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Latest revision as of 21:14, 29 December 2022

  • Cast: Rena Lancaster, Leina Ashta
  • Where: Londenion, Side 1
  • Date: U.C. 0096 09 21
  • Summary: Rena and Leina are reunited. Given their backgrounds, and what they don't tell people, this is a surprise to both -- and a miracle.

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

Rena is on leave today, which means that she went out into Londenion. The Ra Mari is docked here, at the headquarters of Londo Bell, and she only has the one day off; she doesn't want to go too far afield. She went out to the city.

The downtown area has a number of sidewalk cafes. It looks a little like a European city, though not quite the same; it was meant, originally, to appeal to AEU officers spending time in the colonies. Decades have made it take its own character on.

Thus, in the downtown area, Rena sits at a table. She has a tablet out, idly flipping through with one hand. She also has a sandwich and a drink, though the sandwich is almost finished. She isn't in uniform, at the moment; she has a black shirt, with a light grey-blue jacket worn over that. Her hair stands out; the ash blue-grey, with a red streak dyed into the bangs.

But, in many other ways, she looks like has for years... if someone were to recognize her.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Rena is probably quite used to this sensation. You know the one. The moment a Newtype comes within range, and you just understand that they're present. That unfocused pressure, with the intent so clearly not on her, but detectable all the same. What she might not expect is just the sheer density of it, such that she feels her long before she can even see her.

What's especially peculiar perhaps to her, is she gets this faint sense of familiarity? Even if it's not someone she can identify.

The girl who turns the corner onto the Downtown Colony street with the cafe Rena is sitting at is in her late teens at most. She has short, curly and fluffy brown hair that's sporting a beaded barrette, a faded T-Shirt of an old Magical Girl anime called 'Magical Girl Wonderful Persimmon.' A pair of denim shorts, and sneakers.

A purse is slung over her shoulder, while a blue violet Haro rolls around at her heels.

Then comes that moment of a Newtype flash bolts across her senses... because she's looking right at her. It holds this sense warmth, without any hostile intentions.

Nonchalantly, she looks away, then moves down the street... before turning out of the pedestrian crowd into the cafe. Inside, the teenager orders like nothing just happened. Then comes out, phone out (With Haro and Magical Girl charms attached) and the ticket for her order on screen. A cup of coffee in her other hand.

"Hello there. I don't suppose you'd mind some company today while I wait on my order?" She smiles sunnily at her, "It just feels like a more interesting way to pass the time than sitting by myself."

"More interesting! More interesting!" The Haro with her echoes synthetically with excited little flaps.

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

Rena looks up from her tablet.

She feels the flash of awareness -- that ineffable sense of another Newtype nearby. It's not one she would expect; if it were Eight or Arriety, she would know they are here and it would be simple. Often, she finds that to be someone unfamiliar but sensed nearby.

This is different. It's a faintly familiar sense -- and yet new, too. Her eyes widen for a moment as she feels that person.

Then she sees her step into her view. It takes a second for recognition to register for Rena; she might sense her, but Leina doesn't look the same as she did. Except--

Except Leina Ashta was supposed to be dead. Mother said she was dead.

She watches as Leina walks by, her tablet almost dropped. She shakes her head; maybe it was someone else. Maybe it's something else. Rena looks back down at the tablet, but she can hardly focus now. So she looks up, with surprise, when the teenager comes back.

She startles, her back going ramrod straight -- but she smiles, polite but bewildered. Her eyes dart to the Haro, before looking back at the teenager.

"S-Sure, of course, go ahead and have a seat," she says. "Um..."

How does she even ask this?

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"Thank you." Certainly she senses Rena's anxiety as she sits down and puts her purse over the back of her chair. One doesn't even need Newtype senses for that.

The thing is, Leina's not certain who this is. There's just this faint thread of connection, which is puzzling to her. Usually any connection she has makes them someone she can instantly recognize, and with her- she just doesn't.

That could mean a lot of things though, so she tries not to assume.

Taking a sip of her coffee she puts it down on the table as well, while the Haro rolls to rest under her chair.

"Oh! Sorry-" Then she even stands again, just enough, to lean over the table and offer her hand for her to shake, "-Leina Ashta. It's very nice to meet you."

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

Rena always wore her heart on her sleeve. She wasn't very good at being, supposedly, a future leader in Zeon; she couldn't play her cards close to her chest or hide her heart, the way many a leader learned to. It's been called a disadvantage to her.

