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Latest revision as of 05:19, 13 July 2022

<Pose Tracker> Vitaly Sokolov has posed.

G-Hound's Rapid Response Division is spreading its wings all across the Federation region. And Alordesh is no different. Right now, Vitaly is at one of the many Garrison Bases of Alordesh - standing outside at the airstrip. Behind her, a large airport hangar is currently hosting the Rabscuttle unit, being resupplied.

Standing outside of the hanger itself, is Vitaly. Taking her time to smoke a cigarette, while watching the perimeter like a hawk. There's a few Wanzers in the distance committing to a heavy spar per her orders. Military Hardware costs so much, it's a waste to let it sit around doing nothing when it could be getting used to train its pilots.

She's requested that Lina Lombardi meet her, having gotten wind of a recent deployment. It's clear that she is trying her best to recruit Lina into G-Hound proper. Committing to personal interest like that definitely signals this.

The woman's old hair keeps getting tugged at by the wind, moving sideways. The string of smoke coming from her cigarette flowing in the same direction, getting tangled into her hair. It seems she doesn't care about such matters.

She's just waiting for now.

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

Lina sighs, closing her jacket as she faces towards the wind. Sokolov really was dragging her around the world by the nose, huh? At least this time she didn't have to bring the Alto, it was still being looked after in the wake of the other night.

Surely this was going to be more prodding about joining G-Hound. She was thinking about it, she promises, but it's not entirely a decision you make overnight, especially when you have to convince a friend to go along with you. Alina had been a bit upset that Lina had just offered her like that, but...

/"Look, Alina. I'm not gonna force you to go with me. I just really want you there with me. You know me."/

/"Lina...I guess I'm not completely opposed. Give me some time."/

And that was where they were right now. Thinking about it. Her upcoming family visit was equally weighing on her mind, making it a miracle she had the mental bandwidth to even pilot like she was. She lets out another sigh.

And there she is. Lieutenant Commander Vitaly Sokolov, Teach, maybe even Ma'am if Lina felt like it.

"Hey, Teach."

Doesn't seem like Lina feels like it right now,

<Pose Tracker> Vitaly Sokolov has posed.

"Cadet." Vitaly answers Lina Lombardi as she approaches, before taking another long wiff of her cigarette. Expertly using the time to take her smoke break while Lina gets closer. At least she's standing up wind. The woman doesn't even look at Lina, until she is close enough that they're in proper 'conversational' range.

The woman then flicks her cigarette to the ground, and firmly stomps her leg down upon it. Grinding it under her boot as if it had offended her, and when she's done... she reaches for her jacket pocket and pulls out a metalic open tin. Pulling a new cigarette that she's hand-rolled this morning, and taking it between her fingers. The tin goes back, and a lighter follows.

Flick. Flick.

But the wind doesn't allow it. It blows the light out. So she tries to pawn the lighter off to Lina Lombardi to help light her up while she places her other hand to the side of the cigarette to stop the wind from cutting down the flame.

"I hear, you deploy recently." The woman simply remarks. "What happen? I read something about 'cow'. So I think, I better get a witness account, yes?" Her grasp on language still as stubborn as always.

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

Lina supposes it's fair play, she gets Teach and Sokolov gets Cadet. She knows that Sokolov doesn't /entirely/ mean it as an insult, the woman was too straightforward for sarcasm.

The cigarettes. She's obviously still been using the same brand these whole five years. She knew the smell well. Lina didn't smoke herself, but even as a cadet, she always thought that Sokolov would be more fitting chewing a cigar. She leans in, taking the lighter and flicking it open behind Sokolov's hand to light the end of the cigarette.

"There was a kaiju attack in Nouvelle Tokyo. Giant cow. There were a couple other people on the scene, including one of those Eva units. We were attempting to fight off the kaiju and its head opened up, revealing an orb containing...well, there was an actual cow in a headset that seemed to be controlling the kaiju's actions. So the mission changed to extracting the cow to disable the thing. Which I did. NERV took the rest of the kaiju for research and the cow was safely returned to the farm it was abducted from."

<Pose Tracker> Vitaly Sokolov has posed.

"Thank you." As the lighter springs to life and lights the cigarette, Vitaly soon brings the cigarette to her lips, and takes the lighter back to put it into her breast pocket. With the lighter put away, she has her hands free again.

She patiently listens, turning her body to properly look at Lina, and looking her /right/ in the eyes. She follows every word.

And as a good teacher does, she first congratulate Lina Lombardi; "Did good. Fight off Kaiju. Protect people. Very good." Pause. But there's a 'but'. Lina knows there's a butt. "I have question. Why did mission change to extracting one cow to disable unit? It was pilot system, yes?" Vitaly inquires with her.

<Pose Tracker> Treize Khushrenada has posed.

