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(Created page with "*'''Log: 2022-10-31: Mineva - Heartache's End''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Leina Ashta, Character :: Banagher Links, Character :: Mineva Lao Zabi, Character :: E...")
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Latest revision as of 10:59, 1 November 2022

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

A long belated celebration for the DecultureFes is now underway at Jindai for their victory during the Millympic games. Naturally the contestants in every school were invited to take part in celebrating with the Jindai students in a show of no hard feelings.

In fact, someone on the safety committee very strongly advocated for this. She gave a whole presentation on it in fact, why money should be set aside in the budget. It had very succinct, well reasoned arguments on Neo-Powerpoint slides.

That certain someone is right now winding her way around the celebration on the fringes in a wheelchair that's maneuvering quite deftly around the clusters of students.

Right up until that moment when it rolls up to a girl with lavender hair. Leina Ashta is wearing a red blazer and a tie, with a pair of dark slacks. There's a sun barrette in her short curly brown hair.

There's a sunny smile on her expression that certainly seems genuine as she asks, "Emilia Eschonbach? Hello, I'm Leina Ashta. It's very nice to meet you. I have a message for you."

With that, she simply holds out a small folded slip of paper for her to read. On it, assuming she takes it-

'Classroom 1C. Your cousin is here to see you. I'm with B. If the secrecy concerns you you're welcome to bring a few classmates you trust with you.'

Leina's already rolling away before Emilia can comment on the message. Truly observant Ashford students may realize the wheelchair has some similarities to Nunnally's, like their classmate's wheelchair is a far more advanced version of this one which appears to be an earlier model.

The years old faded magical girl stickers and pink and white color scheme definitely don't come standard.

Assuming they follow the note, when they arrive at Classroom 1C, the doorway inside is blocked by Leina, who simply backs up, and gestures for them to head inside with a coy little smile.

Inside... there's the distinct aroma of Mint? Chocolate? Strawberries? Buttercream?

What is going on in here?

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

"Oh man, I didn't know food could be this good..."

Dressed in a hoodie as mint-green as the slice of cake before him, Banagher luxuriates in the taste, then immediately offers a bite to the young lady sitting next to him. "Audrey, you have to try a bit of this one. I've never had anything like it, you're gonna love it!"

If only every part of being in hiding had cake. It's a welcome change from the simple fare of Sweetwater -- and Banagher is already thinking of how to bring some cake back with them. Shelby and Ms. Mesua deserve to try something this great, too. Cake-testing time doesn't last long, however, with Leina quickly returning.

Emilia looks just as pretty as he remembers. Banagher stands as she and Leina enter. "It's good to see you, Emmy." Keeping his greeting short, the young man makes his way to Leina, leaning down to kiss her softly on the lips. This was Audrey and Emilia's moment, after all. It's enough just to be present -- and to have a few stolen moments with Leina.

"I've missed you." He murmurs, trying not to distract the two cousins meeting. "Thank you so much for arranging this. I know it can't have been easy."

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

Mineva's got a slice of her own cake, sitting across from Banagher. She's treasuring the taste--actual strawberries! She'd had plenty of cakes in the past, but real produce is scarce in the colonies. To someone who last sat in the lap of luxury when she was six, this is the height of decadence.

"Only if you try mine. It'll blow you away, I promise," she smiles, holding up a forkful for him, hand held underneath to catch the crumbs, even as she leans forward to take Banagher's offered bite.


"Oh, that's *amazing*," she says around a mouthful of mint-chocolate cake, nodding vigorously. She's mid-mouthful as the door opens, swallowing quickly and standing almost in unison with Banagher. Her heart's racing a bit, anxious thoughts rushing through her mind, hands clasped before her. What do I say? What do I do? Someone scared like this...

A smile is paid Emmy's way. "Hello. Emilia, right? I'm Mineva!" Her tone is warm and bright, betraying little of her nervousness. She dips down in deferent bow, and once she's standing straight again...

She opens her arms to offer a hug. "It's such a pleasure to finally meet you."

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Emilia has been looking a little sturdier in the past week or so. She's made it to the celebration, both as a student and as treasurer. She's still a little quiet- there's a lot of people- until a young woman rolls up to her with a note.

        "O-oh, um, th-thank you." She takes the note, opens it and her eyes go wide and her heart races. She lowers the note to stare at Leina in disbelief. She's already leaving. She reaches for her phone hurriedly, fumbling to send a message.

