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Latest revision as of 21:26, 29 November 2022

  • Cast: Zan, Haneul Kysahra
  • Where: 3G Orbit Base
  • Date: U.C. 0096 11 13
  • Summary: In the aftermath of the T0 attack on the Orbit Base, Zan and Haneul have some conversation and work to get her unit back up to speed.

<Pose Tracker> Zan has posed.

After the battle with Volfogg, Gridman Sigma, and the Zonder Robo, it was at least a good thing that the Orbit Base had Protect Walls. The damage was mostly internal. That had left Zan to see to self repairs where it was needed. And going over the battle in his databanks as he did. A few things stick out. Ones that have him checking the 3G database to confirm.

The strange part for anyone who is watching is that Zan has his larger body floating near the Orbit Base itself. A proverbial guardian in case the attackers do come back. What was odder was that repairs were commencing, through things literally crawling over the enormous Iron Zanrailer body. A back hoe was pushing metal plates back into place, the engine where that massive electromagnetic tornado attack was spinning again, and some sort of automated guns were going around welding pieces back into place. All while magnetized to the large body.

Otherwise, the giant was mostly still. Mostly. The head occasionally turned as if trying to figure out who was in need of aide after he was done himself. He even sent out a message saying he could try to repair what he could in the field.

<Pose Tracker> Haneul Kysahra has posed.

Post battle's always got jitters that go with it. Doesn't matter how disconnected you think you are. Haneul's just gotten in the habit of ignoring it, or at least bottling it up, much like everything else. This was a unique case, what with a monstrosity trying to eat her mech and all, but we won't go there.

Instead, she's in dull colored coveralls, hands coated in machine grease and paint with a streak of red under one eye that looks suspiciously like she caught herself rubbing at her eyes. Close call that.

Still, with a message in hand, the Martian figures it's worth a shot. And probably cheaper than paying for a replacement, which means not skipping on lunch. "Yo." she calls out, hand going up, "You were offering to work on repairs and all, uh... are you familiar with the-" she pauses. She still hadn't read the briefing, "Mech eating stuff?" Let's call it that. She sounds like an idiot in her own head asking it that way, but it's too late now. "Can you recommend a way to check for lingering effects?" Keep it simple.

It takes longer than she'd want to admit that she's just now realizing she's speaking with the figure she'd been supporting. Oops. "Also, better options for fighting them than trying to spear an enemy while you shoot at it. It was sloppy even by my standards." Attempted saving throw? Kind of...

<Pose Tracker> Zan has posed.

The large figure looks in the direction of the message. Roughly. "I believe it is a Zonder Robo that we faced, ma'am." The eyes flicker in time with the words. At least it's easy to tell who's communicating at the moment!

"Fighting them is new for myself as well." The giant admits. Once the backhoe is done pushing metal around, it rolls back down to the wrist of the giant where a panel opens and it parks. "I apologize. I did not get your name in the middle of the battle. I am designated BT-001 Zan, a Super AI that has recently been designated as a Brave possibly."

<Pose Tracker> Haneul Kysahra has posed.

Tapping the toe of her boot against the ground to adjust and cover any awkwardness, she just rolls with it. "Zonder sounds about right." She's pretty sure she saw the word there. Really, really should have read the briefing en route, but she had decided to play by ear.

Planting her hand on her hip, she takes a more relaxed stance and says, "Well. In that case- I think we did alright. None of us died. I'll admit I thought you were uh. Bite sized pilot-wise. I was the pilot of the red AC." Let's make that easy. "Haneul Kysahra. I moonlight as a professional. Mostly just do merc work though."

<Pose Tracker> Zan has posed.

The giant gives a nod, "I am not. The smallest body I have is only 12 meters. The larger joined form is designated Iron Zanrailer. A name one of my former crew gave me." Surprisingly the last sentence is said with a bit of fondness.