So it shows, how surprised she is. It's not just in her Newtype's senses -- a faint aura, of blues and violets, just at the corners of one's sensation. It's in the way her brown eyes are wide.

And the way they shoot wide open when Leina says her name.

The next few moments are a jumble, physically and emotionally. For one thing, there is a flash of recognition and relief from Rena; it's too strong to be hidden, even if she tried. And for another, her sandwich and drink and forgotten. She steps around the table, and pulls Leina into a hug.

Her voice is almost breaking with emotion. "It--it is you! I thought... I thought I'd never see you again, oh my God--"

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

There's this small tilt of her head, as she gets the full range of Rena's emotions second hand. There's something even more familiar, and it's not just from her Newtype senses. Just the way she's so open, in her non-verbal communication. And her verbal as well.

The way her eyes shoot open wide. Rena definitely knows who she is. And it's like Leina is working through lists, images, faces - performing some kind of person calculus to try to arrive at who she is.

It's not until she gets up and hugs her, and Leina just gives her this dumbfounded, her whole atmosphere pregnant with confusion...

...then just like that - her mind arrives at one possibility quietly, it's not hostile, or fretful, or fearful, or anxious just in disbelief, "Renalle?"

And that's the moment her arms wrap around her and she squeezes her back so hard, just looking happy and relieved all at once, "Oh my gosh! I thought you were dead! With everything that happened - the whole Civil War! I didn't think-"

Stopping that heady rush of babbling excitement, she draws back just a bit, but keeps her arms around her like she's afraid she might just disappear again, she gives her such a big smile, "Where have you been all this time?"

As if...

... she doesn't even realize that Rena could be - should be asking her the same question.

"Oh wait - we're in Londenion!" She says as if to say 'Duh' and she gives her a big smile and whispers to her, "Did you make a deal with Bright? Is that why you're here?"

That would be no surprise whatsoever, given how many former Axis Zeon members are now serving in Londo Bell.

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

"Y-Yeah, it's me," Rena says, her voice stammering.

How long has it been since someone called her Renalle in casual conversation? Her mother never used the common shortening of her name. She discouraged it, even; after she fled to Winter Wonderland, though, it was another way to add some distance to the past.

She pulls back, too, and she smiles. "I should ask you that!" she says. "I--I heard you were shot. By Lady Haman. I... I thought you were dead, too. I--"

Where does she start?

She lowers her voice, making sure to keep quiet. "I--ah. I fled. With my aunt and uncle. They got me, before my mother was arrested, and... I grew up on a colony in Side 1, after that." She keeps her voice low. "Most people have no idea."

She hesitates.

"My aunt and uncle knew, and a... retired intelligence officer," she says. She isn't sure how to explain Arriety's aunt succinctly -- or at all. "I ended up in Londo Bell, after that, with some ex-AEUG pilots. Admiral Noa knows about me, yeah."

A beat. "How--how did you? I... I really thought I'd never see you again."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Leina actually lets out excited laughter, bubbly over this knowledge that someone she thought that was dead is alive. She so rarely gets good news of that nature these days.

Rena speaks of how she thought she was dead, and Rena might get the sense of her subtly dimming, like something was sieving out of her into this old wound. She's still smiling so big all the same. Like even that can't stop this emotional high.

She listens to her as she tells her what happened. She doesn't interrupt her, waiting until the story is finished as she speaks back in a low voice. "Oh that's such a relief. I'm so glad you found your way here." Pause, "Side 1 huh?" There's something wistful about her smile there, "Hopefully you didn't have to lay low Shangri-la."

Before nodding quickly and whispering back - as she winks at her, "Your secret is safe with me. Don't worry."

Pause. There's a sigh, and her smile becomes more subdued, "Let's sit down for this one, okay?"

And assuming Rena complies. Leina does the same, except she drags her chair closer and slides her coffee cup. Her Haro rolls over to the new position, fortunately - and strangely not repeating what they're saying right now. Perhaps she installed some kind of function for that?

"I was shot in the abdomen. It was, critical, but not immediately fatal." And as if to demonstrate that, she lifts her shirt just enough for Rena to see it. The ugly scar. The margins are uneven. It looks like it healed - poorly. "My brother and I managed to get out of Dakar, and landed at a nearby shore. What happened between him and Haman, drained him."

