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(Created page with "*'''Log: 2022-07-11 The Best Medicine''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Kaworu Nagisa, Character :: Misato Katsuragi *'''Where:''' A hospital in Tokyo-3 *'''OOC - IC Date:'...")
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Revision as of 03:59, 14 July 2022

  • Log: 2022-07-11 The Best Medicine
  • Cast: Kaworu Nagisa, Misato Katsuragi
  • Where: A hospital in Tokyo-3
  • OOC - IC Date: July 11, 0096 (2022)
  • Summary: Misato pays Kaworu a visit and discusses recent events with him. Humor ensues.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        The hospital where Kaworu is holed up currently is not special in terms of its design, location, or even structure. The windows are reinforced in the event of a sniper shot, but many hospitals with VIP rooms have something similar going on. Tokyo-3 is a fortress city, after all, and many important people live here. The room itself is plain--all white, hospital bed, end table next to it, a couple of chairs, a small personal bathroom, medical equipment... All very standard.
        A potted Tanabata bamboo and a bouquet of flowers in a vase help brighten it up, though. A notebook rests with them on that end table, on which a walking cane leans. A metal wristwatch lays on top of it, and next to it, a smartphone on its charger.
        Kaworu's hospital bed is elevated somewhat, so it's more like a sprawling couch than a bed, but anyone who walked in might mistake him for being asleep. It would be no wonder; he spend a large chunk of time this morning and afternoon either catching up on his schoolwork or in physical therapy. The nurses are impressed by his progress and think he can probably be discharged in a few more days. Full recovery will take longer than that, but they think he'll be fine as long as he uses a cane and is careful about his right arm, which he has been so far.
        The thing that might prompt someone to *not* assume that, though, is that he's humming along to a song playing on his smartphone. The display shows the artist is Fire Bomber, and the song is titled Light the Light:
        "God's busy; he's in the middle of something right now
        "This world is a little strange, just like a merry-go-round
        "It's not like only good things ever happen
        "Sometimes storms roll in too, but..."
        "Love will save your heart
        "Oh, the honest eyes that envision their dreams
        "Love will save this world
        "I know one day we're sure to see the light..."

<Pose Tracker> Misato Katsuragi has posed.

Misato Katsuragi is just relieved Kaworu can take visitors at all. She has her skepticism regarding all these assassination attempts as of yet--it feels like too many to simply be coincidence. And yet, Ouka's attack clearly had to have been coincidence. Right? Misato might have her partiality towards Asuka but that doesn't mean she's blind and deaf--she knows she can be abrasive.

Misato has brought along the latest batch of THE HOMEWORK for Kaworu as well, in a folder under her arm. She got a key earlier but doesn't stop Section 2 from opening the door mostly because she is so drawn into her own thoughts. Just a few more days. And then what? He just becomes a sitting duck again? Along with everyone else?

The next 'warning' might be fatal.

She blinks upon hearing the door open. "Thank you," She says to Section 2 and she raps on the side of the door frame with her fist in habit and says,

"You decent Kaworu?" She steps fully in a moment later.

God's busy and in the middle of something right now? If this song was a religious text it might be the first Misato thought made sense.

"Sorry we couldn't visit earlier. It's been a real journey to open you up to visitors."

