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Revision as of 22:21, 25 December 2022

  • Cast: Guy Shishioh, Renais Cardiff
  • Where: GGG Orbit Base
  • Date: U.C. 0096 12 07
  • Summary: Thanks to the simple miracle of dedicated friends, Renais is able to do something she never dared to hope for.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Orbit Base. A week ago - give or take. Days before Tsutsujidai's descent.

It's time for the final steps of getting Renais Cardiff equipped for formally joining the Gutsy Galaxy Guard. In the space of a week, membership jumped from just himself to himself and two others; after Bujack, the sense of responsibility for others feels like it's really settling in.

Once this probably would've been done by Mikoto, Swan, maybe Papillon. None of them here, right now. The tailor is a young lady, one of the many staff who make sure GGG works from day to day.

Guy, of course, can't be in the fitting room, because even if Renais is wearing her new regulating bodysuit that would be a little weird. So he's posted up with his back against the divider, while Renais, for the first time as an adult, gets her measurements taken for a uniform.

Guy's smiling just being near it. The G-Stones that make up his every cell practically buzz.

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

The warm welcome Renais received after being freed from Bujack's spell has done quite a lot to lift her spirits. A sense of family and acceptance... an end to the isolation, an isolation that Akane and Bujack had intensified.

The bodysuits so generously given to her by Sayla, courtesy of the Photon Power Labs, are the most material sign of that so far.

It's only thanks to the miraculous garment that she's able to be fitted for a 3G uniform today. And it's with a wide grin that she steps out in the organization's women's uniform: a short dress in pink and white, white thigh-high boots, and the signature half-jacket. The only departure from standard is the cut--hers goes up to the collar. The only evidence of the bodysuit, aside from the glove on her left hand, is the appearance of black tights on her legs.

She wears it well.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

A little finesse. A few things fit off the rack; a few things need adjustment for her height, or figure, or just to account for the Medically Necessary bodysuit.

When it's done, Guy looks up to find Renais highlighted in pink and white, the bodysuit expertly used to advantage, and the dress collar taken high.

He grins, too, an earsplitting smile. "You look..." he says, idling over and giving her a pleased look to take in the whole ensemble.

He stops in front of her again. "Awesome," he finally decides, and reaches out without a thought about it to pat her shoulder. "How's it feel?"

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

Renais does a little twirl on her toe, smiling as she gives the jacket a little tug, then running her hands along her thighs to the hem of the dress. "Even better than it looks. Always thought these uniforms were kinda cute," she confides quietly.

"Thanks, Guy. This is... this is incredible. I never thought I'd be." She blushes. "... one of you."

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Guy lets her spin. That SMILE. He remembers when she could barely muster a flat expression. "I've always been a fan," Guy says. He tugs his own jacket, setting it on his shoulders. "You can thank Mikoto and Swan. Can you imagine, trying to get those two into those STORAGE jumpsuits? We'd never have gotten anywhere. Fortunately, well. You couldn't have gotten Taiga into one of them either!" Haha!

He turns down the output on that grin, meeting her eyes. "It took some doing. A couple miracles. Some trust from everyone." ... "I remember when we were only just about working together."

He half-turns, attention turning momentarily to the spinning Earth below. The operation to retrieve the Q-Parts from Gimlet. Then the rather tense conversation with Mikoto and Renais soon after, where Renais made no effort not to shake her hand to burning effect. "You were so...angry. And you had every reason to be, and I...really none of us, was even trying to reach out to you." He purses his lip, thinking. "I guess none of us knew how."

"I am glad," he affirms. "That we could finally help."

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

"Swan would've quit on the spot, I think," Renais comments drily. "Don't think I've ever seen her in something that wasn't either tits halfway out, or at *least* form-fitting."

She grins as she says that. "Not that that's a bad thing. She makes it work."

Her smile fades, and she sighs, leaning back on the wall. "...I didn't really make it easy. It's hard to make space for myself... hard to think think I matter. Even now."

She looks down. "I'll always be angry, I think. Just... I'll have to learn to control it. Being part of the Mobile Unit will probably help with that, yeah?" She grins. "Plenty of targets, that way."
BBSYS: Post 530, 'Staffing Announcement' has been published to Announcements by Beam Coat.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

"I am entirely too engaged to have an opinion," Guy replies, but he's grinning too. Then he can't suppress a chuckle. "Though, like, can't think of anyone else I know who goes to a press conference in short shorts. The confidence to just do it really is its own kind of Courage, isn't it?"

It's like, 50% joke tops.

He nods, though, to the more serious turn. "I understand." He puts a hand to his chest, eyes casting down. "...Having a body that seems to only want to fight. Living between man and machine when you didn't ask for it. You had it rougher by miles, but...it puts things in your head. I know it does."

He nods, and steps closer, falling back into that heroic posture, hand on his hip and his G-Stone arm at his side. "But you do deserve this," he affirms. "We'll help you through the rough spots. I'll be here, and you've got Sayla, and Leina, and Roux all down there with you at home. I know how much it can feel like a fire that won't ever burn out. We'll do our best to help you tame it and use it."

He winks. "I know a thing or two about using it. Shame nobody still has footage of what I ended up doing to Palparepa!"

