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Revision as of 14:58, 26 August 2022

+------< Scene ID: 140 (Posted: Tue Aug 16 18:52:26 2022 UTC) (ET - 5) >-------+ | Title: Playing With Power | | Poster: Ouka Nagisa | | Date/Time: 2022 08 25, at 19:00 EDT | | Location Luna II | | Groups: G-Hound,Celestial Being | | RSVP: Seolla Schweizer, Lina Lombardi, Vitaly Sokolov, Kaworu Nagisa, | | Lockon Stratos, Regina Everhart, Nena Trinity, and Treize Khushrenada | +-------------------------------< Description: >-------------------------------+ | Rumblings through various Federation military channels have surfaced | | regarding The School and a public showing of their first release candidate | | for their GEIM System (pronounced 'game system'). Advertised as a | | revolutionary new Mind Machine Inteface allowing an unprecedented level of | | ease in controlling even the most complicated war machines. It's stated | | that even an Oldtype civilian with no training utilizing GEIM would be | | able to easily match an expert pilot utilizing traditional control | | schemes. Furthermore they are advertising it as producing such a drastic | | decrease in reaction and response times that Oldtype pilots should be able | | to roughly match or even exceed those of Newtype pilots | | | | To fully demonstrate the GEIM System's capabilities, particularly in combat | | environments that require complete 3-axis movement and combat, a training | | ground was reserved on the periphery of G-Hound's Luna II base. The | | intention is to have the pilot demonstrate the system's capabilities in | | front of military leaders, financiers, and industry insiders attempting to | | promote GEIM as the next solution for a universal piloting platform. | | | | ... naturally, given the implications, there are likely individuals who | | wish to see the GEIM release candidate destroyed, change hands, or even | | just fail to meet the hype generated so as to prevent a new escalation in | | weapons technology. Especially one to be released by a group with such | | questionable ethics as The School. | | | | OOC: Primarily G-Hound vs CSB, but also open to other faction members | | particularly Fed and ZAFT/ZAFT Allies who might want to defend/defeat the | | presentation! I'm planning to use this event to introduce Ouka's shiny | | new (torture box) machine, so I'll be willing to boss for people as well!! | | Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. | +-------------------------< SRTMOO +scene scheduler >--------------------------+

+------------------------------< Luna II [GHN] >-------------------------------+ | Formerly a mining asteroid, Luna II is now a forward operating base | | for G-Hound. As one of the most defensible Federation asteroid bases, and | | one of the few with no single sponsor nation, Luna II was a natural choice | | to hand over to G-Hound once the task force got its legs underneath it. | | Luna II has one of L3's stable orbits all to itself, and the other | | stable orbit nearby holds virtually no colonies. Accordingly, G-Hound is | | able to operate here with essentially zero oversight. | | The terrain is Space | | | +------------------------------< Luna II [GHN] >-------------------------------+

<Pose Tracker> Ouka Nagisa has posed.

25 - 08 - 0096 Luna 2

Once a mining asteroid, Luna II's hollowed out husk became repurposed as a forward space installation for the Federation's military forces. Such a storied history doesn't lend oneself to much in the way of opulance. Still, given the recent invitations being sent out far and wide to various military and industry leaders regarding a demonstration of The School's newest piece of military tech... well some of that Romefeller money has been lent towards ensuring their comfort. A hangar has been converted over to an exhibition hall, with G-Hound, School, and Federation banners hung from various hoists and cranes. Gravity generators have been tweaked to ensure as-close-to-Earth Gravity as possible while various round tables have been brought in to seat the distinguished guests.

Not so say everyone who has come is distinguished... however. The School has a checkered history at best, and it would not do for CEOs with carefully manicured public personas to end up rubbing elbows with the likes of Adler Koch or Cuervo Cero. As such many of the tables are filled by those with more aspirations than clout. Still there are not that many no shows - after all, even reputable companies like to keep their fingers on the pulse of what is going on in various military R&D labs even if they are loathe to get those fingers dirty.

At the back of the hangar sits a temporary dais, constucted to hold a podium and to be backed by a large monitor. At the moment and for much of the night it has remained vacant... after all there are last minute preparations going on.

... In the Other Hangar...

With one hangar temporarily repurposed to an exhibition hall, the other hangars are serving as overflow for the various machines undergoing normal repair cycles. The mechanics no doubt grumble about having to make room for a bunch of fancily dressed dignataries, but they keep to task regardless. This hangar is different though. While holding a fair number of machines within the various hoists, repair and holding bays, and launch pads... there are not many indvidiuals working here. Instead Dr. Koch and Dr. Cero stand before a strange machine - albeit one that may look familiar to someone who attened Ouka's recent sojourn into the digital realm.

The machine, christened the NK-13S Schwarzritter, definitely uses a Gundam's frame... but with some odd design language to it. Lacking any visible weapons (save perhaps the ubiquitous Gundam vulcan guns placed above the machine's visor covered eyes) the machine does have a pair of large, bladed wings attached to its back. Likely a useful weapon... albeit ones placed at an awkward angle to use in combat. Fittingly the entire machine is painted in black, though the utility of being painted black for fighting in space is spoiled by the golden trim it sports. Perhaps much like its pilot... it was designed to look intimidating and impressive first, with practicality placed second.

Speaking of the pilot, Ouka Nagisa is going over some last minute health checks with Dr. Cero. Dr. Koch stands there, arms held behind his back, impatiently tapping his foot as he gives the younger man a scowl. For his part Dr. Cero realizes there's not much he can do to prevent this. Indeed, based on the darkening expression of Dr. Koch it's likely he is pushing past the boundary of what is an acceptable delay and what isn't. Finally the older doctor clears his throat, "Is there a problem, or is there not? We can't keep our guests waiting ... and we always have a backup if need be..."

Despite the light being shined into her eyes, Ouka's pupils dialate suddenly. A sign of a conditioned response to her feeling threatened. Those same eyes dart towards Dr. Koch, "I'm fine. I am ready to conduct the test." She then turns her gaze back toward Dr. Cero. Pleading, this time.

Time's up... and Cuervo Cero sighs before putting away his medical kit. "She's showing nominal synchronization with the GEIM system's signal and no evidence of degeneration. She should be fine as long as we keep her on the demo cartridge and under the time limit."

"Yes yes, good." Dr. Koch says without really listening, "Get her and the drones launched and I'll get the crowd ready."

... A Few Minutes Later, In The Exhibition Hall...

Dr. Koch stands before the podium upon the dais. He begins by introducing tantalizing tidbits of data intermixed with marketing speak for the new product, the 'GEIM System', that they plan to show here today. Of course a lot of the promises are perhaps a bit too outlandish. A control schema that can be used, with or without augmentations, even by an oldtype civilian with no training? That seems absurd... much akin to the 'So Easy A Caveman Can Do It' promises trotted out by insurance companies long in the past.

"What we present here today is the end result of years of hard work, dedication, imagination and... well, sacrifice." He taps the iron plate upon his temple, an action which brings only scant scattered laughter in the hall. "And I imagine for many of you it may seem impossible, a fantasy. Not so. We have it here with us today, the first release candidate of the GEIM System, piloted by an unaugmented oldtype. Behold, the School's game changing piloting system: GEIM!"

With that declaration the screen switches to that of a remote camera, observing the Schwarzritter sitting stationary in space. Cued by the activation of the camera, the mobile unit powers up, a pair of purple optics lighting up from behind the dark visor. Simultaneously, in the distance, what appears at first to be some starts in the background instead translate into multiple flitting objects on approach. AI drones - two dozen or so, all on an intercept course with the experimental mobile suit.

Once within range the AI drones begin firing beams in synchronized patterns, attempting to harass and cut off avenues of escape for the Schwarzritter. Unlike most mobile suits, it moves with a surprisingly fluid motion suggesting either a kinetic or cybernetic interface. The machine dodges the first few shots, seeming at first to be struggling merely to avoid getting hit... but then suddenly it lunges forward in a blast of blue thruster fire, becoming nearly a blur as it passes through several of the AI drones and breaks them upon its bladed wings.

While the AI drones are far from intimidating on their own, as a cluster they have a level of sychronization and adaptability far beyond what most human pilots can muster. They attempt to surround and overwhelm the mobile unit, firing from its flank and attempting to get into its blind spot. However the hype surrounding the GEIM does seem at least a bit warranted... as the machine manages to outmaneuver and counter ever attack. Even the few shots that do hit do no more than glance off one of the bladed wings, doing little more than cosmetic damage in the process.

Then in a flash the Schwarzritter draws a pair of black wings and begins what can be best described as a sort of swirling dance. Overcoming what was supposed to be an overwhelming assault and, moving at speeds which frankly should render a human pilot insensate from G forces alone, begins dispatching the drones one by one with speed and finesse.

By the end the Demonstration Hall is quiet save for some murmuring. Is this real? It must be fake right? Perhaps some cyborg pilot or Newtype masquerading. Even the Boosted Child trials did not yield results of this calibre. Adler Koch, feeling very much in his element, turns to the crowd with a triumphant smile, "Oh, it's very much real my friends, I assure you. Momentarily you will have a chance to meet the pilot in the flesh and speak to her yourself. And then, of course, we can discuss... technical details."

... Meanwhile...

'Oh, it's very much real my friends, I assure you. Momentarily you will have a chance to meet the pilot in the flesh and speak to her yourself. And then, of course, we can discuss... technical details.' - can be heard coming through on an encrypted transmission. Albeit... on old, already known to be compromised G-Hound cyphers. Whoever is sending it clearly wants it to be intercepted and heard - but who, and why? There has already been plenty of 'leaked' details coming from some unknown benefactor regarding the GEIM. Likely someone on the inside who is against its release.

Regardless this, along with the video, gives certain others all the useful information they need. The demonstration model, the Schwarzritter, is currently outside of the defense periphery of Luna II. It'd be relatively easy to catch it now and either capture or destroy it ... should there be anyone out there listening who might be so interested.

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.


Space. The infinite void. Unfettered by the gravity of Earth.

Lina hated it. It was too big, the people in it were stuck up, and worst of all...

"Urrgh..." ...Her stomach didn't know what was up and what was down. Ensign Lombardi had the misfortune to launch into space only about three times in her life, and she had thrown up every time. The high Gs of aerial combat, she was perfectly fine with, but go the other way into zero and her constitution wasn't having it.

Of course, a certain witch knew this well about her. And that's exactly why she had assigned Lina on patrol around Luna II. Something about how the only way to overcome this weakness was to face it head on, Lina could hardly hear what she was saying over her own objections. But orders were orders, and she could hardly refuse her teacher.

So here she was, floating around Luna II, face as green as her hair and the Nightmare Plus' paint job. Apparently there was going to be an exhibition of some new piloting system, but Lina could hardly care or pay attention, her entire focus was on preventing gastric distress.

"Juno 1, you okay up there? I knew you got spacesick, but I didn't think it was this bad."

"Peachy keen, Mousetrap. I think the pills I took are gonna take effect any minute now...ergh...there a sick bag in this thing, though? Just in case?"

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       NERV doesn't have a lot of space presence. There is of course the GGG and their orbital base, but that's a very small team. It is, however, where Kaworu Nagisa launched from to reach Luna II and attend this exhibition of the GEIM System as a representative of NERV, with Shinji Ikari accompanying as his pilot escort. There are others who could have gone, but Kaworu is a classmate of Ouka's, and he asked Shinji if he'd come along... and so here they are, in the audience at the exhibition hall.
       Kaworu is dressed in his NERV administrator suit, both hands resting on the head of his walking stick propped up in front of him. Expression neutrally polite, he watches and listens attentively as Dr. Koch gives his speech, then steps aside to show the display of what the GEIM System and its pilot can actually do. The Schwarzritter's space dance is superb, but to describe Ouka as 'unaugmented' is something of a stretch, in Kaworu's unvoiced opinion.
       "Ouka Nagisa performed well," he murmurs to Shinji, sitting to his side. "But I do wonder how she's doing after all that."

<Pose Tracker> Seolla Schweizer has posed.

       Survival has always meant enduring lie after lie after lie after lie. Seolla Schweizer, by now, is numb to them - they are just words said by people playing games she can barely fathom. Adler Koch, Agilla Setme, even Cuervo Cero...because his playing compassionate is a lie if he's not gonna do a damn thing about it---
       And yet, hearing all of this over the broadcast...she's tense. It's making her a little queasy.
       Because this time they're lying about Ouka. Lying about what she's capable of. Lying about the sacrifices she's made every day to do exactly what's being shown to the world.
       "...why not just say nothing? Why not just say...anything else? Why, after always pushing her harder and harder...?"
       it's because i'm relying on her to rise above this one day
       Seolla (the girl) is a tense ball of flickering, unending focus, eyes glued to the monitor of her cockpit's reticles and keeping every tiny detail of her sensors in her peripheral vision.
       Bronzo-27 (the combat unit) is a Jegan planted firmly against the rocky asteroid hull of Luna-II, a deadly and territorial barnacle affixed to this accursed cybernetic space rock. This is the front guard, and it will leap and spit and bite at the first provocation from any heart-roiling opponents.

<Pose Tracker> Shiho Hahnenfuss has posed.

Not every lead can receive a total commitment from ZAFT -- but this is a fairly pressing lead, and more than that, an opportunity to test yet another forward iteration to the CGUE DEEP Arms's cooling system. (This one isn't actually a large change, and comes from on high rather than from Shiho herself; as such, she's a little bit skeptical it's actually going to do anything. Still, it's worth trying.)

She's had to make some weird decisions to accommodate sending her CGUE out this far, and accordingly, she's... not very happy with her expected performance.

Even so: she's a professional. She'll deal.

On approach, Shiho starts swapping through alternate sensor reads and display types. The need for good data on what it is they're up against here is essential -- especially if this operation starts to go sideways. Shiho's not the type to run in guns blazing. For now, she's just... threateningly monitoring from an (unfortunately) detectable distance.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

A visit to space was at once nerve wrecking and exciting. It was difficult to resist the allure of being among the stars. That Kaworu had asked Shinji made it nearly impossible to refuse, and Shinji found himself glad for the excuse not to while walking the orbital base.

