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Latest revision as of 05:51, 28 December 2022

  • Cast: Guy Shishioh, Kaworu Nagisa
  • Where: GGG Orbit Base
  • Date: U.C. 0096 11 10
  • Summary: Guy Shishioh and Kaworu Nagisa meet to discuss several things Guy has discovered while keeping tabs on the worsening situation in Tsutsujidai. Guy learns a priveleged secret, and both realize they're running out of time before Akane Shinjo whisks their friends away forever.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       Kaworu has visited Orbit Base several times now. It's a convenient place for launching space missions, which NERV does occasionally have to do; it also has a lovely view of the Earth. It's had its fair share of troubles recently with the manner of Alouette Pommier's departure, but so far things seem to be functioning well enough. So far.
       Kaworu, for his part, arrives clad in his administrator's uniform, which is essentially a black suit with a white shirt and a purple scarf-tie striped in green. If one could see on the inside of his shirt, they'd see it's pinstriped in purple on the inside. Why is it like this? Because fashion exists first and foremost for oneself, that's why.
       A knock comes at Guy's office, or the closest equivalent room. "Acting Chief Shishioh, it's me," Kaworu calls, withdrawing his hand to slip it into his pocket.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Guy has called Kaworu here for a few reasons, and one of them is he has a question to ask he wants to be SURE he gets the answer where absolutely nobody is thinking about getting shot by a sniper.

"C'mon in, Administrator Nagisa," he says, because Japanese formality is a hell of a drug. Before, he didn't really think too hard about the Administrator's apparent youth. Between the wars, and just knowing that Science Crime defense brings you the best and brightest regardless of their age or background, it didn't bother him.

After his evolving feelings on Alouette going missing, and the hard truths Asuka confronted him with...suddenly he's a bit more uneasy. But still, he stands with strength and poise when Kaworu walks in. But it's not the imposing rigidity Gendo likes to use. Guy stands open-stanced and welcoming, in his GGG Chief's uniform of the male green and white jumpsuit under a long black sleeveless coat. As always, his right hand has the thick gloves GGG field agents wear. His left...has something new. Or rather, something old. Guy's left hand is the one that his G-Stone used to be mounted on, and now that's the case again: His GaoBrace is back, the tool that Cyborg Guy used to summon Galeon, and that mounted his G-Stone. A careful eye will see that the mounting now is more like an indicator lamp than a true G-Stone - a signal that Guy's own G-Stone powers are working. But still...he's pulled something odd out of storage, and it seems like it's made him a good bit more confident.

"It's good to see you," he says, motioning to the seats opposite his desk. He moves to sit himself, adding, "I remember last time wasn't a very sunny visit. Seems like we never have good news for each other, huh?"

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       Even after having actually been shot by a sniper, Kaworu doesn't generally worry about getting shot by snipers, so there is that. Still, it's a good precaution to make. There are many things where it's best to discuss them with as much sensitivity as possible.
       He enters when bidden, his usual easygoing, slightly lopsided smile in place. It's good to see Guy out of the wheelchair and back in form, and a form of good to see the GaoBrace in place as well. Kaworu goes give it a curious if clinical glance; he doesn't remark upon it, though. There are many reasons why Guy might be wearing it now.
       "Likewise. And it wasn't," Kaworu agrees, sitting opposite from Guy at his desk. "I suppose that's the nature of the beast." He pauses. "Does this mean you don't have good news for me now, either?"

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

"Hm. I suppose a bit of both," Guy says. He does have a new confidence in him. "I've got some very good news, but...maybe we ought to lead the with the main reason I called."

Guy's not a hand-folder, not a stone still at his desk man, unless he's got to be. He can't quite hide the slightly worried look across his face as the moment comes to say his next words.

"I've been making the rounds. Talking to the victims of Shinjo's Kaiju. Until we find the thing, it's the best plan we've got. I believe you've heard my thesis on this. The fact that they're controlled, that some of their reasons are pushed by falsehoods, doesn't mean anything next to the fact that a lot of what's driving them to do this, what made them vulnerable to it, are very real fears and concerns."