        To: Kallen, Milly
        >>Cxan you meet mme at Class 1C? U need someine with me. Urgent.

        She's waiting at the end of the hallway, trembling. Hope and fear clash in equal measure, and her hand is clinging tight to a locket around her neck. She didn't expect this. How can this be really happening. She knows Milly and Kallen will be here. She knows it. But she's not ready to enter without at least one of them, preferably both. When they do get here though, she grabs Milly's hand for support- and looks imploringly to Kallen. Hope like this is terrifying, when she's used to getting it dashed.

        She's as wordless as Leina when she enters the room- and stops maybe a few steps in frozen. It's Banagher and that's. The woman from the photo. This is... really happening? Right now the poor girl is shocked and stunned, trying simply to process what's going on.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

Sometimes a secret is well-kept. Easy to hide from the world. Sometimes, one shares a secret with only a few close confidants. Other times, your secret is shot through by somebody staring at an innocuous old photograph that just happens to have the wrong extra person present. And sometimes you have the world's worst kept secret, by using your Neo-French mother's maiden name as your secret identity. Whatever the case may be. Ashford is a school filled with secrets of all kinds. Many relating to family.

This being the case, Kallen has kept airtight about the secret she was never told. And naturally, when one of the people she's closest to in the world, comes looking for help. For someone she can trust, to help her? Kallen is there in record time. Honestly it's a little frightening just how fast she makes it to 1-C.

When frightened but hopeful eyes turn in her direction, she takes hold of the hand that hadn't been offered. The hand not occupied by a chaotic blonde. And gently nudges Emmy forward. "You can do this." There's a strength and kindness both in her eyes, and a certainty that everything is going to be okay.

And clearly, just grabbing her hand and squeezing it gently won't cause any problems whatsoever. Surely there isn't any way that could make something complicated.

<Pose Tracker> Milly Ashford has posed.

Milly is happy to be here celebrating the results of DecuFes; she worked hard on those events, and seeing people enjoying them this much is a true and genuine delight. She wouldn't miss this for nearly anything -- but what 'this' is can vary a fair bit.

When she receives a VERTEX message, she pops open her phone quickly and takes a look; sometimes these are coordination-related, after all. What she sees isn't a logistics message, though.

She heads to 1C without even so much as a follow-up question; she spots Kallen a little bit before she spots Emmy, forming up with her in short order and moving to grab Emilia's hand. (She's no Newtype, but she's got a solid head on her shoulders and good pattern recognition.)

When Kallen gives Emilia a nudge, Milly lets go of Emilia's hand again; she knows when she's in the way of a hug offer. "I don't think there's anything I can say here that'd be as good for you as that hug," she notes, with one of her usual playful smiles.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Leina's all smiles as she sees Banagher and Audrey enjoying the cakes she baked. It was truly done a bit on a whim, when they both mentioned they hadn't had cake in some time. "Glad you're both fans. I'll definitely have to do this again sometime."

Suddenly she had to make it happen.

Neither will ever find out the logistics of making it happen without being able to bend too much. While ordinarily she eschews it ... standing mixers were godsends in this case.

Leina accepts the kiss from Banagher with good cheer.

"Missed you more. And it wasn't actually that difficult." Leina lets this almost sly smile creep onto her face, "Compared to your prior plan, it was a real 'cakewalk' setting this up."

Leina just winks, knowing fully well it was a bad pun and just owning it.

"Honestly the hardest part of this was being sure Vist's surveillance team was occupado."


A tow truck rolls up in front of a conspicuously parked panel van. A blond man gets out, rolling his neck as he starts setting up to hook the van.

Two men get out of the van in a BIG hurry, voices raise, hollering invective.

This lasts until each is abruptly knocked unconscious by means of pistol whip to the base of the neck. The blond grins at his accomplice, a serious-faced young boy with brown hair and a scar on his cheek, who is already tucking his gun back into his waistband.

Soon, with bodies nowhere in sight, the truck tows the van away, destination unknown.


"Unfortunately for them, Jindai's students are sticklers on parking enforcement." Leina adds, quite mysteriously.

Mostly however, she finds herself watching Mineva reveal herself to Emilia, greeting her warmly, and Emilia's response in kind. She can feel how locked up she is. Poor girl. This must be what Britannian life did to her, part of her cringes to think about how she's been treated her whole life.

However, she's relieved to find that not only did she bring friends, but that they're nudging her forward.