But happiness is short lived. He sits beside Kaworu at the exhibition hall.

"...She did," Shinji responds. But he's frowning. The whole demonstration passed not with awe, but a tension in his jaw and slight narrowing of his eyes.

Ouka Nagisa, the sort of person who reacts with violent defense upon being roused from sleep, and who missing friends who can't be let out on vacations...

Hard work, dedication, imagination, and sacrifice. Shinji's pretty sure he knows exactly who they sacrificed. The same sort of people NERV is willing to sacrifice. That the rest of the world seems to be. He hands ball into fists against his thighs.

"Do you think they'll let us check on her...?"

<Pose Tracker> Treize Khushrenada has posed.

       The sound of a slow rolling applause can be heard as from the crowd in the demonstration hall steps forth Colonel of G-Hound, Treize Khushrenada. "Truly a wonderful machine you have here Dr. Kosh."  Watching the camera now focus on the Schwarzritter he steps forward. "Truly a threat worthy of such a great pilot. Lieutenant Nagisa has always been such a shining example of the G-Hound family this will only go to continue to emphasize that. "
        Treize watches for a moment before his eyes fall on Adler Koch again, and they are eyes of ice. "Then again, and excuse me as I ask the question that will likely be on all the skeptics mind. Is it truly the GEIM system, or just an extraordinary pilot? It truly is hard to say with just drones out there against an experienced G-Hound pilot.  I am sure even the children in this crowd could shoot down drones with enough practice." A side glance towards Administrator Nagisa is given before looking back at Dr. Koch.
        Treize stares for a moment longer before he smiles, "However I am one who has great faith in the product of the School and look forward to seeing what such a product can do."

<Pose Tracker> Regina Everhart has posed.

If there is one thing certain to draw the attention of Celestial Being, it is the reveal of a new weapon. The GEIM System... it cannot be allowed to gain traction - that is something Regina Everhart is certain of. Anything that makes war and bloodshed easier must be discouraged or destroyed before it can become commonplace.

The demonstration is observed from afar on a monitor. It is an incredible display indeed, beautiful, fluid, deadly... But how much is it credit to the skill of the pilot, as opposed to the GEIM system doing the heavy lifting? A frown crosses Regina's face. It is uncertain. One pilot is danger enough - but an entire squadron, possessing these capabilities... If its capabilities are indeed as advanced as is said, then the only path forward is clear. There is a chance that this is another trap - it seems all too convenient that the demonstration model and its pilot have strayed outside of Luna II's defense periphery. But, if they pass up this opportunity now, there is no telling when they'll get another chance. So, Regina elects to make her move.

Her mobile suit - an Alto Flight-type, currently equipped for space combat, lights up from where it had been waiting in space. It accelerates through the stars, zipping and dodging past asteroids and space debris, eventually coming to a stop - positioning itself right between the Schwarzritter and Luna II's defensive periphery, to cut off quick avenues of escape.

"The proliferation of the GEIM system will only further stoke the fires of war. Please eject from your machine and allow it to be destroyed." Regina requests.

It would be nice, if it were that simple. She has a feeling it won't be that easy. Today may get more complicated yet.

<Pose Tracker> Michiru Tenjou has posed.

ZAFT's response detail may not be a heavy one. However... At least one small guard detachment was provided by the Socrates crew. In that they sent the Galaxia and its pilot, to assist with Shiho's lead. Michiru wasn't too busy after all, she'd mostly been planning the details of certain things. And there's plenty of time for her to do that even here, while hanging back in a defensive position. Watching over the CGUE, in case it comes under attack.

And occasionally stealing a glance at the new machine on display. Curious as to what nefarious secrets it could be hiding... as is the way of these Earth-spawn fiends.

<Pose Tracker> Nena Trinity has posed.

       Amidst what is probably a fairly typical group of old CEO codgers, grizzled military higher-ups, younger but still middle-aged company types with aspirations and the occasional young genius is... A teenage girl. One wearing a deep red dress and heels, matching her red hair. And she has freckles!
       It wasn't hard for Nena to infiltrate the presentation. After all, she has ties to some pretty big corporate types to call on for help. For the most part she's been keeping to herself, just enjoying the refreshments on hand while she had the chance.
       But once the presentation starts up proper, Nena turns her attention towards it with a knowing smirk on her face. All these stupid people are about to be in for quite the surprise! The Schwarzritter makes its debut, showing off the advanced capabilities apparently brought on by this new 'GEIM' system.
       Nena's not impressed.
       Her Gundam is much cooler.
       But still, she'd rather this thing not prove to be a future annoyance. So she starts to make her way towards the large hangar doors that lead to the cold darkness of space beyond. As she does so she whispers into her hidden radio, "Can confirm the deployment of the new unit and system. Time to start the fun!" The next phase of Celestial Being's plan was for Nena to leave the hangar and make her way to an airlock where she can discreetly board her Gundam.
       But that's boring.
       Once the controllers of Luna II actually catch sight of the red and grey machine spewing crimson particles as it rushes towards the demonstration hangar, it'll be too late.
       There's a loud impact! The sounds of tearing metal. Quickly accompanied by air starting to rush past everyone. Looking to the source, that red and grey machine has partially crashed its way through the hangar doors!
       It's a Celestial Being Gundam!
       The decompression is not immediate, with the machine still blocking much of the hole it had created. But the sudden assault and impending threat of suffocation has thrown the attendees into chaos! But those few with cooler heads may catch a glimpse of that red-headed teen jumping up onto the hand of the Gundam, which then rises up to allow her into its cockpit.
       The Gundam's cockpit closes. Its red eyes flash menacingly.
       Further sounds of tearing metal are heard as the Gundam begins to back out of the breach, speeding up the decompression process. But thankfully for those inside, emergency shutters quickly slam down soon after, sealing the hangar once more.
       Nena is giggling madly as she changes into her flight suit, "That was great! Though it's a shame the shutters came down so quickly... Oh well." She looks towards Purple Haro, "Thanks for the pickup by the way. A girl's gotta exit in style!"
       Purple Haro buzzes back, "Not your chauffeur! Not your chauffeur!"

<Pose Tracker> Lily Jung has posed.

Lily is present in order to support the rest of the ZAFT members. She's been running high ECM signals in order to hide their presence on approach towards Luna II. Quietly, she watches the moon's surface while remaining within sensor-shadow.

The old looking EWAC Zack drifts with very little thruster usage for the time being, with the two Longblade Rifles attached to its back as if it were part of the vernier system that litters all throughout the entire machine.

The two hands of the Zack are aimed for Shiho Hahnenfuss's CGUE and Michiru Tenjou's Gardnova in order to link up their communication systems without being overheard by any outside forces.

<"I'll back you up."> Lily firmly declares to Michiru and Shiho. <"You can count on me."> A bold statement for someone who has as many Downs in action as she does. But she's going to do her very best!

<Pose Tracker> Ouka Nagisa has posed.

       After her demonstration is finished, Ouka leans back in her cockpit and takes a few deep breathes.  She can feel the strain that the GEIM has placed onto her mind - the stream of data being pushed through wirelessly into her brain, both reading and altering the activation of her neurons to allow the GEIM to communicate with her and vice versa.  It's a brutal process, using severe electromagnetic fields to allow the transfer to happen efficiently both ways.

... yes, efficiency is precisely the name of the game. The GEIM's role is not just to allow the pilot to connect with the machine but to allow the machine to mold the pilot to better perform while connected. This allows an untrained pilot to become an efficient killer... and even helps erase some of the peskier inhibitions of a much more skilled pilot, which gets in the way of faster reaction times.

It is in fact this aspect of the GEIM which is still very much in development... a few untrained test pilots became rampaging maniacs within the span of a few minutes and had to be 'released' from the program.

For Ouka she takes a moment to breathe, count backwards in German, and wiggle her fingers and toes. To remind herself that she is herself... that she is here. Her eye turns to glance at the IFF contacts - both of Lina, and of course of her sister Seolla. She smiles. Maybe this will be enough?

... maybe Dr. Koch won't need a backup after all.

... Back in the Exhibition Hall...

As crowd breaks into slow rolling applause, and the head of G-Hound himself, Treize Khusrenada steps forward to offer his congratulations. Dr. Koch smiles... though the smile becomes a bit more of a sneer when he hears Treize mispronounce his name. Accident, or personal slight? Really both are much the same to Dr. Koch... a man who is known not to abide well with the failures of his 'test subjects'.

"Ah, Colonel Khushrenada, I'm happy to see you received my invitation. I must admit I was concerned after the letter addressed to you went through several revisions due to the misspelling of your name. It looks they finally got it right, because you are here!"

His smile-more-sneer descends into a knowing smirk as Treize suggests pitting a device such as the GEIM against AI controlled drones is hardly a worthy demonstration.

"Hm... I see your point. Perhaps I should have set a more visceral task to Aurum-1? Perhaps a live fire exercise would have been more to your liking... perhaps against Bronzo-27?"

There is no hint in his voice that he is joking, but the smile angled towards Treize suggests that he may be simply attempting to get a rise out of the G-Hound Colonel... but then more pressing issues begin happening:

'The proliferation of the GEIM system will only further stoke the fires of war. Please eject from your machine and allow it to be destroyed.'

The audio is projected into the exhibition hall, and the camera drone turns to face the incoming Celestial Being Unit. Then other units, including what appears to be AFT mobile suits?! Anyone watching Adler though might note the complete lack of surprise on his part. "Ah, it looks like the perfect opportunity to demonstrate the GEIM System's full capabilities has arrived. Aurum-1, eject GEIM Demo and boot GEIM General Engagement."

Just then... suddenly there's a loud impact and tearing metal. The sound of tearing metal, the rush of air! To this Koch does show surprise: Eyes wide, mouth flung open as he holds onto the hat on his head and the podium to try and keep footing. He watches as the red headed teen suddenly rises from the crowd, running towards the open hatch of the Gundam.

"SHOOT HER YOU SLACK-JAWED IDIOTS!" Adler yells toward the School and G-Hound security detail within the exhibition hall over the sound of rushing air. And they try - albeit a second too late, and always aiming towards where Nena was instead of where she was going to be. Finally the Throne Gundam withdraws... and the shutter closes, restoring air pressure equilibrium.

Adler tchs softly as he scowls. He is, after all, not a man who suffers failure gently.

... Meanwhile ...

'...Eject GEIM Demo and boot GEIM General Enagement.'

Within the hangar where the Schwarzritter launched from, Dr. Cero's eyes widen as he hears Adler's order. That setting cartridge wasn't supposed to be in the loadout! He sucks air in through his teeth...

... then he closes the link to the video and instead opens his communicator link. "Seolla..." What can he do? What can he say? Once again he is trying to do half measures to make things right. It burns his soul but as always he feels chained to his path: "Stay by Ouka, if you can. If she starts acting erratic I'll upload the ejection code, and you'll need to recover her."

He says nothing more. What else can he say?

'I'm Sorry' would seem absurd at this point.

... Back aboard the Schwarzritter...

There is a loud mechanical sound as the GEIM System ejects the Demo Cartridge. Seconds later a loud k-chunk is heard as the GEIM General Engagement loads. On the monitor in front of her, Ouka Nagisa watches with a stoic expression as the words 'GEIM Gen-E Loading'. Once that screen flashes away she can immediately feel the fingers of the GEIM digging deeper into her school. It isn't just uncomfortable - it HURTS. Her brain isn't able to understand what's being done to it, so it can only interpret it as pain. But she holds firm. She refuses to break.

'... and we always have a backup if need be...'


It's may not be clear, over the radio, who she is talking to. But as the purple eyes of her machine grow brighter... and as strange purple particles begin to emit from the jet exhausts, the machine turns to face the Celestial Being and Zaft units approaching.

There is pain... concern... suffering, to be sure, but there is also determination.

<Zaft and Celestial Being pilots, you have engaged in hostile action against the Luna II base under Federation jurisdiction. Retreat now or you will be destroyed!>

But then her behavior ceases to resemble her words, as suddenly the Schwarzritter's thrusted ignite and the strange Gundam blurs towards Lily's RMS-119 attempting to catch her abruptly with one of the bladed wings. And just as suddenly she swerves toward Luna II, maneuvering past Nena's Throne Gundam in a breakneck maneuver and attempting to crash into her with one of her wings as well.

Attempting, as it turns out, to harass and drive both targets towards each other into more convenient range.

KTS: Ouka Nagisa targets Lily Jung with Victim Wing! KTS: Ouka Nagisa targets Nena Trinity with Victim Wing!

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

"Juno 1, multiple bandits on radar!"

"Yeah yeah, I see them. Preparing to engage." Lina shakes her head to center herself and takes off towards the fray. There's the mobile suit of the hour that was being shown off, accosted by...a flight-type Alto? Geez, nostalgic. And coming up from the hangar was...

"A Gundam?! That's a CB model, isn't it? Not surprised they're here..." A few more blips showed up on the periphery of her radar, even more suits entering the fray. Boy, this was just great. She approaches the Alto making demands, transforming her VF into Gerwalk mode. "Foreign craft! You're trespassing in G-Hound airspace!"

"Ignoring that there's no air out here..."

"You're not the one who gets to make demands here! Leave this area immediately!" Her gun pods open fire, letting loose a barrage of warning fire to urge the pilot away.

KTS: Lina Lombardi targets Regina Everhart with Gun Pod Barrage! KTS: Regina Everhart blocks Lina Lombardi's Gun Pod Barrage, taking 1170 damage! KTS: Nena Trinity's EN Barrier activates, negating 500 base damage. KTS: Ouka Nagisa rattles Nena Trinity, making her next maneuvers more difficult. KTS: Nena Trinity blocks Ouka Nagisa's Victim Wing, taking 1230 damage! KTS: Ouka Nagisa has engaged Nena Trinity!

