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(Created page with "{{LogP2 |cast=Cagalli Yula Athha, Shinn Asuka |location=Docks - Onogoro Island, Orb |summary=It's a destined meeting waiting to happen. The two teenagers with scars that won't...")
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|cast=Cagalli Yula Athha, Shinn Asuka
|cast=Cagalli Yula Athha, Shinn Asuka, Rey Za Burrel (NPC)
|location=Docks - Onogoro Island, Orb
|location=Docks - Onogoro Island, Orb
|summary=It's a destined meeting waiting to happen. The two teenagers with scars that won't heal coming to a clash of ideals.
|summary=It's a destined meeting waiting to happen. The two teenagers with scars that won't heal coming to a clash of ideals.

Latest revision as of 04:43, 20 September 2024

  • Cast: Cagalli Yula Athha, Shinn Asuka, Rey Za Burrel (NPC)
  • Where: Docks - Onogoro Island, Orb
  • Date: U.C. 0099 09 01
  • Summary: It's a destined meeting waiting to happen. The two teenagers with scars that won't heal coming to a clash of ideals.

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

Everyone in the Senate and Assembly are busy during the chaos just days after Junius Seven hit the atmosphere. Not just dealing with matters of state urgency like relief aid and refugees, but also with pursuing their own agendas. A particular one that came to Cagalli's awareness was a business with the Gaia Sabers. Some kind of security contract in Orb, she found out. And knowing the time frame of things to happen, she already have an inkling of what the deal was when they visited secretly.

She raised her objections at the Assembly, naturally. And even more naturally, her objections went nowhere when Unato argues for the necessity of outside security for the wedding. A gesture of cooperation, even before the treaty is officially signed, he said.

In the past, Cagalli would've stomped out of there or continued to raise her voice until her father removed her. But her father is no longer around; And she's no longer just a simple Princess. She simply sat, dejected, and only just barely managed the rest of the itinerary in low spirits.

So here she find herself in the military harbor of Onogoro. While the Minerva is still anchored here, she needed to sneak a visit in with Athrun. They scarcely even talk nowadays, let alone face to face. And so she waits, just against the waves sputtering below her after the sun's already set.

<Pose Tracker> Shinn Asuka has posed.

It's another day in port on the Minerva. Every since Junius Seven, the mood on board hasn't been particularly great. While Orb was neutral, most of the crew felt on edge being around the Earth away from PLANT. Like at any moment, the winds could change and they'd need to get out as quickly as possible. This was why many of the pilots currently off duty stuck relatively close to the Minerva.

Shinn had other reasons why he didn't venture far into Orb. After seeing the memorial, the black haired boy went back to his post, keeping mostly to himself. Orb was no longer his home and he would feel nothing when they finally departed. There was nothing for him here.

He watched the waves of the ocean, recalling the tranquil days with his family. A knot started to form in his stomach, making him somewhat ill already.

And thats when he saw -her-. Shinn knew who Cagalli was. He had spent his youth enamored by the Athha's and Orb, just like his parents. He was a true believer. Now that adoration was nothing but spite. Spite for the terrible job the Athha's did defending his former homeland. His eyes narrowed as he straightened up and turned to the blonde haired woman as she passed.

"What are -you- doing here?" He said coldly, trying (poorly) not to get his ship kicked out of safe harbor.

This restraint would not last.

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

The ocean splish and splash against the face of the wall. Stars stark against the sky at the horizon where it's untouched by Orb's own light. It is certainly a tranquil scene, especially at night when activity in the area has dwindled. It's a peace soon to be disturbed when the black haired boy entered her vision.

She turned back towards that accusatory tone. What is he accusing her of, anyway? "Hah?! This is my port! What are you doing here?" She snapped back. She's normally a lot better at controlling her outbursts, especially after her father's passing. But something about this boy just brings back that old self of hers.

She assumed Shinn's a regular civilian in the outfit he's wearing. In which case he should definitely not be here, a restricted military area. He should be removed. "Explain yourself before I call security!"

But she still allowed him to explain himself before she does.

<Pose Tracker> Shinn Asuka has posed.

Shinn is taken aback by being asked why he was with the Minerva. It takes him a moment to regain his composure or maybe it's just more anger. His eyes narrow further, glaring at Cagalli. "It's my ship, -Princess-." Shinn says with disrespect, particularly on the word 'Princess'. He didn't have a comeback for her response of actually owning the port. Shinn would like to just ignore that particular fact of the matter.

Instead he cocks his head, lifting an eyebrow. "What are you doing taking a leisurely stroll? Seems like the sort of thing I'd be doing in the state the worlds in, eh?" He crosses his arms, just glowering at her. He was about to really lose his temper, taking a moment to see who was around. No one. If Rey wasn't around, Shinn might be able to really speak his mind. "Thats the problem with the Athhas! Always doing things that don't matter while the world burns around them!"