She hesitates, then adds, "How you feeling? They said you were doing well but I've been worried about your baseball career."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Considering he was purportedly shot with radioactive munitions, it's astounding that he's alive at all. Perhaps they have the doctors' timely diagnosis to thank? Or perhaps it's something else entirely... He *had* been silent for three weeks, after all. A month is a long time, but it's also not very long at all. Then what, indeed? Kaworu might be a back-up pilot and thus not immediately necessary for any Evangelion sorties, but surely they can't just keep him in a cage for his own safety.
        Surely they can't.
        All that aside: a rapping comes at the door. Kaworu is clad in a kimono-esque hospital gown, but he is reclined with thin sheets up to his waist, so he calls back as the song puts itself on pause, "Come in." (The matter of whether he is "decent" or not is a thorny one and best left unaddressed.)
        "It's all right. I understand how grave the situation is," Kaworu reassures her, eyes open, his usual sideways smiles on his lips. He laughs a little at her joke about his baseball career. He assumes it's a joke, anyway. Lilim do so like to say things with no basis in reality and call it humor. "Physical therapy has been coming along well. I'm more concerned about my ability to play musical instruments, so I've been making sure to mind what the doctors and nurses say."
        He pauses then, looking at the folder under Misato's arm. No doubt it's full of prints. Thank God for QR codes. It's much, much easier for him to use a laptop for these things than to do them by hand. That's not really what he's concerned about, though. It's likely that either Shinji or Asuka brought those prints to Misato to give to him. And considering Asuka definitely hates him...
        "How... are your wards?" he asks carefully. "I heard about the explosion at school..."

<Pose Tracker> Misato Katsuragi has posed.

Well what are they gonna do? Put Asuka, Shinji, and Rei in cages? Misato can't allow THAT. For numerous reasons! And frankly they shouldn't be putting Kaworu in a cage either but they must have something on him...

Misato takes a moment to pull off her casual shades, closing them up as she looks into his eyes. "Ahha--well I didn't want to say music career in case there was bad news on that front." It must've been her attempt to inject levity into a sorrowful situation. "Just remember nobody knows your own body than you do. Doctors require input from their patient."

"Well, you know how Asuka can get." Misato sighs. "She's a good kid at heart but she's determined to ensure nobody knows it."

She shakes her head. "As you probably figured, it wasn't an explosion so much as Ouka going ballistic on Asuka. Asuka even admitted to provoking Ouka this time and she doesn't want to file a formal complaint."

She grinds her teeth a bit before adding, "Hikari was scared half to death and called me. Place was a disaster by the time I got there and Ouka just closed up. Like she was waiting for me to execute her."

She doesn't go into detail on that but if she hadn't brought the pistol--would it have gone better or worse? She cannot say.

"School came and got her after. I really tore their rep a new one."

She seems exhausted. It's been a long month.

"Shinji--well, he was really worried about you. They all were in their own way, but I think he blamed himself a little."

She realizes at this point that she's kinda talking to Kaworu--maybe not like one of the adults, but close to it. Well, she thinks, he's always been strangely mature relative to the others.

"I think they'll all be feeling better once they see you're okay for themselves."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        "It would be sad if I couldn't play the piano or anything anymore. But there's always other ways of making music. I suppose I would move on to electronic programs. It isn't the same, but life moves on," Kaworu says with perhaps eerie calm. He does nod at her encouragement to communicate with his doctors. "Yes. I'll be sure to keep that in mind."
        Even though there's really not *that* much he can tell the local doctors, who are themselves operating half in the dark. But he doesn't mention that part.
        His smile tightens at the mention of Asuka being a 'good kid at heart.' He doesn't argue with her about that, though; he only listens to her explanation. It's a little surprising, but only a little. A lot of things are like that these days, he reflects. He wonders exactly how Asuka went about provoking Ouka to produce such a violent reaction. His eyes narrow slightly when Misato mentions that Hikari had been there, but he doesn't interrupt. Only at the end does he ask, "Which representative did they send?"
        He can guess, but it's nice to know for certain. As for what's going to happen with Ouka--*that* isn't something with room for doubt.
        But... so, Shinji was worried about him... and he even blamed himself a little, hm. Even though he'd been the one to delay the assassin's final blow long enough for Acting Chief Shishioh to arrive and drive them away. That's so like him. A heart so kind and so fragile... Kaworu smiles faintly, a bittersweet fondness cutting through his previous calm.
        "I hope so. I don't want anyone in distress because of me," he says aloud. "I understand that Zoia Surovy was even reassigned back to NERV Zaftra after that incident. I don't know if it was the direct cause, but I imagine it was at least used an excuse." He pauses. "How are you? A great deal has happened in rapid succession. It can't be easy for you." After all, Commander Ikari was hospitalized recently too, even if that was kept quiet for security purposes. The responsibility would end up falling, if not to the Vice-Commander, then to the Lt. Colonel.