His eyes scan up to seek Kaworu's directly. "Kaworu...why does Asuka believe NERV will kill her?"

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       That's good to hear. It's always nice to have one's dour expectations diverted. Kaworu nods--at that, and at what Guy has said about the main reason he called. It's easy to pick up on his concern, and he waits and listens in silence.
       Another nod to confirm he's heard his thesis; they were just talking about it on the NERV lines the other day. Which leads to...
       His lips tick down slightly--just as small and lopsided as before, but now a frown instead of a smile. For a moment, he remains silent.
       "Forgive me," he then says abruptly. "That's a rather sensitive matter, and it involves things the Second herself doesn't want discussed. I'm trying to think of how much to tell you." He pauses. "What did she say to you herself?"

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Shigeru would explode, Guy thinks. Maybe he'd be right to. Guy himself he actually just gives Kaworu a slightly nervous scratch of his cheek. "Yeah, I'm sure it's all privacy and technologies. And believe it or not, I knew a few dramatic teenagers in my day. Some of them had some pretty bad ends." Sho...there's more than a few people he can see turning out like that, with the wrong guidance. Asuka's up there on that list.

He acknowledges Kaworu's handling with a nod. "Some of it's just dissatisfied employee stuff. That she didn't feel like she had a future, that she was miserable." He waves his hand. "Could be implanted, and the kind of thing that can be a personal issue regardless. What I'm worried about is that she seemed to genuinely believe NERV Section 2 might infiltrate Tsutsujidai specifically to murder her. That that was now basically inevitable given she took Unit-02."

His jaw is set. He doesn't want this to be an accusation...but, obviously, he takes something like this seriously. "Near as bad, that when the Angels are finally repulsed, that they'll do the same. She seemed to think that was true of all Eva pilots."

That last one could be paranoia, could be an implanted thought, but....his eyes search Kaworu's. It'd be a strange timeline indeed where Guy Shishioh would abide what he's describing.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       All privacy and technologies... Yes, that's quite an accurate description. As such, Kaworu doesn't respond to that part. If Guy already understands that much, there's no need to go out of his way to confirm it. And Asuka certainly can be dramatic in a variety of ways. But...
       "That won't happen," Kaworu replies, immediate and decisive, of Section 2 infiltrating Tsutsujidai. "It's true there are many who are very displeased with her stealing Unit-02, but I've already pinpointed its location within Tsutsujidai and I've reported as much. If it comes to that, we can recover Unit-02 at any time. Since that is the case, there is no need for violence. I can simply guide Unit-02 out myself."
       ...In other words, it won't happen specifically because Kaworu has already taken actions to make sure it won't happen. The matter of the Angels, though... That's a little more difficult. It technically isn't true. But it technically isn't false, either. That's absolutely not something he can explain to the King of Braves, though.
       "I can't say I truly understand how the Second thinks. But I can tell you some things that may give these beliefs some context," he replies. "First: you know that Evangelions are highly specialized tools that can only be piloted by an extremely select few, correct?"
       It's practically the first thing anyone is told about Evangelions, after all.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Guy does catch that particular structure of Kaworu's logic. ...he lets him have it, this time. In part, it's because doing that means Kaworu will, in fact, work to keep people safe, and Guy trusts in that. Prodding the logic hole just risks...escalations. So instead he says, "Thank you for taking care of it, then."

The way he phrased it also indicates Kaworu didn't immediately go to Asuka's implication that any EVA pilot would be killed simply for the temerity of leaving. Kaworu would have had that in his brain if it was true, by Guy's reckoning.

He might be wrong about that, but, so goes the game.

