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(Created page with "*'''Log: Futures''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Anita Rosetta, Character :: Eight York *'''Where:''' Londenion *'''OOC - IC Date:''' U.C. 0096 12 28 *'''Summary''': ''An...")
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Latest revision as of 05:57, 29 December 2022

  • Log: Futures
  • Cast: Anita Rosetta, Eight York
  • Where: Londenion
  • OOC - IC Date: U.C. 0096 12 28
  • Summary: Anita and Eight meet up to talk - about Rena, about their relationships, and about the future.

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

Things have been pretty busy as of late, so it's been a while since Anita and Eight had really had a chance to sit down and chat together. So, now that they have some time off, they've arranged to meet up at a cafe on Londenion, near the port. It's a nice, cozy little cafe - it's commonly frequented by members of Londo Bell but it doesn't feel military. It has a nice, casual air to it. Anita appreciates it for that.

She's picked out a table already, one that'll allow them to easily talk face to face, too. She's acquired her coffee already, too, and of course she's already loaded it up with all the sweet things they have to offer.

Since they're off-duty(though that doesn't always stop her) Anita is, of course, dressed casually, in a hoodie and jeans combo. She leans back in her chair, sipping at her drink. It's still mostly full, so she probably hasn't been here long.

<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

Eight is using up some of her leave here on the holidays, since she can, and since she expects not to get a big chance after. Something tells her it's going to be busy...

But that's another matter. Eight is likewise dressed casually, though casually for her is always a little dressy; a red dress with a brown jacket, some knee-length boots to match, a purse. She didn't arrive first. She had to get away with a little more difficulty, because there's always more for the Captain to do...

But in short order, she arrives with a coffee of her own (Black, with sugar--sweet but lets her focus on the flavor too), and waves to Anita. "Hey, Annie," Eight says with a smile, and slides into her seat opposite the other woman. "I had a little trouble getting away. But not too much!"

"How's it going?"

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

"Hey Eight." Anita greets with a smile of her own and a casual wave as she arrives, sliding into the seat across from her. She nods. "Yeah, I figured that might happen... Glad you managed to slip away."

As for how things have been going.

"Things have been, uh - going great, actually." Anita admits and she can't help but smile just a little. "I had kind of a frustrating time with that errand I had to run the other day, but other than that..."

She shakes her head.

"How about you? How've things been going on your end?" She asks.

<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

"Me, too!" Eight smiles. It's nice to get away. She sets down her cup, and listens. She is right burning with questions, of course. But the Captain is a patient woman. She can wait on some of those. Through a little catching up of her own.

"That's great!" Eight answers, noticing that smile. "I'm really glad to hear it. ...Not so much about the errand, but the rest of it." Then she waits a beat, "Oh, I've been great. I was out visiting my grandmother in Zeon," she explains, "And while I was there, I had Christmas night with Lavhi. It was..." She considers how to phrase it. "Well, it was really nice," she settles on. "I've gotta get him and Rena over to visit her eventually. But that's a weird conversation, right?"

Then she leans forward. "But."

"...How's it going with Rena???" she asks. "I was so excited when she mentioned about you two!"

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

Anita seems pleased at Eight's response - and then, she lights up a little when Eight mentions that she was out visiting her grandmother in Zeon.

"Oh, you actually got to meet her? I'm happy for you." Anita comments, excited. "What was she like?"

Eight mentions that she got to spend Christmas with Lavhi, too, and Anita smiles.

"Oh yeah? I'm glad the two of you were able to have a nice time." She says. She won't press for details, of course. But, Eight says that she has to have Lavhi and Eight meet her grandmother eventually, and Anita thinks on that...

"...Maybe it is, but... it's something important to you, right?" Anita replies. "So you should do it. Once the three of you are ready, anyway."

Eight leans forward, then, and asks the Big Question. Anita... laughs sheepishly, going just a little red. It's good to hear Eight so excited about it, though. She'd heard she was okay with it... but it's another thing entirely to hear her earnest excitement.

