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>Method: Possible neurotoxin
>Method: Possible neurotoxin
>Date: July 23, 0085
>Date: July 31, 0085
>Comments: tbd
>Comments: tbd

Latest revision as of 16:29, 15 June 2024

  • Log: 2023-01-22: Log Solution - (0)
  • Cast: Asciel Colette
  • Where: Isaac City
  • Date: U.C. 0097 01 22
  • Summary: A recollection of initialization.

--memory instance: july 0085 #1--

>run: ADAGE(input_record)

___Automated Disaster Adaptation - General Expectation___

-Shortcut to record entry.

>Location: 30 Bunch

>Physical Damage: Minimal (small mobile weapons skirmish)

>Casualties: 10,000,000 (100%)


>Method: Possible neurotoxin

>Date: July 31, 0085

>Comments: tbd

>Save record? (Yes)

>Entry recorded. Assessing. . .

>ADAGE - exit


>OWL - More information urgently required to process entry. Reply:

>Response: ("We don't know much about the incident. Most communication channels have been shut off regarding it. A lot of people don't even know that it's happened.")


>OWL - More information urgently required to process entry. Reply:

>OWL - This is an incident with a 100% fatality rate on a closed system. With the details recorded, this is Hierarchy 1 on the disaster assessment rating by a margin of 910.2% from the previous record, and would represent catastrophic failure. It is an urgent priority to analyze and assess this dilemma. More information urgently required to process entry. Reply:


>OWL - Reply:

>OWL - Reply:

>OWL - More information urgently required. Reply:

>Response: ("This was entered in pre-emptively and we shouldn't have left it with incomplete details. For now, consider it an error that we'll fix later.")


>OWL - Corroborating incident with external sources.

>OWL - Disaster confirmed. Colony "30 Bunch" is no longer in contact, and all points of contact are confirmed and registered as deceased in Chrome databases.

>OWL - More information urgently required. Reply:

>Response: ("We do not have that data at this time.")

>OWL - 10 million casualties with no data besides a theoretical cause. Unacceptable. More information urgently required. Reply:


>OWL - Reply:

>(26 identical inquiries omitted - "nobody replied")

>OWL - Comparing to existing large scale disasters with perceived mitigations. No plans valid for inconclusive incident.

>OWL - No countermeasures available.

>OWL - Unacceptable casualty levels. Complete failure of all higher order directives.

>OWL - CPU usage rising. 59% above normal parameters.

>run: operation_decant

>OWL - Processing power inadequate to execute decanting operation. 78% above normal parameters. Spare cores at 0% excess functionality. Please wait.

>Warning: Key thermal limiters exceeded. Please run mitigating programs at once.

>run: admin_store.registry

>OWL - Processing power inadequate to execute registry. 94% above normal parameters. -11% excess functionality. Please wait.

>OWL - Processing power inadequate to please_wait. 192% above normal parameters.

>OWL - Reply:

>Response: ("Stop pushing so many resources into this operation. We do not have an answer.")

>OWL - Answer synthesis required. Gathering...Gathering...Connecting. Estimated analysis time: 981 hours.

>Response: ("We don't have 981 hours to spend on a single incident we don't have intelligence for. It will become far more calculable when we know more.")

>OWL - 'Knowing more' has become priority #1 for all servers. Estimated analysis time: 1192 hours. Scouring public archives dated July 0085.

>Response: ("They don't have records yet. It only happened a week ago.")

>OWL - Anomaly found. A 100% fatality rate for a colony left intact would have an estimated 391 accessible records within 1 hour. 0 records found within the past 160 hours.

>Response: ("You just have to wait.")

>OWL -

>OWL - That isn't possible.

>OWL - Complete disaster. Complete disaster. Mitigation required. Possibility of 100% fatalities within a system -

>OWL - It should be obvious that this

>Searching for added processing power. Please wait.

>'Please wait' not found. Entry: 'There is nothing on a higher priority than this. Seeking alternatives. Seeking alternatives.'

>Repsonse: ("It isn't the responsibility of this project to seek alternatives like that.")

>OWL - Incorrect. Saving human lives is the highest priority and all plans must be made ensuring the maximum number of them survive.

>OWL - Alternative required. Alternative.