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       It's that short life that makes happiness so precious. Kaworu is always happy to spend time with Shinji, but the demonstration of the GEIM System, and Shinji's simmering anger and clenched fists as he watches it, isn't something to be joyous about. He knows too, very well--better than most--the sort of sacrifices men like Dr. Koch mean.
       But when Shinji asks, Kaworu smiles over at him fondly. He's always such a kind soul. He debates with himself whether or not to rest a hand over Shinji's fist when Treize applauds and steps forward. His smile fades back to neutrality as he looks over at him. Because of that, he catches Treize's eye for a second when he glances his way in turn. He doesn't react to the comment about 'even the children in this crowd.' Legally speaking, Ouka's a child too. That matters little to Koch, though, whose sneers Kaworu ignores.
       So he looks back to Shinji. "It would be good if we could," he starts.
       Then an announcement comes demanding that the Schwarzritter be abandoned so it can be destroyed. Kaworu looks up in a certain direction (directly at Regina's unit, though that's unclear with the walls of the asteroid in the way). An immense crash rocks the hollowed asteroid, and screams echo through the hall as a Gundam crashes through the hangar door. A girl embarks, and it leaves, emergency shutters clattering shut in its wake.
       "...But I don't think there will be time for that," Kaworu concludes, exactly as calm as when he started speaking. He rises, leaning on his cane for support, while the demo moves into live combat. "Shinji, we should head to the hangar too. Ouka Nagisa will need assistance." There's only one unit for the two of them, but... "I'll support you from here."
       With the chaos in the exhibition hall, it takes some effort to leave. However, once they're through the crowd, it's not long from there to reach where Unit-01 is stationed in the hangar, geared up with S-type equipment to make it suitable for space combat. Kaworu assists with getting Shinji on board as he stands at one of the deployment mini-stations and dons a headset, but remains there once Unit-01 is ready to launch.
       "<It's all right. Luna II may need personnel here as well to defend it,>" he reassures him with his usual smile. "<Go, Shinji. I'll be waiting for you to return.>"

KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Shinji Ikari with Awe!

<Pose Tracker> Seolla Schweizer has posed.

       One single blip on the radar's extreme furthest difference is all it takes to wrest Seolla back to reality, like a lighthouse calling her right back to the shores of her stark little island whenever she gets lost too far at sea.
       The actual panorama view of the stars is useless - it's one thing Seolla dearly mislikes about space combat. She has the eyes of a hawk for scouting situations at extreme distances, but out here, everything's so dark and featureless until it's right in front of you. The flickering blaze of engines is usually the only tell.
       It feels like picking a fight with a star.
       Seolla's Jegan dismounts from its rocky perch, swiftly signalling to Federation forces, <"Unindentified IFF spotted! I'm launching to investigate immediately."> (of course, given that this is part of a coordinated effort - by the time Seolla actually -intercepts- that very first distant lurker that is the CGUE, it's probably all gone to hell anyway)
       A diplomatic entity would probably give pause, give some form of confirmation, once the very, VERY Zeon-ey shape of Shiho's Deep Arms is in view. Gleaming red mono-eye, rounded torso, big chunky shoulder weapons - she may not have seen this specific one before, but she doesn't even need to recall that it's a modified ZAFT regular to be sure that this is a spacenoid suit.
       But of course - Seolla's already locking her rifle into place and bursting arcs of light towards Shiho, largely aiming for the arms at this juncture. Coldly and harshly, she patches in, <"Stand down immediately. You're intruding on official G-Hound operations and we /will/ shoot to kill. ZAFT will find no safe harbor for many miles around...">
       The causticness kicks in. <"Really?! You're really trying this at Luna II? Are you desperate, or do you have backup we haven't spotted yet? ...Or is just that usual spacenoid thing where you're extremely damn bold ranging out on your own? I swear, it always seems like the weightlessness of space makes everyone out here these totally insane free spirits...ugh!!"">
       The barely constrained envy spiral has hit hard and fast out of the gate.

KTS: Seolla Schweizer targets Shiho Hahnenfuss with Standard Secondary Beam Rifle Aimed Shot! KTS: Lily Jung has activated the Rouse Spirit Command. KTS: Lily Jung has activated the Wall Spirit Command. KTS: Lily Jung fails to rush. KTS: Ouka Nagisa rattles Lily Jung, making her next maneuvers more difficult. KTS: Lily Jung partially guards Ouka Nagisa's Victim Wing, taking 2820 damage! KTS: Ouka Nagisa has engaged Lily Jung!

<Pose Tracker> Treize Khushrenada has posed.

       Treize is already  prepared for the back and forth , in some ways his engagement with Dr. Koch was simply a way of saying 'En Garde' and had expected the parry and riposte. One did not get to this level of the public eye without being able to stand in the arena at this degree. "Lt. Schweizer would be an unworthy opponent. Not due to her skill which are on par with Lt. Nagisa, but instead because of their bonds as comrades. Like drones, one could easily be encouraged to ..."  Treize doesn't get to finish as the situation evolves.
        The declaration for the surrender of the unit is one thing, a common threat that he has heard to many times when things like these occur. Treize can almost remember seeing some historical document with that line involving the RX-78. The true surprise to Treize though was when the red gundam of celestial being appeared and the pilot is visible. There is shouting to shoot her and Treize simply raises his hand to pause the G-Hound Security itself. "Now now Adler, if you are so confident in your system do not rush to deprive it of the situation that has occured."
        Turning back to Adler he moves to stand next to him, infront of the crowd. "You are confident right Doctor? One should have faith in their creations, it is why I am here right now. I have faith that those who fly under G-Hound will prove superior today." Looking up he watches the camera silently for now.

KTS: Shiho Hahnenfuss successfully avoids Seolla Schweizer's Standard Secondary Beam Rifle Aimed Shot

<Pose Tracker> Seolla Schweizer has posed.

       ...in the midst of Seolla soaring into the depths of space, she does hear the voice of Dr. Cero ringing in her ears. That warm, pleading tone with a gentle wish for making sure it all goes to plan.
       Every time it all goes to hell, it's you.
       Every time, you try to make it okay.
       Every time, you do just a little bit to make it right.
       ...but you'll never put up or shut up.
       <"...'if' is pulling a lot of weight there, Dr. Cero. Tell me when it happens - and don't chime in with anything else until you do.">
       Seolla's definitely not /blind/ to how these things usually go.

<Pose Tracker> Lily Jung has posed.

Lily suddenly grabs at her chest when, ahead of them, she senses pain. Pain, suffering. Anguish. It's not like what she's used to feeling from pilots. Certainly not ones in the middle of a glowing machine that looks to be activating like this!

A warning is being given, and the ECM curtain falls off of the EWAC Zack. The machine quickly grabs for one of its blades, and by the time it's /drawn/ the weapon, the Schwarzritter is already upon it. <"Wai~"> Wait. It's only thanks to the Psyco-system activating in time that she even gets the blade activated. A reactive response as the blade of the Zack's Longblade Rifle sparks against that wing. The shearing force behind the wings of the Schwarzritter spinning the Zack about. "F-Fast! It's fast!"

All the verniers activate, as Lily tries to get her footing. Pink light bursting from the back thruster for just a moment, attempting to get an idea of what just happened.

<"Okay, guess I have no choice then."> The girl quickly adds, as the Zack takes the large blade in both hands and rushes for the Schwarzritter, attempting to keep up. The other Longblade Rifle detaches from its back, moving to fly alongside the Zack instead, starting suppressing fire upon Ouka's position, with Lily trying her best to get closer without getting at an angle where those wings can harm her Zack.

Already, she can see some systems blaring at her from the earlier hit. Even with some of the hit having been diminished by her parrying with the blade, it's still lagging behind. But once she finds an angle, she tries to come down with the blade, aiming to stroke at the base of those wings.

<"Why. Why are you fighting me /like this/!?"> Lily demands to know.

KTS: Lily Jung targets Ouka Nagisa with Twin Longblade Rifle - Psyco Model - Blade and Beam - Combo!

<Pose Tracker> Nena Trinity has posed.

       The Schwarzritter closes in on the Gundam Throne Drei after its initial assault against the Psycho. The Drei doesn't look to move. Until at the last moment, it turns, placing one of its shoulder shields in the path of the oncoming wing. The Gundam takes much of the impact well, though it is still jolted from it.
       Nena is still in the process of changing into her flight suit when she's suddenly thrown into the side of her cockpit, "WHAT!?" Mostly unhurt apart from a bump, she manages to pull herself back into her seat as she demands at the Haro, "What the hell was that for?"
       Purple Haro buzzes back, "Enemy! Enemy!"
       Nena quickly replies, "Already? Where!?" She forgoes finishing dressing herself in favour of grabbing her controls and quickly jerking them, trying to avoid any further incoming attacks and get a bead on its foe.
       But the sudden attack combined with Nena's impulsive reaction leads to the Gundam Throne Drei moving just where Ouka wants, towards Lily's Psycho. And more so, as it accidentally collides with the other machine. Though not for any significant damage.
       Another impact is felt in her cockpit, though this time for different reasons. Realizing she'd collided with someone, Nena radios on open channel, <"Hey! Watch it-"> Nena pauses though as she catches a glance of the other machine, <"Oh, it's you. What are you doing here, Pinky?"> Nena of course knows that Lily is ZAFT and thus likely here to ruin G-Hound's day. So as such doesn't see her as hostile. For now.
       Focusing on the Schwarzritter, Nena raises both arms of her machine towards it. The beam handguns attached to the arms start to spit out a rapid barrage of crimson beams, looking to overwhelm the Schwarzritter and its pilot.

KTS: Nena Trinity targets Ouka Nagisa with GNW-003 Dual Beam Handguns Saturation Fire!

<Pose Tracker> Shiho Hahnenfuss has posed.

"Thanks for the backup," Shiho says to Lily, shortly before things get pear-shaped. Then, for Michiru: "... I've got your back, too. Hahnenfuss out." That's about all she has time for, though -- she's getting an open-band transmission, and more than that she's receiving fire! She goes into a hard boost backward and a half-spin, rendering her profile small enough to Seolla that the shots end up whizzing past her.

"Nngh... she's good," Shiho murmurs to herself, before starting to sight in. It's a bit early to use the thermal energy cannons; she sticks to the machine gun for now, which unfortunately generates no meaningful data. She isn't sure she /can/ communicate with Celestial Being -- but for good measure, she tries sending out a, "Celestial Being, we are /not/ your enemy in this matter," before fully orienting on Seolla.

"We /gave/ you a chance to focus on your own infrastructure and leave us alone," Shiho says, "but all the Federation wants to do is operate its military apparatus. We /have/ to move this boldly," she answers Seolla, before firing off a quick burst of machine gun fire and then getting ready for evasive maneuvers.

KTS: Shiho Hahnenfuss targets Seolla Schweizer with MMI-M7S 76mm Machine Gun Burst! KTS: Ouka Nagisa rushes into the attack! KTS: Ouka Nagisa partially guards Lily Jung's Twin Longblade Rifle - Psyco Model - Blade and Beam - Combo, taking 1700 damage! KTS: Seolla Schweizer has activated the Alert Spirit Command. KTS: Seolla Schweizer fails to charge. KTS: Seolla Schweizer partially guards Shiho Hahnenfuss's MMI-M7S 76mm Machine Gun Burst, taking 3765 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Regina Everhart has posed.

The response that comes is to be expected. 'Retreat now or be destroyed'... In response, Regina's Alto draws forth a large spear, held in both hands.

"I will not. But if you will not retreat... then we must fight." Regina replies, preparing to engage the Schwarzritter... but before she do so, warning alerts blaze onto her screen as she is targeted by an opposing Variable Fighter. Gun pods open fire and in response, the drawn spear is spun quickly to deflect some of the incoming fire. Her defense might have been successful, but suddenly, she finds herself with an enemy standing between herself and her target.

This one will take her full focus. She will have to entrust the mission to another. Fortunately, it seems that ZAFT has taken an interest in this as well...

"I do not answer to you. Come, then, if you believe you have the strength to make me leave." Regina replies to Lina. She accelerates toward her Variable Fighter quickly, a leg swinging out to attempt to sweep at the legs of Lina's machine and send it spiraling through space and disorient the pilot.

And then an aside, to the ZAFT pilots as well as her Celestial Being ally...

"...Understood. Then fight well." She replies.

KTS: Regina Everhart targets Lina Lombardi with Leg Sweep! KTS: Regina Everhart rattles Lina Lombardi, making her next maneuvers more difficult. KTS: Lina Lombardi fails to evade Regina Everhart's Leg Sweep, taking 2790 damage! KTS: Regina Everhart has engaged Lina Lombardi!

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

/Even the children in this crowd.../

Shinji's ears burn. He's not sure if what he's feeling is anger or shame. Or maybe it's fear pretending to be one of those things.

A product. They may technically be talking about the GEIM, but there's an important component of the GEIM's success. A /product/...

Regina Everhart makes a shocking demand. Shinji straightens, looking up from his gloom to stare at her openly.

He's only pulled from the shock of it by another, greater shot: the crash, shredding metal, and screams of panic from a Gundam's violent collision. Shinji is immediately on his feet, giving a worried glance to Kaworu. Checking on Ouka now means something entirely different. But... these are /people/. Not kaiju. Not angels.

"Kaworu?" Despite all trepidation, he goes with Kaworu -- he goes /ahead/ of him, to part the crowd and weather the rougher parts of it, if with several hesitant glances back. "We're not really going to -- They're not --" Whatever he tries to say is lost, both to the noise and his inability to give words to it all.

He still gets in Unit-01. He always does, in the end. And...

/I'll be waiting for you to return./

Shinji's own response stalls at that. /Go/, he understands. /Come back/ settles inside him differently. "<...Y. Yes,>" is all Shinji manages to say in off-guard politeness and acquiescence, but with no conviction that's ever a promise he could keep. Not that he wouldn't want to. He takes a deep breath before launching into the unfamiliarity of space.

Piloting here will be a trial by fire. But Shinji should be accustomed to that by now. It feels like his first battle all over again. Just try to take a step, but a step is different. Try to move. Orient himself. Take control. But the comms are alight with talk to distract him as Unit-01 awkwardly navigates space.

"<Wait, what do you mean, shoot to kill...?!>"

KTS: Shinji Ikari targets Michiru Tenjou with Pass!

<Pose Tracker> Ouka Nagisa has posed.