"It's going... great. Really great! Rena's... super great." Anita replies, a bit awkwardly. She looks down, an awkward smile on her face as she absent-mindedly traces the metal lines of her left hand with her right thumb. She's happy, though - that much is evident. "I was kinda surprised when she asked me... She was very reassuring about... everything."

She massages the back of her neck.

"We've already had two dates... The first one was planned, but the second was kinda... on the spot?" Anita comments.

<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

"I did!" Eight answers. "I like her--she's pretty sharp, but that cut through the awkwardness pretty well. I'm not sure about everything, but assuming it keeps going well... Well, I guess I have two families, now." Since she's not going to give up on her adoptive family, certainly--Anita knows better than most how attached Eight is to the people who rescued and raised her. "But she was... Well. Apparently my father died in the wars. And my aunt and uncle similar. So she's not thrilled about me being military... but it's not a dealbreaker, either."

She smiles, then. Eight doesn't offer too many details either, but it was 'very nice', and that's good enough for the moment. She's saving the detail questions for a certain other topic...

"It is," Eight says, of importance. "If someone can't love Rena and Lavhi... Then well, that says a lot, for me."

Eight beams when Anita grows red--that tells her even more already. "That's so cute," Eight answers. "You're at the 'really great' place. ...You don't really leave that place with Rena, I think. I can still just... stare at her, and lose track of time. Is it like that for you, too?"

A smile. "Two dates! My, you two have been busy. Well, I'm full of questions... but I won't ask too many. You can tell me whatever you're comfortable with."

"But I should say, more seriously..." She waits a moment to let the mood set, "I am okay with it. I'm very happy for you. So long as Rena's honest with me, she can see anyone she wants... and her seeing you especially is even better. Because you're such a good friend already. So don't worry about me, OK? I'm genuinely happy for both of you."

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

"I guess sometimes being direct helps, huh?" Anita replies, as Eight explains that her grandmother is pretty sharp. She smiles, then. "Two families, huh... That'd be pretty great. I hope things work out for you."

It's true - Anita knows how much Eight cares about them. If it ever came down to a choice between one or the other, she knows what she'd pick. She nods, though, as Eight continues.

"...Yeah, I can see why she wouldn't be." Anita says with a nod. "Can hardly blame her, with that... Glad she isn't turning you away just for that, at least."

She nods again, then, to agree.

"Yeah, definitely."

But the topic turns to her next, and there's another awkward laugh as Eight comments that she's at the 'really great' place.

"It's the same way for you, huh...?" She asks, and then nods. "...Yeah. She's... really, really wonderful."

...Another sheepish laugh, and Anita massages the back of her neck.

"...Geez, she isn't even here and already my vocab's been cut in half just 'cause we're talkin' about her..." She comments with a shake of her head. But, Eight is clearly curious about their dates, so...

"Well, we went up to the Frontier for Christmas Eve. We walked around that big mall, did some ice skating... ...We might've skated right into a wall, but we did it together so it was fun." She says. "And for our second... she made a surprise dinner for the two of us and we went up to the Ra Mari's observation deck? We just kind of... sat there, and appreciated the view and each other's company, and, we, uh... mighta had our first kiss there..."

...Her face goes red and she trails off, laughing sheepishly.

"...Food mighta almost gotten cold in all that, so I know what you mean about losin' track of time... It was still really good, though. She got us back on track in time." She says.

But, Eight has something she wants to say so Anita goes quiet, listening as Eight explains that's she's okay with it - that she's happy for her and Rena both.

"...Thanks, Eight. It means a lot to me that you're okay with it." Anita replies, offering her a smile. "Rena... she's very honest, so I don't think you have anything to worry about there with her. I can tell she cares about you a lot - she wouldn't want to do anything that'd hurt you."

<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

"It is!" Eight answers, and then smiles again. "Thanks. I hope so, too. I'm... still not sure what I'm going to do about my past. But since you and Rena were so supportive... I feel like I'm in a good position to think about it."