In this moment all she does is smile and watch what happens next.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        The nudge doesn't even seem to startle her as she's pushed forward, and Milly lets go of her hand. She steps forward cautiously, once, twice-

        And then throws herself into that hug, wrapping her arms tightly around Mineva. She's crying, quietly but with a smile on her face.

        She's actually real. This is real.

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

"This might be even better!" Banagher says, grinning around a mouthful of Audrey's cake. "Fresh strawberries... I can't remember the last time I had any."

At the appearance of two more people -- students? Banagher moves just a bit closer to Leina. "Is this okay? Who are these two?" He keeps his voice low, but his wariness is clear from the look on his face. After their experiences in Sweetwater, the young man is suspicious of anyone trying to get too close to Audrey. These people seem to be Emilia's friends, at least, but that doesn't put them above suspicion. If Full Frontal would go as far as to try and hijack his Haro, anyone could be compromised.

Leina's terrible pun manages to get a little snort-laugh from Bangaher, lightening his mood a bit. If Leina felt comfortable enough around these two to joke around, it must be okay. "Of course Vist would be following you. But you took care of it?" Banagher blinks at Leina's explanation. "The students care that much about parking..?"

Maybe he'll find out someday.

Relaxing a bit more, Banagher kneels next to Leina's wheelchair, keeping himself on eye level with her. "So what's the plan after this? Are we getting Emilia out of this nightmare country?" Watching Emmy break down goes right to Banagher's heart, and he breathes out slowly to keep himself under control. The echoes of her emotions are so strong... What must it feel like, to be alone for so long, and then find someone who loves and wants you?

Unable to help himself, Banagher thinks of his half-brother. Would he have this experience with the much older man..? Shaking his head, he refocuses on the events before him.

"I have a bad feeling, Leina. I think -- Emmy shouldn't stay here. It's her choice, but if we can get her away, I think we should." Turning his gaze to his girlfriend, Banagher gives her a soft smile. "What do you think? You know more about this than I do."

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

Mineva hugs Emilia tight against her, stroking the girl's back. "It's okay," she says quietly, "Cry as much as you need to."

She closes her eyes. "Banagher says you've wanted to meet me for a long time."

She doesn't know what to say. This girl's suffering from the legacy they share. She can feel how much she's been repressed, how much fear's been drilled into her...

She pulls back just enough to look Emmy "And I'm sorry... for everything you must have gone through. I want you to know if there's anything I can do to help, I'll do whatever I can."

<Pose Tracker> Milly Ashford has posed.

Milly just stands back and watches, for now. (Admittedly, part of her wants to creep up and snag some cake, but -- emotional moment first.)

She gradually makes her way from her entry point over toward Banagher, catching him talking about this nightmare country. So that's how people outside see Britannia, huh... looking at Emilia, she gets it, but... it still kind of stings. Most of the people Milly's ever known have been Britannians of varying stripes, after all.

Giving him a little nudge with her elbow, she murmurs, "Read the room. Let them have this before talking about the next step," she says. "Besides -- it's definitely more complicated than that. Her running might be just what her grandfather wants."

... she's operating on more data than anyone else is on that particular point, though.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

It's easy to hang back a little. Once Emmy is wrapped up in a hug, she can step back. Enough to be mostly out of the way, while still close enough to be a firm support. Her eyes cast over to the other people here in the meantime. She's not near enough to overhear their conversation. Only to watch. Hmm... a wheelchair a bit like Nunna's. Interesting.

She'd like to comment on Banagher's wariness, but... Is she really one to talk? Given her own activities and secrecy, it's not like she's never been the same way. Besides, she can't exactly reveal anything she knows right now. She doesn't know how much either of them know! So... she'll break the ice a bit differently. "Sorry for disturbing your dessert, really. I do hope you've been enjoying it?" That the three of them were in fact having cake just now, is at least obvious enough, and safe to comment on. It's... pretty obvious that she's just a bit awkward with new people. It's written plain on her face.

And then Milly speaks up! Is THAT what they were whispering about? ...She can't really argue with certain parts of those thoughts. Kallen is... very well aware of how awful many, many Britannians are, with only recently her finding friends who buck those trends. And the general society that's been built up. But... indeed, there's much more complicating the whole thing. So, she eases closer, to keep track of the conversation from here. "Maybe... introductions though? Start off on a better foot before we get into... difficult topics." Though perhaps those should wait until Emmy and Mineva are finished hugging it out. And have dried eyes.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"Emilia's friends." Leina answers Banagher quietly, "She doesn't know who I am, so I figured that offering for her to bring people she trusts would make her more comfortable with taking our invitation." Before, beat, "Oh yes. They take it quite seriously." Leina gives Banagher a far too serious look, "Never double park the Unicorn here."