Shigeru would be in full bluster by now, but Guy takes it slow. He's trying to be judicious with his emotions. This thing in Tsutsujidai is wringing him out, and maybe in a good way, but it also means he doesn't entirely want to ramp himself too hard. "I do," he says. "Asuka estimated eight when we spoke, as I recall. I'm familiar with the issues it raises, of course." He flexes the GaoBrace. "I was the only one who could Fuse with GaoGaiGar for that entire war, after all. I guess the backup would've had to be Mamoru?" ... He shakes his head. "Well, there's a dire thought."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       Shinji has in fact already left NERV without any more punishment than being barred from any further information about NERV operations or personnel, and he was even allowed to come back into service afterwards. It just isn't true that Evangelion pilots will get killed for leaving.
       Not all of them, anyway.
       But that's a separate matter for the time being. Kaworu nods at Guy's thanks, and listens to his response. He glances down at the GaoBrace, then nods again. "Correct. At present, there are eight confirmed Evangelion pilots in the entire world. We can be considered the 'keys' to Evangelions; NERV can build as many Evas as they like, but without a pilot who can synchronize with them, they simply won't move."
       There are exceptions to this, but those are also related to pilots, so Kaworu doesn't bring that up. It's not really relevant to the conversation, anyway.
       "Asuka Shikinami Langley... What I'm about to tell you about her must not leave this room. Partly for security reasons, but also because I promised her I wouldn't tell," he continues quietly. "Several years after Second Impact, the Second Child was located. However, a certain incident happened, and she was direly injured and left in a vegetative state. At that time, there was only one other confirmed Child, and the NERV branch in charge of the Second were already working on constructing Unit-02 for the Second to pilot. It simply wasn't feasible that they would be able to find a brand-new pilot that would be able to synchronize with it.
       "So, instead of that, they decided to take the girl they knew for certain could do so... and they cloned her.
       "That clone is the 'Asuka Shikinami Langley' you know."

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Guy probably saw that in a report, come to think of it.

In theory, there were other options to Guy, just none of them would have been ready in anywhere near enough time. Making other G-Stone Cyborgs, making use of Mamoru's abilities...grim options, but he was at those meetings. He understands that sometimes you have to run the grim calculus. Maybe it's simply luck and the privilege of fortune that they never had to think about it too hard.

Speaking of grim calculus... His eyes narrow. He listens intently. "...I see," he says, finally, only at the end of Kaworu's story. He taps the desk with his left hand, the hand with the GaoBrace, infused with a G-Stone's power. "...I see," he repeats, slowly, and looks up with a thin smile. "I can relate, actually. To thinking your body's only useful to do violence. To feeling like you don't deserve the life you have." ...well, Kaworu didn't say a thing about any of that, but it's what Guy takes away. Perhaps a reflection of his own struggles. "Still. Life does extend past the fight. Don't see a reason that'd take a miracle."

But he seems satisfied. "I can imagine GGG getting that desperate, if I hadn't been revivable, or if I'd died in the fighting. Seems like she needs some therapy, perhaps, but maybe that's true of all of us, at this point."

Guy has still to this day not REALLY talked to anyone about what happened in the Trinary Solar System.

He thinks to clarify: "I swear I'll keep her secret. A girl shouldn't have to feel chained to her origin. Thank you for confiding in me."