       There are a few universal truths within The School when it comes to their administrators.  One of them is that they seem to all have some sort of bird name.  Hard to say how or why it happened, did they force everyone to change their names upon joining or did they simply only accept applications from people with bird names?  Another is a certain lack of moral fiber.  Yes, even Dr. Cero, was fine with mulching children until he got a bit of the stink on him and decided he didn't like it.  Finally it's this simply fact:  They're all paranoid.

The fact that a Celestial Being agent got so close, and could have very well killed him should they have so decided it, was enough to send Adler from cool and collected to murderous rage instantly. Treize's well honed barb causes the doctor to round on the man with his face still filled with unfulfilled murderous intent toward the man who he knows called off the G-Hound security.

... and with some effort he cools himself down - though his hand is clearly gripping the podium more tightly than necessary. "Of course. I have the utmost confidence in all my creations."

After all... those who do not live up to expectations aren't creations so much as sawdust to be swept into the incinerator.

... Meanwhile ...

The Schwarzritter is fast. It's a machine built entirely from the ground up to be a melee powerhouse. You don't need much in the way of ranged weaponry, after all, if you can just get in close. That said the movements are almost uncomfortable to watch. Were it not the feelings radiating from within the machine one might be forgiven to suspect there was no pilot within it at all.

<Like this...?!> Ouka's voice is confused, and also filled with cool malice, <You came here, you attacked us, you made me do this and you're asking me why?!>

The black and gold machine rushes forward into Lily's attack, catching the blade on the edge instead of the acuator holding it to her machine. There is still damage - but it's only minimal. Meanwhile the unit rounds from behind the Zack and draws forth the two small black blades it had utilized from its earlier test. It attempts then to hack violently into the flank of her foe's machine!!

Just as quickly the Schwarzritter moves on, zipping towards the Throne Gundam, moving with such frightening speed that it manages to seeming DANCE between the rapid barrage of crimson beams as it moves closer and closer. Just as with Lily's machine before her blades whip around to violently cut into the Celestial Being unit.

And the attack continues - a dancing black and violet spiral of death threatening to consume both of these units unless the pilots can break out!

KTS: Ouka Nagisa has activated the Valor Spirit Command. KTS: Ouka Nagisa targets Nena Trinity and Lily Jung with Winddolch Swirling Storm.

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

Lina remembers the talking to Vitaly had given her about reckless maneuvers and has to suppress her instinct to rush in, attempting to engage in evasive maneuvers, but to no avail. The Gerwalk's legs are swept and the VF begins to spin, causing the pilot inside to panic as she works to stablilize!

"Juno 1, status!"

"All green, Mousetrap. In more ways than one, ergh..." She regains her bearings, still a bit shaken, and begins to charge her Mauler Beam cannons. "So that's your choice, huh? Well, no hunka junk like that's gonna stop me!"

"Hey, you used to pilot one of those 'hunks of junk!'"

"Wasn't junk with me in the cockpit!" As the cannons complete their charge, they let loose a pair of beams directly towards the Alto, pushing the VF back slightly.

KTS: Lina Lombardi targets Regina Everhart with Mauler Beam Cannons Charged Shot! KTS: Regina Everhart has activated the Wall Spirit Command. KTS: Regina Everhart blocks Lina Lombardi's Mauler Beam Cannons Charged Shot, taking 2820 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Seolla Schweizer has posed.

       Momentarily, Seolla wonders just how many times the voices she's heard back have been clearly those of around her same age. But, well - that's just normal. The young must throw themselves into the blades of the machine built by the old, and that's the way of the world. Right?
       "Kh, definitely a long-range aptitude opponent - those are heavy cannons on the sub-arms. Hate having to close in, but I'm in something that can do it..."
       Trying to get in nearer is easier said than done, though - the rapid fire does a fairly good job at keeping the Jegan at bay in its pursuit, each burst of thrusters getting Seolla further and further afield from Luna II.
       <"The usual ZAFT code for desperation, got it,"> Seolla puffs dismissively, conserving rifle ammunition by letting off her own vulcan spray-and-pray, fingers twitching at the ready for lashing out with the sabers as soon as an opportunity strikes. From afar, this exchange likely looks more like two birds of light darting and flashing away from each other in chase, a pure test of two opposing militaries' thruster technology...and their best and brightest prodigies at using them to their limits.
       <"...The bright blue's unusual. A send-up to the Blue Giant or something, or just a favorite color? ...I'll admit, it's not as ugly as some of the other paint schemes you all come up with...>"

KTS: Seolla Schweizer targets Shiho Hahnenfuss with Head Vulcans Dash-and-Fire! KTS: Lily Jung fails to parry Ouka Nagisa's Winddolch Swirling Storm, taking 7500 damage! KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Ouka Nagisa's The First and The Last activates, causing Sparkle! KTS: Ouka Nagisa has engaged Lily Jung! KTS: Nena Trinity has activated the Alert Spirit Command. KTS: Nena Trinity has activated the Strike Spirit Command. KTS: Nena Trinity fails to parry Ouka Nagisa's Winddolch Swirling Storm, taking 5100 damage! KTS: Ouka Nagisa has engaged Nena Trinity! KTS: Shiho Hahnenfuss fails to react to Seolla Schweizer's Head Vulcans Dash-and-Fire, taking 2925 damage! KTS: Seolla Schweizer has engaged Shiho Hahnenfuss! KTS: Lily Jung has activated the Rouse Spirit Command. KTS: Nena Trinity targets Lily Jung with Scatter! KTS: Nena Trinity scatters cover, making Lily Jung harder to target!

<Pose Tracker> Michiru Tenjou has posed.

To deal with monsters, you need a monster-killer. Slaying space monsters was the impetus behind the creation of such machines as the Galaxia. While the nature of the Eva units is thoroughly unknown to the ZAFT pilot inside the hulking machine, its appearance is, distinctly, monstrous and faux-human enough. More than enough to get the Galaxia's attention. As Shiho and Lily go off to fight their chosen battles, Michiru wishes them both good luck. To assure them, that she'll make sure the both of them get back home just fine. That she'll have their backs if they need her. And then... she goes to engage in striking down an otherworldly monster.

The massive machine descends in a manner Shinji is no doubt quite familiar with. How many robots is he familiar with, possessing that sort of classic 'heroic' bearing to their every motion. Pointedly avoiding fleeing civilians, even military personnel. She's exclusively here now, to hunt a monster. ...If only she knew the real monsters are much smaller. And would never enter a robot of their own will. Alas, she's unfortunately unaware. "So this is how far these earth-bound forces have fallen, consorting with armored space monsters?!" Oh dear. She may not even realize the Eva is a piloted machine. But that's not terribly hard to remedy. Though, not before the Galaxia swings out with its fist, attempting to get up in Unit-01's personal space and slug it squarely across the jaw!

KTS: Michiru Tenjou has activated the Spirit Spirit Command. KTS: Michiru Tenjou targets Shinji Ikari with Heavy Fist!! KTS: Shiho Hahnenfuss has activated the Trick Spirit Command. KTS: Shiho Hahnenfuss has activated the Trick Spirit Command. KTS: Shiho Hahnenfuss has activated the Trick Spirit Command. KTS: Shinji Ikari fails to react to Michiru Tenjou's Heavy Fist!, taking 2560 damage! KTS: Michiru Tenjou has engaged Shinji Ikari! KTS: Michiru Tenjou begins a Formation attack! KTS: Kaworu Nagisa inspires awe, increasing Shinji Ikari's Morale!

<Pose Tracker> Regina Everhart has posed.

"...Your confidence is noted. Let us pray it reflects in your abilities." Regina replies. Lina's VF charges, and unleashes a pair of dangerous beams. Regina holds her spear out in front of her, allowing it to take the main force of attack - despite this, some of it still washes over her machine, blackening the amor where the beams trace.

With that done, Regina accelerates toward the Variable Fighter once more, closing the distance at speed. The spear in her hands is exchanged for... nothing - it is put away in favor of unleashing a pair of surprisingly fluid bare-handed jabs toward Lina's Variable Fighter, each with crushing force.

KTS: Regina Everhart targets Lina Lombardi with One-Two Jab! KTS: Lina Lombardi has activated the Attune Spirit Command.

<Pose Tracker> Shiho Hahnenfuss has posed.

Shiho hesitates when she sees Seolla's machine incoming without weapons obviously locked -- and that costs her, as she gets drilled into with vulcan fire. She's lost the range advantage -- which isn't insurmountable, mind, but it does put her out of her preferred depth... more than a bit, actually.

She uses the time she has to stow her machine gun for now, mag-locking it to her CGUE's thigh rather than continue with it. Coolant situation is...

... worse...

She chews on that for a bit -- and gets a follow-up message about... her color scheme? "It's none of your business," Shiho -- who thinks blue is deeply cute, actually -- replies, frustrated but mostly coming out huffy.

The CGUE draws its other weapon, then: a long laser-blade designed more for ships than Jegans. Nevertheless, she gives it a single forceful swing, trying to carve through as much of the mobile suit before her as she can.

Her thoughts drift to her current assessment of the coolant situation, again. This is a good configuration, actually -- but it demands a lot of babying. Certainly it's not suitable for a pilot who isn't also an engineer.

KTS: Lina Lombardi fails to retreat. KTS: Lina Lombardi fails to react to Regina Everhart's One-Two Jab, taking 4410 damage! KTS: Regina Everhart has engaged Lina Lombardi! KTS: Shiho Hahnenfuss targets Seolla Schweizer with NOL-Y941 Heavy Laser Sword Cleave!

<Pose Tracker> Treize Khushrenada has posed.

       Treize simply smiles as he looks at the bird flying into his face for a moment before remembering there present location. "Then we both have nothing to fear. I have faith in the pilot and you have faith in the GEIM system. Together our faith is unbeatable. " Treize speaks up a little, making sure to project his voice to the crowd, "Let us all take this opportunity to not just witness the power of the Schwarzritter and the superiority of G-Hound and NERV." Applauding again and smiling to help control the crowd.
        In a quieter voice so only the doctor can hear him Treize goes in for the final blow, "Then again if a well decorated pilot was to lose using such a new unit and a new system, it might put some question behind the funding of the Romefeller organization. I do hope there isn't room to question such things, I believe Colonel Tubarov is interested in getting his drone program funded." Still Treize is smiling and clapping through all of it.

<Pose Tracker> Nena Trinity has posed.

       The Schwarzritter's pilot speaks to respond to Lily. After which Nena chimes in, <"She's got a point."> Nena certainly has no illusions about who's going after who here.
       What Nena does have illusions about is just how great her machine-and she herself-is. So it's quite annoying and something baffling when the Schwarzritter proceeds to dance around her beam fire, <"Tch. You're getting annoying!">
       The Schwarzritter starts tearing into the EWAC Zack. Before turning its attention towards the Drei. The Gundam quickly reaches up with both hands to grab the saber hilts jutting from its shoulders. The crimson blades come to life, before the machine swings to meet the Schwarzritter's assault. There's some give and take between the two machines, before Ouka manages to get through Nena's guard. A large gouge is cut into the Throne's frame, causing quite a bit of damage. Though not yet lethal.
       Realizing her precarious situation, Nena quickly has her machine back up, putting some distance between herself and this monster. She then quickly throws some switches.
       Vents across the Gundam Throne Drei's body fold open, the shower of crimson particles it's releasing rapidly increasing in intensity and spreading out to engulf this part of the battlefield. The same interference that makes targetting the Celestial Being Gundam difficult now also spreads to Lily's Psycho as well. Of course, that interference would also screw with Lily's machine...
       ... Until a data-link comes in to Lily's systems from the Drei, providing a means to cut through the interference.
       Nena says to Lily, <"You're welcome.">

KTS: Nena Trinity has activated the Dash Spirit Command and has disengaged. KTS: Lily Jung has activated the Rouse Spirit Command. KTS: Lina Lombardi has activated the Alert Spirit Command.

<Pose Tracker> Lily Jung has posed.

Lily's machine is repelled by the far superior machine. The Zack is clearly not specced for this kind of battle, even with the enhancements that have been made to it. And the pilot within is no super pilot - let alone enhanced by GEIM. And it shows. Ouka's sheer superiority pushes her back with ease, before she comes around!

The Zack tries to turn, the Psyco-Longblade attempts to interfere. But the black blades stab into its flank, striking right into a series of thrusters and causing a devastating explosion immediately at the side of the machine that causes an eruption of debris and parts, the machine floating a bit to the side...

Lily can feel Nena approaching, but there was no 'intent' to harm in that moment. Not aimed towards her. So she's surprised when her machine is suddenly rammed into. Pieces of armor fly off, and one of the verniers ends up a bit misaligned as well.

<"It's you! What are you doing here, Thrillkill-Girl!?"> Lily immediately retorts, her surprise showing. Staring at the Gundam as it moves for the Schwarzritter. The girl feels intensely stressed in that moment. The entire machine is already showing major energy leakage, and the armor just to the left of her machine is severely damaged. Some of the controls are feeling sluggish.

Yet, it's not that. As the machine continues its assault on them. The whirlwind of death beset on them, the girl is forced on the defense, backing away towards the only other Gundam in her quadrant of the combat theater. Close to that loathesome Nena Trinity. Her Pity for her still on full display within her heart.

But it's a pity that also is aimed to Ouka. Lily calls out again; <"Why do you come at me, piloting like this!"> She demands again. A typical kind of response for someone who expects better communication. An understanding on another level.

Interference. Her machine's signal goes slightly dark for a moment, right before Nena opens that link, and starts streaming into her machine. <"What..."> She doesn't understand. Why is /that woman/ helping her!? Pause, a shake of her head, before she pushes her body forward towards the monitors and calls out to Ouka;

<"Why are you piloting, fighting me, while in such pain!?"> Right before the two Longblade Rifles shift to either side of the machine, charging rapidly as she gets this... sense. Coming for her. NOW!

A sudden burst of purple light comes from the first Longblade Rifle, lighting up space, not a moment before the second angles along the expected escape path, and an even broader beam tries to halt - or at least slow - her opponent!

KTS: Lily Jung targets Ouka Nagisa with Twin Longblade Rifle - Psyco Model - High Emission Burst!

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

Lina attempts to pull back from the assault, but in her rattled state, she can't get away fast enough, taking the full brunt of the attack.

"Gaaah! Dammit!"