But Eight doesn't often get to see Anita on the back foot like this, and it's kind of fun, actually. "She is!" Eight says of Rena, folding her hands on the table, thumbs together. It gives her something to do with her hands. "I'm happy you're seeing it."

The Captain laughs happily when Anita comments on her vocabulary. "It's great. I never see you like this! It's clear she has a big effect on you."

Eight listens raptly to the attention, her eyes bright and her face expressive. She lights up about the near-fall, and then the surprise dinner... 'Aww' is practically audible as she looks. It's almost like just by hearing about it she can feel a little of what they felt--until Anita mentions their first kiss.

"Lovely. That sounds wonderful. I'm happy you're getting to have such a nice time." Since, it's not just Rena she's happy for, after all.

"She's good at that. She reminds you, before you forget..."

Eight smiles again, and this time it's a smaller one, sure and confident but not boisterous. "I don't think I do, either. But I figure... the average woman isn't exactly cool with her girlfriend having another girlfriend, right? And I know you know how I am, but I wanted to be sure you knew this time." A sigh. "She really wouldn't. And she wouldn't want to hurt you, either I think."

Eight hesitates, thinking of how to phrase the next part. "...I'm kind of happy, to see her opening up more. Not just because I want you both to be happy, but because seeing her able to go for what she wants... It's a lot of progress for her. You know Rena, how bad she is with taking things for herself. So it's... really nice."

"...And it never seemed entirely fair that I have two while she only has one," she admits. "I hope that you can support each other."

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

Eight's past... Anita nods. It's a complicated subject - she wouldn't really know what the best step would be, herself.

"Yeah... Whatever you decide, we'll be right there behind you to help you through it. That's never gonna change." Anita replies with a nod. "Just count on us."

She smiles, though, when Eight agrees - and laughs along too, when she comments on how she never sees her like this.

"It's pretty new to me too, not gonna lie..." Anita admits. "But, god, she really does. I didn't think I'd get like this so quickly, was it the same way for you too...?"

...Not that it's a bad thing, of course. It's just... a new and different state of being for her.

"...Thanks. Means a lot to me, you saying that." She says, and nods. "...Yeah, she really is."

Eight gives her a confident smile, then, and Anita relaxes a little.

"Yeah. It's like..." She 'hm's for a moment, trying to think of exactly how to word what she wants to say. "I told her, if it was anyone else, I'd be more cautious going into it? But 'cause it's you, and 'cause it's her, and I know and trust you both, I was okay giving it a try."

She smiles, though.

"...I'm glad, though. I knew from her that you were okay with it, but it's good to talk it out with you about it myself." She says.

Eight hesitates for a moment, so Anita pauses to let her work her way through her thoughts.

"...Yeah. It's great, seeing her just... go for things." She agrees. "She deserves to be happy, she deserves to get the things she wants instead of giving and giving for everyone else's sake. It's a good step."

She nods and smiles, though, as Eight admits that it never seemed fair that she had only one while Eight had two.

"Don't worry - we will. I think we're gonna be happy."

<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

"I will," Eight says seriously, of counting on them. "I know you will. And that... means a whole lot. You're my best friends, so..." She smiles.

"It really was. In fact, it was worse. I'd been smitten with her for years. Remember all the times I used to joke about asking her out? I wasn't joking." It's definitely not bad. But it's fun! "...It's fun to be able to compare notes like this. I don't think there's another experience quite like both being with the same person."

And she nods. "Well, I mean it."

Hm? "That... is fair," Eight says. "It might feel a little daunting. Especially because we've already got established relationships. But I'm glad you feel you can trust us on this. It's... important to me, the way..." She hesitates, not quite sure how to phrase it herself. "Well, relationships and how we approach them are really important to me. So I want to be the sort of person who can be trusted on that front."

She smiles, about being okay with it.

"Yes!" she agrees about what Rena wants. "And you know? So do you. I know you don't always want to push for things either."

"...I hope so. And I think so, too. I can see it in your eyes, the way you talk about her, and in hers, the way she talks about you." She pauses. "It's..."