Leina hates this part of the story, but she feels she'd do her a disservice to omit it, "Elpeo... convinced me, that I was endangering him, and led me away. I sensed her intent. She meant to kill me, or let me die before I received treatment." Pause, sigh, "Because she was jealous, and wanted to take my place." There's just this intense sorrow about her expression right now, her eyes upon the table itself, "So I grabbed part of an old oar and tried to defend myself. It went badly for me. Fortunately Judau caught up and managed to talk her down... but I took a turn for the worse after that."

She takes a moment to recompose herself, shutting her eyes, "I was laid down in this old hut, and... I was dying. Glemy and his forces had pursued, and they had no choice but to engage. At some point I lost consciousness... I was feverish and I'd lost a lot of blood. I was told later a mobile suit crashed down on that hut and exploded. So everyone - Glemy included, thought I was dead."

Another pause, but now she looks up at Rena and smiles, as the story takes a turn for the better, "I woke up in a hospital two weeks later. Turns out someone found me, administered first aid and carried me off for proper treatment. My rescuer managed to get me there just in time to save my life. I've been living with her in AEU Spain ever since."

There's a small laugh as she tries to give her a reassuring look, "Things have been much better for me since then, promise."

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

"No, not quite... um, Winter Wonderland. It's exactly what it sounds like, if you've never heard of it," Rena says. Or if she has been there, somehow.

Her face breaks into a smile. She doesn't worry, even -- which is a statement for her. Rena tends to hide that she comes from Axis Zeon with a certain drive. After all, people might well turn on her, if she did. She nods her head, after a moment, though, and she has a seat.

Her eyes widen -- both at where she was shot, and at the jagged scar. She bites her lip, even; she never talked to Elpeo much, but...

...that's a heavy burden.

She never knew that she seemingly survived, though -- only to die when a Mobile Suit came down. Haman never let that part spread widely among Axis's civilians. "That's... that's such a relief. I'm glad she was there. I thought..."

She hesitates, then she shakes her head. "I was so angry at Lady Haman. I didn't know what to do with that--" She was only a child, then, herself, if not as young as Leina. "But I guess it was... it was when I started realizing something was wrong. But..."

Rena swallows. "...Knowing something was wrong and wishing I could fix it couldn't bring my friend back."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Winter Wonderland? A certain suspicion forms in her head... but she doesn't immediately just talk about it.

Leina listens to her talk it out, what her feelings in response to the story. Her anger at Lady Haman. How she was torn by it, and how it led her in the right direction.

Leina listens to her say that. And slowly she puts a hand over Rena's. Her fingers curling just over it in a light squeeze. "It's okay. You got there." She says supportively, "There's nothing to be ashamed about. It was what you were taught, and it was all that you knew. You were a kid in a bad situation, just like me."

She gives her a sunny smile, "I'm so glad you're out of there Renalle. I'm so happy that you're in a better place now."


"And... I really like what you've done with your hair." As if, she switched gears, just to cut through the tension. To ground her back on the present and the positive. Then there's a bright smile and a mischievous look in her Green Eyes, "You just wouldn't happen to be serving on the Ra Mari right now, would you?"

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

Rena wonders, a little. But she only half-understands Callisto's background. She only knows that she knows a bit too much about Axis; that she has felt so familiar, sometimes.

Rena smiles, as Leina puts a hand over hers. Rena puts her other hand atop Leina's and squeezes. "Thanks," she says. "Yeah. There... were a lot of us. And I know a lot of us didn't make it out of there."

She says that quietly.

"I'm glad you did, too. And--ah, thanks!" Rena says, with a laugh. She detaches a hand, to flick her hair. The red streaks bounce up, like a red shooting star. "I'm on the Ra Mari, actually. A... lot of my friends from Winter Wonderland ended up there, actually. I'm a squadron commander, even!"

She beams. "The Kakapo Squadron!"

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"But you did." Leina says, focusing on the positive, not wanting to drown either of them in maudlin sorrow.

"Of course." She grins at her, "Aha! I knew it!" Leina grins triumphantly, like she was happy she made the connection before Rena even told her. "Squadron Commander of the Kakapos huh? That's real impressive! You've come a long way-!"


"I don't want it to take you by surprise so..." She winks at her, "...I already know several of your squad mates. Callisto and Arriety. And I've met Captain York too."

There's a pause, and she gives her a serious look, "Can I ask you a favor? Can you... if I ever come up... please don't tell any of them the story I just told you, especially not Callisto. Okay? I'm not hiding it from her. Just... timing."

There's this thin smile again, "It would mean a lot to me."