"Eh?! Go ahead and call Security! I have my ID." Shinn shoots back, ready to really let this woman have a piece of his mind. "Don't go thinking you're better than me just because your royalty!"

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

'My ship', he says. That certainly explains his presence here. One of the pilots of the ship, presumably. But 'Princess', with the capital P. "You-" Again, and again with people calling her Princess. It just never ends!

But she composes herself, and held her tongue. She just needed to show people she's not just a Princess, doesn't she. ...not that anything she's tried worked. The least she can do however, is act her part as the ruler of the country.

A deep breath, as she gathers herself. Then gave Shinn an incredulous look. What is she doing? She's off work, of course. What she does outside of the office is none of his business. Is he expecting her to work 24/7 without rest like a robot? The state of the world as it is may be, but she's still human. "I'm here to meet Alex Dino. Not that it's any of /your/ business."

But of course, when he speaks in such harsh tones of the Athhas... "What do you know about the Athhas?! Do you think we sit around with our thumbs up our asses all day?! Who do you think is trying to keep this nation safe?!" That anger immediately flared back up. What the hell is this kid's problem. Does he just have a thing for royalty?

<Pose Tracker> Shinn Asuka has posed.

Alex Dino? Shinn pauses before remembering the guy that Lunamaria was so interested in. He clicks his tounge, wondering why that guy was bringing the one person he didn't want to see to his doorstep. Whatever. The chairman trusted him for some reason and that was enough for Shinn.

The boy uncrosses his arms and just studies Cagalli as she tries to compose herself. If he was trying to get a rise out of her, this might make him feel good. He was clearly getting to her. That wasn't Shinn's deal however. He absolutely hated this woman more than just about anyone in the world.

And thats when she goes and does it. She rightfully defends her family's honor and that was the last straw. "I know plenty about the Athhas!" He balls his fists, feeling the blood rush to his head as he keeps his eyes locked on her. "I know they can't defend Orb with their lofty words and ideals! AND THAT'S WHY MY FAMILY IS DEAD!" Shinn shrieks, leaning forward to get in Cagalli's face. "You just talk and talk and talk. But do your words do anything? No, they don't. They just get people killed while you and yours sit in your castle and congratulate yourselves! And they're not here because of that!"

Shinn considers hitting her but even he wouldn't go that far. For the moment, he just waits for her to answer. Answer for taking his family away from him. Answer for getting everyone killed. Answer him, damnit!

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

If Shinn was trying to make her mad, it's certainly working as her posture shifts to a more defensive one. A foot back. Body twisted slightly sideways. Firm. Fighty. But for her part, she doesn't know who the hell this boy came from, or why he's antagonizing her so much.

Even in her defensive stance, she was forced to take a step back as Shinn threatens her space angrily. Another step back as he leaned forwards. Her defensive stance soon turned into one more resembles a retreating rabbit. Without anyone around she can't be certain she won't be harmed if he actually goes off the handle. Those are her first instincts.

Beyond that are his words. Words that stings to the core. The feelings soon replaced any fear she had when he threatens her physically. She understand now. It didn't take long to with the way he's speaking. That this boy is a victim of the war two years ago, like so many others. And like so many others, the Athhas failed him. She failed him.

"I..." She doesn't know what to say in response. Her head shifts to look at the side, and not at the boy so close to her. She couldn't bear to look at those eyes layered with anger and disappointment. She was supposed to defend them, and she failed in her sole duty as a leader. There wasn't anything she can say to alleviate his anger.

"...I'm sorry..."

Was the only thing she could say. It's no doubt not the answer Shinn was looking for, but it's the only answer she could give him.

And even now, Orb can't defend their own words and ideals. Betrayal of the highest order, no doubt, as the day of her wedding draws close. But maybe this, is what Shinn wanted. "...O-Orb..." She speaks with roughness in her voice. "...Orb will be joining NUNE soon. ...no one else will have to die to another senseless war."

<Pose Tracker> Shinn Asuka has posed.

Noticing her discomfort, Shinn leans back slightly, feeling slightly sorry for this pitiful woman. He is still visibly angry but he finally unballs his fists. After a moment, the boy lets out a scornful laugh. "You're sorry? More words from the great Athhas. Great. Much appreciated." He laughs again, glaring at her sideways glance. She can't even look Shinn in the face.

And then the bomb drops. They are joining NUNE? Shinn's face fills with anger again. "Can't even keep your ideals. What a joke. My family died believing in this stupid country. Guess that doesn't mean anything. Siding with a bunch of racists who hate my kind. ABSOLUTELY PERFECT." Shinn just throws his hands in the air and laughs scornfully. "I suppose that makes sense so you can protect the noble house of Athha. All the while the rest of us die for you. I'm glad I left this place behind me and found somewhere that will protect me. Protect me from empty promises like the ones you spout."

Shinn suddenly stops laughing. "Their deaths are on your failure. I will never forgive you. NEVER."

