2024-09-04: An Invitation

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  • Log: An Invitation
  • Cast: Cagalli Yula Athha, Eight Orlodhari
  • Where: Olofat, United Emirates of Orb
  • OOC - IC Date: Septemer 4, 0099
  • Summary: While in Orb for business, Eight checks in on Cagalli... and confirms some disturbing news. Cagalli shares her feelings, and Eight starts to come up with a plan.

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

It's been a rough (very rough) few days for Cagalli as her work mounts in the fallout of Junius Seven's drop. Disaster relief, refugees, the push for NUNE ascendancy, and even the hated subject of marriage... It's unceasing.

Which is why Cagalli finally found a moment for herself. Away from all the paperwork and responsibility. A brief respite from the pressure that could crush her at any moment.

She's seated on a bench in the courtyard of the House of Representatives. It's well maintained. Freshly cut grass, paved stone paths, butterflies chasing each other between flowers. But Cagalli isn't paying attention to her surroundings.

The sky, as beautiful as it is, have a feeling of darkness overbearing it. Cagalli can only look up at it. Entrenched in the sense of hopelessness. Tomorrow only bringing a sense of dread instead of wonder.

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

It's been a rough while for Eight Orlodhari, too, and Magallanica is certainly not pushing for accession to NUNE. ...Marriage doesn't bother her nearly as much, of course; even as she walks around here in her MDF uniform, she's still wearing her wedding ring.

Eight is about to ruin Cagalli's solitude, though it isn't her intention to make her life harder. But she needs to check on a number of things in Orb--NUNE and Orb forming an alliance would be... unideal, for Magallanica, which counts on Orb's support on Earth.

So th beautiful sky and well-maintained courtyard stretch out before Eight as she comes to a stop not far from the Chief Represenative.

"...Cagalli," Eight greets. She's fine with 'Eight' in return; they can be formal, but...

It's not her preference.

"How are you holding up?"

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

Cagalli was so deep in her own world she didn't even realize someone had came up to her. A little fumbling voice as she gathers herself when she was caught completely off-guard when Eight called out to her.

Eight was a dear friend of Orb's. Cagalli having met her on several occasions while her father was still around. Though this might be the first time they've met informally since she became the Chief Representative.

Still, there was a moment as she quickly got on her feet, and on reflex, "Admiral Orl- Um..." She respects Eight enough that that's the first thing that came to mind when she addresses her. But she caught herself midway, as she realized Eight wasn't calling her by her title, making it known that this was not a formal meeting.

"...Eight," she releases a sigh of relief. "I'm...I'm fine..." She's clearly not fine.

"What brings you around?" She asked, trying to change the subject.

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

Eight's pretty good at sneaking up, but she didn't really mean to this time. So she waits for Cagalli to get on her feet, and--there's the title, almost used. Eight smiles. She appreciates the respect, she does--but it's not meant tobe formal.

"That's good," Eight says, willing to go with the lie for the moment rather than press Cagalli about a mental state she doesn't seem to want to talk about.

"Making some arrangements," Eight answers. "The shakeups going on right now are... troubling. Magallanica thinks it's important to reach out to our friends and do what we can."

A beat, "And coming here is a good excuse to visit my girlfriend's house."

She steps closer, to conversational distance, and looks out to the sky. "Seems like you got away from the noise and the paperwork, so I won't bother you with the details of my paperwork just now."

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

Cagalli nodded slightly when Eight replies. She's thankful she didn't press, but there is a hint of something behind her eyes. Was she hoping Eight would ask?

"I... I see." When Eight speaks of arrangements. "I'm sorry. I don't think I can do anything to help. I'm... I'm not my father..."

And when Eight speaks of her girlfriend, she felt a jolt in her heart. As if the ring she have in her pocket is shocking her. "Miss Lancaster, is it? I will be paying her a visit soon... It's the least I can do... I heard she saved Flay's life."

She nodded once more at that though. Seems neither of them wants to speak of paperwork right now.

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

Eight gets that impression--and decides she will ask, once they're talking. It's best not to press immediately.

There might be a better segue.

"That's all right," Eight answers. "If I were just after business, I'd have caught you in the office."

A jolt. Hmm. "That's right," Eight says. "I hope it goes well! Rena's obviously one of my favorite people. But, she did. That girl... She's someone you knew from before, isn't she? She was one of those on the Archangel."