Banagher asks her the plan, and for a time Leina doesn't answer him, watching as Emilia hugs Mineva and bursts out crying. There's this slow blink of her seagreen eyes. There's so much implied by it, even with this cathartic relief in the moment - of how much she was bottling up.

She doesn't say anything for a while...

... she can't take her eyes off of it, as a thin smile graces her features as Mineva apologizes for what she's gone through, and tries to offer whatever help she can.

Milly tells Banagher to read the room, and Leina looks her way, before returning her attention back onto them, "Sometimes things aren't so simple." She adds quietly, and a touch sorrowfully, to Banagher. Before nodding in agreement with Milly and Kallen, "Let's give them time, they deserve that much." Before smiling to Kallen and telling her in a hushed tone, "I made plenty." Of dessert that is, "If you'd like some yourself."

Before her eyes slip up to Milly and she tells her quietly, trying her hardest not to interrupt the pair. "My apologizes for coopting an official GUTS activity Miss Ashford, but I thought you might agree that it was for a good cause."

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Milly's approach is met with a careful stare. Who is this? She looks a little familiar... Banagher thinks it over, but can't quite place her. "Sorry." He murmurs, voice low. "I don't know much about what's going on. I only know she's hurting." Leina's opinion clearly carries weight with him, as he nods once she finishes speaking. "Of course."

Seemingly recovering his manners at Milly's nudge, Banagher stands, looking at both Milly and Kallen. "It's alright. I'm glad to meet friends of Emmy's." A little smile, and Banagher offers his hand to Milly first, then Kallen. "My name is Bangagher Links. Audrey -- um, Mineva -- is our girlfriend." A gentle hand on Leina's shoulder, to include her in the statement. "Would you two like some cake? It's really, really good. Real strawberries, even!" This probably won't be as big a deal to non-spacenoids.

Regardless of the answer, Banagher will begin setting out plates for everyone. Leina's planning will surely have accounted for enough chairs for everyone to sit together around the little table. Places for Audrey and Emilia are set just as well, for whenever they're ready for them.

Ashford? Banagher pauses mid-cake cutting. An ancient-feeling memory resurfaces -- looking over a list of future events with his friends, back at Anaheim Electric. At the time, he'd wanted nothing to do with any of them, but now... If he could go back, he would've gone to every last one. His smile turns a little sad for a moment, eyes carefully focused on slicing the cakes into even pieces.

"Like Leina says, we have plenty. Please, join us if you'd like."

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Later, Emilia will remember to thank Sousuke for his part in ensuring this meeting happened. But right now she has this. The hug lasts at least a full minute on Emilia's part, but when she finally pulls apart, the tears have stopped and she's got the biggest smile on her face any of them have ever seen. "I-I-It's... so n-nice to meet y-y-you." She's still trembling a little but, this is a lot.

        Kallen's suggestion for introductions is a good one and Emmy... could use a chance to sit down. Kallen and Milly deserve an explanation too. "C-can we... sit?"

        Emmy's not going to rush to the cake, or anything else right now (but she won't say no), instead, while she's still building to having words again she reaches for her locket- and removes it. "Th-there's... something I sh-should show you." She looks apologetic to her closest friends, and Mineva should see it too. And this other girl, who helped them.

        "Th-th-this... was m-my mom's." She opens the locket and puts it on the table. Inside are two pictures, the first is of what looks like a very young Emilia with a blonde woman that shares her brilliant green eyes. The second is that same woman with a young man in a Zeon military uniform, with the same purple hair Emilia has. For those with the history, it's undeniable who these people are: Garma Zabi and Icelina Eschonbach. The locket is engraved with the words 'My Most Beloved'.

        Emilia does get caught off guard, though, by Banagher saying that Mineva is their girlfriend. She looks between the three, just momentarily, then looks briefly at Milly and Kallen, before looking down, a little flushed.

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

The hug lasts as long as Emmy wants it to; as they finally part, Emmy's smile warms Mineva's heart, and she beams back in reply, nodding to the suggestion. "Yeah, let's sit. Would you like some cake?" she asks as she takes her seat again.