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

Needles prickling her heart turns to daggers stabbing it when Shinn laughs at her. It wasn't a laugh of humor. And it hits her hard. She knows just saying sorry isn't going to cut it. But what else is she supposed to do? Bring his family back to life? Those were the only words she could offer, and Shinn just spit in her face (figuratively) at that. But of course, nothing could prepare for what he says next.

"Orb is a place where Naturals and Coordinators can live together in peace! That won't change!" She tries to promise him. Then...

"It's not like that! I don't want us to join NUNE!" She tries to defend herself. Though she didn't know what she's defending herself for. Joining NUNE wasn't a decision she made. It was a decision forced unto her. The marriage too. Nothing has gone according to her decisions ever since her father was assassinated. So she scrambles. Grasping at straws. Trying to find anything that could convince Shinn, herself, that what he's saying isn't true.

"I don't-" She couldn't. Shinn was right. Orb betrayed its ideals. Ideals she's meant to keep alive. A duty she's failed at. As much as she wanted to deny it, she couldn't. She is forced to marry, forced to eventually sign the treaty. But it doesn't make it any less of her responsibility to stop it from happening. And that failure, is hers alone.

And Shinn reinforces that as her knees buckled. Tears are running down her cheeks unknowingly. The figure before her is wobbly and wavy to her eyes. She couldn't look up. "...I'm... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

She cries.

<Pose Tracker> Shinn Asuka has posed.

Shinn watches the representative try to argue her side before looking away in disgust. There was a part of him that felt sorry for someone so pathetic. Hidden behind that anger was the Shinn who might've tried to say something kind but that wasn't who he was right now. Right now, he stood there, looking at the waves crashing against the Minvera.

And then she drops to her knees. Shinn looks down at her, seeing the tears streaming down her face. He knows that look. He wore it that day he saw their bodies, twisted in the rubble of the invasion of this god awful place. "Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic." Shinn says under his breath, watching the woman cry on the ground. How the great have fallen. He is about to let her have it again when another voice enters the scene. "Shinn!"

The boy turns his head and there is a loud slap that somehow goes over the waves. Shinn is stunned for a moment, holding his cheek.

A blonde haired man in a red Zaft uniform stands before the black haired boy, finally lowering his hand as he turns to look down at Cagalli with a neutral expression his face. "I apologize for my associate's behavior, Representative Athha." Rey Za Burrel says with a slight nod as he gallantly offers his hand to fallen woman.

Shinn finally snaps out of his stupor, feeling his anger slightly return. "What is the big idea?!"

"Shinn, you will be dealt with later. Apologize."

Shinn clicks his tounge, looking at Cagalli again but not saying anything yet. He tries to ignore the blonde's icy expression from the corner of his eyes.

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

Cagalli wallows in self-pity for the moment. Even what Shinn was saying under his breath is showing no mercy. Her tears feel like it's gonna engulf even the ocean.

...then there's a new voice. 'Athrun'?! No, it's someone else... But it was enough to break her out of her wallowing. She quickly start cleaning herself. No one else should see her like this. Especially not Athrun. She can't let Athrun see her cry.

There's a slap, and she finally looks up at Shinn's face. Her own eyes red and sorrowful, but widen in surprise.

The blond man is of course, not Athrun. And when he extends his hands towards her...she didn't take it. Despite all of her crying, she still has her pride. (Maybe if it was Athrun...)

She pushes herself off the ground, and takes on a formal tone in return after a cough. He's apologizing for Shinn's behavior, meaning he must have seen, or heard what went down. But this doesn't have to be a diplomatic incident. She shakes her head and brushes herself off. "N-No, it's not his fault... I simply fell on my own. I apologize for the misunderstanding," she says to Rey. Obviously lying with her clear marks of crying on her smile.

"...Is Alex Di- ...no. Nevermind," she almost asked. "...I should return. Please take care on your journey back to the PLANTs."

She turns. Looks like she won't be meeting with Athrun anytime soon.

<Pose Tracker> Shinn Asuka has posed.

Rey returns his hand to his side as he watches Cagalli get up on her own. He does nothing but watch her, finally nodding when she covers for Shinn. "I see. My mistake," is all he says as he gives Shinn a glance over his shoulder.

Shinn stands awkwardly, pushing his hands into his pockets as Cagalli gets up trying to save face it seems. The boy's anger is mostly gone but there is still a hint of disgust on his face. He still doesn't apologize to Cagalli. Every word he said to her was how he felt. The Coordinator boy finally turns away from Cagalli, digging his hands into his pockets as he looks to the ship.

Why didn't Shinn feel good about telling this woman what she did to him? Why wasn't there a smile on his face? He didn't understand as he moved toward the gangway of the Minvera, ready to leave Orb behind him forever.

Rey stood watching Cagalli leave before moving after Shinn. He would need to let the Chairman know about this. Just to be safe.