Sometimes one move from Point A and Point B with a bunch of fanfare and knowledge is spread and everyone is very on the ball, and other times one simply seems to appear places with little to know notification. That's why today a VF-171 is currently landing in fighter mode now on the landing strip infront of the hangar and the pilot is unknown despite flying friendly flags. There is a ruckus and at the same time a bunch of people in charge gritting there teeth and saying things like just do what you are told and then forget it.

The unknown pilot opens the hatch of the VF-171 and climbs out getting weird looks from the landing crew before the helmet is removed. Treize Khushranada stands there, " Please see to it that Trey Kurana landed today in need of a refuel before continuing on towards spain. " With Treize's cover story mentioned he simply walks away from the loaned Nightmare and seems to be going towards the hangar to acuire some refreshment while he awaits refueling.

This happens to be exactly how Treize Khushranada wearing an AEU flight suit showing an airman's rank, comes upon the two ladies. Obviously those who know know and those who don't well it's going to be awkward. Taking a moment ot stand there he then gives a small cough and speaks up, " Excuse me, I am looking for the cafeteria, could either of you please point me in the right direction?"

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

"Simple matter is it was seen as a simpler task than continuing to take potshots at the entire unit, and the NERV agent seemed really keen on keeping the kaiju as intact as possible. Minus...a few bite marks."

Lina had been on the receiving end of enough of Instructor Sokolov's feedback to see where this was going. Debriefing on the deployment, she did realize that she could have killed the cow easily, but...the poor thing didn't ask for it. A cow isn't a solider! A cow doesn't die for their country!

"And it wasn't solely my idea, mind you. Remember that I was working with others on this."

...Khushrenada?! The hell was the big boss of G-Hound doing here? Nooooo, was this part of Sokolov's plan? Was /he/ going to give her the sales pitch now too?!

"Er...I wouldn't know, sadly. My first time here."

<Pose Tracker> Vitaly Sokolov has posed.

"I have no concern with tactical decision to reduce damage output on unit. NERV have authority in Tokyo. Capture of Kaiju is not bad decision. But, Cow was unimportant. Risk death of many person, much property damage, over perhaps 1000 credit cow. Cow, easy to make more of. Not sentient, probably. But person, hard to replace, da?" Vitaly Sokolov inquires with Lina Lombardi. "Are with G-Hound. You can make decision like that. Do not group-think. Group think cause many problem. G-Hound is made to make quick internal decisions for better of world."

The woman then glances aside towards the landing vessel, noticing the approaching man...

Vitaly Sokolov would be ill-fitted in her role, if she did not recognize Treize Kushrenada at first blink. So when the man approaches, she immediately clacks her heels together and stands at attention, saluting the man. "Sir!" She calls out. Remaining at attention while he asks for the route to the cafeteria.

"Good to see you." She then looks to the side. "Cafeteria is in building with radar tower. Easy access from strip." She declares.

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

Lina, not being a ranking officer of G-Hound, did not stand at attention for Treize, stuffing her hands in her pockets and turning back to Vitaly.

"Yeah, I know I probably could have just killed the thing, but...I didn't want to if I didn't have to. And before you say it, yes, I know, conscience just gets in the way. I suppose I would have killed it if it came to it. And don't forget, I'm not /actually/ with G-Hound quite yet."

She lets out a puff of air, turning her face to the wind, the breeze blowing her hair away from her eye and showing her entire face. "I've been thinking about it, though. It's not a decision one makes lightly."

<Pose Tracker> Treize Khushrenada has posed.

Treize looks at the two as it seems his disguise does not hide him or anything. In the end it was only a mediocer disguise at best, it's not like he put on a mask or anything. Standing there for a momnet he looks from Vitally to Lina then back to the saluting Vitaly, "You don't need to do that, if anything I should be saluting you according to our ranks." Treize gestures to the airman ranking on his shoulder before looking towards the Cafeteria. "Thank you for the direction."

As he is about to walk off he stops hearing Lina's words, " Being with G-Hound or not doesn't change whether one acts with a conscience in their actions. Simply from the little bit I heard I think Lt. Sokolov is only meaning that you should make sure to not put yourself in danger just for your conscience." He smiles that Treize smiles that one could almost see the sparkles radiate from before adding, "If you were to join G-Hound I am sure it would be a great addition, I know Colonel Khushranada would welcome you." Treize is really trying at this disguise.

<Pose Tracker> Vitaly Sokolov has posed.

Vitaly drops her salute. The cigarette had been hanging from her lip whilst she'd been doing so. Managing not to get lost as she spoke - sticking to her lip. "Ah." Vitaly picks up on Treize's 'disguise'. "Yes, is pilot now. I understand."

She lets Treize address Lina first. Not interjecting.

But she does eventually correct Treize's interpretation. By directing her commentary straight to Lina; "So, did not want to kill cow. Cow more important than surrounding human life, da? Civilian, in danger. Cars, destroyed. Each step, road get repaired. Many credit cost." Vitaly needles Lina Lombardi a bit. It's said in an instructing tone - trying to get her to engage in more critical thinking.