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

"Yeah. And you did, too," Rena says, with a smile. And it has to be enough -- because otherwise, why did they make it? She has to see that as a blessing. And, maybe, an obligation to make the most of their lives.

"I-I don't know if I've come a long way, though. I just wanted to help," she says, with a sigh. In this, Rena hasn't changed much; she always had a way of volunteering for extra tasks, like helping a girl new to Axis learn her away around the cream of the crop of Haman Karn's Zeon.

Then, she blinks -- but she smiles. "I'm glad you met them. It's our secret. Only Arriety and Captain York really know the details about me, anyways," she says. "I... get it. About timing. Sometimes, you need to be sure you say something at the right time."

She tilts her head. "So don't worry, Leina. How did you meet them, anyways?"

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Leina raises an eyebrow as she says that, "Renalle, you're a squadron commander in the most elite of the Federation special forces." As she gives her a look, like 'Really?' there's this twinkle in her eye, like she just keeps asking that 'Really?' over and over. "You're only a year older than I am. I'm still finishing up high school."

She squeezes her hand tightly, "I get that it's not so easy as that in your head, but let me pull you out of your head for a bit. I think it's impressive." She says sunnily, " And even evaluating it more objectively, it still is."

Though then Renalle, asks something about how she met them. And Leina's eyelashes flutter for a moment, her gaze sliding down, "Ah. I met them through Callisto."

... There's some hesitation, because Rena not making that connection immediately means... there's something she doesn't know, or that she's playing coy about because she's not sure what Leina knows and it's a secret.

Then it's like she comes to a decision, "We're not related by blood, but I basically consider her a little sister." She says happily, "I'm not sure if she feels the same way, and I won't force that upon her. But all the same, she's important to me. She was intending to introduce me to the whole crew but things have been... chaotic, lately."

Leina gives Rena a long look with those green eyes of hers, "It's not my place to say the rest, okay? That's her story. But while she's under your command, it'd mean the world to me if you took care of her."

Again, an amused twinkle in her eye, "Though I have the feeling that you'd already do that, no matter what."

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

"We're... a lot less elite than advertised," Rena says with a little laugh. Then she sighs, her shoulders slumping a little. "I think I'm doing that thing again. Where I try to decline a compliment. I really shouldn't do that."

She squeezes back, then she smiles at Leina. "So... thanks. I'm glad you're impressed."

Then, she blinks -- and she nods her head, finally. "I--ah. I understand. I...know Callisto's background is complicated. Sometimes, I think... I saw her before Winter Wonderland. But Callie keeps a lot to herself, and... I guess..."

She looks distant for a moment. "...I understand wanting the chance to move on. And Winter Wonderland was good for that. I'll make sure to hug you again for her benefit, though, when you introduce us again!"

Rena winks. "And don't worry. I'll always look after. She's a good friend, but I'd do it either way."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"You're welcome, because I am." A beat, "Impressed. And I'll tell you as many times as you need to hear to break that habit." She winks at her - definitely teasing lightly.

"And that's only because the Federation keeps Bright on a shoestring budget." Leina says dryly. It's interesting how she just calls him Bright so casually perhaps, rather than Admiral, and drops political facts just like that. "Trust me, given what you're made to work with? You're a lot more elite than you think."

Rena starts talking about how she knows Callisto's background is complicated, and what she does know. That Callie keeps a lot to herself. And Leina laughs, "I sure won't turn down a hug from you." Before... there's a nod, "Honestly by now you probably know her way better than I do."

Does she sound a bit sad about that? Only a little... so much lost time. With Judau, and Roux, and Callisto. She likes her life right now, but she missed so much, with all of them.

"Anyhow... thank you. I appreciate it a lot."

A server drops off Leina's order, which is a sort of bagel sandwich of some kind, and she thanks them but otherwise stops talking until he goes.

And then Leina straightens up, beams at her and lets go of her hands, "Alright, now we have years of catching up to do. Tell me about yourself? What kind of things do you like doing when you're not a Squadron commander for the most elite of the Federation's special forces?"

As she reiterates that, amused, like she really does intend to keep saying that until Rena believes it.

"What kind of music do you like? Any hobbies? Play any sports for fun?"

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

"Careful, that's a pretty big task, Leina," Rena says with a laugh.

She nods her head, then. She knows a little about the politics behind it -- she has tried to stay abreast of what she needs to know, and then some, but a Lieutenant can only find out so much. "Yeah. He tries to make it work... and it mostly does."