"My scans show you suffered some damage. Are you able to bring your... AC? I may be able to assist on some of it. The... spike? I may have an extra of sorts. Or be able to put together one." He says. "I have a large magnetic nail shooter that I use for Orbital Rail maintenance. A bit of reforging and specifications, and I can use it to replace. I also have an internal forge." <Pose Tracker> Haneul Kysahra has posed.

Haneul glances over her shoulder, checking the route towards the hangar. "I could probably bring Sleepwalker out. The damage wasn't extensive. I got under the worst of it." You know, barring the major hit that about wrecked her ride. She's downplaying thigns a bit. She rubs her chin, adding to the mess already there though.

"Can you make it into the hangar or do I need to get my gear on?" She asks, genuinely curious at this point. Scratching idly behind the be-commo'd device ear distracted. She's turning either way, relying strictly on the radio for now.

<Pose Tracker> Zan has posed.

"One moment. I believe my own repairs are complete enough to return." Zan responds before the giant starts to change. The Iron Zanrailer does one more scan, then nods as the automated welders move back to their apparent spots and disappear into the body. Then the body separates into a full train with some sort of ORCA craft that lands on a platform near the engine.

That is when she finally might get a good look at the train itself. An engine and five cars, and the VTOL-like ORCA that is on a flat bed suited for it. The ORCA lifts off once in the hanger before transforming into a 12 meter tall robot in orange and blue. Said robot walks over, looking around before stopping a good meter or two away from Haneul. "Hello? Are you Haneul?"

Pose Tracker> Haneul Kysahra has posed.

The Martian pilot has to crane her neck when she enters the hangar, having expected something smaller. She hides the fault fast enough, she's not disappointed, more realizing she should have known better. Sticking to radio it is! "Had an aunt that liked to go full size all the time. She wasn't much of a fighter though." Still, she adjusts the coveralls, having realized she doesn't need the spacer suit and jogs along towards her red painted mech.

Pointing up to it, she calls out, out of habit which you know, radio, "If we're talking more than my usual maintenance, I'm pretty sure there are going to be stress fractures throughout from that last hit. It's an AC though, you get used to tearing it apart and sticking new things in. If it wasn't on the nose I'd rename it to Theseus." She's decently well read. Or at least had a good education! Shame she's still flying dangerous. "And yeah I am Haneul. Nice to meet you in... person?" Close enough. She's not fully human herself anyway.

<Pose Tracker> Zan has posed.

Zan seems to consider as he looks over the AC. "Replacing is normal, I take it?"

The idea of 'in person' has Zan give an actual shrug. He looks over the AC, his optics zooming in and out as if he seems to be considering. "Stress fractures are a concern, especially in military grade equipment that is protective. I should have extra materials to replace them."

Zan gets a curiousity look on his face, "If you do not mind, why is it called an... Armored Core?" He asks.

<Pose Tracker> Haneul Kysahra has posed.

Han nods with regards to the question. "Sometimes just for upgrades, sometimes on a per mission basis. Sometimes just on a whim." She gestures towards the shoulder mounts, "That loadout's a catchall. It does everything... fine. I could focus it somewhere else with some cash and time."

As for stress fractures she shrugs, "They're common. Trick is to see how long you can push it without a failure mid-mission. If I worried about it every time I went out, I'd never get jobs done. And then I wouldn't drink."

Then there's a question that gets a shrug from her. "Never checked honestly. Probably something about the original versions being uparmored civvie gear and picking up the name as a field joke."

<Pose Tracker> Zan has posed.

Zan nods, "I see. The spike was on a launcher of some how, I believe?"

Zan moves to one side, then the other. Obviously scanning and looking over the AC.

Then he stops and looks at Haneul. "Thank you, by the way."

<Pose Tracker> Haneul Kysahra has posed.

The Martian's finding she, for the first time since she was a kid, is strongly considering the upsizing thing just to make this conversation feel less awkward what with insisting on looking up as she talks into the radio. Why is she like this?