"But, da, is also important to consider yourself. But, think, you can measure danger to self well enough." Vitaly points out, touching her hand to her cigarette finally to blow a big cloud of smoke up into the air.

"And yes, is not decision made lightly. Is also not decision made alone, niet?" Vitaly remarks. "Take time. I will live for year to come." She then points her cigarette at Treize. "And 'airman' is right. Colonel would welcome Cadet. Would get raise. Better unit. Much reward and benefit for being in G-Hound."

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

Lina sighs and leans up on the wall next to Vitaly, taking a second to look at both her and the "airman." They were really serious about all this, huh?

"Ugh, I get it. Next time I'm up against livestock, I'll just open fire." Her tone had a hint of sarcasm, but not of defiance. Deflecting with a joke, but she understood what they were saying. She swears, these two are gonna make her ask for one of Vitaly's cigs.

"And I haven't been making it alone. Trust me, it's all me and Mousetrap can talk about when we're with each other. Haven't brought it up with Concord yet, I think it's best to wait on that until I'm ready to give my two weeks notice at the company." A pregnant pause. "I'm actually going to be flying into Italy soon for a family visit. Staying with my little sister. She's been bugging me about how she hasn't seen me since last Christmas, and she's got a new boyfriend she wants to introduce me to. Says it's serious this time. That's what she said the last three times."

She pushes herself off the wall and takes a few steps on the tarmac as she gets to the point. "I'll probably talk about it with her, even though I know what she'll say already. She never really liked the PMC business. Always said it felt a bit seedy. Hell, she's not wrong."

<Pose Tracker> Treize Khushrenada has posed.

Treize stands and listens and realizes he has infiltrated a moment of teacher and student discussion, truly poor timing if there ever was such a thing. Still though, in for a penny, "I am sure all the livestock in the earthsphere is now under warning that you will be targeting them." There is a chuckle, and hadn't actually seen the report about the cow kaiju yet and so doesn't understand what livestock had to do with things. Maybe this is a teacher/student joke.

Eventually his attention is slightly distracted by the two Wanzers fighting in the distant and Treize just watches them go at it before idly comment, "Thats good to see. We really need more of that sort of thing these days." It's an idle comment that may have even not been something that was intended to be spoken. Obviously in this smaller setting he is being a little bit looser with his lips.

<Pose Tracker> Vitaly Sokolov has posed.

"Da, is important to keep up practice." Vitaly Sokolov answers Treize as he mentions the Wanzers beyond. "I make sure, when I arrive at base, I encourage practice. For lazy pilots make for lazy piloting." The woman points out, before turning to Lina.

"And, go see family. Is important. Especially with trouble that started when you were still under tutelage by me. Yes?" The woman inquires, taking another puff and blowing the smoke in such a way that it doesn't end up in either of their faces.

"Take time. Think over. Military contract is big decision. PMC is seedy. But PMC, can more easily leave. Military, do wrong thing, get courtmarshalled." She points out. "G-Hound is not easy decision. Is just... right decision. It was right decision for me." She motions her cigarette a bit as she talks.

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

"It'll be five years in November. Five years I've been...out at sea. No direction. Going where the currents take me." She takes a couple more steps and turns her head back to look at Vitaly. "And then here you come, throwing me a life preserver. Sounds like a no-brainer, right? But yeah...I need to make sure the boat you're pulling me onto is gonna go to the port I need."

She closes her eyes, thoughts running through her head. But they can wait. "I'll bring you back a bottle of red from the family vineyard. Lombardi Custom Carmignano, you'll love it."

<Pose Tracker> Treize Khushrenada has posed.

Treize looks at Vitaly for a moment and doesn't really have much to say in terms of persuasion, it appears the teacher has everything under control. Also it is only a matter of time until his plane is refueled. Taking a moment before he excuses himself he adds, "I find with any new job it is best to schedule something with management to make sure your goals and theirs align." With that says Treize salutes Vitaly, "Please excuse me." Then wanders off towards the cafeteria to grab something to go.

<Pose Tracker> Vitaly Sokolov has posed.

"Sir." Vitaly still manages a quick salute to Treize, before turning back to Lina Lombardi.

"Will appreciate." The woman nods. "It has been long time since I drink Italiano wine." She notes, before thinking on this, and adding; "If family live in Tuscany area, perhaps, pick up Olive Oil?" It seems she may be partial to that. "Is hard to find good Olive Oil."

It seems the teacher is fine leaving it at that.

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

"Sure thing!" Lina's demeanor has noticeably improved now that they are talking about food. She certainly was Italian. "Anything else we should go over, then? If not, I should get back to my ship."

<Pose Tracker> Vitaly Sokolov has posed.

"No. I think, we talk about important thing." Pause. "The... cow." Vitaly points out - clearly not sure how to really handle that the topic boils down to 'a cow'. But there it is. The woman then throws down her cigarette and crushes it out. "For now, I join airman in Cafeteria. I wish you good travel. Be safe, comrade."

And with that, Vitaly is off. Boots heavily hitting the ground.