<Pose Tracker> Misato Katsuragi has posed.

"That's the nice thing about music I guess--there's lots of ways to make it." Misato isn't really a musician at heart but she can enjoy a good tune as much as anyone. Not really into classical herself, she likes showtunes and pop. A casual connosieur. But even so she understands it'd be tragic if Kaworu couldn't play the piano anymore. The kid's something else.

She adds on Ouka, "I couldn't get the story from Ouka, but I think Asuka knows more than she told me."

Which representative did they send?

"Doctor Cero Cuervo." Misato tells Kaworu. "Apparently they were already worried that something like this might happen!"

Misato takes in a breath and lets it out slowly, that moment of heat passing out from her lips as she steadies herself. This is a hospital after all. Keep cool. "I'm worried about what they'll do to that poor girl. Anyway, Asuka had me fetch something from the scene and I gave it to Ritsuko. Maybe that'll tell us more about what happened."

Misato crosses her arms. It doesn't take an empathic newtype Angel to see she IS agitated. Misato doesn't like having to deal with all this bullshit. She signed up to fight Angels and Kaiju not deal with spies and assassins. It's really out of her wheelhouse. The situation with Ouka is just the cherry on top of a shit sundae.

Zoia transfered out. They must think that this is a shitshow right now, a doomed project, doomed to fail. But it's NECESSARY.

"...Yeah, we had a close one with a kaiju attack but we were able to repel it. Got promoted after the fight." She cracks a grin. "Well it's not like my duties have really changed."

She hesitates before just admitting, "You're really mature for your age. I guess that's why they have you as an administrator. Believe me I appreciate it." Normally she'd feel a little offput by the guy but right now she's just grateful there's someone else who cares about the kids lending a hand here.

"But you're right." Misato admits. "Don't tell anyone or it'll ruin my hardass image. It'll be a relief when you get out of here. Repelling the Angels is stressful enough--miss me with all this other junk."

She looks away for a moment and adds, "You got any idea why someone wanted you dead?"

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        "Yes," Kaworu agrees. Though normally he only plays music as opposed to creating it... That--has been a *very* recent development.
        But he doesn't mention that either. Instead, he listens to Misato's comments on Ouka and Asuka, and nods when he hears Dr. Cuervo was sent. Unsurprising. Dr. Cuervo is the only one who cares about the Schoolchildren. His eyes flick to Misato's face when she makes that minor outburst, then takes a breath to calm herself. She really is upset... Also unsurprising, honestly. Perhaps they'll learn more from Ritsuko's analysis; perhaps not.
        "Ah, is that so? Congratulations, Colonel," Kaworu replies, smile growing. He'd been briefed on the kaiju attack, but Misato's promotion hadn't been part of that. "Unless you didn't want a promotion, in which case, you have my condolences."
        Is *that* a joke? He's still smiling, so it might be a joke. If you put that aside, though, he sounds awfully serious. It doesn't help that he breathes a faint 'ha' of a laugh when she calls him mature. "I hear that often," he replies. "You could say I have an old soul."
        Now that one was definitely a joke. Not that Misato would get the punchline.
        Misato's request gets another nod. Kaworu thinks that if he noticed, her friends and coworkers are bound to notice as well, but if that's her desire, he'll respect it. (He may not understand that she's trying to joke again.) "For me as well. There's much going on that has me worried," he admits in turn.
        Any idea why someone wants him dead, though?
        "...I couldn't say."

<Pose Tracker> Misato Katsuragi has posed.