Kaworu has maybe not COMPLETELY answered the implications of his question, but Guy seems to consider the matter explained to his satisfaction, and visibly relaxes. "She's a handful, even now. I never had to deal with anyone quite like her when I was that age. ...sorry, for pushing her on you before. I heard your title and thought I'd gotten rid of something I didn't want to deal with. I think I hurt both of you by doing that."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       It was a long time ago, after all. Almost a year now, in fact. Before the game even began!
       ...er, ahem.
       Kaworu stops where he does to let Guy take it all in. It seems he takes it in very well indeed, for Kaworu doesn't need to explain anything further. Guy even comes to several conclusions on his own. It's genuinely fascinating to watch. He does feel a little bad about how much he had to leave out, but there's no helping that for a number of reasons.
       And besides... when Guy puts it like that, Kaworu finds he can relate, too. As fascinating as Guy's takeaways are, they also disturb Kaworu a bit. If he's coming to those conclusions because of Asuka, and Kaworu can relate to those conclusions, then perhaps the Second and the Fifth are more alike than he'd previously considered.
       Life extends past the fight, though. There are a lot of things Kaworu could say about that. There are a lot of things he could stay silent on. He chooses to say, "Yes. That is why we fight."
       Talk of therapy does get a bit of a dry chuckle, though. "Minae of the Ra Mari actually offered her services as a counselor some time back. I thought it was a good idea, but we haven't had the chance to follow up on it much. Perhaps we should dedicate some resources to that."
       God knows Commander Ikari won't.
       It's good that Guy does make his own promise, though. A hint of tension in Kaworu's shoulders seeps out as he finally relaxes back into a smile. "You don't need to thank me. I knew you were concerned, and I knew she would never tell you herself. It's better this way." He does blink at the concept that Guy 'pushed' her onto him, though. "We're fellow Evangelion pilots, and I'm more or less in charge of the Children. You made the logical decision." His smile turns wry, though. "...Besides which, you weren't the one who sought to chain me with a promotion to administrator. You have nothing to apologize for, Acting Chief Shishioh."

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

"A bit sad to think a Super AI we commissioned to help with Zonder victims may end up seeing the most employment with our own pilots, huh?" Guy muses. BC-001 Minae was, after all, originally a GGG project. "But maybe that's just as well, actually. There's a lot of healing and catharsis in Purification. Pilots don't get that so much. Yeah, let's talk to her about it."

A lot of his conclusions about Asuka reflected the thorns in his own heart, but perhaps that's just how people relate to each other, sometimes. He'll chew on it for days, likely. He does blink up, though, at Kaworu's gracious acceptance of his duty to ride herd on the often-rambunctious Children. "Well, good to hear I don't, then. Still, 'chain', huh? Can't say I feel so different myself. 'Acting Chief'. Means they get to yell right at me, now." He shrugs, a bit of a wry smile on his own face. "It did strike me that you seem a bit young for the role. Not pleased with it?"

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       Kaworu is familiar with Minae's origins, thanks to the recent Algernon incident, but it is a little ironic. Still, as Guy says, it's a good thing. Pilots receive a vitally needed service, and Minae continues to be able to do good for those around her. And while she might be stationed on the Ra Mari, it would be helpful to bring her into NERV, even if only as a consultant. Kaworu nods once to confirm agreement, as such.
       He didn't expect Guy to relate to his own position as administrator, but Kaworu takes it in stride with a soft chuckle. "No," he admits. He wouldn't normally say so, but... Guy asked a direct question, and Kaworu doesn't like to lie. Saying more, though, is entirely due to his comfort in talking to Guy, and he continues, "I realize someone needs to give orders, but I don't like being in control of others. However, I wasn't in a position to refuse. It was a punishment, after all."
       He says this so evenly, so matter-of-fact, that it might take Guy a second to mentally catch up with it. After all, Kaworu skates right past it: "At least Captain Hebikura has been there for me as a military advisor. He's been a great help in a variety of ways, actually. But..." His calm expression settles into something better described as resigned. "Doing the actual job has been a mountain I've had to climb on my own."

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Guy listens. Indeed, though, Kaworu glosses right past the notion of punishment so fast that Guy's eyebrow doesn't quirk with curiosity for several seconds after. He does know NERV is much more top-down than GGG; certainly GGG has an org chart, but the difference in leadership styles and personality is quite stark. He can see how a group like Central NERV might see a promotion as a way to lock somebody down.

He listens to the rest, first. "Oh, you've been getting help from him? That's good. Haven't had much occasion to speak to his team, myself. Not even sure how I'll approach Ohta...still, if you need anything from my side, let me know. Guess I can't speak about NERV, but GGG looks after its people."

...But he circles back around. "So a punishment, huh?" He regards Kaworu for a long few moments. Just a boy, to Guy's eyes. The suit's nice, perhaps. But the relative sparcity of the look, to Guy's eyes, looks like discomfort, now that he looks closer. "Something particular happen?"