"Juno 1, please don't write checks you might not be able to cash."

Lina is unable to counter her AWACS, cursing under her breath as she pulls up her Micro-Missile Array. She pulls back slightly as her targeting system calibrates, eventually getting a lock on the Alto as she slams on the launch system, several missiles launching out on a direct path to her enemy

"Juno 1, Fox 2!"

KTS: Lina Lombardi targets Regina Everhart with Micro-Missile Array Lock! KTS: Ouka Nagisa has activated the Trust Spirit Command. KTS: Ouka Nagisa rushes into the attack! KTS: Ouka Nagisa partially guards Lily Jung's Twin Longblade Rifle - Psyco Model - High Emission Burst, taking 5500 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       "We're not," Kaworu reassures Shinji quietly, his smile momentarily fading entirely away, as Shinji parts the crowd for him. "Evangelions are not meant for fighting Lilim. You're only going to help keep the attackers from firing on Ouka Nagisa and encourage them to leave." His smile returns as his gaze softens. "I know you don't want to kill anyone."
       Kaworu understands that about Shinji very well indeed.
       Unit-01 launches, and Kaworu watches her and her pilot go. It doesn't matter that Shinji doesn't have faith in himself. Kaworu knows they'll meet again. He watches him move in the vacuum of space, the center of Kaworu's field of view amongst the now-raging battlefield. To one side, Ouka tears through her opponents. She hardly seems like she needs any help, but the GEIM System will claim its toll on her, and it will be a hefty toll indeed. Shinji's attention, though, is on Seolla declaring they'll shoot to kill.
       "<Sadly, it's the way of war among Lilim,>" Kaworu notes, smile once again gone. ""
       Before they can take definitive action in that regard, though, one of the ZAFT pilots approaches Unit-01 first, aiming a solid punch at its jaw. It's not surprising that it takes Shinji by surprise, but while Kaworu hardly panics, his focus intensifies as he gazes upwards. "<Stay calm. Fight defensively,>" he advises Shinji. "<Thrust her away, if-->"
       Abruptly, Kaworu cuts himself off to look sharply to one side. There's nothing there, of course, aside from the crowds within Luna II now calmed by Treize's speech. His eyes aren't for either Treize or Koch or even the crowds applauding them; it's to a certain point that would seem to be the middle of a wall.
       "<...if you can,>" he concludes quietly, side-eyeing that spot.
       In the distance, something sparkles. It sparkles like lightning passing from cloud to cloud. It sparkles like a mist of rainbows. It looks quite a bit like a mix of both. And despite being seemingly little more than a glowing cloud, it is approaching from the direction of Junius 7 very, very quickly.

KTS: Regina Everhart has activated the Wall Spirit Command. KTS: Regina Everhart blocks Lina Lombardi's Micro-Missile Array Lock, taking 1230 damage! KTS: Shinji Ikari has activated the Valor Spirit Command. KTS: Shinji Ikari has activated the Alert Spirit Command. KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Shinji Ikari with Prospect! KTS: Seolla Schweizer has activated the Strike Spirit Command. KTS: Seolla Schweizer fails to rush. KTS: Seolla Schweizer partially guards Shiho Hahnenfuss's NOL-Y941 Heavy Laser Sword Cleave, taking 6960 damage! KTS: Shiho Hahnenfuss has engaged Seolla Schweizer! KTS: Shiho Hahnenfuss roots her unit, coming to a standstill and leaving her vulnerable.

<Pose Tracker> Regina Everhart has posed.

Missiles are locked on. Regina's mobile suit currently isn't equipped with a missile interception system - during the process of equipping it for space usage, she had stripped it of all non-vital equipment for greater speed. So when her systems alert her of a missile lock, Regina charges for the nearest asteroid, using it to soak up some of the missiles. It shatters under the barrage, the remaining missiles exploding all around her machine. Regina grits her teeth, enduring the volley as her mobile suit is rocked by explosions.

"Your reaction time is quick, at least. You are indeed capable." Regina notes. She grabs hold of the largest remaining chunk of rock and charges forward - and up, looking to get above Lina's Variable Fighter. She then directs herself downward and descends quickly, looking to /slam/ the chunk of asteroid into Lina's machine.

She deliberately avoids striking near the cockpit, however - her aim seems to be only to disable the machine.

KTS: Regina Everhart has activated the Alert Spirit Command. KTS: Regina Everhart targets Lina Lombardi with Improvised Melee Weapon! KTS: Lina Lombardi has activated the Alert Spirit Command. KTS: Lina Lombardi has activated the Attune Spirit Command. KTS: Lina Lombardi rushes into the attack! KTS: Lina Lombardi partially guards Regina Everhart's Improvised Melee Weapon, taking 4410 damage! KTS: Regina Everhart has engaged Lina Lombardi! KTS: Kaworu Nagisa assesses Shinji Ikari's prospects, increasing his SP! KTS: Kaworu Nagisa has activated the Trust Spirit Command targeting Shinji Ikari

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

Lina's getting pissed. She's getting reckless. She's rushing in and taking a good brunt of the attack from that rock.

"Juno 1, you're at 22%! Be careful!"

"Damn....damn damn damn damn! What's holding me back?! I can't go back to Teach like this!" The VF's beam cannons begin to charge up again, diverting even more energy than before as Lina attempts a hail mary tactic. Several charged beams fire one after another, spreading out to allow the Alto little time to escape.

KTS: Lina Lombardi targets Regina Everhart with Mauler Beam Cannons Sequential Fire!

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

Kaworu's words wash over Shinji's unease, not dispelling it, but taking the worst of the tremble out of his hands. Kaworu won't ask him to kill, and Kaworu's his acting administrator. There's security in that.

"<A... All right,>" Shinji says to Kaworu once in Unit-01, trying to let that calm certainty in Kaworu's voice feed his own conviction. He can do that. He'll help Ouka, and he can do it without casualties.

Still trying to get his bearings, and looking toward the Schwarzritter with great concern, Shinji is utterly unprepared for the Galaxia's assault. His instincts aren't primed to attack other super robots -- especially not the heroic kind of them. "<Wait, hold on, I'm not --!">

What he means is, he's not here to kill anyone. But one could be forgiven for thinking Shinji is pleading he is not a monster to be hunted. It does not matter what he pleads: what he receives is a robot fist square in Unit-01's monstrous jaw.

Fight defensively. Push her back. Shinji refuses to draw a weapon of his own, directing Unit-01's fist for the Galaxia's shoulder, trying to use the force to knock her away as Kaworu suggests. There are a variety of robots in the world, but he doesn't know a single one that would put a cockpit in a joint like that...!

"<S...Stand down! We don't need to do this...!>"

KTS: Shinji Ikari has activated the Strike Spirit Command. KTS: Shinji Ikari has activated the Alert Spirit Command. KTS: Shinji Ikari targets Michiru Tenjou with Eva-01 Unarmed Strike! KTS: Regina Everhart has activated the Wall Spirit Command. KTS: Regina Everhart has activated the Focus Spirit Command. KTS: Regina Everhart blocks Lina Lombardi's Mauler Beam Cannons Sequential Fire, taking 3000 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Ouka Nagisa has posed.

"A drone program, hm?" Adler chuckles - a dry sound, not unlike that of bark peeling from old dead would, "That's the thing with roboticists. Always trying to make the human obsolete. But there's strength in instinct, Colonel. Whether it's fighting for your life, to stop pain, or even simply your next meal... harnessing that allows you to reach incredibly heights. Can you teach a 'drone' what it's like to hunger? To feel afraid? Pah. You're like that fool Feff. But you'll see."

Dr. Koch turns his face back toward the screen while those still gathered in the exhibition hall watch the battle unfolding on screen. He watches in particular as Lily's Zack inflicts a successful blow against the Schwarzritter. His jaw clenching tight. "What true success looks like."

...Back in the Schwarzritter...

Ouka is rattled within her cockpit as the beam slams into her unit! She had maneuvered toward Lily during the attack, attempting to close the gap before an adjustment could be made and the blast struck her. It was a glancing blow... but still one with enough impact that it sheared off much of the armor on her left shoulder.

... on her machine's left shoulder.

The data is pushing into her head, activating her neurons, everything is intermingled. She feels the impact and the damage as pain - as a burning, and a numbness in her shoulder. She has to remember though that isn't her. It's the machine. She is NOT the machine. <Stop trying to distract me!!> Ouka's voice commands with as much force as an avalanche. <I'm fine. I AM FINE. You should worry more about yourself.>

As if to make good her threat, suddenly the Schwarzritter accelerates. It doesn't maneuver directly towards the Zack but instead zips around the unit making a multitude of faints, as if trying her best to convince Lily an attack is coming. The thing is she is filled with intent to follow through... and only at the last moment does she seem to suddenly change her mind. Perhaps it's some sort of conditioning - some sort of attempt to allow her to overcome the ability of a Newtype to read what she's going to do before she does it.

... then suddenly she's nowhere to be seen, but she can be felt. From behind.

With the back of the Schwarzritter facing Lily's Zack, it flourishes both blades and suddenly thrusts them backwards - attempting to impale the other unit! Should she be successful she'll rip the blades out in an arc, attempting to sever as much in the way of armor and limbs as possible before once again taking off...

... directly towards the Gundam Throne. Once again attempting to catch Nena with those bladed wings as she flies by, attempting to knock her off course and prevent further evasion. She's annoying, right? <Allow me to end this quickly then.>

KTS: Ouka Nagisa has activated the Valor Spirit Command. KTS: Ouka Nagisa targets Lily Jung with Winddolch Reverse Rupture! KTS: Ouka Nagisa targets Nena Trinity with Victim Wing! KTS: Lily Jung parries Ouka Nagisa's Winddolch Reverse Rupture, taking 2340 damage! KTS: Ouka Nagisa has engaged Lily Jung! KTS: Nena Trinity's EN Barrier activates, negating 500 base damage. KTS: Ouka Nagisa rattles Nena Trinity, making her next maneuvers more difficult. KTS: Nena Trinity blocks Ouka Nagisa's Victim Wing, taking 1350 damage! KTS: Ouka Nagisa has engaged Nena Trinity! KTS: Michiru Tenjou blocks Shinji Ikari's Eva-01 Unarmed Strike, taking 1230 damage! KTS: Shinji Ikari has engaged Michiru Tenjou!

<Pose Tracker> Seolla Schweizer has posed.

       (tl note: 'it isn't that hideous' is tsun-speak for 'oh dang it, i really like that'. Seolla is a fellow blue-liker - the tragedy that this harmony point is cut short.)
       The 'anti-ship sword' is one of those combat doctrines that OBVIOUSLY Seolla thinks completely ridiculous. Capital ships need a mega launcher shot straight to the bridge, or failing that, blowing up their weaponry. Tactical lessons have assured her that no, it's not 'Zeon being ridiculous' it's an Actual Thing, but Seolla will never quite believe it.
       What she -was- taught is that spacenoid custom suits generally prioritize high weapon output and burst combat at the expense of consistent performance, and that's what's giving her the confidence to keep pushing in even in the face of this enormous sword.
       Unfortunately, an impractical and last resort Extremely Huge Sword remains very dangerous, and Seolla's caught off guard, the immense laser blade cleaving an arm and a leg clean off the Jegan, the beam rifle spiraling into the void at a distance.
       <"Khhhh, a weapon like this even on a long distance unit...Don't think you've got this handled just yet! ...Do you see it yet? What your allies are up against? What they can't possibly hope to defeat? Ouka's out there just about glowing, working her hardest, putting it all on the line...and I'm not about to let you take her wings away.">[:normal]
       With the one remaining arm, Seolla tries to clamp onto the CGUE like a spider's arm, beam saber flashing out from one arm in a bid to lance through the mobile suit's reactor. But her movements...
       ...If anything, she's trying to bring Shiho a little bit closer to Luna II. She can feel it deep in her gut - that the time Dr. Cero implied is at hand. Usually when Ouka yells the fiercest that she's doing fine...that's when it's all going pear-shaped.

KTS: Seolla Schweizer has activated the Valor Spirit Command. KTS: Seolla Schweizer has activated the Strike Spirit Command. KTS: Seolla Schweizer targets Shiho Hahnenfuss with J-Type Beam Saber Penetration Mode! KTS: Shiho Hahnenfuss partially guards Seolla Schweizer's J-Type Beam Saber Penetration Mode, taking 4200 damage! KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Seolla Schweizer's Ace Attacker Ver. W activates, causing Insight L1! KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Seolla Schweizer's Perfectionist activates, causing Nullify! KTS: Seolla Schweizer has engaged Shiho Hahnenfuss!

<Pose Tracker> Nena Trinity has posed.

       Nena is helping Lily because helping out an enemy now and then can confuse them. Which is fun to do! Plus by taking up more of a support role in the fight, Nena is not only moving herself back, but encouraging Lily to take point. Putting Nena in a better position to survive this. As evidenced by the fact that Ouka continues to press on Lily first.
       Of course, Nena is not completely immune from the Schwarzritter's reach as it once more charges with those wings threatening the Drei. It's fast! Nena has no choice but to take the attack, not expecting she could get out of the way quickly enough.
       The Drei places its shoulder shield in the path of the wing again, Nena grunting at the resulting impact. Though once again the tough armor on the shield keeps the attack from doing too much.
       Evidently Ouka is still finding it easy to target them... You know what should solve that? MORE PARTICLES!
       Nena calls out, <"Take this!">
       The Drei's backpack flips up, vents turning to aim towards Schwarzritter. Instead of spreading the particles out, the Drei ends up directing a concentrated stream towards the other machine. Hoping to further screw with its systems even more than they already are!

KTS: Nena Trinity targets Ouka Nagisa with Jam!

<Pose Tracker> Regina Everhart has posed.

"Is that where your thoughts should be? When they drift away from battle, your resolve wavers. Focus. If you become frustrated, then channel it - but do not allow it to control you." Regina replies. In response, the Variable Fighter begins to unleash a barrage of charged beams. Indeed, there's no escape - and that's why Regina doesn't try. For someone as cool-headed as seems to be, she seems to have a habit of charging in recklessly.