Are there some doubts? Always. Rena is still working through it.

She smiles, though -- and shakes her head. "I don't know about that. We know different things about her. I don't think it means that one of us knows her better."

Rena keeps smiling -- then her eyes brighten up. "Well--I still play Dozoo Degwa! I've placed in some championships. And I love Sheryl Nome's music, I've actually met her! And--ah, you know, I've done some recreational flying with those suits from the Macross fleets... and I've tried playing hockey with Captain Eight, but I'm not quite at her level."

She laughs. "What about you?"

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"I'm up to it." Leina says super seriously enough that Rena can't tell if she's still teasing or if she really is.

She decides not to talk more about Bright and the Federation politics because... when she gets started, she often can't stop. And who wants to hear that on a reunion with someone else? 'Happy you're alive. Now here's my political dissertation on what's wrong with the Federation.'

Definitely not.

"Maybe so." Leina says, as her smile blooms a bit again out from it's prior wilt.

"Championships? Wow! I mean I've played it. I'd never be competition worthy though." Leina can game, but she's often far too busy to do it, it's mostly with friends, "You've met her!? Oh my gosh - jealous!" She enthuses her way, "I'm a big fan, never got to attend a concert though - only livestream them. Just things never lined up with my schedule."

Also ticket prices were absurd and Leina is frugal to the point of ridiculousness despite the wealth she has access to. A symptom of growing up in a poor Colony.

"Oh what are they called? EX-Frames...? I've heard of those. They sound fun!"

Then she laughs in reply, "Hockey? Wow. I guess I shouldn't be so surprised given that you lived on a place called 'Winter Wonderland'?"

When Rena asks 'What about you?' "Well, I'm a full time high schooler. And believe it or not..."

She winks her way, "...I'm a theater kid now. I act in school plays. Discovered I couldn't get enough of it once I was Earthside. I also swim on my school's swim team. I run - though I'm just doing that for myself now."

She taps her fingers on the table, "I volunteer for a charity that gives relief aid for war orphans, the Yumi Foundation. Right now I'm actually opening up a branch office on another Colony. Let's see, what else... I'm dating?" She says with a twinkle in her green eyes, "Only one date so far, but he's a sweet guy."

"Banagher! A sweet guy! Banagher!"

"Really Giovanni?" She looks under her chair at the Haro, "Of course that's what you decide to speak up on." She doesn't look actually embarrassed though, "Uh let's see - I'm also a fan of Haros. And Magical Girl anime?"

Leina rubs the back of her short hair, grinning, "I uh, lead a busy life."

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

Rena might have argued, once... but fighting for the Federation has been a trying experience, to put it mildly. There is a sea of doubt there. But, that isn't the sort of conversation for a reunion -- or any sort of happy time.

"Mm-hm. I'm a big fan," she says. She doesn't specify whether she is a big fan of Dozoo Degwa or Sheryl Nome, though. (Both.) She hesitates for a second, before she grins. "Yeah, I know--I couldn't believe it. I got a thing signed at a concert. But, uh, when I was at the Frontier fleet... I ran into her when she wasn't on the clock. I got to spend a little time talking to her. She's really nice, even when she's not being Sheryl Nome."

Then, she nods her head. "EX-Frames! They're fun. I could take you, if you want."

She cracks a smile -- and her eyes light up. A theater kid! She wouldn't have expected, but it makes a certain sense, she thinks. Rena laughs. "That sounds great," she says. "You--"


"Oh! Oh--I know him! We hung out once!" she says. "Aah, you know, he said he was looking for a gift for a girl... it was awhile back. You might have been the girl!"

Rena laughs, and then scratches behind the back of her head. "I've wanted to build a Haro. I'm okay with magical girl anime, but I kind of ended up more into some fantasy games..."

Rena might like games a lot.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"Whoa. Just ran into her? Like on the street?" Leina actually leans back in her chair, like she's floored by the concept of just meeting Sheryl Nome on a colony street. "Sooooo jealous. You're so lucky Renalle. Gah I wouldn't even know what to do if I ran into her? It's like, should I interrupt her private time like that or-"

She gives a shake of her head, like she's still uncertain how she'd handle that!?

"Oh sure! That'd be fun! Do I have to take classes first or something?"

... Leina you're literally an awakened Newtype you could probably figure it out on the fly, while falling, and you know that. However, she finds that to be a poor excuse for not knowing how to do it the right way.