Still, she gestures to the launcher, "Yeah, pneumatic, heavy duty with some weight to it. Slower to swing than the ones you see on most mechs, but it was designed to just blow through light ACs trying to be zippy." There's a frown, "You know, like I do, but not."

She looks surprised at the thanks. "For what?" Checking down and around herself, thinking maybe she'd avoided a taboo here. "Happy to help either way?" She sounds sincere there, albeit confused.

<Pose Tracker> Zan has posed.

"The weight seems to be intact, as is part of the mechanism. I would have to look up the exact design, but it sounds similar to military designs." He seems to consider, then looks at her, "It is a considerable weapon in power. I have used similar ideals with a modified rocket propelled hook that my base form is equipped with recently. Even in space that mass is devastating."

Zan looks perhaps a bit awkward. Or as awkward as a 12 meter robot can be. "You... inquired as to my health on the battlefield when a recent experience and the Zonder's capabilities provoked me to action."

"I am a considerably young creation as far as known Super AIs. Most would see myself not as a person, but as an object. You, however, have not." The robot says.

He seems to consider, then nods. "If you will allow me, I believe I can replace the spike as well as the most damaged armoring."

<Pose Tracker> Haneul Kysahra has posed.

"I'm worried about contamination. I know the locals here gave it a bill of health, but you read enough you start getting paranoid you know?" Hey just because she flies risky doesn't mean she wants to be grey goo'd. "It's military, just not common and probably not that popular. It's harder to use like I said." She likes it though. You get used to that sort of thing. She's also probably using it in unintended ways.

"Oh- I mean you took a good hit there. If you were you know, squishy and hit your head-" she taps the side of hers, "And I've seen a lot of hotshots go without helmets. Well. Means I'd have had to change my gameplan. Make sure they couldn't follow up right?" There's a pause, "Though uh, I guess you can't hit your head and scramble the squishy bits can you. Glad you're okay though." Hey, if he's sentient enough to be awkward, it's close enough.

She looks to the Sleepwalker and starts to shake her head. She catches it though and after working both hands open and closed a few times says, "Sure, I'd appreciate it>" said through almost gritted teeth like he's asking to babysit her kid. Might explain why she's effectively using the thing instead of newer wanzers or better. You know, aside from cash.

<Pose Tracker> Zan has posed.

Zan gives a nod, then looks at her carefully. "Do not worry. If you wish, I can supply extra tools to help. And to be honest, if I could pay you for extra parts I would but, well." He shrugs, motioning at himself.

There's a small whirring sound as various construction machines start to bring over parts, including a couple of cans of spray paint in the AC's colors. One even brings a toolbox.

"On a side, you did considerably good work. If you wish, I can notify one of the..." He seems to consider, "bosses, I think the general term is, to talk with you?"

<Pose Tracker> Haneul Kysahra has posed.

Holding her hands up, fingers spread she says, "No no, I need to stop being so- I can't help someone if my kit falls apart. I can't keep working if the same thing happens and I can probably do more if I got help." She's saying this in a terse voice. Pride, habit, something else. "I'm dumb if I keep going alone. Won't keep anyone's memory then right?" She doesn't explain that.

Still, new parts and paint and tools to boot. "If you'd like, I can help out. Might be useful to know how these things are put together in case you need to take one apart in a hurry." You know. Explosively.

She takes a moment to hit an access panel with her palm to open it up and check on something. Slowly reaching an arm in in a manner that probably isn't the correct procedure and feels around. "I asked to stick around with-" she scowls, "I've forgotten his name. I'd appreciate it though. I think they need the help here. I don't think that attack was the last one and grunts and mercs make the best kind of ablative defense right?" Then there's a pause. "I mean we're good for it."

<Pose Tracker> Zan has posed.

The giant robot gives a smile. "I am sure his name may come up. In the mean time, let us see if we can get your unit into fighting shape."

He goes quiet as he focuses on the work, particularly the pilebunker as another set of arms unfold from his shoulders and start to work to carefully unbolt and unscrew armor to begin handing off to be fixed or replaced.