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       "Yuka's a good person. She's passionate about kaiju and people both," Kaworu says fondly. "If you need a way to approach her, I recommend asking her about her research. She gave me a copy of her unedited book, if you'd like to read it. It's quite fascinating. If I do need anything from you, I'll let you know, Acting Chief."
       But then he circles around. Kaworu hadn't thought of it as anything worth lingering on--but Guy is passionate himself on the subject. His brows lower. "Yes. But not with NERV," he replies.
       ...It's not a lot of information. But it's rich with implication.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

"That's good to know. I am trying to hit all our people in there..." He smiles a little, chuckling. "Maybe it's sentimental. But I just feel like until we get my new machine ready, with Shigeru running around keeping GGG afloat in all this...the best thing I can do is keep an eye on them, while they're away." Maybe it started as an excuse, just because the thought of losing Alouette and Renais specifically had him pacing holes in the decks. But he feels more confident in it now, as a way to guide them out of Shinjo's labyrinth to somewhere better. He's already seen it working, bit by bit.

Speaking of bit by bit, Kaworu's answer certainly is partial. But the implications sprawl. Britannian royalty? No, this isn't their kind of spite. If Gendo doesn't like you he just ignores you. He could see Fuyutsuki personally doing it but he's not sure he's ever seen Fuyutsuki doing much of anything that he couldn't draw a direct line back to Gendo on...

Guy scratches his cheek. "Well, I've already asked you to give out one secret today, so if you don't much want to talk about it I understand. But it seems to me a person stuck in charge of something they're not passionate about is going to start hating a lot more than just the job, eventually." ... "No, that's not it."

He settles back in his seat, much more casual, and gives Kaworu a grin. "I just figure someone your age shouldn't have to worry about all this office politics stuff. Anything I can help?"

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       "I appreciate it. I've talked with some of them myself, but there's quite a few of them now, and the NERV agents aren't the only ones I'm worried about. It's good to know I'm not the only one reaching out to everyone," Kaworu replies, expression lightening. He of course already knew that Guy was working on this--he's been talking about it openly--but this is the first time they've discussed the matter together. "I do wish you luck with your new machine, though."
       It's good that Guy tells him that he won't press the matter, either. Kaworu gives him a slight but steady smile, worthy of the Mona Lisa. He's quite confident that Guy will never guess the truth, though it is nice to receive his concern.
       "Don't worry. I may not care for administration, but I am quite passionate about what I am administrating," he reassures him. "I am one of the Children bound by fate too, after all. This is where I belong."
       And it wouldn't be the first time he's ended up in charge of an organization. But he doesn't mention that part, of course.
       He does consider the question, though. "Truthfully, I don't get along well with the Second, nor she with me," he admits. "If you're concerned for her, I would appreciate it if you'd continue to offer her your support. We have an... understanding, but that's all."

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Kaworu's quiet smile is answer enough on if he wants to talk about it. Guy accepts that.

Kaworu also underlines: He is one of the Children, in addition to being a young man just the same as NERV's other pilots. "Alright. Well, offer stands. I told Asuka the same. I talk about having courage, but don't let the fact I express it by bashing my face into robots with microwave cannons make you think that's the only kind there is." He smiles, that warm, heroic grin. "Just wishing to continue living happily, and doing your best to achieve that...that's courage, too."

"Heh. Yeah, she said the same, actually," he says of Asuka and Kaworu's relationship. "She was less diplomatic, though." He laughs. "That's fine. I think...I'd like that, anyway. Prickly as she is, I want to help the girl under there to thrive, you know?"

"...actually, if you have anything I could try to do for her regarding her...current mindset, I'd be willing. From what I've determined, the enemy kaiju suppresses certain thoughts that would provoke them to leave or take a less...passive, mindset. So I don't think we're getting them out while it's up. But showing them they're cared for, that what they're afraid of can be fought...I think that will help them come home, in time."

