, she'll just put her hand on the table.

"And the tenure under Neo Zeon gives her no few enemies just on its own. It seems she's been running for a long time."

Her eyes cut down. Thinking. Say it. Say it or drop the lead, do one of them.

She cuts her eyes up to Leina and has the full force of her gaze back.

"Tell her her sister is looking for her."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

The only way someone could get Leina to say Hail Britannia is if it were satire, or a roast. Though Sophia would certainly know that... she said it during her Gala keynote address.

Leina can feel the mounting anger, but she doesn't flinch, only sliding her walls up to endure it. She feels that Sophia after the Institute- must understand why a Newtype must be careful.

Leina has no idea how well Sophia knows this. None whatsoever. Again, there is an arching of an eyebrow, as she mentions that she's an escapee from the August program, and had tenure under Neo-Zeon, "You're well-informed on her situation. I'm honestly surprised."

Not so much surprised that she's well informed, but surprised that she knows that much - but not something as simple as the name she goes by.

Then she mentions her sister is looking for her, and there's a double blink of her eyes, "Sist-" The word stops halfway out of her mouth. As Leina thinks of the looking into Shelby she did, the digging into Sophia's life. To think there was such a connection at all.

She feels no deception, no falsehood either...

Closing her eyes, she takes a breath, and actually smiles as those green eyes open again, "I can certainly sympathize with your search. ... I was a prisoner of war for Neo-Zeon years ago, when I was a child. My brother - he fought a whole war, risked death, military punishment, and worse for the sake of getting me back from my captors."

A pause...

"I will call her, today, assuming no Minovsky interference... otherwise I will tell her in person as soon as possible."

However... due to that sympathy... "For now, I will tell you this much. Her memory is fractured when it comes to events prior to UC 90."

She warns, as if to prepare her, "She told me it was fine to dig into her past, to figure out where she came from... even if she's given up hope of figuring out anything prior to Augusta. So I think it's highly likely you'll get a favorable answer."

<Pose Tracker> Sophia Mayhew Castellan has posed.

That looking would seem quite odd, in light of it. There are no Castellan sisters. The documentation is quite clear - Sophia Mayhew is an only child. And yet, that resolute stare is the face of someone who is giving up mountains of secrets to say these words.

She endures Leina's sympathy. She has to. She's practically vibrating with a thousand emotions, many of them boilng down to impatience. She's so close. She's SO CLOSE. The fact that walking away from this would put her back to square one is a key part of keeping her through whatever Leina puts forth because she's SO CLOSE.

She visibly has to stop and breathe when Leina promises to make the call - not now, of course, because Leina Ashta does indeed have her own day to finish. But it's not helping Sophia immediately and the anxiety...she might not realize that's what this is, actually.

But the warning does get her to look off. "Lost memories," she whispers, and her fist slowly balls. "That...yes. Of course. That...makes sense."

"We lost her to the Titans," is Sophia's soft admission. "But it's her. I'm certain. Even if she doesn't remember, I know."

The fact that that kind of certainty is nearly impossible with the information she seems to have does not appear to bother her.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Leina can at least feel that roiling sense of impatience as she offers her sympathy, a parallel of experiences. Still she does not offer an apology for that.

Leina does offer a nod as she repeats of Lost memories, and that it makes sense. There's a notable... frown as she mentions that she lost her to the Titans.

She can only IMAGINE the power the Titans held in Britannia during that time frame. She remembers when she was eight how the Titans gassed Colony 30, there were protests on Shangri-la before the media blackout was lifted...

... after, there weren't anymore.

She seems to give Sophia a certain weight, but she offers no more sympathy, instead what she does offer... "What is the most secure way to reach you? Assuming she agrees, I will inform you immediately - or if she'd prefer..."

A pause and... "... then perhaps it will be her that will be making the call to you instead."

<Pose Tracker> Sophia Mayhew Castellan has posed.

It has clearly taken a lot out of Sophia to even make this journey, to expose this vulnerability. It is one, for her, and from what Leina's seen of her it shouldn't be difficult to know that, even without Newtype connection. Sophia produces a card from her side, with little but a terminal contact code. "This is a personal number I carry with me. Very few have it, so this will do."

The half-tease half-promise earns her a curious look, which mostly looks like Sophia is struggling with her thoughts too much to take it lightly. "That would...be good," she says, and her eyes cast back over to where Ira and her pony are wandering off.

"...she was like that," Sophia finally admits. "Nobody knew how to deal with her. She seemed to know what people were thinking even clear across the grounds. I..." ...

She half-turns, forcing conviction back into her spine. "I'll leave you to your work, Leina Ashta," she says, and makes for her car.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Accepting the card, Leina puts it away in short order, within a jean pocket so that she won't lose it. She can feel the awkwardness though within the words, that it would be good. And there's a smile in that moment, perhaps understanding the bravery and the vulnerability...

... but her eyes turn to Ira the moment she follows Sophia's gaze. Danielle is still pulling her around, as she talks excitedly the whole time...

In truth, she's just so happy to have people to talk to again.

"It is... difficult to awaken that sensitive - that young."

Leina tells her, whether it's because she trusts her with the information or because she thinks she already knows is unclear, "So few understand what it's like. The violence of a crowded yet empty room."

She closes her eyes, as if remembering something, "All of us different, all of us unique... yet painted by the same broad brush."

It's not surprising to her that...

"To think that happened to her... because that was their solution to not being able to understand..." Her anger may be less personal, but it is definitely there, bubbling up beneath the surface. In that moment, Sophia might notice that Ira is looking back at Leina.

Leina relaxes, takes a breath, and as Sophia turns to leave, Leina promises - "You'll hear from me or her soon."