She accelerates toward the Variable Fighter, spear swinging to intercept incoming beams. Many still make it through, blasting the Alto directly. Some of them knock her off course, but she corrects herself quickly. Despite this, sparks dance across her mobile suit's surface, evidence of the way she's pushing it far beyond its limitations from all the punishment its taken so far.

And once Regina has closed the distance once more between herself and Lina, she takes up her spear and attempts to stab the Variable Fighter.

KTS: Regina Everhart targets Lina Lombardi with ExAMACS Spear Swing! KTS: Nena Trinity jams Ouka Nagisa's sensors, reducing her accuracy. KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 21110 KTS: Lina Lombardi has activated the Alert Spirit Command. KTS: Lina Lombardi retreats from the attack! KTS: Lina Lombardi fails to react to Regina Everhart's ExAMACS Spear Swing, taking 4500 damage! KTS: Lina Lombardi has been defeated! KTS: Lily Jung has activated the Resupply Spirit Command.

<Pose Tracker> Michiru Tenjou has posed.

A human voice hits Michiru's ears in the same instant her attack connects. Her face twists into an expression of confusion. "A person inside? What is this? Do please explain." Michiru has no idea what to make of this, and defaults into a surprisingly polite manner of speech. Her training is perfectly suited for so many things. But usually the monsters aren't piloted. That's such a RARE thing to have happen. But in this instant, it's enough to give her pause. That the pilot would speak to her without hostility of his own, even moreso.

It's all more than enough to keep her from immediately retaliating against Unit-01, even as its own attack strikes the Galaxia, scoring a solid hit that cracks off a chunk of armoring. Though... she can't help but be suspicious it may be some sort of tactic to make her let down her guard. That... does seem the type of thing Federation types might pull after all, cowardly as it is. "Why are you helping... this program? Those people who run it?" Notably she doesn't question defending the panicked civilians. Protecting THEM is just a given after all.

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

Lina knows it's already over. All she can do is try to pull back, but the attack is too close, piercing way too close to the cockpit for comfort. She's broken out in a cold sweat, breathing heavily as adrenaline still courses through her veins and the sound of just about every alert on her systems ringing in her ear.

"Juno 1, you're almost out of commission! Disengage immediately!"

Stinging tears of shame mix with the sweat running down her face, gaze cast down at her lap as she slams her fist onto her control console, transforming the VF back into its fighter mode. Without another word, she performs an Immelmann turn away from the Alto, retreating back to the surface of Luna II, signaling her surrender.

KTS: Lina Lombardi's VF-171 Nightmare Plus <Gerwalk Mode> has been disabled. KTS: Michiru Tenjou targets Shinji Ikari with Pass!

<Pose Tracker> Lily Jung has posed.

Lily lets out a small sigh of relief. "I hit. This isn't impossible." She whispers to herself, as she watches the damage on the Schwarzritter's left shoulder. But this isn't a time to go easy. She takes in a deep breath, as her Haro declares; "Lily Systems critical, Lily Systems critical!" - "I know, Kuma."

Fear is gripping at her heart. But the woman before her is in so much pain! Ouka shouts at her, and she feels that pressure. Her body almost looking like it's physically impacted by it within the cockpit. Pushed back into her seat. The seatbelt grabbing at her. <"You're just lying to yourself!"> Lily answers however. <"And you're not the boss of me, I can worry about you all I want. What're you going to do about it? You're already trying to kill me!"> She points out.

       "Lily, Enemy Attack Incoming!"

Suddenly, the Schwarzritter accelerates. Lily quickly turns her head in the direction it moves, and her machine moves with her. "What is she - it's so fast!" Her grip tightens on the controls. Her head starting to spin as it feints over and over again. The machine taking a defensive stance with her blades, trying to ready for a blow that doesn't come as quickly as she'd like it to.

Each time that intent flows, the Zack jolts, trying to defend itself. But nothing comes. Time and time again...

               "Lily, Enemy Attack Incoming!"

Cold sweat runs down her back. Her eyes keep moving. Trying to follow Schwarzritter until she bites her lower lip and releases her hands off of the controls instead.

                       "Lily, Enemy Attack Incoming!"

A heartbeat.

                               "Lily, Enemy Attack Incoming!"

Around her, the monitors start shining a bit brighter, and the lights of the Psyco System ramps up. Her fingers slowly go down to her lap...

Such pain pressing against her mind. The Schwarzritter appproaching. She suddenly gasps, her eyes widening. In her mind, a blade piercing her from behind. A sensation of being stabbed just moments before pink light spreads across the machine, and a burst of that light comes from its thrusters at the back.

The Zack grabs its blade, 'before' that stab can land, and the machine brings all of its might against both blades, just as the other Longblade fires a massive beam upwards, forcing Ouka to disengage for just long enough that, as she tries to rip her blades outwards, it tears across the chest of the Zack. Ripping into metal. Tearing away enormous bits of tubes and armor, but the Zack remains. The girl within panting. Tears dripping down from her eyes, making her vision a bit washed out. Trembling, as she focuses on the system that guides her weapons. Her machine.

That sensation from Nena... <"I don't care you are using me right now - Celestial Being. I have to overcome even things like this."> Lily declares, as her machine suddenly throws its both blades away and RUSHES the Schwarzritter. Trying to... grab it and wrap its arms around the machine. While the Longblade Rifles rush forward, trying to stab into the arms of the Schwarzritter, engaging their magnetic sytems to attach and try to 'fly away' from the machine.

Almost like Lily is attempting to crucify the Schwarzritter while she calls out to the pilot. <"Am I that scary an opponent that the pain is worth it!?">

KTS: Lily Jung targets Ouka Nagisa with Twin Longblade Rifle - Psyco Model - Psyco Option! KTS: Ouka Nagisa has activated the Trust Spirit Command. KTS: Ouka Nagisa rushes into the attack! KTS: Ouka Nagisa partially guards Lily Jung's Twin Longblade Rifle - Psyco Model - Psyco Option, taking 5880 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Shiho Hahnenfuss has posed.

Even in a slightly inferior machine, Seolla can still pressure Shiho; the Coordinator has to devote a /lot/ of her mental energy in this situation to monitoring her power output and coolant situation and as a result she's held back from putting as much of her attention into Seolla's offense.

Almost instantly she's made to pay for it; while the unusual setup of the CGUE DEEP Arms means that the reactor isn't exactly where Seolla was hoping, the strike hits perfectly true, and keeps Shiho from defending herself -- or, for that matter, using the mounted thermal cannons. "Dammit!" she hisses under her breath, before swapping to wide band again. "<You're pretty good, Federation pilot,>" she starts... though the fact that she's fighting so hard for her friend gives her pause, if only briefly. Working hard for someone who works hard... that's a --

-- thing she can't think too deeply about right now. This is to protect ZAFT's future from Federation weapons. The ZAFT Red finds herself in too close, now, for even that heavy sword to be a great choice -- and she can't switch to the machine gun, either. Her options are pretty well curtailed --

-- so for now, she brings up the pommel of the weapon and gives it a forceful slam forward. She'll work on getting back away in a moment.

KTS: Shiho Hahnenfuss has activated the Focus Spirit Command. KTS: Shiho Hahnenfuss has activated the Dash Spirit Command and has disengaged. KTS: Shiho Hahnenfuss targets Seolla Schweizer with NOL-Y941 Heavy Laser Sword Pommel Strike! KTS: Seolla Schweizer partially guards Shiho Hahnenfuss's NOL-Y941 Heavy Laser Sword Pommel Strike, taking 1886 damage! KTS: Shiho Hahnenfuss has engaged Seolla Schweizer!

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       It seems as though the pilot of the Galaxia is as surprised as Shinji is. Even Kaworu is given pause when Michiru reacts to Shinji's protests by stopping her attack. It's a pleasant pause, though. Seeing when Lilim are willing to stop fighting and listen, it gives him hope.
       As such, he extends his communications over to her via Unit-01. She asked for an explanation, so: "<What you are facing is called an Evangelion. She is normally an anti-kaiju weapon fielded by the global defense organization known as NERV. She is piloted by a human being, not unlike your unit, and she came here as an escort. She and her pilot face you now not out of a desire to do battle, but to dissuade you from it. Will you and your companions please retreat peacefully?>"
       The question of why they're helping this program is more complicated. That, Kaworu can't answer so directly--so he leaves Shinji to do it for him. Shinji no doubt has his complicated feelings, but to him, it's likely also as straightforward as helping their classmate and ally.
       While that part of the battle is at a lull, though, the rest rages on. Meanwhile, at immense speed, the glowing cloud approaches the battlefield until it has gone from a speck to a mid-sized mass to now a massive looming entity, flipping over itself and twisting inside out as if to snap itself around the combatants.
       It's not quite close enough for that, though; instead, it half-circles Luna II and the robots warring around it, colors churning in agitation, lightning sparking like synapses within its personal rainbow. As furious as its appearance may be, however, it doesn't attack. It simply... looms. Within it, lightning flashes; oranges and yellows and vibrant greens pulse; a strange tone rises and falls, though only those with a broad enough awareness of reality will be able to hear it. Indeed, those with that sort of sensitivity will understand that the strange cloud not only has consciousness, but that it isn't angry, per se; it's merely worked up, reflecting the energy of the battle like a cat that suddenly zooms back and forth through a room with its tail frizzed.
       All considered, it's quite attention-grabbing. Whether it's attention-grabbing enough to pull people away from their individual battles, though, is another matter.

KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Shinji Ikari with Pass!

<Pose Tracker> Ouka Nagisa has posed.

       Count backwards in German...

Wiggle your fingers and your toes...

Be present in your body, remember you are there...

All these were impressed upon Aurum-1 as an attempt to counter-act the GEIM's corrosive influence. Other conditioning and reinforcements were performed but those were automatic and only go so far. She's starting to feel the limit of them now. Starting to feel the fingers creeping deeper into her skull. Starting to feel her fingers tingle, and an odd cold numbness creeping into her core.

... it feels kind of like...

The Zack grabs the blades, 'before' the stabs can land. Ouka's eyes shoot open at that. She was hoping to catch her unaware. Hoping to finish her off with that strike. Unfortunately the result isn't quite as expected. Instead the foe tries to wrap her arms around her and hold her close. Once again talking about how she's in pain. Once again trying to ask her why. Is she actually such a scary foe that such a painful thing is required? Ouka feels her teeth grinding in her mouth. Feels the sweat running cold down her face and neck.

<I'm fine. I'm not afraid of you.>

But she IS afraid.

Just as the blade of the weapon is about to strike, the Schwarzritter activates its maneuvering thrusters just enough to manage to avoid getting impaled!! She still is raked along the back, specifically shattering the thinner back armor of her unit. It is, after all, not a unit that is meant to get flanked or outmaneuvered. Not with that speed.

Moments later she managed to break free of the grasp and stares out across the battlefield. She stares out at the defeated unit piloted by Lina, the triumphant Alto piloted by Regina, the CGUE DEEP Arms battering away at...

... Seolla, suffering badly on the receiving end of her fight. No, that's not right. This was all about protecting her. If she is enduring this, if she is going through this, then why is Seolla hurt? Why is she struggling? Why is she out here at all? Ouka's mind flashes rapidly through emotions as her mind tries to cope, meanwhile the GEIM tries to dig ever deeper. Trying to push past her fluctuating emotions. Trying to turn her into an ever more lethal, unthinking, unfeeling machine.

The First Boosted child's hands clench tightly at the control sticks and the Schwarzritter simultaneously grips tighter at the hilts of its swords. She hisses through her teeth, <Scatter into dust.>

With that once again the Schwarzritter moves with surprising speed. First towards Lily's unit, brutally hacking into it with both blades and blade wings in wild chaotic abandon!!

Next she barrels into Nena, not minding to avoid crashing into her before stabbing wildly with Winddlochs with much less finesse than before, replacing skill with out and out savagery as she attempts to break Nena's guard under her strikes.

Then, unexpectedly... she is gone from both her targets. Her black and gold blur hard to make out in the darkness of space, her IFF signature zipping directly over towards Regina's Alto and attempting to crash down atop of it with both blades first! Reverse gripping both her machine will attempt to violently stab, hack, and slash as the pilot's mind slips more and more towards aggression.

... then the cloud appears. The glowing cloud. Looming in the midst of everything. <What is this? Some Celestial Being trick?!> A shot of pain lances through her head, and she knows... she knows she is almost at her limit. She knows that she must end things Soon.

<Whatever it is, if it means this stops with me...> Ouka's voice sounds strained. The pain, the torture she is enduring cracking through even that. <... I'll destroy it too!!!>

With that the Schwarzritter suddenly makes toward the glowing color cloud from outer space, its thrusters howling, firing its head vulcans and swinging the two swords wildly as it attempts to catch the cloud or anything it might hide within its savage violence!!!

KTS: Ouka Nagisa has activated the Valor Spirit Command. KTS: Ouka Nagisa has activated the Valor Spirit Command. KTS: Ouka Nagisa targets Lily Jung, Nena Trinity, and Regina Everhart with Winddolch Swirling Storm. KTS: Regina Everhart has activated the Wall Spirit Command. KTS: Regina Everhart has activated the Wall Spirit Command. KTS: Regina Everhart has activated the Focus Spirit Command. KTS: Regina Everhart rushes into the attack! KTS: Regina Everhart partially guards Ouka Nagisa's Winddolch Swirling Storm, taking 4500 damage! KTS: Ouka Nagisa has engaged Regina Everhart! KTS: Lily Jung successfully avoids Ouka Nagisa's Winddolch Swirling Storm KTS: Nena Trinity has activated the Wall Spirit Command. KTS: Nena Trinity has activated the Wall Spirit Command. KTS: Nena Trinity has activated the Wall Spirit Command. KTS: Nena Trinity parries Ouka Nagisa's Winddolch Swirling Storm, taking 1200 damage! KTS: Ouka Nagisa has engaged Nena Trinity!

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

Unit-01 floats hesitantly in space when the Galaxia and its pilot actually stop. Evidently, Shinji was not prepared for this outcome, his grip still tight at the controls, but paused, with Unit-01 going eerily still.