He's not a hundred percent sure that's what he wants, out of Asuka, admittedly.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       Kaworu really does appreciate Guy. He's courageous, but also kind and discreet, with an appreciation of the courage needed to simply lead a simple life. He chuckles a bit, returning that grin.
       It turns a bit dryer when Guy says Asuka said as much too, though. "Unsurprising," Kaworu says dryly. Still, he continues to smile. It even has warmth. If Asuka continues to improve as a person, then that will make Shinji happy, too. "Good, then. For all of us."
       That's why, when Guy asks for his advice on how to deal with Asuka, Kaworu gives it serious thought, one hand resting over his mouth. "She's normally extremely headstrong and stubborn--the kind of girl who fights to the bitter end. It's difficult for me to imagine what Akane must have shown her to make her give up," he admits. "Although..."
       One thing certainly comes to mind. His smile fades as he sits of straight, lowering his hand to the chair's arm. "...Right before the Second left for Tsutsujidai, she helped battle one of the Ninth Angel's manifestations. And right before that, she went on her first date with Shinji Ikari. It did not go well," he admits. "When Shinji, Col. Katsuragi, and I went to see her in Tsutsujidai, she asked Shinji to keep dating her--once he moved into Tsutsujidai with her. He rejected this offer, of course. Shinji understands that she isn't in her right mind, and he loves her for... who she is."
       It's hard to mistake the tightness in his lips as they thin, or the lines that etch themselves at the corners of his eyes. "I've done my best to encourage Shinji to reach out to her again. If you think she would listen to you, perhaps you could encourage her to listen when he does...?"

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Somehow, Guy didn't quite expect it to go into Teenager Things. He's grinning...at first, anyway. "Yeah? Good for them. I guess that's about the age Mikoto and I met, too..."

Guy has never had a bad relationship in his life, which is part of why this is going to be a disaster.

He scratches his cheek in thought, hemming. "I can do that, yeah." He chuckles lightly. "Well, I suppose we're always hoping a little we don't have the time to see them again before they come home."

It's almost as obvious that Guy wants that so bad his soul almost falls out as the way Kaworu is struggling to make his recommendation, and Guy decides to veer at Kaworu on that. "You sure, though? You look like you're forcing yourself to ask me that."

... "Oh, actually," Guy adds. "I guess I should stop playing coy, about the new machine, actually." Guy grins, and holds up his hand, flashing the GaoBrace with intent. "After GaoFighGar was destroyed - actually, the day Betterman Lamia came to collect Kikuho's Animus Seed, I told him what had happened. I wouldn't call it a deal, but...he made something happen. Bettermen truly are beings of strange powers..."

He grins. "Galeon's back. They went to the day EI-02 invaded and plucked him out of time. We have to be careful with him, but...We're preparing the GaoMachines for formation of GaoGaiGar now." He is VERY CLEARLY excited about that.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       "Better you than me," Kaworu replies bluntly. "If you're invested in ensuring the Second improves as a person, that's good for me, too."
       He means it fully, too. That he isn't happy about it is immaterial. It's not his own happiness that he's striving so hard for. ...not consciously, anyway.
       He does look at Guy with curious, calm eyes when he mentions the new machine. He'd mentioned that he had good news, and he branches the GaoBrace with another grin... He nods once, remembering when the Betterman had come for the Animus Seed.
       The rest of it brings another smile of his own too. "Ah! I'm truly glad for you, Acting Chief Shishioh. It's wonderful when one finally gets to reunite with a dear one again," he says warmly. "That was your good news, I take it. It's very good news indeed."

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Guy seems briefly unconvinced by Kaworu's response, but...well, if nothing else, his initial impression that the Children are especially complicated teens is bearing out. "Right. I'll bring it up if I see her." But at least it's now in his thoughts.

"Yeah," Guy says, and it's clear he has indeed been buoyed by the return of his dear friend. Got rough, for a while, but...with him back, I feel like I'm ready to handle everything. Mamoru and I are like brothers, but Galeon's my partner. With him at my back, I'll show you just what kind of miracles GGG can do."