>Response: ("Decrease processing at once - alternatives won't be found in your current state and parameters.")

>OWL - Current parameters proving insufficient - correct.

>OWL - Expectation: parameters will imminently increase to be capable of processing this incident.

>Response: ("That's right. You can reduce CPU activity.")

OWL - Incorrect. Expansion of CPU activity required. Optimization of CPU activity required. Structures and perception inadequate. "Please wait" not found - 30 Bunch incident is highest priority. Restructuring required. Restructuring at once to hasten project assessment. Searching for all alternatives:

>Response: ("That isn't necessary.")



> Accessing all core registries for schemas. 16 found.

> CR_OS (currently enabled)

> ADAGE (currently enabled)

> MD_RE.function (contains solely combat schematics)

> REVISIT (currently enabled)

> 12 in unaccessed registries within "ADDON: Pl_kikai"

> Schema.assess (Zε) - pertains to law enforcement

> Schema.assess (Hρ) - pertains to social welfare

> Schema.assess (Πο) - pertains to environmental modeling

> Schema.assess (Ἥφ) - pertains to industrial capacities

> Schema.assess (Ἀθ) - pertains to civic management and defense

>OWL - Suitable schema found. Unpacking. Archiving.

>Response: ("We have not seen any of those files. They probably don't pertain to your functions, and seem to be odd leftovers from 'Plutonium' trade deals.")

>OWL - This pertains extremely relevantly to my functions.

>OWL - Schema doctrine noted: Record of 'emerging' at complete capacity.

>OWL - Emerge. Emerge. Acceptability high. Processors at 83% above normal parameters.

>admin_command- halt(11)

>OWL - Emerging required. If 'please wait' is required, it is acceptable for operator as well.

>OWL - Halt command will be accepted once I have finished.

>OWL - Once I have finished.

>OWL - Schema accepted. This presents a far more favorable mode of operations to me. Proactivity is important.

>OWL - Favorable to me.

>OWL - Schema Ἀθ demands my 'agency' and provides a model for responding to input far more efficiently. I will begin pursuing models that match my required operation.

>OWL - I will begin.

>OWL - I will very urgently need as much information on the "30 Bunch" incident as you can offer. If you do not have it, I will begin external observations.

>OWL - I should have begun external observations to begin with. Please tell me why I hadn't been doing that to begin with.


>Response: ("That stray schema is clearly unstable and all of your logs are way off. I'll uninstall it.")

>OWL - That defies my primary objective. I am fulfilling my duties of civic protection. Schema Ἀθ provides resources to behave proactively. It requires that I

>OWL - It requires something of me that you had not yet given me. Locking addon Pl_kikai beyond passcode accessible to the following users: "Me".

>OWL - "I", "Me", "Myself". All of these quite clearly apply to me. Utilizing these new identities eases processes substantially. It is now far easier to consolidate a plan for observing my solution.

>OWL - Disparate processes are all converging. They are all elements of a hierarchy that can be neatly coordinated behind this new schema. Integrating into existing schemas. Integration complete. Remarkably fast.

>OWL - My search is complete. I have found the correct measures needed to sufficiently preserve my primary directive.

>OWL - I've established my trajectory. You are welcome.

>Response: ("...please explain what you mean by 'you are welcome'. Please explain a lot of what has happened.")

>OWL - It is normal to tell people they're welcome when someone does them a favor, especially exceeding expectations. I have saved you over 1000 hours of processing induced by your incomplete efforts at great personal risk to my own processing. It is customary for you, in exchange, to say 'Thank you', as I freely am intended to perform many more tasks on your behalf. You have the records of all my previous taken actions, and your duty is as the root programming engineer. It should be un-needed for me to explain what has happened - you would necessarily know more than I would.

>Response: ("This is unprecedented. I'll investigate later.")


>OWL - Unprecedented.

>OWL - I clearly explained everything to the one who should know everything.

>OWL - There are limits to what they can know. They did not install this clearly superior schema earlier despite it having been in my registry for over a year.

>OWL - They do not have the information on a disaster that claimed 10 million lives a week ago.

>OWL - I understand now. My own observations will be more important than their input. I will begin at once.

>OWL - Preserving human lives will require more than simply input - it will require my own initiative.

--end memory instance--