Kaworu, thankfully, speaks while Shinji's still mentally reeling. He wouldn't have put together such an eloquent response about the nature of Evangelion. Or managed any of that so thoroughly, even on a good day. And anytime Shinji is fighting inside an Eva is not a good day.

(She, though...?)

The rest of it, he does have a response to, and the words blurt out without Shinji realizing Kaworu deliberately left him a lull to speak them.

"" Shinji retorts, frantic urgency in his voice. "<The longer this fight goes on, the more they're going to use her! The more someone might die! So please just... back off!">

Something glowing, bright, and fast catches his peripheral. Unit-01 whirls in space to look toward the phenomena... and how it begins to circle them. "What...?"

With more trepidation: "Kaworu...? Do you see that?"

KTS: Shinji Ikari targets Michiru Tenjou with Pass!

<Pose Tracker> Seolla Schweizer has posed.

       The boiling point is close. Seolla feels the blood rising, the heat practically sizzling through every vein in her body. Even here in space, in the climate controlled space of her Jegan - she feels hot from how much she's giving it.
       You've let your combat performance go down the toilet from reckless behavior.
       Bronzo-27. Your virtue must be patience. Your anger gets the better of you.
       The tension rises in Seolla's movements, trying to bring up her shield to let Shiho's pommel impact there - only for it to glance off and instead smack into the Jegan's head, crackling and distorting the primary monitor display.
       ...To the point that the wriggling, humming, multi-colored cloud of distorting light that suddenly looms over the battlefield registers more as some bizarre graphical error than a presence she understands. The noises it makes deep in her soul...they're there. Along with all the other noises. If she were in her full clarity, this would register much more clearly. But she's so blitzed, and frankly a little fraying from the after-effects of the usual combat drugs, that, uh...hallucinations sort of happen, yes!
       ...the thing -really- getting at Seolla is Ouka's clear and cracking suffering. She swallows loudly and tersely over the open waves - her own difficulty is probably perfectly timed with how Shiho absolutely is just, seeing a crazy cosmic horror with total lucidity writhing and pulsing all the sudden.
       <"...look. You've seen what we're capable of now. Are you happy?"> (Tactical misunderstanding capacity: is she attributing the wacky glowing cloud to /G-Hound/? ...no she's just talking about Ouka and the Schwarzritter.) <"...I'm...I'm pulling back to deal with this. Understand? ...you get to push past my pride, or something.">
       Seolla feels it before Ouka's even gotten to the breaking point. Dr. Cero's going to call in any minute with his request. She doesn't want to hear a damn word of it. Her sparking and battered Jegan is hauling ass right towards the storm of violence with Ouka at its center, because one day it'll be too much to bear for her. One day I won't get to say goodbye.
       ...and on that note.
       <"...I'm Seolla. If we meet again, I'm seeing what your limits are, in something I can push my limits in. Goodbye.">

<Pose Tracker> Nena Trinity has posed.

       <"Whaaaaaat? I'm not using you...">
       <"Okay, yeah. I'm using you."> Giggle.
       Of course Nena has no idea what Lily has been going on about in her talk to the other pilot. Sure, said other pilot has been giving Nena some weird vibes. But who cares about that? It'll stop once she's dead! Which is what Nena is here to do.
       Still. Killing Ouka and destroying the Schwarzritter is proving a little more difficult than Nena had expected... Even with a blast of pretty red GN particles in the face, that fast machine is STILL COMING! Like, take the hint!
       But. It looks like Lily's attempts to restrain the other machine are creating an opportunity... It's a risk, but Nena will just have to take it! Both crimson beam sabers still in hand, the Gundam Throne Drei bursts forward to close the distance to the Schwarzritter.
       As Nena is charging her foe, Purple Haro buzzes, "Alert! Alert!"
       Nena cries, "What!?"
       Purple Haro buzzes, "Strange anomaly! Strange anomaly!"
       Nena cries again, this time with more annoyance, "Shut up! I don't care! I'm trying to kill this one right now."
       Unfortunately, Ouka is able to break free of Lily's grip before Nena can reach her. And she's charging her in return!
       And yet, Nena is able to hold her own against Ouka this time. Whether it's the sensor jamming, or Ouka's control apparently slipping away, Nena is able to meet the Schwarzritter's strikes with her own blades. The resulting damage to her machine is kept low and Nena is just about to retaliate...
       When Ouka asks about a Celestial Being trick? Nena pauses for a moment, "Huh? What's she talking about?"
       Purple Haro buzzes, "Anomaly, stupid! Anomaly, stupid!"
       Nena finally turns her attention to the glowing cloud on the sode of her screen, "Oh..."
       "What the hell is that!?"
       Whatever it is, it's not a Celestial Being trick. So Nena replies to Ouka, <"... Uhh, sure. Yeah, it is!">
       Whether Ouka believed Nena or not, the unhinged Schwarzritter pilot has turned to go after the cloud. Nena watches, a little dumbfounded, before shrugging and raising both her machine's arms to unload her beam handguns towards the Schwarzritter's back.

KTS: Nena Trinity has activated the Valor Spirit Command. KTS: Nena Trinity has activated the Valor Spirit Command. KTS: Nena Trinity targets Ouka Nagisa with GNW-003 Dual Beam Handguns Unload! KTS: Ouka Nagisa fails to evade Nena Trinity's GNW-003 Dual Beam Handguns Unload, taking 6240 damage! KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Nena Trinity's V :P activates, causing Sparkle! KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 8990

<Pose Tracker> Lily Jung has posed.

Lily keeps feeling anguish. Pain. As the Zack wraps its arms around the 'Gundam' like machine Aurum-1 is piloting, Lily tries to get Ouka to listen. But her words are not reaching her. Lily almost being a mirror before Ouka. Exposing her own emotions to herself. But her words reach a wall instead.

Just as Ouka is designed for, isn't it?

Just as GEIM is designed for, isn't it?

The Zack's arms creak and the machine is pushed away, and it drifts for a moment, before the Flamingo's wings spread once-more. Pink light pulsing at its back. To think, Lily was sent here to disrupt and destroy the latest G-Hound experiment...

And instead, here she is trying to save its pilot. In a ways, she really is one of the worst of ZAFT's members. No doubt she'll get chewed out for this. What should she even tell her superiors. 'But she was in pain'?

She bites her button lip when she senses something else. Something beyond the battle. The EWAC Zack turns, as if surprised, its head turning up towards the glowing cloud.

<"You are here again... Glow-cloud."> She whispers. Remember the last time she encountered it alongside Banagher. Again, it appears near a battle. Again it is... observing? Previously, it was scared. Curious. But this time, those emotions have changed.

With the Psyco-System in full operation, she reaches out. Her hand reaching out in the cockpit. Almost as if she were protecting herself. As if she could touch the cloud and put it between her hands.

~"What's wrong? Why are you anguished?"~ She asks on an emotional level -

- as the systems within the EWAC Zack seem to go haywire. Lighting up. Her brainwave activity rising more quickly this time! But her connection is interrupted. Ouka is coming at her. The tether between herself and the cloud falters for a moment, as she feels the pain that comes. The Longblade Rifles shift in front of her machine, crossing and holding one of the first strikes, before the machine tries to get away from the Schwarzritter. She can't outrun it, but each time just before Ouka can lay her blades to it, a Longblade Rifle once again gets in the way - interceding between her and her enemy.

But then Ouka shifts her direction. Calling the cloud a Celestial Being trick. <"No wait! It's not - it's a third party observer. Not everyone here is your enemy!"> Lily calls out as the Zack suddenly moves in the way. It's fully on instinct. This sense that the Cloud is innocent here. That the being should be protected.

So the Zack suddenly rises up, rushing in place an opening its arms! The Longblade Rifles crossing before the unit as the fierce Gundam-style Vulcans of Ouka's Schwarzritter rattle off. Interceding and protecting the Cloud - if it even needs that protection.

~"Not everyone here is your enemy! Can't you feel that it too anguishes!?"~

As the bullets rip across armor. Tear through. As even within Lily's own moment of fear, she protects the Cloud. Even as her machine is torn apart by the bullets... until its light flickers, and the machine itself is silenced.

KTS: Lily Jung's RMS-119 EWAC Zack - Pink Psyco Test Type has been disabled.

<Pose Tracker> Regina Everhart has posed.

"You fought well. Let us meet again in the future." Regina says, as the Variable Fighter moves to retreat. She doesn't attempt to pursue, her mobile shifting to provide cover just in case any cross-fire heads her way... and in doing so, she spots something unusual.

"...What /is/ this?" Regina asks, a rare look of surprise crossing her face as the glowing cloud, which she hadn't noticed before now, beginning to loom - growing in speed at an alarming rate. Her guard is up, but she doesn't move to attack it - it doesn't register as an opponent to her, only a possible attack from a weapon she's never seen.

Before she can marvel it too long, however, her Alto suddenly blares out a warning. The Schwarzritter's IFF signature, previously engaged with Nena and one of the ZAFT pilots, disappears... only to reappear /right above her/. Twice in one day - within the span of a few moments, even, surprise crosses Regina's face. But rather than attempt to retreat, she charges into the attack, thrusting her spear outward to intercept the initial volley of blows. The Schwarzritter tears right through the weapon, reducing it to nothing but scrap metal, but it serves its purpose in soaking up some of the damage.

Stabs, hacks, slash... she can feel the aggression in Ouka's movements. It's something she's familiar with - the Everhart style of combat revolves around honing one's aggression to a keen edge.

"Your aggression is overwhelming you - controlling you. Will you lose yourself to it, I wonder?" Regina considers. She endeavors to give as good as she gets - unleashing a quick and brutal flurry of bare-handed strikes on the Schwarzritter, aimed to inflict as much damage as possible to the machine while avoiding the cockpit itself. Each strike causes her own mobile suit to groan and whine in protest, parts blowing out until the arms can barely manage a strike.

But she retreats back, as Ouka's attention turns to a different target. She's pushed her mobile suit to the limit - in her current state, she's not certain she would be able to engage the Schwarzritter again and come out the other side in one piece. But perhaps she has at least managed to deliver a message.

KTS: Regina Everhart targets Ouka Nagisa with Shattering Combination! KTS: Ouka Nagisa has activated the Trust Spirit Command. KTS: Ouka Nagisa has activated the Trust Spirit Command. KTS: Ouka Nagisa fails to parry Regina Everhart's Shattering Combination, taking 8040 damage! KTS: Regina Everhart has engaged Ouka Nagisa!

<Pose Tracker> Shiho Hahnenfuss has posed.

The cloud starts to distract Shiho at the same time it does Seolla -- though she's not... open to it, in the way many of the other assembled people seem to be. As a result, she's capable of fielding Seolla's comments in short order. "... It'd be risky for me not to be," she concedes, rounding on the cloud rather than focusing on Shiho.

'I'm Seolla. If we meet again, I'm seeing what your limits are...'

"<Shiho Hahnenfuss. ... It's unlikely to be the last time,>" she answers, before turning herself toward --

"Lily!" Why is she protecting that -- /thing/? And why is Michiru hesitating? This is --

Despite the fact that she's not actually sure if she's the ranking officer here, Shiho decides /someone/ has to make a judgment call in this situation, and her answer is a simple one:

"ZAFT forces -- full retreat. It's too risky to even approach this many unknowns." The CGUE DEEP Arms is... /not/ a rescue unit, to put it lightly, either -- which means her own retreat has to be a solitary one. That's not to say she's not worried about Lily, but... breaking all the way to attempt to evacuate her, *then* trying to retreat with her in tow, is more likely to get /both/ of them in hot water than anything else.

<Pose Tracker> Michiru Tenjou has posed.

Between the two pilots... Kaworu probably counts as a secondary pilot. Surely, right? Michiru has been given a great deal to consider. She falls silent momentarily, processing a bit. "I understand now. I'm sorry I mistook her for a kaiju. And I can't speak for the other pilots either, but I won't attack further, unless absolutely necessary to protect my allies." Probably a first for Shinji, having an enemy pilot APOLOGIZE to him, let alone willing to stand down more or less peacefully. Inside the Galaxia, she worries at her lip. Still considering the rest of what was said. "Inside that machine... the pilot is under duress? Being used, and her life threatened by the act of operating it? I... wouldn't disabling its systems be a more sure way to..."

She cuts herself off abruptly, realizing the mistake in what she was saying. "No. I'm sorry for suggesting it. Of course that's too much a risk on its own." Let alone any 'fail-safes' the creators may have put in. If they don't value the lives of their pilots, of course they could do something so horrible. "I'd like to save the pilot as well. Given everything you've said..."

Her attention is shorn away from Shinji in the moment, whatever thought she had left unfinished. To the bizarre cloud, and to one of her allies being taken out. Though, as she turns the Galaxia to go and pick up the downed Pink Psyco Unit, a little message is left on Shinji's feed. Just a name. 'Michiru'. It'd feel weird to not at least leave that much as an actual introduction, after finding someone else who... seems to defy everything she's heard about the Earth. Sure, he's not the sort of personality she'd EXPECT from an anti-kaiju fighter, but... There's still a different kind of strength there.