She looks almost shy as she says, "I think it's nice. That we're all together, like this, on the ship. I have my doubts about what things are like, but being able to live with some of the people I care most about is... nice."

She pauses. "...But," she says, "That aside..." She pauses again. "So this is a little awkward to bring up, but--I also don't have any expectations of you, other than that you try to be happy with her. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. And it doesn't mean our relationship, yours and mine, has to change any. ...Though if you ever want advice or tips or just to talk about things, Rena's one of my favorite subjects," she laughs. "But like how Rena and Lavhi aren't together while I'm with both of them... I don't expect us to change, either. Except that we have another thing in common."

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

Anita nods, as Eight assures her that she'll count on her and Rena. That's something she's glad to hear, too.

And, Eight assures her that it was the same for her, too - worse even. Anita chuckles good-naturedly, at that.

"Oh yeah, I remember that..." Anita replies, and then smiles. "...Yeah. It's something special, huh?"

Eight continues and Anita listens. She wants to be the sort of person who can be trusted when it comes to relationships and how they approach them... Anita offers a reassuring smile.

"If it helps, I think you're doing great on that front." She replies... and then, chuckles a bit sheepishly as Eight points out that she doesn't always push for things either. "Am I that easy to read...?"

And... Eight looks almost shy, for a moment. That's rare for Anita to see too, but it means that she pays extra attention to what she has to say.

"...Yeah. Whatever's goin' on in the world, at least we're here, together." She agrees. But Eight continues and... Anita nods. She actually looks relieved.

"It's okay. It's, uh - good to talk about, actually. I, uh - I haven't actually dated anyone else before? Especially not like this, so I wasn't sure what the, uh... protocol, was." She admits. "I'm happy to just keep bein' friends with you. And, I appreciate the offer. I might need the advice sometime... and, of course I definitely want to keep talking like normal, too."

She nods, then.

"It's a good thing to have in common. I think she's starting to be one of my favorite subjects, too." She adds with a smile.

<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

"It really is," something special. "And... thanks." She grins though. "You're easy for me to read, anyway, but I'm supposed to be able to read you. We're old friends. I bet you can read me pretty well, too."

Eight is relieved, when Anita is not only fine with what she says, but relieved about it herself. They're here, together, and...

"Oh, good. I wasn't sure if you had any expectations there yourself, and--" Pause. She hasn't dated anyone, has she? Eight knew that, but having it brought up explicitly definitely makes her think. "In that case I definitely wouldn't rush anything else. I'm... Kind of a lot, anyway," she admits, a little good-naturedly self-conscious. "So I think you're doing well so far!"

"The protocol, I guess, varies depending on the relationships; some people are all in a relationship sort of together, and I'm not opposed to that, it's just not what Rena and I have. And..." She pauses. "I admit, I might get jealous if Lavhi got with Rena, for instance. I know that might seem weird."

A smile. "Good. Friends it is! In that case..." Eight picks up her coffee to take a sip, enjoying the mix of sweet and bitter as she tries to move out of serious mode a little. It takes her a minute, though. "...Is there anything you wanted to talk about? I know the question I asked sort of ballooned..."

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

"That's a good point. Yeah, I guess that's true..." Anita admits with a nod. "I can usually get a grasp on how you feel about things. ...Not in all the ways you can? But just by... watchin', and from what I know about you."

She nods, though.

"Yeah, I wasn't sure what to expect..." She confirms, and then smiles slightly as Eight decides she shouldn't rush into anything else. Though when Eight says that she's 'kind of a lot'... Anita sends another reassuring smile her way. "Hey now, I can think of at least two people who like you that way. They seem pretty happy with you, at any rate. ...But, thanks. If you think I'm doin' well, that's a good sign."

She nods, though, as Eight explains further.

"...Yeah, that'd make sense. No two people are the same so no relationship'd be the same either, even if some o' the same people are involved." Anita considers. "Nah, I get it."

Friends, though. Anita nods with a smile, and takes some of her own drink, too.