Mienva picks up the locket carefully, cradling it in her palm as she examines the pictures closely. "Garma Zabi, and..." She pauses briefly, trying to remember. "Icelina Eschonbach...?" She looks at Emmy. "These are your parents?"

There's a melancholy smile on her face as she regards the photos. Another reason to hate the man who raised her. Char Aznable killed Garma long before she could have met him... before he could have known he had a daughter.

Tears well up in her eyes, and she bites her lip, trying not to cry, telling herself she has to be the strong one here...

Then she breaks, as a sob bursts out of her, eyes squeezed shut.

<Pose Tracker> Milly Ashford has posed.

"Good idea," Milly agrees with Kallen, on the idea of starting at introductions and not... well, worse things. When Leina offers her an apology, though, she just laughs it off. "It's actually better to do these kinds of things at events. When the premise is a little shaky, it's easier to do it this way. You have a lot less time alone and something to ease the pressure for this moment to be perfect."

The offer of cake gets a big grin. "I'd love some cake, actually." She scoots over, snagging a piece -- and then registering what Banagher said as the upshot of this cake. "... Wait, do you not --" ... wow, how the other half lives. There's a lot about this conversation that's kind of leaving her flummoxed in small, subtle ways.

... it's good cake though so she can't be that upset.

Emilia moves to show Mineva the locket, and Milly... well, she kind of knows what's coming. She's been making maneuvers with Zinnerman about it the whole time, after all.

... still -- it's a lot to See It, right there -- and to see Mineva reckon with the legacy of her family, too.

... Milly's not going to offer side comments. She lets Mineva have the emotional moment -- she's here for Emilia if she's needed, and she doesn't need to be more than that.

(Besides, her mouth is full of cake.)

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

Kallen listens to Leina and Banagher speak for a moment... They both seem perfectly kind in their own ways. Different perhaps, from people she's used to. But that's also a bit refreshing. And... well, she can't fault someone for seeing a person in pain, and wanting to help. Banagher offers a hand out to them, and she's happy to take it. "Kallen Stadtfeld." Certain words aren't lost on her. And she falls silent for a moment. At one point in the silence, her eyes meet with Emmy's. Before Emilia looks away herself.

She's not used to hearing about these sorts of things. But the world certainly is full of so many wonderful kinds of love.

She takes a seat herself, and a slice of cake when offered. As it stands, she's experienced both sides of the coin. Both a life of luxury, and one of saving and sacrificing. So hearing someone talk so excitedly about something like fresh, delicious fruit toppings, is a familiar feeling.

The locket... and words being given form. Secrets taking shape. She's... not really able to fake a surprise there. Thankfully, while she's eating, she won't have to.

Yet, hearing the sorrow on Mineva's voice. And her eventual tears. It strikes her with the force of a cannon. And she silently motions at Banagher and Leina. That... maybe they ought to support her. A hand on her shoulder, or... something. Anything to show she has people at her side. She knows that's what she'd do for Emmy, in the same situation.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"Oh I whole-heartedly agree. It's more just an apology for having an ulterior motive to manipulating the budgetary committee a little so... that all of you would be here."

Leina winks at her, "I figured it wouldn't be a huge deal though. All the reasons for you being here were good, even without this consideration."

She does eye her though, with a thin smile, "Fresh strawberries are only really available to the Upper Class up on the Colonies."

Leina isn't precisely sharing to the room that she got most of her intelligence on this situation from Captain Zinnerman. It's a complicated enough scenario already without bringing surveillance by the Sleeves. She understands that Emilia's situation is, awful, and she doesn't even know the half of it.

There's a sidelong glance at Kallen and Milly as Banagher introduces both of them as Mineva's significant other as she gives this close eyed smile towards Kallen. "Leina Ashta." As she offers a hand as well to shake.

However, Kallen might notice she doesn't lean out far...

The wheelchair slowly creeps up as Emilia shares the locket, and Leina's eyes fall upon Garma. A victim of Char's quest for revenge. With one phone call she could get the account of someone who was actually there... many someones in fact. However, this isn't about history. It's about one girl's pain, a father she never knew.

And Icelina... Leina can only imagine how much she suffered, being someone in Britannian society who bore an illegitimate daughter, by a Spacenoid Prince.

When Mineva breaks down crying part of her wants to move to comfort her herself- indeed Kallen motions for them to do as much but instead Leina puts a hand on Banagher's arm and shakes her head at them both. There's a look in those seagreen eyes as if telling to them to let this play out.

