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Revision as of 21:41, 2 February 2023

  • Cast: Rita Bernal, Shelby Kor
  • Where: The REA
  • Date: U.C. 0097 01 27
  • Summary: As she feathers her nest with allies, the Phenex chooses one, in particular, to carry with her as she goes to war.

<Pose Tracker> Shelby Korts has posed.

There's nothing to do now but wait.

The transport craft en route to Spain is a very stripped-down, basic affair-- likely a holdover from the Gryps conflict that has spent most of it's time in a hangar until it fell into the hands of the Shuffle Alliance, large enough to quietly zip a Mobile Suit or two from one place to another without raising too many alarm bells. Fly steady and cautious, and it'll all work out.

Bay 1 is loaded with supplies; crates and containers of materiel, gear, and spare parts that will get unloaded elsewhere when they get to their actual destination -- in Bay 2, however, a knockout pink and black Mobile Suit from the era of Char Aznable's failed rebellion -- and sitting on a wide bench is Shelby Korts.

Her laptop likewise looks like a holdover from the late 0080s-- shock resistant rubber corners, thick layers of casing, and large, heavy keys that damn near click when you type. She's not so much focused on writing as she is correcting her absolutely atrocious spelling; waiting for more details on upcoming operations.

Stay calm, keep your emotions in check. Ride the wave.

Dressed in a plain tanktop and black leggings bearing silver swooshes and tight lines at the back of her calves, her piloting suit is strewn out across the bench with her helmet turned upside-down, holding the wrappers of a couple of protein bars.

Maybe, Shelby figures, she'll catch a few winks-- she still has a long flight ahead of her, and sleep is a resource as precious as E-caps.

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.


A familiar, sweet voice calls, echoing to Shelby alone. Alongside this comes the incoming presence of someone who loves Shelby. Someone who knows her, someone who has visited her before.

I’m sorry to come to you now, but it’s time. Leina’s moving in to raid the Institute. She needs you.

Alongside the old transport appears a Gundam, all gleaming armor and trailing tailfeathers. She keeps pace with Shelby’s craft. After a moment passes, enough time for Shelby to process her messages, she holds out a hand, flush with the exit. A brave soul could wrench the door open and step right out onto it…

But for Shelby Korts, another image appears. A memory from long ago, perhaps unremembered until this moment. A young teenager, flowing blonde hair around her shoulders, kneels on the ground with her arms open. Smiling, always smiling, with such soft green eyes. Love and gentleness in her thoughts. A clear question. Can I pick you up?

<Pose Tracker> Shelby Korts has posed.

Shelby closes her eyes. It's not hard to actually sleep in flight; the Noise isn't as bad as it can be-- the minds of the crew far more quiet than the chaos she's used to. Sleeping in uncomfortable positions and place is commonplace for her. Sleep's a resource, valuable and needed to stay at full strength, and--


"Something's coming in fast!"
"What is it?"
"It's a Gundam!"

The whole craft shudders at the sudden displacement and bulk of the machine flying at pace with the aircraft; Shelby's on her feet, running to the nearest intercom to call to the pilots, "Friendly! Friendly! Do not evade!"

Moving to the window to look outside, there she is-- Rita.

Damn. I can't redirect and my Jagd Doga needs some adjustments--

Wait. Pick her up...? And then, a paradox of dull, sharp pain lances through her mind; fragmented images-- memories? Gold fades over red in her mind, as though things half-remembered and mostly lost are being gap-filled by the spirit of the Phenex. "I--"

Clamping her eyes shut, Shelby does her best to regain her focus. Hurrying to her suit, Shelby slides inside it and zips up; a purple-on-dark purple affair with blue accents. She shakes the wrappers out of her helmet and hurries to the bay at the back of the craft, as...

"KEEP IT STEADY!" she yells back. Shelby loops her arm into some of the netting to stay stable--

The rear hatch buzzes before opening, leaving a lot of confused people up front wondering just what the hell is going on.

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

 Oh, sorry. Once upon a time, when we were small, you let me carry you. Would you let me do that again?

The answer must be yes, as Shelby moves within the craft. The Phenex radiates trust and protective intent. Come hell or high water, nothing will harm her friend. When Shelby steps onto the enormous hand of the Phenex, she is pulled into the Gundam’s chest. Her hand half-curls protectively, the other coming up to further secure and protect such precious, treasured cargo.

The memory completes itself. A taciturn child steps forward into the young teenager’s arms, dragging an IV pole. She’s lifted into the air and pulled close, hugged tightly. A moment of peace and love in the midst of–


The memory breaks down. Some things don’t need to be shared.

Please settle in and hold on tight. I’ll keep you safe, but we need to go fast!

With that, the Phenex floats away from the transport. Azure flame ignites around the machine – inside and around her hands, though Shelby will find it merely pleasantly warm. Her fire could never burn one she loves so much.

At a fraction of her usual speed, the Phenex soars. Away from Spain, toward the REA, crossing country lines and cityscapes as though they mean nothing. No defenders are quick enough to catch her, even at this pace. Miracles rise up around the two women, keeping them from sight.

All too soon, the Institute for Continuing Study appears in the distance. Descending, the Phenex holds Shelby more closely yet, cradling her protectively. The shield-wings at her back raise up, gleaming in the sunlight.

Shelby, you’re going to see terrible things in there. These people hurt me, and my friend, and so many others. Just like when you and I were small. Remember, I’m safe now. Nothing can hurt me. And the ones still inside… You can help them. They need you. Be careful. I’ll be protecting you from out here.

In contrast to Rita’s gentle words, she radiates vengeful intent. Coming to a halt above the airspace of the hated building, power is expressed. A great bird shrieks with rage, echoing forth in the minds of all present.

The Phenex spreads her wings, bringing them down on an outer wall of the building. One. The wall bends from the strain, a large hole opening in the ceiling. Two. The wall buckles, collapsing inward. Screams can be heard. Three. Moving in harmony, both shields race in through the destroyed wall, clearing debris and creating a path forward. All is silent.

Descending further, the Phenex kneels, lowering her hands to the ground. Shelby is being offered a way down.

Be brave. I’m always with you, Shelby.

<Pose Tracker> Shelby Korts has posed.

She wasn't sure if the researchers realized they could communicate. She still isn't.

She had long, messy red, fiery red hair, fingers clutching the metallic pole tightly. It kept her steady; drugs messing with her mind and focus and balance all at once. Rita was ... nice. It was like...

Who was she like? Red, and warm, and kind, and--

-- and then the memory ends. Before she can think too much farther on it, Shelby's eyes close tighter as the hatch starts to open. The rush of wind backfills into the cargo bay swift and violently, sending her hair into a whipping flurry of pink. After she pulls her helmet on, Shelby Korts finally, really, truly lays eyes on the Phenex Gundam. She'd seen a blip of a few pixels, blurry images, and one time a clip of a TV broadcast, but Rita is here, now.

"I trust you."

The visor clicks down, Shelby's face mostly obscured by safety glass tinted blue on the exterior. She releases the netting, staggering a few steps toward the edge of the ramp, carefully climbing onto the hand of the Mobile Suit and gripping the fingers. She looks back to the crew of the carrier, wheeling her finger around in the air before settling into the machine's grasp.

Something has changed.

And then, the strange newtype gets a view few others would likely get to see: A whole world rushing past at once. Their arrival is gold and light and -- likely a surprise, as Shelby Korts dismounts with a jump out of her friend's hands.

We got this.