Leina actually blinks twice when he says he hung out once, "Wait really!?" There's this pause, and Leina actually asks, "How long ago was that?"

She's trying her best not to be like that. To be jealous. But, she knows about Mineva.

"Build one? Whoa! Straight into the deep end." She grins at her good naturedly, "Good luck if you do, would love to see the results. And oh yeah? What kind of fantasy games? I have some friends Earthside in Japan that play a lot of them."

However, a moment later... Leina actually leans over and asks with a whisper, "I know I'd be asking a lot of you Renalle, like... we just met again today. So if it's too much, let me know and I'll back off... but I have to ask ... have you heard anything about Banagher, like, orders regarding him in Londo Bell?" She says quietly, with a far too serious look, "He's in a bad situation, that's not his fault. Both the Federation and the Sleeves want to catch him."


"The organization backing the Federation's effort to find him is called the Vist Foundation." She leans over, even closer, cups a hand, and whispers in Rena's ear. "They're conducting illegal Newtype experiments. I've already told your Captain."

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

"I-I kind of hesitated to say anything, but... there were people from their local military group, too, and that made it easier," Rena admits, with a sheepish laugh. Then, she shakes her head. "I was a bit uncertain, though."

She pauses, though, at the question.

Rena picked up on EX-Gears quickly -- though in her Rena way, it had as much to do with applying some complex math to it as anything else. Then, she scratches her head, hesitating. "I think it's okay if we skip the lessons. But we can, if you want."

Then, Rena hesitates -- and her eyes widen. "Ah, you know... a month or two ago? I'm not sure," she admits. "We went shopping."

She cracks a smile. But, her eyes widen -- then narrow, as Leina leans him. "I've... heard a little. I agreed to let him come meet the Kakapos," she says. "I think the Federation wants his Gundam. I--I didn't know about this Vist Foundation. But..."

Her expression darkens. Illegal Newtype experiments hit close to home for her. She finally nods her head. "I'll--I'll keep my eye out. I don't want that happening," she says. "I'm... I'll figure out what we can do. I promise. I'll do everything I can to keep Banagher safe."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"That would make it easier." Then on EX-Frames, "Hmm, I'll just watch a tutorial online. You can teach me the rest."

She tries her best not to look relieved when Rena says it was only a month or two ago. However, Rena feels it, this palpable wave of relief, and then this small sense of regret as a silly smile forms on her face, "Was it the stuffed unicorn?"

Leina watches Rena, as she she says she's heard a little, that the Federation wants his Gundam. That she let him come to meet the Kakapos. Rena's heart is always worn on her sleeve, she doesn't need to sense the lack of malicious intent in her to know she does not mean ill for him.

"Thank you. I can't... say more right now. I'm only telling you this because I want you to keep yourself and the crew of the Ra Mari safe."

Leina sighs, looking, a bit down, "If I told you anything else, this would become dangerous, for all of you. Try to stay off their radar as best as you can."

[Entertainment] Lilith Aiden> i nabbed sakura wars 5
[Entertainment] Lilith Aiden> time to see nobunaga

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

"Sounds like a plan!" Rena says, cheerfully.

Then, she grins -- and she nods. "Yeah. A stuffed unicorn... and some stuffed Mobile Suits, too, though I'm not sure if those were for you." She can feel the wave of relief; maybe Leina is worried. Maybe she is worried about him being into someone else, or maybe something else. Rena contemplates asking, but then she considers her own love life. She really only got that kinda-sorta figured out recently.

Maybe she should wait.

"It's okay," she says. "You don't have to tell me more. I'll make sure we stay safe. It feels like the universe is out to get us, sometimes, but..." She looks across the table at Leina. "...good things can happen, right? So I think maybe we'll be fine!"

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"Ha! So that was you that helped him. Thanks for lending him a hand. I'm the first girl he's ever dated, so he's kind of clueless in an adorable way. Anyhow I have the unicorn at home on my bed right now."

She doubts the stuffed mobile suits were for Mineva. She really, really doubts it.

The universe is out to get us? She certainly knows how that feels like...

... Char dropped Fifth Luna on Tibet on her Sixteenth Birthday. Happy Birthday, girl who still isn't over the First Neo Zeon War, see what you think about the Second.

However, Rena's right. Despite it all, she wants to be an optimist, to believe that despite how impossible it seems, the world can change, that people can be better - that there is so much potential and possibility left for all of them.

"Yeah." Leina actually smiles warmly at her, "Good things can happen. After all."


"Today is proof of that."