Misato says, "Well, they were happy the Spiral Moon did what they made it for but it's not enough stopping power." Only Misato would say the Spiral Moon doesn't have enough power--but in a sense it's absolutely true. Misato would prefer if The Children could live normal lives and any bit of pressure she can take off them is something she'd like to do... "And hey, maybe now I can finally pay the bills!" Misato can enjoy the finer things in life but odds are it's going to all go to bills and junk. Misato doesn't save money. She's already lived longer than she ever expected to. She doesn't have any dependants.

"Heh!" Misato says. "Guess you do. Well I'm not complaining." She found it funny but not in a comedy sort of way just sort of a 'hah yeup' sort of way. She probably doesn't know how deep that quip goes. She definitely doesn't.

Misato is joking a lot because if she doesn't joke then she'll have to sit with it and that's the worst thing of all.

"Well, I know that Alexis Kerib guy has it for us. While an assassin with a rifle didn't seem his style, it's not like he can't get others to do his dirty work. Hopefully they don't try again because I'm not really sure how to stop it. I guess try to change up your routes periodically. Keep 'em guessing the ways you're taking home."

"I've got a fun exercise planned when you're better." Misato says. "I'll try and pick something that doesn't require any gymnastics."

She considers apologizing for being unable to protect him. He isn't her ward, but she feels responsible for all of The Children to some extent. But she doesn't. Because what's the point of apologizing at this point? She can't fend off assassins. It's clear as day. That's just apparently going to be a semi-normal part of their lives now.

She sets down the folder nearby, hand lingering on it.

"Is there anything I can do for you? Get you?"

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Kaworu smiles at the 'it's not enough stopping power' like it's a joke. It isn't a joke, though, even though he's amused by it. There's something tragically humorous about wanting to protect someone but being helpless to. Kaworu understands that particular situational humor excruciatingly well. Humor is important. Kaworu's sense of humor might be opaque to a Lilim, but that is something he shares with them.
        "I'm sure Shinji and the Second would be glad if you could," he says. "As for myself, it will be good to get back to work with you, Colonel." His relationship with Misato goes back and forth quite a lot from variation to variation, but generally speaking, the sooner he arrives, the better he seems to get along with her. In the same way, the later he arrives, the more intense his relationship with Shinji tends to be... His wistful gaze rises momentarily to the ceiling. Which is better: to have more time to spend with someone who doesn't see you as particularly special to them, or to have only a scant amount of time with someone who holds you dearer than anyone? ...The eternal dilemma.
        He doesn't comment on Alexis Kerib. There isn't really anything he could say on that mark without giving himself away. His conversation with Alouette and Orpheus made that abundantly clear. Instead, he gives a simple nod. And, because it seems like it would help reassure her: "I'll be sure to take greater care going forward." A pause, though, at the mention of an exercise. "Oh? What did you have in mind?" he wonders, curiosity piqued.
        It's just as well she doesn't apologize. It is indeed just part of their reality now, and will be until the matter is resolved one way or another. Perhaps it might be best that his fellow Children burdened by fate are warier of the possibility of death outside the entry plug...
        These musings are interrupted when Misato sets down that folder and asks him that question. He's about to politely tell her no when he tilts his head and regards both her and the question. "...Would it make you feel better if I said there were?"

<Pose Tracker> Misato Katsuragi has posed.

Sometimes all you can do is laugh. It's also just true that when someone gets shot in the face you tend to think a little better of them. Bullets tend to put relationships in sharp relief, especially when someone got shot in the face. Time will tell if it sticks--because even bullets aren't able to do much about time. And well--if someone new shows up when things are stressful, you're bound to not be able to deal with them as well as if you met them when life seemed easy breezy. These are the good days for Misato before she starts losing the people in her life that she never thought she'd lose.

She didn't know Kaji when he was fourteen, but Kaworu reminds her of that man. It's that look in his eyes that seems like they see a little deeper than most eyeballs. Of course, Kaji's... way more incorrigable. But maybe that's a side effect of not being fourteen.