"Hm... nah, nothing in particular. I'm good to just... chat, and enjoy the rest of our break together." Anita replies.

<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

"I appreciate that," Eight says. "That you can do it without the way we do it. ...It's harder," she admits, "But rewarding, too. I can't read Lavhi like I can read most people, for instance. So the details strike me more, instead of just the whole picture."

She smiles back, and dips her head a little. "True. But I do!! You're going from no relationships to two dates right off, and you already look totally smitten. You have the affection part down pat, for sure, and the 'feeling' is so much of it, isn't it? Sure, a relationship is work, but that 'feeling'... It matters."

"Mm-hm, though. That's exactly it. So your relationship with Rena will be different from mine. And I can't wait to see how, and how it'll come out." She's glad of her decision not to press though; remembering how new Anita is to this... It's easy for Eight to forget, given that back in high school she had a new boyfriend or girlfriend every month, just about.

"...Then that works for me," Eight says. "So, I got to see Ruri on the Nadesico the other day, and she had a lot of... really embarrassing questions," Eight says, laughing.

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

"I'm glad you think that way. It's... kind of a relief, honestly, knowing you feel that way." Anita replies with a smile. "I think both ways are just as important."

Eight confirms that she does think she's doing well, and Anita chuckles sheepishly as she continues. Smitten, huh... Yeah, that's definitely true.

"...Yeah, you've got me right on the money. That 'feeling' is... it's important, and special, and worth nurturing. Everything that's worth doing is worth working at, right?" She says. She smiles, though, as Eight continues, pointing out her relationship will different from hers.

"...I can't wait to see, either." She admits with a smile.

...And then, they navigate toward a different topic, as they elect to chat.

"Oh yeah? How is she doing? And the rest of them, too." She says. "I got to see 'em when I went down to help with that movie shoot as a stunt pilot, but we were all so busy that there wasn't any time to stop and chat..."

But, Ruri had a lot of embarrassing questions, huh. A smirk crosses over Anita's face.

"...Well, you know now that you've said that, I'm gonna be curious." She comments. "What did she ask?"

<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

"Yes," Eight agrees with Anita. "I didn't ask to be able to sense people this way, but I've made the best of it. Sometimes, though, that trips me up." So it's important. And Anita, sheepish, admits that she has her right there. Eight beams. "That's just right," she says. And it will be different. It'll be great, Eight thinks. But also great is...

"I think the Nadesico is doing pretty well," Eight says. "Busy, especially if they're involved with the movie shoot--how is that, by the way?--but the ship was in port for something, and we had a chance to chat."

Eight grins. SHe was definitely going to tell her, because it's fun, but now she definitely has to. "I thought so. So... It was a few things. I was telling her about Grandmother, and well, Lavhi came up, and..."

"She asked if I'm dating two people, which one am I going to marry? I just about died on the spot. ...Then she asked me if Bright Noa knows I'm dating my subordinates. And if Grandmother knows."

"...It's complicated; I know you can't generally just marry two people, and I... Well, it might be weird to discuss where I am with Rena when you've just started with her, but I definitely don't think she's ready for that kind of step with me. And Lavhi... Well, she reminded me I need to make sure Grandmother won't have a problem with him sooner than later."

"We talked about why you'd want to date two people, and stuff like that. And you might recall Lavhi wasn't my subordinate when we started dating..."

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

Anita nods. She can understand how that could happen sometimes. While it might help sometimes, it seems like it could also add a layer of complication to things from time to time. She smiles, though, as Eight agrees.

"Well... it's work, but I get to fly in non-combat situations and I get paid leave for when I do go down, so... can't complain, really." Anita replies with a shrug. She nods, though, as Eight explains how they're doing. "...Yeah, that sounds about right."

But Eight explains and Anita listens, nodding along.

"Hahah, yeah, I bet..." Anita laughs good-naturedly, massaging the back of her neck when Eight says she nearly died on the spot. ...But, it is a complicated situation, and it says a lot that she has to think on it for a moment.