As she mouths simply, 'It's a family matter.'

Her head cants towards Emilia, surreptitiously... personally feeling if the two are going to bond as family, then it's up to them to let them feel each other out, to bond and in this moment...

... to grieve together.

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Banagher's seen the inside of Emilia's locket before, and so keeps his focus on slicing cake for everyone. He missed Emmy's surprise at Leina, Audrey, and Banagher's relationship -- though he probably wouldn't have thought much of it. Things are different for Newtypes, after all.

Milly doesn't introduce herself. Leina's greeting was enough for him to remember her, but it's still something he quietly notices. Banagher gives her a somewhat long stare as she takes her piece of cake. Hmm.

"Nice to meet you, Kallen." Banagher gives the other young lady a smile, before he sits at Leina's side with another piece of mint-chocolate cake. Despite the allure of real, fresh strawberries, it seems the cool taste wins.

"Audrey!" Banagher calls, as the young woman bursts into tears. Even without Kallen's encouragement, the young man takes action. Instantly, he's getting to his feet -- but Leina's hand stops him. Sitting back down, he watches Audrey and Emilia carefully. Please, comfort her Emmy. If the purple-haired young lady takes too long, he won't be able to stay back. Picking up his fork, he just holds it tight in one hand, watching the two cousins.

Not immediately helping Audrey is clearly a significant act of willpower. Assuming Emilia does move to comfort Audrey, Banagher will breath out in relief, and turn his gaze to the cake. Audrey's distress echoes through their bond, and he's sure his own worry radiates right back. But Leina's right. This is a family matter.

"S--so, um." He's still clutching that fork. Audrey and Emilia deserve privacy to work things out. Conversations have never been his strong suit, but Banagher's going to try. "Do you guys, uh. Get a lot of fruits, here on Earth?"


<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        "Th-th-this is Milly. She's..." Emmy pauses for a second. She's not sure where things stand right now. "...She's, um. She's v-very important t-t-to me. I c-c-couldn't have met any of you if n-n-not for her." Emilia nods as Mineva asks her question. "I.... I g-got th-that locket on m-m-my. F-fifteenth birthday." She doesn't mention it was the first birthday present she remembers seeing. "J-J-June 24th. I t-turned 16 th-this year." The timeline adds up. "When I was little, mom s-said... sh-she only ever l-loved my f-father."

         Wordlessly, Emmy reaches out to take Mineva's hands with her own. she just holds them for a moment- she can't easily hug her over the table. Her green eyes look into Mineva's, worried... It was a lot for her. To find out she still had family. So she'll support her back.

        "B-B-Before then...I d-d-didn't have. Any family l-left. N-Now I d-do." She squeezes gently. "A-a-and so d-do you."

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

Mineva opens her eyes again at the sensation of contact, looking at Emmy. She sniffles and gives a couple of quiet sobs, even as her smile grows again from the girl's words. She nods a little, hand closing over the locket as the other rests on Emmy's.

"Thank you," she says quietly, her voice choked a little, giving a squeeze in return. "That's... this means so much to me. Knowing I'm not alone. All I could think about before was what it must have been like for you... I guess..." She shakes her head. "I wasn't thinking about me. It hit me all at once."

She turns to the others, "Thank you all so much... for making this possible. You have no idea how much this means. Um, like I said before, I'm Mineva, but... you can call me Audrey. Audrey Burne. And it's lovely to meet you all, too."

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

A silent nod of understanding comes from the redhead, toward Leina. She hadn't thought about it in that way. That family should be the ones to support one another here. ...It makes sense in hindsight. What would she want most, if she was meeting Naoto for the first time in their lives right now? So, they'll have their time. To face that pain together.

She offers Banagher a slightly awkward laugh, when he attempts making small-talk. "Fruits are a bit more common here. Though... Not necessarily for everyone. Depending on where you live." She takes mental note of Leina's injuries. She can accommodate for those, no problem. Keep her from having to try and move too much. "If you don't mind my asking, which schools are you two enrolled in? We'll have more festivals when the next season for it rolls around after all."

She's trying to keep topics light for now. Offer things for them to look forward to in the future. And then Min... Audrey, sorry, turns to address them all. "It's wonderful meeting you as well. I'm so glad you two were able to connect."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Leina blinks at Banagher's choice on what to talk about in lieu of not being able to comfort Mineva. There's just this small smile and a shake of her head, as she mouths, 'Dummy' affectionately, nodding at Kallen's answer. Fruit may be more common here but...