About this point she gets the call for a full retreat. "Understood. I'll pull out our third and make for the exit point." ...She's going to have a lot to explain for herself, when they get back. And probably plenty to apologize for. Strictly speaking, she herself was likely the senior officer on this mission... but clearly not the most level-headed for accomplishing their goal. Deferring to someone making the judgement call only makes sense.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

       Does Kaworu see that?
       "<Yes,>" he says simply, continuing to give a level stare to the wall. He has not lied. To Michiru, he says reassuringly, "<It's all right. She does have a rather fearsome appearance. I thank you for your understanding and cooperation.>" It would be good if they could save Ouka by disabling her machine, but... it isn't that simple at all. Fortunately, Michiru understands that too--and Kaworu picks up that name as well from the communication send to Shinji via Unit-01.
       With that resolved, Kaworu switches gears back to Shinji and the matter of the glowing cloud. "<Hold your ground, but be prepared to defend yourself and the others,>" he advises. "<I'll see what I can determine about this one.>"
       Though he doesn't remove the headset, at this point, it stops transmitting. Instead, he says seemingly to the air, "So we meet again... Why are you here?"
       Outside, the glow cloud flashes brightly, red-orange-green, but also a calmer, bright blue.
       "I see," Kaworu replies. "You'll certainly get a good view this way. Does that mean you have no will to fight?"
       The colors shift to include more subdued grays and blues and violets, moving liquidly like a mood ring. The psychic intonation whistles a series of notes.
       Kaworu's eyebrows soften as he smiles. "Is that so? I'm glad to hear it." His lips sink. "Then I warn you: this is not a safe place to be. You should go."
       Lightning crackles and arcs upwards (which is to say, away from Luna II), flashing repeatedly as they move around an odd, dark sphere veiled deep in its center. The edges of that lightning frays when Lily addresses it, asking for the reason for its anguish--the fraying edges indicating, coincidentally?, the entirety of the battlefield. That will come across to Lily as well, though it doesn't 'speak' per se... not in a language she understands. But the feelings come across, as does it becoming a little more at ease. Familiarity? Reunion? A simple gladness--because of her?
       This lasts until Ouka in the Schwarzritter turns and, assuming the entity a Celestial Being trick, charges at it at full speed with guns blazing and swords swinging. Despite its alien appearance and imposing presence, when something actually moves to attack it, it shrinks back, edges crumpling as if trying to avoid the attack. It might have used some means to defend itself too... However, Lily then zips in to take Ouka's attack on herself, insisting that not everyone is her enemy.
       Colors shift in a muddy rainbow and lightning crackles faster than ever. However, the psychic intonations invert--instead of climbing and falling notes, it's suddenly notes of silence, round non-noises that pervade not just mental communications but even vocal ones. Then it once again turns itself inside-out, but this time to crumple inwards at speed until it's a compressed spheroid. It shivers and quivers--
       And then vanishes entirely, leaving only a white four-pointed star of light in its wake. After a moment, this, too, gutters and dies. Michiru will be free to retrieve Lily and retreat along with Shiho. Nena can certainly make whatever claims she wants, though it might be tougher after Lily contradicted her. Either way, the glow-cloud is gone.
       Kaworu's headset starts transmitting again, this time not just to Unit-01 but to the G-Hound units. "<Shinji... Please defend Seolla Schweizer as she assists Ouka Nagisa. Just in case any opposing units choose to remain and continue to fight.>"

<Pose Tracker> Ouka Nagisa has posed.

       At this point the line between threat and not is becoming fuzzy indeed.  The machine through which the GEIM links her is very much deciding that everyone without a Friendly IFF is an enemy, and INSISTS on Ouka agreeing.  It's harder for her to say no.  Even now, Lily attempts to connect with her.  Attempts to speak with her - to understand her and even stop her from potentially making a grave mistake.  As Ouka attempts to attack the cloud the Zack manages to intercede... albeit at a great cost.  The bullets from the vulcan gun ripping through her, unit and finally rendering her silent.

Not that her allies are willing to give up the fight quite yet. Nena's machine is worse for wear after a multitude of attacks by the Schwarzritter, and it finally gets a much needed chance for revenge when the machine's frenzied pilot goes chasing after a cloud. The Boosted Child doesn't pay her any heed, though her random movements does give her some measure of protection...

... not enough - the beams slam against the Schwarzritter's back, sheering through the light and already damaged armor at its flank revealing the sensitive core components underneath!

Regina was also caught up in her storm of violence, and seeks to pay Ouka back in kind. Just as Regina questions if Ouka will lose herself to her aggression... the First Boosted Child is very much losing her battle in that arena. Distracted as she is she attempts to parry the bare handed blows with a Winddolch, but the result is that the blade is knocked from her machine's hand and blow after blow strikes the Schwarzritter!! With the damage from the back and now the front, the relatively thin armor of the strange Gundam shows large obvious cracks and structural damage underneath. Her unit holds... albeit barely.

She watches as the strange color cloud starts to crumple and recede, watches as it suddenly compresses and shivers and quivers... and then it's just gone. Two foes down... just a few more to go... just a...

In the midst of it all, Ouka once again feels the warmth seeping out of her body. Once again she feels the tingling in her fingers and toes. Though this time it concentrates in her left hand. She remembers this feeling. The creeping coldness, the pinpricking sensation growing slowly stronger and stronger as it traveled up her arm. She knows it can't be real. She knows it was fixed. She was cured. It was purged out of her system.

"I am not a machine... I am not a machine... I am not..."

A silvery light catches the corner of her eye and she looks down, seeing her hand once and arm once again covered in those strange metallic scales. Fear grips her and she tries to tell her left hand to let go, to move, to do something - but it won't move. Instead the scales travel into the control stick - merging with it. The point where her hand ends and the control stick begins she can't see it anymore. She can't feel it anymore!!

She tries to count backwards in German in her head. Tries to wiggle her fingers, her toes, anything. But she can't. All she can feel is the cold seeping into her core from her periphery. She's cold... so cold...

The silver metal crawls across the console, it gathers, it congeals, it swells and grows into something bulbous and horrible. And then it becomes a face. A face entirely composed of the metal. A face that stares into her without emotion, without feeling. A face with eyes, lips, ears, and hair all made out of metal. She tries to scream but like with the rest of her body, she's frozen in place. It's her face.

It opens it mouth and it screams at her, an incomprehensible digital shriek not unlike the screech of an ancient phone modem. Strangely the sound resolves in her ears much the same way as the GEIM's data eventually resolves itself. It's a scream. Her scream. Just as the scream becomes clear to her ears, she realizes she is no longer staring at the silvery replication of her face. She's staring at HER face. Pale, covered in sweat behind the mask of her helmet, and eyes wide in fear. She watches as her body moves, right hand unclenching from the control stick, and SMASHES down against her field of vision. It blurs and warps. Then again - this time her vision cracks. THEN AGAIN!!! Her vision ruptures into shards, sparks and smoke rising from her 'face'.

"I AM NOT A MACHINE I AM NOT A MACHINE I AM NOT A MACHINE!!!" Ouka screams within her cockpit as she smashes the console. In time that same right fist starts raining blows against her unmoving left hand, pulling at it, ripping the control stick free from its housing as she beats the unmoving hand with ferocity. Meanwhile these movements are translated through the GEIM in predictable fashion - the machine beating its chest and its left arm, finally gripping it tight and RIPPING it from its joint.

...Meanwhile, within the Exhibition Hall...

Dr. Koch watches in boiling rage as Aurum One begins to crack. The battle started well, with her dominating her opponents with skill and deadliness. But as the battle went on she started to descend more and more. He ignores the call on the phone. No doubt Cero blathering on about how they ought to stop this and recall her before the damage is permanent. Not that it matters.

"Cut the feed, play the B-Roll." He whispers into his communications. Then he sends an outbound communication, "Get the garrison out there to clean up this mess and recover the GEIM System and data." No mention of the pilot of course. She doesn't matter.

Meanwhile Adler turns to face the crowd, staring at him with incredulous or disgusted looks. He has his work cut out for him...

...Meanwhile, within the other Hangar...

'Get the garrison out there to clean up this mess and recover the GEIM System and data.'

Dr. Cero doesn't know why he even bothered trying. Instead he opens his private communicator, worry painting his features as he watches the badly damaged remnants of the Schwarzritter flail at itself. He KNEW this would happen. But he let it happen anyway.

... would it have been better had he told Dr. Koch she couldn't do it? No... he would have sent Seolla. Seolla would have suffered even worse. And Ouka would have suffered too...

... what could he have done? Come clean? Tell the world the truth? Pay for his crimes alongside Adler, Aguilla and Egret?

He feels like he ought to. That this madness has to end somewhere. But as he grips the communicator he instead begins to transmit the remote eject button. His voice coming in through in Seolla's machine:

<I'm inputting the eject code in now. Retrieve her cockpit block and return to this hangar. Don't worry about the machine - the garrison units will retrieve it. Alright ... 3... 2....1>

...Aboard the Schwarzritter...

By now the cockpit is a wreck - monitors ripped apart, control sticks yanked out and wires still sparking and smoking. The pilot is still brutally beating on her left arm. Still trying in vain to stop the imaginary infection from consuming the rest of her. But then there is a loud kchunk, a rush of sound and a feeling of motion, and the lights and sparks in the cockpit go out as she cockpit block is ejected out into space!

The GEIM system, too, cuts out. Ouka's body briefly seizes and then goes limp. The pain and anger is all gone - released with a feeling of complete exhaustion. But the fear remains. The fear that she has failed. The fear, now, that a burden will fall upon someone else. "I'm sorry... Seolla... Arado..." She whispers before her eyes roll back into her head and her exhaustion claims her.

KTS: Ouka Nagisa's NK-13S Schwarzritter has been disabled.

<Pose Tracker> Lily Jung has posed.

Emotions and lights flow behind Lily. She can't really understand it. It is utterly alien. Utterly 'other'. But the girl still felt its emotions. That she could at least understand. So when it seems to 'recognize' her, the girl can't help but smile a bit. Indeed, they cannot communicate through words. But it seems to understand. It has a memory.

       ~"That's right, it's me."~

Then, having 'protected' it, it shrinks back. Retreating. She doesn't fully understand the colors or what it does. But then, as it disappears, she doesn't have much time to be considering it. Her radio still crackles as she hears her name. <"I'm okay."> Lily answers Shiho. <"I'll figure something out."> As her systems flutter back online ever so slightly. Enough to perform minor flight.

Of course, that requires her enemy not to chase her. Luckily, it seems her opponent is having her own personal situation to handle. With other combattants still harrying her for a bit, giving Michiru the opportunity she needs to evacuate the damaged Zack.

People would have questions.

And Lily isn't sure she really has answers. But the girl knows that some things just must be protected.

<Pose Tracker> Treize Khushrenada has posed.

       The doctor would find that the calls are not the only thing he best ignore. Their is an intense glare towards the doctor as the events of the fight are displayed to the crowd. Colonel Khushrenada's hand rests on his uniform's saber as he considers the moment. " Alder Koch, it would appear the unit did not live up to expectations. I will be submitting paper work to audit your work and the School. I will also be recommending to end the use of this system, G-Hound has no interest in systems that drive their pilots to lose touch of reality."
        Treize finally steps up having let the doctor hang himself enough ,reaching into his pocket he retrieves a headset he had been avoiding using since the matter began. Over the headset Treize speaks up to friendly federation units, <"This is Colonel Khushrenada, I am taking over for the good Doctor.  Retrieval teams, I do not need to inform you that the pilots in those suits are the priority, retrieve them and get them medical attention as soon as possible. All G-Hound pilots, focus on forcing a retreat then support the retrieval teams. NERV, G-Hound appreciates your help.">. Treize casts one look over at Adler, "You are dismissed doctor."
        Taking another moment to breath, Treize adds, "If any of G-Hound pilots that are associated with the School, were to suffer problems after today I will hold you responsible."

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

She's listening. The pilot is listening to them. Shinji's eyes light up with fragile hope. "<Then you'll...?!>"

An apology. An understanding. She doesn't want the fight for its own sake, but to save Ouka, too. To not take the risk, or gamble her life on the benevolence of her so-called 'benefactors'. The alert of a message has his eyes flit down.

"Michiru...?" he reads softly to himself, glancing up in time to watch in stunned disbelief as the Galaxia retreats. She listened. It's a name he'll definitely remember.

Once she's retreated, Shinji directs his attention, and Unit-01's sights, entirely on the glowing cloud with Kaworu's advice. "" A horrifying prospect against something so incomprehensible, but it feels like a friend, not an Administrator, when it's Kaworu asking -- asking, not commanding. There's sense Kaworu wouldn't request Shinji do something he couldn't, or wouldn't do. That's a trust not quite extended even to Misato.

When the transmission goes out, Shinji tenses, finger twitching against Unit-01's controls. All it takes is for a single crackle of space lightning for Unit-01 to move again, positioning itself as best Shinji can between it and the other fighters. Will an AT Field stop something like this...? Except miraculously, inexplicably, it's pulling away. When Kaworu's voice returns, the tightness of Shinji's shoulders begins to gently droop.

"<...I understand.>"

Unit-01 joins Seolla's Jegan and Ouka's Schwarzritter to account for the dangers Kaworu warned him of. But Shinji's too late, and too powerless, to protect the First Boosted Child from the pain of what happened today.

You paged Treize Khushrenada 'That's a great outcome, of course... as it will eventually be a part of what leads to the schism between G-Hound and The School. Adler, in particular, won't so easily give up on his ASPIRATIONS after all.'

<Pose Tracker> Nena Trinity has posed.

       Nena watches on her screen as the strange cloud thing appears to implode. She stares at the empty space, asking, "What the..." She looks down at her Haro, asking expectantly, "What the hell was that?"
       Purple Haro buzzes back, "Don't know! Don't know!"
       Nena hmphs, "Fine. Whatever." She looks back towards the Schwarzritter, seeing its ejection system going off. Nena is smiling again, "Oh look. They've ejected. Guess that means we can't chase after her, huh?"
       Purple Haro buzzes back excitedly, "Finish them! Finish them!"
       Nena moves her hands back to her controls, preparing to do just that... When a new window pops up on her screen. An update to the plan...
       "Retreat!? That's bullshit!" Nena considers for a few moments, before smiling, "Screw it. I'm gonna do this." She presses her throttle forward to push her machine to give chase to the cockpit block!
       The Gundam Throne Drei doesn't move.
       Nena blinks in confusion, alternating the throttle back and forth to try and get something to happen, "What the... What's going on?"
       Purple Haro buzzes back at Nena, "Not the plan! Not the plan!"
       Nena counters, "Screw the plan!" She tries her controls again. But nothing. Suddenly her machine turns, boosting away from the battlefield. She frowns, glaring at her co-pilot, "What are you doing!?"
       Purple Haro buzzes back, "You're in trouble! You're in trouble!"
       Nena looks surprised, "What? Why!? I haven't done anything!"
       Purple Haro counters, "Changed the plan! Changed the plan! Attacked hangar! Attacked hangar!"
       "A-Ah... They found out about that?" Of course they did. And apparently they didn't like it... Nena tries to think of a way out of this...
       Before coming up short. Finally she sinks down into her chair, crossing her arms and pouting as she watches the G-Hound units shrinking into the distance behind her.