"I guess... that's the sorta talk you'd have to have with them, when you're ready for it. ...Assuming marriage is what you want in the end, I mean." Anita comments. "...That's true, though, that's another talk you're gonna have to have."

She nods, too.

"Yeah, I think I remember that?" She replies consideringly.

<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

"That is pretty nice. I don't know if they'd be so cool with a Captain doing it," she says wryly. And she knows she's not as good a pilot as Anita, for sure. She's better on the bridge.

It is pretty complicated! But she got a laugh out of Annie for it, so Eight considers it mission accomplished. "Hm," she says though at that. "Yeah."

"It is, though. I want... To get married, and have a big family. Kids, maybe even a pet, the works. I want to have what I didn't have when I was a little kid, and to give them what my parents tried to give me, too. I want a nice big house, with the people I love in it..."

It's very personal, and Eight looks a little vulnerable, more so than usual, as she finishes. But she smiles anyway. "But I'm not sure how it all comes together, yet. Ruri says she's gonna look up marriage traditions for me. And I'll have to talk to both of them in any case. But... it is something that I want, for sure."

Then Eight siiighs. "Really! I was just Comms Officer when he asked me out. ...I can't believe we've already been together more than a year, too."

"...We don't talk about the future much, do we? We're all so busy in the 'now.'"

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

"Worth a try? ...But, I guess it would be harder for you to get away..." Anita admits. That's one of the good things about not having that much responsibility. ...But then, sometimes she gets sent to pick up paper work and ends up running into people she'd rather not run into, like the other day.

But... Eight explains what she wants for the future. It's very personal, and she looks vulnerable... but, it's good to see that side of her. Anita can't help but smile.

"Gosh, you've really thought this out..." Anita says, impressed. "I think... that sounds really nice. That's a good thing to want - really good. I hope you can get that."

She chuckles, though, as Eight continues.

"Already over a year, huh...? Wow, congrats." Anita comments, impressed. Talking about the future, though...

"...Yeah. Usually, we've got things we need to worry about in the immediate future, so there hasn't been a lot of time for it." Anita replies with a nod. "...Me, I'm more of an 'in the now' kinda gal, so I haven't thought about it that much, myself... but, I guess I've started to wonder a bit what's waiting for me in the future, too."

She shrugs, just slightly.

"...I guess that's probably her influence, too." She admits with a fond smirk.

<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

"Little bit," Eight admits of getting away. She is much more enmeshed in responsibility... and doesn't mind that. She knows Anita could probably have gotten promoted more by now if she actually wanted to be. Certain jerks with paperwork aside.

"Besides, I've got a lot else to do lately... We still need to get everybody together for the new year!"

Eight is gratified that Annie's reatction is what it is; her smile widens, something bright and genuine. "Thank you," she says. "I hope so, too." She's not entirely sure it's possible--but she doesn't want to bring that up right now. She wants to hope!

"Thanks," Eight says. "I'm not sure when I actually count our anniversary with me and Rena though..."

But the future! "Mm-hm. Especially lately," Eight says, "But ever since that attack on Winter Wonderland, really." When she became Captain, when the Kakapos changed... A lot happened. "I like that about you," she says. "You help me remember to live in the moment just by being here! ...But I like that you're thinking about it, too."

"It's a good influence, I think. And..." She lifts her cup, as if in toast, "I look forward to seeing that future with all of us."

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

"Oh, yeah, we should definitely plan something. I think every could use a nice thing together." Anita agrees with a nod and a smile. And Eight smiles, bright and genuine, as she praises her dream. It's good to see her happy like that.

"Hm... That's a good question. You might wanna figure that out." She says.

"...Yeah. That's definitely when it really start." Anita replies with a small nod. A lot changed, for everyone. Even her. She smiles, though, as Eight compliments her 'in the now' lifestyle. "Well, in that case, I'm glad to help out. Sometimes I worry it makes me feel like I've got my head in the clouds...? But I am thinkin' about it, promise."

But Eight agrees that it's a good influence and raises her cup. With a grin, Anita raises her own.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it, too."