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Latest revision as of 02:17, 23 January 2023

Yuliana Kafim has been transferred to the 'care' of G-Hound's California Justice Facility, with their highest security protocols, as recommended by her captor -- Captain Sophia Mayhew Castellan.

The conditions of her captivity... could be worse. The OverMaximum cell is large -- well, the containing room is, anyway. With monitoring systems operating on several levels (including heat sensitivity), and a visible area around the rounded cell itself where personnel can interact with Yuliana, it's a deceptively open plan. This is reinforced by the way Yuliana's circular panopticon is surrounded on all 'sides' by clear, strong material -- it could be pierced by a sniper's bullet, but not by a raging fist. (The material is rated to withstand Cyber-Newtypes.) There is a tray delivery system installed into the curve to allow the delivery of meals and drink and clothing.

Speaking of bullets, there is also a sniper constantly on duty, on a raised platform visible outside that circular cell -- their rifle is supported by a tripod, and they are constantly fixed on Yuliana's position.

(The second sniper is obscured by one-way glass painted to look like a wall, and this soldier's job is to take the shot if the visible sniper is compromised.)

Yuliana has -- more or less -- free reign to pace within her cell; one leg has been cuffed to the foot of her bolted-down bed, but the chain is long enough to allow her to move freely from one wall to the other. (The diameter, she's calculated, is about nine feet. Sixty-four square feet, calculating for a perfect circle. Minimum humane standards. She is aware of the regulations.) Her hands are left free, and the clothes she's been provisioned are short-sleeved frocks, the kind of dress one pulls overhead. The drab powder-blue clothes less a fashion statement, and more a concession to allow Yuliana to dress around her bindings.

The cell itself is modest enough, kept on the warmer side, so that the heat sensors can alert security to any potential appearance of the Kafim's cold, cold void. Everything has been FIRMLY affixed to the floor. There is a bed with two blankets, a toilet, a showering area, and a sink. A single book rests on the single pillow of her uncomfortable bed. How kind. She is not, of course, afforded any privacy; even her bed and the rest of her furniture feature cross-bracing to prevent her from hiding beneath anything in her room. The best she can hope for is hiding under those blankets, and indeed, she does spend a lot of time sleeping... or feigning sleep. (She is not permitted to pull her bedding over her head -- her captors are concerned with their snipers retaining a clear shot.)

There is also a chair bolted down on one side of the cell -- and two other chairs, fixed nine feet away on the opposite side, facing the first. (There is a table, set between these two visitor's chairs. Sometimes, it is useful for placing a food tray. It is intended for holding evidence.) The isolated chair is equipped with padded shackles on its armrests and legrests; opened and closed from outside the cell, Yuliana is expected to place herself there, when someone wants to come in and interact with her more closely. (For their safety. Yuliana is, after all, a Class S threat.) She has learned, through harsh experience, that it's better to comply with those requests; given the suppression gas they can pump into her chamber, she's fainted only to wake up in that audience chair. Going along with it is... just less of a headache.

The results of her interrogation sessions are pending.