Misato would rather just leave Tsutsujidai alone. If it wasn't for them sending kaiju out into the 'real world'.... It might as well not even really exist. She's got her hands full with Tokyo III. More than full.

It is pretty hilarious that Misato can't protect those she wants to protect, isn't it? Sometimes even inside the tragedy you can't help it.

Would it make you feel better if I said there were?

Ugh now she really is thinking of Kaji. He's injured, Misato, let him be a little smarmy about it.

"Well, I'm not asking you to lie," Misato says evenly. "I'm a big girl, I'll live if I just have to gnash my teeth and hope for the right moment. I know the world's not exactly fair."

She pauses though at that--after saying that.

"...You know, sharing that information about Second Impact--even though we ended up sharing that picture of me. I think it was for the best. Sleep a little easier now that it's out."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Who can say? Kaji definitely is a lot more lustful than Kaworu, and not nearly as neat, but they do have certain superficial similarities. Maybe they'd work well together if there was ever need for them to, say, take charge of a major organization. At least for now, for this time around, Kaworu and Misato can get along. Ironic that it took a bullet to the skull to clinch that.
        For what it's worth, Kaworu had been serious about that question. Consequently, when Misato responds, he nods once and says, "I had no intentions of lying. But if that's the case, that does keep me from having to think of something for you to do. We're both too busy for meaningless busywork."
        (...So doing or getting something for Kaworu is meaningless busywork?)
        He does pause when Misato brings up the information about Second Impact--about the photo of the Katsuragi Expedition. That it was for the best that it was shared. "...I'm glad you feel that way. It is a relief when you don't have to live while hiding things, isn't it?" he says with a faint smile. "To be able to live openly as oneself is the greatest freedom one can enjoy."
        He pauses then, considering her. Considering the conversation so far. "...Actually, there is one thing I'd like to ask of you..." he starts, a little hesitant. "...Please watch over Shinji for me."

<Pose Tracker> Misato Katsuragi has posed.

"You especially, you've got a lot of homework to catch up on," Misato quips. Truthfully, the homework is likely the least of Kaworu's worries but it's the sort of thing you might take for granted in a kinder world--

"...Yeah." She agrees on the matter of living openly. She's a bit short in her response but that doesn't mean that she doesn't completely agree. Misato doesn't exactly live a traditional life either and the 2nd Impact has its hand in that. "Enjoy your pleasures while you've got them. Life's too short to spend it moaning. 'Specially not about something that happened fifteen years ago." She obviously has no idea of how long Kaworu has carrying his own burdens quietly but that's probably for the best.

She might avoid her triggers but she never wanted to live as if they ruled her even if the specter of DADS hover over her as much as it does Shinji. She doesn't have to live like them.

Misato starts to leave--

Please watch over Shinji for me

"...Pfh..." Misato half-laughs as if Kaworu had made another joke. "You don't gotta ask me that, Kaworu. Shinji's a good kid. I'd take a bullet for him."

She's speaking metaphorically, of course. She has no idea how literally true that is but maybe that's the one thing the two of them have in common.

"Rest well, alright? If you come back with bags under your eyes, he'll worry."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Something in Kaworu seems to ease up when Misato laughs at the concept that she'd do anything *other* than watch over Shinji. He does have a quiet little laugh of his own when she adds that she'd take a bullet for him. "...True. I suppose I didn't need to ask," he concedes. "Thank you all the same. And thank you for the delivery." He nods towards the paperwork she dropped off.
        Rest well, or he'll worry... Kaworu shuts his eyes. "I will," he murmurs. "Take care, Colonel."
        When she leaves, a slight draft from the door will rustle one of the two paper tags hanging from his little potted bamboo. It is, like many Tanabata wish tags, very simple. It reads, in elegant calligraphy:
        "his happiness"