There's a glance Banagher's way as Kallen asks about their schools as if trying to assess what he's going to say before Leina answers- "The Academia de Montserrat." She tells Kallen quietly, "In Barcelona, AEU Spain. It only has a loose affiliation with GUTs in part because um-"

Leina gives her a sheepish look, "-the majority of the students only speak Spanish or Catalan fluently."

When Emilia reaches out to take Mineva's hands, it's such a sweet moment, born from such sadness the two have both had to endure, the loneliness of not having family to share their pain.

However, in that moment as Emilia tells her that she didn't have any family left, Banagher at least - and perhaps Mineva too if she can pay attention to anything other than Emilia right now - will feel Leina's walls rise higher.

Her posture is just still. Her eyes flick down to her lap...

... as she ruminates over how her Brother and Roux were forced to take one more family member away from them both.

Mineva turns to thank them, and that at least, she can smile at. "You won't be alone ever again, Audrey. Not if we have anything to say about it." Before she then looks Emilia's way, and tells her, "Given that you're going to be a part of Audrey's life from now on - I know that Banagher and I would like to get to know you and be a part of yours."

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Emmy comforts Audrey, and Banagher relaxes, finally. Taking a bite of his cake, he's able to turn his attention to the conversation properly.

"I'm glad for you guys." He offers to Kallen, with another bite of cake. "This is really great." Banagher looks surprised, and then sad, when Kallen asks about his school. All the same, he answers in a soft voice. "I was going to Anaheim Electric. I haven't enrolled in anywhere since --" A second passes as Banagher tries to find the right word. "...then."

Audrey and Emmy both thank them, and Banagher's smile returns, brighter than before. "Of course. We'll do everything we can, for both of you. Anything you need." There's a weight to his words, as though he were making a vow. "This won't be the only time you see each other."

After a moment of worry, an adoring smile is sent Leina's way, and he nods in agreement. There will be time to ask her what's wrong once this conversation is over. "Yes. Exactly as Leina says." In his heart, Banagher wants to immediately offer to be a part of Emilia's family. But Leina has impressed on him the need for patience. "We'd love to spend all the time we can with you!"
Emilia Eschonbach teleports in.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        There's a pang of sadness from Emilia, as Mineva calls herself Audrey. So even she can't be openly who she is. It makes sense...But a part of her hoped for the dream of using her father's name and running away- but in the same vein she would never dream of running away away now. She has a place to stay.

        Unfortunately, Emmy is in the half of the room who aren't newtypes. She can't feel that unspoken conversation. Instead she focuses on the one she can hear. "I'd l-like that..." She pauses for a second. "Um, A-Audrey..." Her cousin, Audrey. It's like a balloon in her heart, lifting her up. "W-would it b-be o-okay if, um... If y-you could m-meet s-some of my f-friends, too?" She looks to Kallen, checking if it'd be okay- perhaps assuming Milly's response.

        A part of her desperately wants to float the idea of a slumber party- one of the events that made her feel so much less alone, and so much happier. Maybe she can share that with Audrey- but she doesn't want to violate the rules of the secret base. "I-It m-might be t-tricky... but I w-w-want to know s-so much about you!" Emilia is excited, thrumming with excitement.

        After all, Emilia's last lingering dream had just come true.

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

Mineva's mind turns briefly toward Leina--simply a mental glance, signalling concern as she keeps her attention otherwise on Emmy. She clasps her hands firmly over the girl's, opening the inner to hand the locket back.

As Emilia makes her offer, Mineva's spirit lifts as well, like she's grabbing onto that balloon and riding along, and she gives a vigorous nod. "I'd love to!!" comes her excited reply, smiling over at Kallen and Emmy before looking back.

"It will be tricky," she agrees, "We're supposed to head back offworld tomorrow, but I think we'll be planetside again in a couple of weeks, and I'd love to spend more time with you when we can get back over here."

Suddenly wishing she had three hands, Minnie takes her hand off Emmy's to pull her phone out of her pocket. "Maybe we could exchange numbers, so we can talk in the meantime?"

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Leina squeezes Banagher's hand when he talks about his college.

Leina gives Mineva an apologetic look, but doesn't really explain further what's going on at least in the moment, and perhaps it's easy to understand why.

"For now at least, let's definitely all trade contact information. Our phones are heavily encrypted - so it's usually quite safe to contact us."