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

"Well, lucky for me I'm not... and neither is she." Ren gives a smirk and a wink.

It's hard to tell how serious she is at first.

"... I probably shouldn't even be joking about that, myself. J might be the kind of bird that takes one mate for life." She looks a little bashful. "It, uh... never really came up." One can only imagine that planned omnicide changes the priorities a bit.

But the fact that she's talking about them like this, as people still part of their lives... it's promising.

She nods. "... it's, uh, helpful, actually... to know it's not not just the conditioning making me think that way." Does she deserve this, though?

... Yes, she decides. She does.

"Probably better that nobody sees it, honestly. You're fucking *scary* when you're mad, Shishioh." Her smile grows a little wider.
[Entertainment] Zan> I... okay. My Gundam research came up with something and I'm pointing out I'm hesitating to ask where the hell this appeared. But... an actual Dog Gundam? https:'gundam.fandom.comwikiDog_Gundam
[Entertainment] Qivi> It appeared in nothing but a magazine as a drawing.
[Entertainment] Zan> Oh, good. 'Cause if that made it to any series, I'm just gonna question sanity.
[Entertainment] Crossfire Salem> ...you know there's a horse piloted by a horse, right
[Entertainment] Crossfire Salem> G Gundam
[Entertainment] Roux Louka> There's no rule saying a dog can't be a Gundam Fighter.
[Entertainment] Leina Ashta> What about a Dolphin Roux? https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/9/9d/Dolphin_Newtype_Flash.png/revision/latest?cb=20110104005641
[Entertainment] Zan> Well, yeah. I can accept that 'cause horses are cool. But.. it's a dog. With a beam tongue and tail.
[Entertainment] Zan> I mean, it's a whole new definition to licking someone to death.
[Entertainment] Himeyuri Oono> I mean
[Entertainment] Himeyuri Oono> We're looking at bringing in Zoids, and BuCUEs exist
[Entertainment] Qivi> Himeyuri have I shown you my awful idea yet, if not DM me when you have a minute
[Entertainment] Qivi> this reminded me. no I will not be explaining further
BBSYS: Post 531, 'Closing FC 14 Dec 2022' has been published to Character Announcements by Yggdrasil Drive.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

Guy snorts a laugh into his fist at that one. Not the kind of joke he's expecting! "Well! Guess you'll find it a whole lot easier to look into that now!" he says, playing along.

Ah. But.

"Suppose you didn't get a whole lot of time to set your boundaries, huh?" He gives her that smile of his, firm like the world will move before he does. He has his moments it feels like it's a million miles away, the day they're all together again. Maybe Renais has seen a few of them. But he still says, "We'll just have to make sure you have a lot of time to figure that out, as soon as we can."

...as for the other problem.

"Oh, I had a lot of trouble," Guy admits, and his eyes drift aside. "You know? How much of a man even was Cyborg Guy? And how much is still in the Evoluder? Keeps me up, sometimes. But...I got through it all thanks to Mikoto's support, and Dad's, and everyone else's. It's why I know how important it can be, to feel like your body is yours. To feel...natural, I guess." He turns his eyes back up, grinning. "So, I'll do everything I possibly can to help you feel the same."

Ehehehe... "The G-Stone demands we feel everything the whole way, you know? You know all about that, by now. Mamoru had to help me out with it at first, actually. Got so worked up in that second fight I nearly smashed the Zonder Core to bits in a blind rage. Mastering that feeling, letting it in without controlling you..."

He shrugs. "It's hard. But it is possible. I'll be here to help."

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

"Not exactly. He's not really... uh, approachable," Renais sighs, "Doubt he's much better when he's *not* planning the death of everyone and everything, either, judging by what everyone else said."

"Still coming around to the idea that I'm... not just a weapon." She lifts her black-gloved hand, looking at the G-Stone as Guy talks about how it makes one feel. "...yeah. Lucky you, gettin' your own fairy," she smirks. "All I had to work with was catharsis, and, uh."

She shrugs. "Well. That led down a bad path. So I'll have to master my emotions, huh?"

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

"I was," Guy admits. "So I helped keep building up GGG, so people don't have to get quite so lucky as I got."

He jerks a thumb at himself. "Now you've got two and a half fairies, a polymath supergenius, and the cutest, most supportive 20 year old on record. We're all here to hold you up. Even when that passion runs high...you can do a lot more than hurt with it. That's why GGG, both of them, are rescue organizations first."

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

"I used to think all the support team shit you go through was a waste. Still think you could do better without all the authorizations, but... guess we can't work alone, huh?" Renais pushes back off the wall and steps closer to Guy.

"... might be a lesson that takes me a while to learn," she admits. "But... I don't want to be alone anymore. And I'm glad to have you all with me." She smiles... and holds out her hand to Guy.

<Pose Tracker> Guy Shishioh has posed.

"It's all a lot of work, but keeping that chain of responsibilities together is important. It reminds us of the responsibility we take on every time we step out there."

Apparently it's also SUPER marketable??

"It's alright. Stumbling, even failing, and trying again...that's courage, too. We'll support you, even when it's rough." He reaches forward, beaming, and takes that offered hand, gripping firm but sure.

"Welcome to the Gutsy Galaxy Guard, Renais."