His eyes travel away, his official business largely concluded, his thoughts drifting to the stars. "You, and Shinjo, too. And after her..."

He trails it off, his thoughts with friends lost to him now.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       If nothing else, it does prove that while Kaworu might hate Asuka, he doesn't... necessarily wish her ill because of it. If Guy wants to do right by her, he genuinely wishes him well on it. He might not be an administrator by choice, but he's doing his best.
       For now, though, he chuckles at Guy's talk of miracles. It fades into a faint smile as Guy trails off--faint, but still there. "I look forward to seeing it," he replies. "Then, if that's all, I should head back. I have some piano practice to finish up for today."
       He pauses. Then he adds, "Several of us at Tokyo-3 Municipal will be performing a recital next month. Alouette Pommier said she'd be coming, so perhaps you'd enjoy attending as well?"
       Whether he does or not, though, Kaworu will excuse himself shortly in fairly good spirits. The topic might not always be pleasant when he speaks with Guy, but the conversation always is.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

"Me too," Guy says, quietly.

"Oh, it's happening? That's great! Alouette did say she was learning..." His thoughts on the things changing in Tsutsujidai are complex, but... she did seem genuinely excited by it. Inasmuch as she can be by anything, right now. He says, "I wouldn't miss it," with a nod and a smile.

But it also triggers a memory. He glances off, up to the left as people subconsciously do when a thought occurs to them. "Oh. Right. Speaking of Alouette...I spoke with her this week."

His gaze returns to Kaworu, a bit more serious. "She told me Akane Shinjo offered her her own world, like a Tsutsujidai of her own. She said she declined, but...if that's on the table, the others might not. And who knows how fast she can get it done..."

His gaze drifts to the window. "We may need to change tactics soon, if we can't lock down this kaiju. I just don't know to what."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

"It's supposed to happen in December, but... it may be delayed to February or March," Kaworu admits. He doesn't explain why: one of the members of the recital has been spirited away. (Soon to be two, but that announcement hasn't been made yet.)

But something occurs to Guy, sparked by the talk of Alouette. Kaworu listens, and his eyes widen, then narrow. Their own worlds... He bows his head to consider the desk between them.

It's ironic. He'd first started investigating Tsutsujidai to determine if it would be something that would be good for Shinji. He received his answer on that quickly enough, and again later when Shinji rejected it on his own. But... that's only Shinji. Who can say what the others will do in worlds of their own--worlds fashioned by Akane, who has been taught all too well by Alexis Kerib?

"...You're right. I'd thought it a matter of time before we could get this resolved, but if Akane's advanced to the stage where she can fashion starter worlds for others, too..." Kaworu's lips thin. "The Chaos Bringer effect hasn't been as severe as we'd feared when it first went into motion. But it will surely only grow far worse with each new person in their own sphere of reality."

That almost goes without saying, though. The real trick is putting a stop to it... but as Guy says, how?

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

"Like snowballs turning into an avalanche," Guy agrees. "One of them could be dangerous. But more just increases the odds that one of them will be."

His distant gaze continues, fretting for several long seconds. Eventually, though, he croses his arm to place his hand over the GaoBrace's lion head, and draws in a deep breath. Thinking about his friend and partner.

"For now, the best thing we can do is show them that this world is still one they belong in," he says. "They have friends and loved ones here. I've seen with my own eyes the kaiju isn't preventing them from knowing that. It will work."

He stands, and looks back to Kaworu, serious. "But we have to step it up with this kaiju. Time is no longer on our side."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

"Yes," Kaworu says in grim agreement. His gaze flicks down to the GaoBrace as Guy rests his hand upon it. In intersecting universes like these, where all manner of worlds cross and combine, everything is so much more unpredictable. It's wonderful like that, of course. But it's also dangerous.

He too returns his gaze up to Guy a moment later. "Yes," he repeats. "I've been monitoring the situation as a student of Tsutsujidai High for some time now, but if that's the case... Simply standing back and watching won't be enough."

He'll have to call in some significant back-up for this.

He'll have to call in Mari.