Leina gives Emilia a searching look. Banagher in a sense already offered to do whatever they need, but she wants to make it a little more clear that their help is something that she doesn't need to hesitate to call upon.

"And Emilia... if you ever need help, and it's something you and your friends can't pull off on their own - be sure to let us know. And we'll do whatever we can."

Leina thinks for a time, then looks to the others in the room... "We may need to start thinking of smaller scale GUTS activities we can use as cover for us to get together."

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Emilia's joy is contagious -- first spreading to Audrey, then Banagher himself. It's easy to let the ghosts of his sorrow go, feeling such love and happiness radiate from the two family members. It had been worth it, all they'd been through to reunite these two... Just this moment of shared joy was enough. He can't help but grin into another bite of cake.

Contact info. Of course. Though he already has Emmy's number, he pulls out his own phone in a show of solidarity. "We could make a group chat, if you want." He offers, "For funny stuff, or just keeping each other updated. And Leina's right. No matter how big or small, Emilia -- we'll be there for you. We'll find a way, no matter what."

A grateful smile is sent Leina's way as he feels her squeeze his hand. It makes an idea spring to his mind -- one he doesn't entirely like. But one that should be shared, all the same. "Audrey," Banagher asks, softly, "Would you want to stay here, for a while? As long as it'd be safe. I can finish training on my own, then come and get you when it's finished." His heart twists in his chest at the thought of being parted again, but... Emmy and Audrey both deserve this time together.

"And, for GUTS stuff, would it help if Audrey and I enrolled somewhere? Or at least pretended to, faked the records or something?" This is directed toward Leina. "I don't think I have the time for school, but -- if it makes things easier..."

Deep down, Banagher knows it isn't just the burden of the search for Laplace's Box that keeps him away from school. He couldn't face that environment again, after what happened on Industrial Seven. It was too fresh in his mind.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Emilia takes her locket back when Mineva hands it to her, gripping it tightly. It's the last thing she has from her mother, after all. But Emmy nods at them having to go offworld. "I s-see... I c-c-can't risk l-l-leaving Earth r-right now. Grandfather w-would... use it as an e-excuse."

        When they talk about exchanging information, Emmy slips the e-carbon cord of her locket around her neck, before nodding and pulling out her phone- it's an inexpensive burner rather than anything good.

        "O-on VERTEX?" She asks. It's the service she's most familar with- but the comments on encryption make her pause. "L-Let me m-make sure my ph-ph-phone is safe, f-first, but I-I'd like to." There's a few other people she'd be inviting too. Mainly the ones in this room. The offers of help make her squeeze a little closer to her friends. "Th-thank you. I'll... I-I will." When Banagher mentions the school stuff though... that's really more Milly's department. Or maybe Zero's.

        "I-It's okay. We n-need to go back on the t-train today. A-and y-y-you don't want to t-try and get over th-the border r-right now." She hasn't let got of Mineva's other hand, but she needs to have the strength to do this. "B-but... will y-you promise me w-we'll see each o-other again, b-before Christmas?" It's a relatively small ask, but it feels huge to Emilia right now. Huge and intimidating. But she needs to ask it. "I-If you can... Then it'll b-b-be okay." She smiles to Milly. "I h-have an i-impenetrable fortress." Next she looks over to Kallen. "And m-maybe a, um..." She blushes red. "A kn-knight." She's just found out, in some way, she's a princess. Let her have this dorky little moment, as she immediately looks down, her long lavender hair failing to hide her face.

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

Mineva nods, "Yeah, VERTEX is perfect. It's what we've been using." She looks at Banagher with a brief smile, and then grabs a napkin and produces a pen from her pocket. Writing a number on it, she slides it over to her cousin. "I can't guarantee it'll be valid forever, but in case something happens before then, and you can't use that phone to get to Banagher... this is my number. Keep it safe, okay?"

As for enrolling... "Mmn. I don't know how well it'd work if we're not actually going... but let's worry about that when we get back." She gives Banagher a smile.

She pauses briefly, thinking. "As much as I'd love to stay... it's not just Banagher who's training. I've got work to do too... but I promise, we'll see each other again before Christmas. And I'll be back with a present for you, too!" She gives her cousin's hand a squeeze, smiling bright at the remark of a knight. She gives Kallen a smile at that.

She fights back the urge to cry again. She's not alone. She has friends, she has partners... and now she has family.

And she'll fight tooth and nail to make sure Emilia isn't alone, either.