A pause. "...The days back then... They were different, weren't they?"

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

A faint smile as Eight says it's all right. But is it really? Orb is in such a state because of her. "Yes... I'm sorry... But even if you did, I'm powerless to do anything..." And under her breath, "what... What am I lacking?"

Perhaps that's the segue Eight was looking for.

"Should I bring something for her? What would she like?" She asked, given Eight's relationship with Rena. She hoped Eight could help in picking out a gift as a thanks.

Then... "Yes... I knew Flay from the Archangel. She... She's such a different person now." But she doesn't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

"It was... But war, they never change, do they? Seems like we're heading right for another now..."

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

"...We often feel powerless," Eight says. "The people who want to take advantage of that benefit from making sure we feel that way," Eight says. "...Do you want to talk about it?"

While she can't force it, she can at least try.

"Hmmm. Something she could share with Anita might be best. A good bottle of wine, say. Or if you're into games or Haros, they both like those."

But Flay... "War changes all of us," Eight agrees. "Even if the wars themselves don't feel like they change. But we can't give up. Maybe another war is inevitable... but it won't be because you and I did nothing, right?"

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

Cagalli looks to the ground as Eight finally asks. A little meekly, she replies, "...there's gonna be a wedding soon. Terminal might've heard about it... Between me and Yuna... I heard they're going to sign the the treaty on the same day... And I can't stop it, Eight..."

Cagalli did open up to her.

"A wine, huh? Thank you, I'll bring them something from my estate." Uncle Homura probably wouldn't mind if she took something from his collection. Probably.

Perhaps Eight is right. But what could she do, in her state? Flay decided to fight... But for NUNE... Against coordinators... Cagalli remained silent as she pondered.

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

"...A wedding... and you don't want it?" Eight confirms. "...A marriage shouldn't be something you 'can't stop'. It should be something you want. Something you look forward to. ...Or, I guess in the case of an arranged marriage, one you at least agree is necessary."

She has firm beliefs about that.

"Good," Eight says of the gift. And then--

"...On our own, we can be 'powerless'. But we're not alone."

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

"No! Of course I don't want it!" Cagalli suddenly raised her voice. But she wasn't mad at Eight... she was more mad at herself, if that emotion is clear. But Eight talks about her beliefs, and she couldn't understand it. She composes herself and without raising her voice... "I don't agree with it... Maybe you're right.. But I have no say in the matter..." Uncle Homura was no longer her guardian by Orb's laws. And with him out of the political scene, even he have no influence over it.

It seems like a naive thing to ask, but when Eight says she's not alone... "...then... Would you try to stop it? Would Terminal muster their forces for me?"

It was a rather selfish thing to ask... But maybe... Just maybe...

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

Eight nods. She thought not--but it's important, sometimes, to say it aloud. To be clear. "I see," she says. "So they're forcing you, then."

She has 'no say'.

"Officially," Eight says, "Magallanica can't be involved. Orb's decisions are Orb's; I have no place to object if they decide to align themselves with NUNE."

A pause. "...But," she says, "The people who live here, and the corporations who are involved..."

"They could. We have some friends there. They could be present without arousing suspicion."

"If it comes to that. Let me see if I can pull some levers so it doesn't have to, first. I'm not without influence."

"But if all else fails... Remember that you do have friends."

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

She dipped her head at that. Being forced... It was a word she didn't want to acknowledge.

There was a hint of light behind her yellow eyes. Against all that gloom she accumulated in the past couple days. There's a chance it could be stopped, huh?

...but perhaps it's best not to expect too much, as the hope vanishes. A faint smile returns, thankful Eight's at least trying.

"Yes. Thank you, Eight. ...I'm glad to call you a friend."

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

Eight has reached the point where uncomfortable truths aren't something that she can be entirely delicate about. ...She notices the light in Cagalli's eyes for a moment. And it tells her something. It tells her some hope exists.

She smiles back "Likewise," she says. "...I've got some more work to finish. But it's nice to see you out here."

"Maybe we'll see each other again soon." She nods, and starts off.

<Pose Tracker> Cagalli Yula Athha has posed.

"Yes, I should get back to work too," she says as she dusts herself off.

With that, it's work mode. "Yes, I hope so. Take care, Admiral Orlodhari," she says. That mountain of paperwork isn't going to finish themselves.