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(Created page with "*'''Cutscene: Nuvole Bianche''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Kaworu Nagisa *'''Where:''' Undisclosed *'''Date:''' July 7, 0096 (2022) *'''Summary''': ''After https://srtmoo...")
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Revision as of 00:07, 8 July 2022

"Awaken, First Angel."

Boxed in by a sea of white and a sky of black, Kaworu opens his eyes.

A monolith floats at the foot of his bed. Its dark surface reads 01, and underneath that, SOUND ONLY.

"It is time for you to return to the world of man," Kiel, leader of SEELE, intones.

Kaworu doesn't respond at first. The soft, rhythmic beep of medical equipment draws his gaze slowly to his right. The act makes his lips tremble and purse; a sharp pain radiates out like a spore cloud from his skull. It's an unusual experience. Of course, so is the place of his awakening. Hospital beds are for Shinji. For Kaworu, it's coffins.

Slowly, gingerly, he sits upright. A thin bedsheet falls away from his bare skin. "How long has it been?" he wonders.

"Approximately twenty days have passed since your attempted assassination. In that time, Tokyo-3 was attacked by a kaiju fashioned from two separate ones battled in the strange space known as Tsutsujidai."

Kaworu's shoulders tense. He remembers another's words: This world's Tokyo-3 could use a test of its readiness. One of her kaiju would be quite suited to the task...

"Those investigating your attempted assassination suspect that someone from this space was involved," Kiel continues.

That's a little surprising, but only at first. Even an instant's thought makes it make more and more sense. "What is SEELE's assessment?"

"As long as NERV's attention is pointed away from why you were targeted, all is well. The perpetrator will be found and interrogated. The Fourth Child has been assigned to this task."

"I see."


Kaworu smiles slightly. How convenient it is that Kiel commanded of him something he'd been meaning to do anyway. He slips out of the bed and finds that his left leg wobbles dangerously beneath him. Concerning. He limps over to the medical curtain that surrounds him, and pushes it op--no. His right arm is too unresponsive; too weak. He can't quite raise it enough. He considers his own limb. Then he opens the curtain with his left arm.

As he does so, Kiel observes his physical condition, then describes the injuries he sustained and what measures were taken to repair them. The bullet that had pierced through the light of his heart--what the Lilim refer to as an A.T. Field--had also interfered with his ability to regenerate. His cranium had been cracked and splintered like a mirror by the shot; the stabs had done significant damage to his hamstring and his rotator cuff. The most attention was given to his head wound, which has been 95% repaired. His shoulder and thigh have been partially repaired, but he will need to recover the rest of the way on his own. NERV has been given the cover story that the bullet that had struck him had carried a radioactive isotope, thus the need for his long quarantine.

Naturally, they both know better. Past the curtain is an expansive black room, seemingly far, far too large for the little white oasis on which Kaworu stands. Pillars etched with arcane marks stand in certain corners around it (him), far enough apart to lock him and his oasis in at their center. Despite all that, they've been powered down--it looks to be very recently. Kaworu takes the sight in with an impassive lack of expression. It's as much as he expected.

He eases back onto the bed. Another unusual experience: he's dreadfully tired. Not quite exhausted, but close to it. His left thigh and his right shoulder both continue to clamor. He slips his left hand around his thigh, around to the back of his shoulder. Long welts harass his fingertips.

Scars, he marvels. I'm scarred.

"As of today, we are satisfied that your true nature will present no inadvertant problems due to this incident," Kiel is saying. "You will be transferred to a hospital in Tokyo-3 to undergo physical therapy, and will be allowed visitors."

Kaworu looks up at him again at last. "I won't be kept here?"

"Many members of NERV have expressed concern for you. Some are known to cause problems. We have judged that allowing them access to you will reduce or prevent internal issues in the future."

He smiles at that, genuinely so. Even so, he asks, "Then Tokyo-3 wasn't damaged too badly?"

"Damage was of moderate severity. The kaiju pierced eight armored plates and partially breached a ninth. Inspect the drawer to your right and you will find your communication device. It has been loaded with the appropriate reports and video footage to bring you current."

Kaworu does that too. He reads much of interest. He sees even more. Video data shows him a kaiju that looks to be a cross of Go'yavec and Gillvalis appearing out of nowhere in the middle of the city. Several responders rise up to fight it--and Unit-01 and its pilot in particular defy its power with fierce determination...

He smiles, soft and subtle and broad, as he clutches the smartphone to his chest without averting his gaze from what it shows. Before, the thought brought him pain. Now, it brings him pride.

Shinji... You really don't need me.

Kiel has continued, telling him about how he will be transported, to where, that he'll be allowed to update NERV about his status once he's there, and so on. Kaworu intakes the information mentally, but emotionally pays him no mind. SEELE means nothing to him. This means everything to him. To know the one he loves most will be just fine with or without him... It's as bitter as it is sweet.

The video ends and automatically minimizes. The date on top is July 7th. He'd been told of this date once, in another lifetime: Tanabata, the Star Festival. A festival of making wishes. When the lovers Orihime and Hikoboshi have a chance to meet once again, but only if the skies are clear. If they're cloudy, they must wait until next time for another chance. Kaworu leans back on his pillow and shuts his eyes.

It's all right. If this year's skies are overcast... then there's always hope for the next.

He can wait.